John Edward Betancourt - Editor-in-Chief

John is a published writer and an award winning screenwriter. He loves stories from all genres, but science fiction and horror are two of his favorites, and he loves to celebrate these stories as often as possible here at NTG. He is currently working on his next screenwriting project and on publishing his first novel, and of course, finding the next amazing television series to captivate his mind. **Please Direct all Advertising Inquiries to John**
X/Instagram: @JohnEBetancourt
X/Instagram: @JohnEBetancourt
Shae Rufe - Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Hey! I'm Shae! Just your not-so-everyday awesome nerd of geekery. When I'm not busy trying to take over the world, I can be found writing, talking for the cats, playing video games, watching movies, and/or reading comics. I've been cosplaying (for fun) for 13 years. I am addicted to Supernatural. And Misha Collins is my spirit animal.
X: @SoraLostSoul
X: @SoraLostSoul
Joel T. Lewis - Assistant Editor-in-Chief - Multimedia

Joel has a Masters in English Literature from the University of Denver. He wrote his thesis on Charlotte Brontë's under-appreciated second novel, “Shirley.” A writer of surrealist poetry, absurdist plays, and bluesy rock music, Joel spends much of his free time lusting after guitars to add to his collection or re-watching TV shows that ended years before his birth. Films, comics, comedy, science fiction, or fantasy; Joel devours pop culture at a rate some might call unhealthy. Star Wars, Moon Knight, and Monty Python’s Flying Circus are among his favorite topics of discussion but be warned: his stamina in such discussions, no matter how trivial, is inexhaustible. X: @JoelT18 Email:
Scotty Edwards - Senior Contributor/Senior Podcaster

An avid movie fan, Scotty enjoys any and all genres of film, but is certainly partial to horror and science fiction. When not enjoying Hollywood's latest offering, he spends his time with his nose buried in books, as since he fully believes that books are the best fuel for the brain. **For
X: @ScottyShortness
X: @ScottyShortness
Scott Murray - Podcaster/Writer

Scott Murray first climbed into the nerd bed with Batman: The Animated Series and the original Crash Bandicoot and has since expanded his horizons to build a veritable slumber party of geekery. Although he gobbles up all sorts of nerd culture, his tastes are most particular when it comes to sci-fi, racing games, the Ace Combat franchise, and noir. Scott also shoots amateur photography for fun. Initially quiet, you’ll find it difficult to get him to stop talking if you manage to open the floodgates with the right topic.
Instagram: @Scott_W_Murray
Instagram: @Scott_W_Murray
Zeke Perez Jr. - Podcaster/Writer

A native of the Mile High City, Zeke is a mild-mannered education policy researcher by day and a die-hard Denver sports fan by night. He has had various alter egos in the past, serving as both a collegiate and professional mascot. He is most often found at an arena/stadium/ballpark or taking in a game on T.V., from football to lacrosse and everything in between. Zeke is always down to watch Back to the Future (1, 2, or 3), break out a Happy Gilmore reference, or talk in detail about Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. He has a beauty of a hockey puck collection and is pretty darn good at fantasy football (self-proclaimed).
X: @NerdsThatZeke
X: @NerdsThatZeke
Tim Girard - Podcaster/Writer/Composer

Tim has been a nerd pretty much since he was born (in one his earliest childhood pictures, he is in a Spider-Man swimming pool... and he’s had glasses since he was 3). Since he couldn’t make money reading comics and watching movies in his bedroom, he decided to make a living in music. After getting a BM in Composition from the University of Rhode Island, he ‘tried to make it as a professional composer’ (read: worked at the Blockbuster Video in his hometown). Since getting a degree in Composition worked out so well for him the first time, he decided to move all the way to Colorado to get another, more expensive one (this time, an MM!) from DU’s Lamont School of Music in 2013. Luckily he met his hot wife there, otherwise he probably would have just ended up becoming Will Ferrell’s character in ‘Step Brothers’ (let’s be honest, he still might). Since there’s only like, one Blockbuster left in the world, Tim delivers mail on the DU campus where he can regularly chat with some of his Nerds That Geek compatriots. He is one of the three voices you’ll hear when listening to NTG’s Movie Mumble podcast, and he also composed its theme music, which has been described as, ‘I listened to it’ and ‘is this an mp3? I need a WAV file.’ For NTG, he also covers panel discussions at Denver Pop Culture Con, and then writes articles about them. Eventually. I should mention that he has also written some music for short films and video games (don’t worry, nothing you’ve heard of) and he dreams of one day composing the film score to the 12th reboot of Spider-Man.
Instagram: @TheTimGirard
X: @TimGirard
Instagram: @TheTimGirard
X: @TimGirard
Emily Auskaps - Writer

Juanita "Obi-Juan" Bonner

Hello everyone and thank you for checking out my wittle bio! I am a Doctor of Pharmacy by day and a self-proclaimed hippie/geek in all other facets of my life. Hailing from Grand Junction, Colorado, I’m a bold yet laid back silly nerd. I love various kinds of fandom and will never fault someone for their own fandom loves – looking at you Furby Folk! *WINK* I enjoy movies, music, TV, comics, traveling and fandom writing for fun. I am honored to be expanding my writing skills with submissions through since July 2019. My biggest fandom favorites include Star Wars (mainly film and television thus far with hopes of expanding into more of the comics and novels), The Walking Dead franchise (comics, novels, TV, and now movies) and other zombie stuff, Supernatural (TV, comics and animation), Marvel and DC movies and some comics for both, and various other facets of Sci-Fi, horror, mystical/magical, history style, comedy, animation and modern pop culture. There’s something out there for everyone and we as a collective nerd culture now rule almost any medium giving us tons of material to pour over for years to come and to that I say, woohoo!! It’s a great time to be a geek! Carry on my fellow geeksters… and may The Force be with you… Always!!
X: @obi_juanita
X: @obi_juanita

Bio coming soon!