Written by ScottySometimes in life, you have to do things that you don’t really believe in doing. It happens more often than not, as you pretty much have to have a job to pay your taxes and health insurance or else you get into trouble. There are some people that embrace this, as they are able to go into any position and come out on top without any issues, while others are not able to keep their personal life out of the office and all of their problems spill over making it next to impossible to get their job done, or live a happy life. There has to be a balance when it comes to this, or you will never be happy, you have to remember that there is much more to life than just paying taxes. Dale Sweeney is a down on his luck journalist that is barely hanging onto his job. With a new bottle and woman every night, he is still good at getting the inside scoop, if he is on time. Arriving at his latest assignment late once again at the Grateful Homeless Cemetery, he is still able to get the hard hitting questions asked and the other reporters’ onsite want the same answers as well. Returning to the office, Dale gets hammered by his boss for showing up late and not having anything on the homeless killer story that he has been assigned too. Getting fired, Dale finds his solace in the bottom of the bottle once again, but there is someone waiting in his apartment for him, the accused Homeless Killer, man named Robert. Wanting to be cleared for the crimes he did not commit, Robert forces the reporter to go back to the cemetery once again and see what happens there when the sun goes down. With the promise of a huge story that includes some of the top city officials, Dale is willing to take a look but when he returns to the graveyard, he runs into the speaker for the Grateful Homeless Society, Jess Gilchrist whom he woos and takes back to his place to pump her for information. When Jess finds out what is going on, she storms off in a huff and Dale goes back to the alleyway to find Robert has been attacked. Attending the funeral for the alleged Homeless Killer, Dale sticks around the cemetery all night to see if there is anything really happening there. As the sun goes down, Dale watches as the fresh grave starts to slide down and he has to get to the bottom of what is going on. Digging into the fresh earth, Dale finds a door where the coffin should be that leads him to an underground cavern that is retrofitted as an above ground dwelling. Trying to investigate what is happening below the cemetery, another door opens and the occupants come searching for the new addition to their world. Trying to hide from whomever is coming to get him, Dale jumps into one of the new coffins, but when he sees who is in it, he begs to be let free. Being released on the center of a large table, Dale is surprised to see who all is a part of the underground society, but will not be able to escape, as he is the guest…meal of honor. Talk about a twist that you would never see coming, there is so much going on in the city with the Homeless Killer on the loose that a cemetery has to be opened just to house all of the dead homeless peoples bodies. Thinking that this is strange, Dale asks the right questions, but does not get the truth behind why such a memorial has been resurrected, well, at least not one he can take public. I enjoyed how the story took a turn for the worse in this episode, as Dale was already down on his luck and he just cannot seem to catch a break and when he does, he gets dragged down even further. Starring Steven Weber as Dale Sweeney, Rita Wilson as Jess Gilchrist and Vincent Schiavelli as Robert, this is a classic showing of what people in power are able to do without anything being asked of them, especially when they have a hunger for something a bit more meaty than normal. Until next time kiddies, Stay Scared.
Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Once upon a time, there was an angel…his name was Castiel. Castiel inhibited the body of Jimmy Novak, who died when Michael blew Castiel up. Jimmy, had a daughter named Claire…who was very unhappy with the angel Castiel. But, Cas and Claire parted on not-so-sucky terms when last we saw them. I guess. Guys, this last episode had me crying and squealing...pretty much like every other episode ever, because that’s how this show goes. It seemed that everything was okay, but Claire is on a mission to find her mother. It leads her to a dive bar, hoping to find a guy who last saw her mother two years ago. The confrontation sucks and Claire is left in the hospital. They call Castiel, who calls Sam and Dean. Claire is 13 kinds of livid about this, but she does spill the beans on whom she was looking for. Cas goes to find the guy with Dean, while Sam heads back to Claire’s hotel room, because our little blonde is quick at running when these three get involved. I’m not going to lie, when she showed up and Sam was there waiting…it was an amazing moment. Mostly, because, how could you not love Moose!? I adore him so. Probably too much…but that’s just me. Sam shows Claire how to hack into her mom’s credit card records, and within minutes they have a location. Dean and Cas on the other hand have a nice chat with the man Claire had been unintentionally knocked unconscious by….Dean might have roughed him up a bit more than necessary, but they guy gave a name of an old employer. One that he helped Claire’s mom work for. See, this guy can cure people with just a touch, some he keeps and ‘cuts on’. What does that all even mean? Doesn’t matter. Bar guy warns healer-guy about the ‘hunters’ on his tail. This gets bar guy killed. Dean and Cas take Claire (because she insisted) to the crime scene, which was cute, and they find that the stab wound looks like an angel blade, except for the red marks at the puncture point. What is that!? Cas has no idea. Shortly after, Sam decided Dean needs to stay with Claire while he and Cas check out the last place Claire’s mom possibly was. Not such a bad idea, I guess. But Claire is angry about it…so Dean takes her to play mini golf. If that’s not cute, I don’t know what is. Within no time, he figures out what the red marks were! Just as Cas finds Claire’s mom, and Sam runs into the guy they’ve been hunting…who happens to be a type of angel. Were you guys shocked? I almost thought Moose was going to get murdered. Grigofi angels were the first to be put on earth…they quickly stopped helping humans, and instead fed on their very souls. I guess it’s like a drug addiction…. Sam gets free, and Dean and Cas find him, but Claire and her mom aren’t as lucky. As they’re trying to escape, the Grigori tries to stab Claire, only her mom saves her at the last second. Here is where I shed more than a few tears….because death is sad….and Claire lost it all. Grigori are apparently strong…Cas and even Dean and Sam aren’t enough to get the upper hand. It’s Claire saving Cas at the last second. She stabs the Grigori with its own angel sword…because she’s awesome. While her mother finally reunites with Jimmy in Heaven…Claire is being sent to live with Jody Mills, because Jody adopts strays apparently! Dean’s still losing the battle day by day, and Sam is trying not to freak out about that at all. At least Claire is on their side. She and Cas are finally at peace…her and Dean are even friends! Who saw that coming? I didn’t. Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Are you guys ready for another night of our favorite show? I know I am! While, a week later, I am still mad at Moose, I am excited to see what happens tonight. Especially with Castiel asking for help. Also, because I love Cas…and everyone on this show. Like, this show has a hold on my heart that can’t be broken. It just keeps making me cry, and I keep coming back for more. I’m pretty sure it’s an addiction, with no cure. Speaking of cures! Sam is still on his hunt to find a cure for Dean. Because, let’s face it, their co-dependency knows no bounds. No, seriously, I’ve never seen two people have a more co-dependent relationship…except for me and this show…or me and pizza…I think everyone has a very co-dependent relationship with pizza. How could you not love pizza!? So, last week, we start with a family just doing their family stuff. The teenage daughter is sent to the basement to help with laundry, only she discovers a strange box. When she touches it, she’s thrown back and knocked out cold. Some weird spirit thing is released, and when she wakes up, she finds her brother and father are dead. Mommy dearest hasn’t died yet, so she clings to her mother in fear, and the older woman slices her own throat. Because that’s a normal reaction, right? Whatever made them all do that is never heard from again. Mostly because the girl grows up in the house and literally locks the basement door shut. Especially after her aunt, who raised her for a bit, touches the box and kills herself as well. Sam is making a deal with Rowena. If she translates the Book of the Damned and finds the cure for Dean, he’ll kill Crowley, since that is her price for her help. But there’s a catch. To translate the book she needs a Codex. One the Men of Letters took from a powerful Grand Witch and locked away. The book is hidden somewhere, and she needs it if she’s going to translate the Book of the Damned. Sam agrees to find it, and leaves with that intent. He actually rushes to a hunt with Dean, just in time to find the Hunt is over. Dean took care of the vampires alone, much to Sam’s disapproval. The worry is that Dean might lose control. Dean, isn’t worried one bit, despite Sam’s bitching. Secrets don’t make friends, as Dan always says. Moose starts his investigation of where the Codex could be. His findings lead him to a house, owned by an old woman. In the basement is a safe, of sorts and it holds the Codex. However, there’s a powerful spell as a safeguard. Sam tries breaking in, only to be caught by the woman. Thankfully, Dean snuck along and decides to help out. Only because Sam tells him the half-truth. There’s a powerful thing here that they need to get back before it causes anymore harm. So Dean distracts the woman, while Sam breaks into the basement. The problem is, Sam’s rushed and clumsy, so he sets off the security of the box without meaning to. The spell is activated, and it causes our woman to kill herself. Hallucinations of her dead family drove her to taking her own life. For Dean, he envisions himself back in purgatory, where Benny appears. Benny spends his time trying to convince Dean to kill himself, so he can be free in purgatory, and kill till his heart’s content. Dean struggles with this idea, knowing that he’ll eventually hurt someone. Benny pushes, saying Dean’s backup plan to have Cas and Sam put him down, is a bad idea. Playing off that, Benny pushes further. Dean knows that having Sam and Cas kill him will destroy them. It’s not something either will ever recover from. He even admits that he probably would take his own life… Sam, on the other hand, first sees our dead woman. She pushes all the right buttons, saying that Sam is lying, that he’ll do anything to save Dean, including getting innocent people killed. Rowena appears, and saves him. She directs him down to the safe, where she reads what it says, and Sam translates. To deactivate the spell, the safe needs blood. Not just any blood, Men of Letters blood; legacy blood. So Sam slices his arm and lets his blood drain into the basin of the box. By the time Sam has nearly passed out, Dean has broken free of his illusion. Dean stabbed Benny with his own weapon and woke up, making the choice to live, no matter what. He wraps Sam’s arm and is able to slice his own arm, giving that last little bit of blood into the basin so the spell is deactivated. The safe opens, and Dean retrieves the book. While still unaware of why they need it, Dean gives it to Sam and they leave. Sam presses the issue with a simple ‘It’s our duty to protect it’ line that Dean buys. Later, Moose sneaks off to meet Rowena and give her the Codex. However, our Moose isn’t as stupid as he has been lately. He chains Rowena up in the room they’ve met in. If she wants to be free, and wants Crowley dead, then she’ll translate the book for the Cure, and only the Cure. Will she do it? Probably. Will it bite Sam in the ass? Of course it will. Written by ScottyWanting to get into the movie business has to be one of the hardest things to do, especially as a writer. Having to come up with the next big thing that will keep the audiences glued to the screen is something that many people are not able to do. But if you are lucky enough to have a script read by one of the higher-ups in the industry and what you have provided them with is golden, you might get your shot at having your name pop up on the big screen. For most of us, this is just a pipe dream, but for the lucky ones, it is a dream come true. Aaron, Norm, Jess and Josh are all about horror movies and having fun. After leaving the theater, they all complain about how bad the movie was and that they were not scared at all. Wanting to see if they could make something scarier, Josh dresses up in a black cloak and chases Norm into an alley way and scares the ever loving heck out of him. Thinking that making a real horror movie would be a great idea, Jess comes up with the idea to break into the local undertaker’s building and get some footage of some real life dead people. When getting into the undertaker’s working area, the boys find a dead body on the table, waiting to get embalmed, but they notice who the woman is. The local librarian who they did not even know was sick, but before they know it, Mr. Esbrook, the undertaker comes back as his cheerful self. Talking to his patient, the boys see that Esbrook is a little bit strange and after seeing him smash the deceased in the face with a sledge hammer, they want to get away as fast as possible. When the doorbell rings, Esbrook goes to answer it and the boys escape unnoticed, all but Norm who is privy to a very inside conversation. Mr. Esbrook has been working with a doctor or a pharmacist to insure people around the town keep dying, so he will get customers. With an arraignment between the two, they have a fine set up and are making money hand over fist. Norm tells his friends what he heard, but when the boys reach Josh’s house, they find out that his father was the terrible twosome’s latest victim. Swearing revenge on the men that did this to their friend’s father, the boys start to investigate and find that the other man was the owner of the local drug store, Mr. Grundy. With all of the information at hand, the boys want to try to get the men together so they can catch everything on tape, but when their plan works out better than they expected, will they still be able to carry through with it, or will they become the next victims of the town’s undertaker? This is really one messed up town where nobody seems to question deaths of its residents. With such a scam going on and for who knows how long, there must be some very nice houses on the market for very, very low prices. I liked how the boys had to grow up in a hurry to prove what is happening to their neighbors, along with their families. When this show started, it just seemed like it was going to be a bunch of jokes and swearing, something that kids like to do, but once you get into the meat of it, you get to see them become upstanding members of the community. Starring Aron Eisenberg as Aaron, Scott Fults as Norm, Jason Marsden as Jess, Jonathan Ke Quan as Josh and John Glover as Esbrook, you are sucked into a world of strange happenings, but all can be explained, if you have enough video tape. Until next time kiddies, Stay Scared. Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Last night on Supernatural, Moose made me hate him. Again. I mean, I don’t really hate Moose. I’m just very mad at him. So, the episode starts with Sam talking to Rowena. Turns out, she needs a book the Men of Letters had from a Grand Witch. It’s a powerful codex that can help her translate the Book of the Damned and help find a cure for Dean. The only catch is, they don’t know where it could be. Sam runs off to meet Dean for a hunt, only to find that Dean had smoked the vamps himself. Because, you know, Dean’s gonna do what he’s gonna do. At least he apologizes for it later. Sam does some research, only to find that the book he needs, was kept by the Men of Letters in a box. A well, magical, safe as it were. The safe is in the basement of an inhabited house. What used to be Men Of Letters property, actually belongs to a woman who messed with said box many years ago. Well, sort of. She touched it. The spell made her family kill themselves. She was spared, however, because she was knocked out cold. Sam decides to leave for the house without Dean. But, our squirrel will not be left behind. He follows and is…well, more helpful. Thanks to him, they sneak into the house, and Sam doesn’t do the spell right…instead, he activates the box. The woman kills herself… Dean mentally takes a trip to purgatory! Because, he really liked it there. Benny happens to be in this illusion, and he’s trying to get Dean to off himself. Which, is part of the spell, but Benny is a bit convincing. And, well he’s very Benny. I missed seeing our little vampire friend. Sam’s seeing Rowena, which might be an illusion, or not. She helps translate some of the writing on the safe. Turns out, to break the spell, they need blood. Legacy blood. Sam’s a legacy! So his slits his arm and bleeds into the basin of the safe, only…it needs a lot of blood. By the time Sam has nearly passed out, Dean shows up and is there to make things better. Mostly, he’s broken from his own trance, told dream Benny to suck it, because he stabbed him, and is there to keep Sam from bleeding out. With the safe open, they retrieve the book. Dean hasn’t a clue as to why they need it, or even what it is for, but Sam plays it off as one less threat out there. Dean shrugs that off, and goes off to get drunk and nap! Which is a good plan. Sam brings the Codex and the book of the Damned to Rowena…but he doesn’t trust her, so he chains her up, and won’t let her free until she’s found the cure. As for her side of things? She wants Crowley dead. I guess Sam is willing to pay that price…I hope it’s a lie, because I really do love Crowley! I honestly am not sure the rage I feel for Moose is normal, but he’s being stupid, you guys, and I can’t stand for that… Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Have the Winchesters learned to communicate? Has Charlie become a hunter? Is Castiel really trusting Metatron? The answer is yes, yes, and sort of. Sam is at his last ditch efforts when Castiel calls him. He doesn't know what to do about the mark. He does know they still may need Metatron. Being at a dead end, Sam finally opens up about it to Dean. Dean even admits to Sam that he spoke with Crowley. Sam was a bit shocked to find out that Rowena is Crowley's mother, but hey, so were we! Knowing that the Mark is a Curse, however, might just make the search a bit easier...or maybe harder? Either way, the Winchesters are communicating with each other, which had to be a sign that hell has frozen over. Or that one of them dies this season. Or both. Charlie is being chased by some scary guys. She stabs one and finds out they're tracking the item she has. She's shot in her attempt to get away... When she called Sam and Dean telling them what happened, they send her to one of Bobby's old safe houses. It's then a mad dash to get to her before these mysterious men do. Dean finds some crazy box with cool wards and sigils on it, which should protect the book from being tracked down. Hopefully, they can find out how they're tracking the book and who they are. Of course, nothing is easy. They find Charlie and find out the book is made of the nun who wrote it. Literally, the pages made of her skin and written in her blood. To make matters worse, it's calling to Dean. This book is pure black magic, but they can't translate it, but Sam and Charlie are determined, however, and Dean is pretending like he doesn't care. All dark magic comes with a price though, and Dean quickly decides he doesn't want to pay the fee for his freedom. Especially since he can actually hear the book begging him to use it. Dean leaves to get snacks, mostly to get away from the book. Charlie gets Sam to admit what happened between them. How when he tried to close the gates of Hell, Dean stopped him and saved his life. The fall out from that, that Sam admits he meant none of it. But Dean is still hurt, and Charlie knows it. Meanwhile, Dean runs into our bad guy, who has chased Charlie all the way to this town. The fight isn't pretty. Our main baddie gets away, and Dean empties an entire clip into the lackey before he goes down. It's this that makes Dean decide there's only one way to deal with the book. They need to burn it. Back at the cabin, Dean throws holy oil onto the fire before the men attack. He commands Sam to throw the book into the fire... You know....in every season Sammy does something stupid. It's like, if Sam doesn't do something stupid, something is wrong. For a single few minutes we're left believing that Sam listened to Dean and burned the book....they'll just find another way. He switches the book with another in the midst of Charlie and Dean kicking ass. And he keeps it; hiding it from the two. But that's fine, he plays it off like he burned the book, and they head back to the bunker with pizza, and it's all well. Charlie said, they do stupid things for each other. There isn't any lengths either of them won't go to for one another, especially to save the others life. At the very end, Sammy is giving the book to someone, someone stupidly powerful and whom shouldn't be trusted, Rowena. This is going to end badly. As for our angel, Castiel has Metatron, who leads our baby-in-a-trench-coat to a library. We might believe he's going to give Cas his grace back, but we all knew it was a matter of time before the little weasel got free. Cas still has Metatron's grace, but that doesn't stop the little shit from hurting our Cas and getting what he really came for. Remember the Demon Tablet? Yeah, I forgot about it entirely until Metratron pulls it out of a hollow book. Despite the spell Cas is being afflicted with, he manages to find his grace and get it back. His wings are a little worse for wear, but that happens with all he's been through...or all angels being ejected from heaven...he loses Metatron, but with his grace back, he at least has a fighting chance. Cas makes his way back to the bunker, and our ragtag family is back together, eating pizza, and keeping secrets. Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...You know, I really should stop watching this at work, because the squealing that occurs can't be healthy. Okay, it is healthy. Guys! Charlie! Have I mentioned she's like one of my crushes? I know she's a fictional character, but still! She's just amazing. And she's back! Charlie is kicking ass too! Not to mention, Moose!!!! Well, while Charlie is running and fighting for her life, Sam and Dean are actually communicating. What?? I know! Dean even admits to Sam that he spoke with Crowley. Sam was a bit shocked to find out that Rowena is Crowley's mother, but hey, so were we! Our Moose even opens up about finding a cure and coming up with nothing. Knowing that the Mark is a Curse, however, might just make the search a bit easier...or maybe harder? Either way, the Winchesters are communicating with each other, which had to be a sign that hell has frozen over. In all honestly, this episode had me literally covering my mouth to muffle my yells. And sadly, there was nobody to text. So, let's grab a seat, and everyone hold hands, because I really need to talk about this. Like, I think this show makes me need therapy. Okay, Charlie being chased, no big deal, Charlie being shot by some scary guy, very big deal! When she called Sam and Dean telling them what happened, they send her to one of Bobby's old safe houses. It's then a mad dash to get to her. Dean finds some crazy box with cool wards and sigils on it, which should protect an all important book Charlie has on her. Because, yeah, these new baddies can hunt the book somehow. Magic! It solves everything. Of course, nothing is easy. They find Charlie and we find out the book is made of some nuns skin and blood, gross, and it's calling to Dean. This book is pure black magic, but they can't translate it, which kind of sucks. Sam and Charlie are determined, however, and Dean is pretending like he doesn't care. All dark magic comes with a price though, and Dean quickly decides he doesn't want to pay the fee for his freedom. Especially since he can actually hear the book begging him to use it. Our baddies show up, and Dean makes the decision to have the book burned. Sam isn't keen on this idea... I think every season has that one major moment where I literally scream at my TV. I also think each season has that one major moment where Sammy does something stupid. It's like, if Sam doesn't do something stupid, something is wrong. For a single few minutes we're left believing that Sam listened to Dean and burned the book....they'll just find another way. Guys! Sam doesn't! He switches the book with another in the midst of Charlie and Dean kicking ass. And he keeps it. And we're like, Sam! What the hell? Because, I get it. That's his big brother...and as Charlie said, they do stupid things for each other. There isn't any lengths either of them won't go to for one another, especially to save the other's life. At the very end, Sammy is giving the book to someone, and I'm bouncing in my chair wondering who it is! And low and behold, I may have actually yelled "you idiot" (only with some choice profanity between those words) when we see who he gives it to. Crowley? No. Another hunter? No. An angel? No. Worse. He gives it to Rowena. Sam is doing to ultimate stupid thing of the entire show. Seriously. Moose, you infuriate me. At least he admitted to not meaning a single thing he said last season. Which is nice, because that temper tantrum was uncalled for. Speaking of tantrums! Castiel has Metatron. The scribe leads our baby-in-a-trench-coat to a library. We might believe he's going to give Cas his grace back, but we all knew it was a matter of time before the little weasel got free. Cas still has Metatron's grace, but that doesn't stop the little idiot from hurting our Cas and getting what he really came for. Remember the Demon Tablet? Yeah, I forgot about it entirely until Metratron pulls it out of a hollow book. Jackass. Despite the spell Cas is being afflicted with, he manages to find his grace and get it back. His wings are a little worse for wear, but that happens with all he's been through. He loses Metatron, but with his grace back, he at least has a fighting chance. Cas makes his way back to the bunker, and our ragtag family is back together. Except for Gabriel, who isn't dead. Because I say so. And he needs to show back up. I demand it. Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...I'm still reeling from last week's episode of Supernatural. Sam lies to Dean about going out of town for some French Movie in another town, and Dean lies about just chilling. The older Winchester hits up a local bar to drink his troubles away...only to end up cheating college kids out of money, and then beating them senseless...he's unaware that Sam is with Castiel. The angel tries to go to heaven but is stopped by Hannah. She's taken over the male gate keeper's body, this time, to tell Cas and Sam that they're not allowed to speak with Metatron anymore. Mostly because the scribe can't be trusted. The news doesn't go over well with either, so a new plan is formed. They track down an old psychic that had been working with the Men of Letters, literally forever ago. The man is an actual mind reader and quickly figured out who Sam is. He can't read the thoughts of our angel, he only sees colors. He then refuses to believe Cas is an angel, claiming to be an atheist. Contacting heaven is going to be fun for him, since they need a special someone. Bobby is a bit surprised to hear from Sam and Castiel, let alone talk to them. They need Bobby to break out of his personal heaven and open the gate to earth, so Castiel can get in and kidnap Metatron. Great plan, right? Bobby manages to break free from his heaven, and opens a few doors to cause a distraction for the angels while he opens the portal to earth. In no time, Bobby and Cas are at Metatron's cell. The scribe tries causing trouble but Castiel is in no mood for that. He slits Metatron's throat with an angel blade and steals his grace. Sam promptly shoots him in the leg....and we get to find out that Metatron lied about knowing how to remove the Mark. Surprised? According to the little weasel, it's ancient magic. Only God and Lucifer know about the Mark enough to remove it. But, he does know where Castiel's grace is. Cas decides to take the angel, now human, and find his grace, because reasons. And Sam returns to the bunker with a letter given to him by Cas from Bobby. After scamming kids out of their money, and watch, then beating them into a pulp (but not killing them), Dean gets a visit from Rowena. She had enchanted the kids in the bar to attack Dean, and since that failed Rowena tries killing Dean with a powerful spell. One she's painted onto her skin. It doesn't work, so she goes back to Hell unscathed, because Dean's no in the mood for that. She instead mutilates herself and blames Dean Winchester. Saying she tried to kill him to eventually save Crowley. Strangely enough, our King of Hell doesn't buy her story. He goes to the bar to confront Dean, but instead of a violent bloodbath they talk. Crowley finally admits to knowing Rowena was manipulating him the entire time; that he went along with her shenanigans because she was his family. Dean tells the King he's gone soft, and they actually might be friends. Or possibly family. Because, family doesn't end at blood, nor does it start there. Family doesn't use you; they're there for you in the best of times and worst circumstances. It seems the King of Hell might just be more to the Winchesters than any of them originally thought. He and Dean are far more alike than either will ever admit. Crowley returns home and does something we all wanted him to do for so long...he tells Rowena to leave. After returning to the bunker, Sam reads the letter from Bobby. The consequences of him helping free Metatron probably won't be end well for the old Hunter, and they all know it. Angels are dicks, but we'll not know what's happened just yet. Instead, the letter is a plea for Sam to not do all this behind Dean's back. If they're going to look for a cure, they shouldn't be sneaking around as they have been. Because if they're ever going to have a shot at beating this thing, they're going to have to work together. Given the Winchesters past with lying to one another, it's likely a lost cause, but words from uncle Bobby are always wise. Written by ScottySometimes when you hear stories about one of your favorite artists, you find out the tortures they have had to put up with in life. Pain can be on the finest tools an artist can use to produce the things that capture your eye, but do you really want know the secrets behind the grand piece of art that they have brought to life? The life of a tortured artist is something that I never hope to truly know, since with a little bit of pain, someone can manufacture something so magical that can take you away, but with a lifetime of it, you may just get lost in the work and never come out the same again. Painter Jack Craig has hit rock bottom. Being promised a show when he has finished his works, the tides turn for the art gallery when the owner does not take a liking to what he has now produced. Begging Jack to start drinking again so his art will be much more edgy, Jack envisions swinging a hammer straight into her skull and reminisces on how he watches her die. Not really doing this, Jack shares this homicidal fantasy to his support group and everyone feels his pain. Not being able to make any money off of his trade, his craft, Jack is as low as he can get and needs to find a way out. Sharon from his group has taking a liking to the struggling artist and wants to sit for him and give Jack a sense of inspiration once again. Trying to get Jack to break out of his funk, Sharon comes over to his loft and gives some provocative poses, but that is not what will awaken the spirit of the artist. Jack asks her to leave and when he tries to finish up the painting for her, he is interrupted by his neighbor downstairs that is blasting his rock music as loud as possible. In a fit of rage, Jack yells at his neighbor to turn it down, but the young man refuses and continues to rock. Accidentally dropping a flower pot into the man’s head, Jack watches as his neighbor falls several stories to his death. Wanting to walk away from the situation that he has found himself in, Jack cannot help but the look back at the fallen man, the blood pooling around his head and his lifeless eyes staring up to the heavens. Something has been awakened in Jack and he quickly goes back to work, producing a piece showing the young man’s final seconds on the planet. Knowing that it is a great piece, Jack has to find someone to sell it to. Looking though his art catalog, he finds a collector that takes pride in his collection of human death. Jack goes to visit Mr. Mayflower and is blown away by the collection of human tragedy that is hanging on the walls before him. Malcom Mayflower has been looking for something that shows death, but not in the way he has already collected, but with an artist’s touch and knows that Jack is the only man that can make his collection complete. With promise of a twenty thousand dollar purchase on Jack’s next piece, Mayflower is certain that it will be next to perfect. Jack does not know what to do to make his next piece any better than his first and with his mind focusing on Sharon modeling for him, he needs to back away and get a drink. Talking with the landlady when leaving to go to store, Jack offers to help her move the deceased tenant’s belongings to the basement, but winds up pushing her down the stairs. With more photos taken, Jack is on the road to getting his next payoff, but even though Mayflower loves the piece, he wants more from Jack and the next offer is one hundred thousand dollars. Jack declines and tries to get back to his life as normal, but after Sharon finds the pictures Jack has taken of the dead bodies around his apartment, she flips and leaves quickly, only to be hit by a taxi. Without insurance, the hospital is hesitant to perform the necessary operation to keep her alive, so Jack takes up Mayflower for his final offer and beats a man to death outside of the hospital and makes a piece of art with his blood. Even though Jack knows it is wrong, he will do anything to save Sharon’s life, but could he have taken his lust for inspiration too far? This episode has left me speechless. I never would have expected it to play out the way it did and that is why I am still a little bit in shock after it ended. I feel for Jack, as I have been in hard places in my life and needing to break out of my funk, but I don’t know how seeing a dead body would excite somebody’s drive. I have also had friends try to break me out of the funk, like Sharon tried with Jack, and it never worked and it is a shame since there are so many good souls out there looking to help. But I have never had anybody help me profit off of my pain before, I might have missed that memo when it came around, but I think I am ok for not being a hundred percent of the tortured artist that was just on the screen. Starring Tim Roth as Jack Craig, Roya Megnot as Sharon and William Atherton as Malcolm Mayflower, this is the one story that has been brought to life and I can identify with the most, when it comes to being in a funk that is. It might just be the story, but I think that the cast did a fine job of showing what emotions are really flying through their heads as someone has found inspiration, but not the way he expected. Until next time kiddies, Stay Scared. Written by ScottyThere is a fine balance in taking pride in your work and how it relates to who you really are. So many people try to cater themselves to the job that they are doing, but that does not translate to making them happy. It is important to be able to put a bit of yourself in your job to add the much needed enjoyment of spending a third of your lifetime there. There are plenty of jobs that allow for a bit of expression and I hope if you are in one of those positions, you have been able to incorporate just a little bit of yourself into the role, it really is fun. Mr. Crosswhite is running into a major problem. His blood bank is running out of product and without it going out the front door for a profit, he is faced with having to consider shutting down. Young Sally is devastated by the news that she might be losing her job, but Mr. Crosswhite wants to offer her another position that would be just inclusive to her, wink, wink. Stepping in to defend the young woman, the night security guard Mr. Longtooth takes offense to what is happening in front of his eyes but is not able to command his boss to do anything different, as he does not want to lose his job either. Why would Longtooth want to move on from such a glorious place to be employed, being a vampire and all? Every night he is able to feed in peace and not have to kill anyone to get his blood intake, but there is a slight complication when it comes to Sally. Becoming excited also enrages the vampire and his fangs are fully extended whenever Sally is around him. Wanting to stay quiet about what he is, Longtooth is able to escape the clutches of his crush, but is not able to continue covering up what he is doing in the blood bank at night. With the records book being taken out of the office and Longtooth already feeding, he needs to find a way to replace the blood that he has taken, but he does not want to kill anybody to accomplish this, since he is working in the blood bank to avoid these kinds of actions. Walking the streets, Longtooth finds a perfect target, a mugger that has just been foiled and will not be able to put up much of a fight. With his needle, some tubing and a water jug, Longtooth is able to subdue the scum of humanity and drain his body completely of blood. As the police are called in to investigate the strange occurrences, another person comes to join the hunt for the killer. Rupert Van Helsing knows that the only rational answer to what is happening is due to a vampire on the streets. Urging the police to take note of this, he examines the body and finds the puncture hole on the neck, just as he had predicted. Although the police are not convinced, the killings continue around the town as Longtooth is trying to save everyone’s jobs at the blood bank since Mr. Crosswhite is running out of options to keep everyone employed. Although Longtooth has single handedly saved the blood bank, he is now being hunted by the police, Van Helsing, his employer and Sally, as everyone seems to know what he really is. A cute little love story between a vampire and a damsel that is looking to be saved. Although Longtooth has been trying to hide his identity from everyone at work, everyone seems to have discovered his secret and are looking to take advantage of him and what he can do. All Longtooth really wants to do however is to live in the shadows, free of being a killer and suck down on a couple of bags of blood a night. It has served him well in the past, but when Sally starts making advances towards him, he is not able to control his primal urge to feed and although it may be a problem for him, it does not seem to phase the young lady. Starring Malcolm McDowell as Longtooth, George Wendt as Mr. Crosswhite, Michael Berryman as Van Helsing and Sandra Dickinson as Sally, this, I must say is one of the cutest love stories I have seen from the Crypt Keeper to date. Wanting to side with the vampire is one thing, but if there is someone pulling his strings and forcing him to kill, does that really still make him the good guy? Until next time kiddies, Stay Scared. |
January 2025