Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Something we don’t discuss all that often in our modern world or prepare for, is the end of our lives. Because for the vast majority of the time we are on this Earth, we rightfully think of the moment, of all the wonder the days bring us, and we feel so good and so vibrant that the thought of pondering upon our death… much less preparing for it… seems preposterous. But we must at some point, because while the end of our life is the closing chapter of our story, there is still so much more about us to be written. For those we leave behind will miss us and cherish the time they had with us, and tell stories of who we were and so… in silence… we begin to prepare for the next adventure. Which for the vast majority of us, entails preparing our Last Will and Testament. So that our family is taken care of, and we of course… must choose how we will rest after our last breath escapes our lips. For it is important to be in a place that reflects the person we become in memories. Which is why so many of us choose the place we will be buried if that’s how we want our body to rest, or where our ashes will be spread. But what’s truly fascinating about our world is that these thoughts, and this process are really central to western and developed nations. Where such matters can peacefully happen often, and because of that… we don’t really cherish what a gift that can be. Because there are places in this world, where such peaceful endings aren’t possible. Where there is only indignity in death, and the horrors and troubles of those nations, also prevent some of their citizens from choosing a final resting place that is comfortable and reflective of the life they lived. All of which are matters we should be aware of, and the time has come to discuss the fact that death is inevitable, and that is why a documentary that recently screened at SXSW is of note. For it breaches those subjects in a powerful manner in Mola: A Tibetan Tale of Love and Loss. Which introduces us to Kunsang Wangmo, otherwise known as Mola. A 100-year-old woman that also happens to be a Tibetan monk who was exiled from her country ages ago, and well… when we meet her in this story, she has quite the wish. For she knows her life is nearing its end, and she wants nothing more… than to go home and pass away in the country that remains her home. ![]() Which really is… the perfect way in which to explore the duality of the world and how not everyone gets to choose a plot that is perfect to be buried within, and how that can be traumatizing and concerning for those who don’t get that wish. Because there is peace to be found in leaving on our terms and that leads to a powerful exploration about how politics and rhetoric and nonsense, can cause great harm in such matters and truly, our eyes are opened here. Since this isn’t something, we deal with in America or other western nations and that is something that gives one great pause. Because it isn’t right that only a handful of people get that kind of peace when all deserve it, and that is something that will absolutely spark discussion for certain, and yet… there’s so much more that this documentary has to offer audiences. Because in many ways… this is a grand story that explores… what our final days look like. Because Mola is indeed quite aware of her advanced age and knows that her time is limited and that allows for us to see what those discussions with family members look like when we start to plan our exit from this world. Which makes for powerful, powerful moments that point out our mortality, and it also leads… to some incredible reflection. Wherein Mola spends a great deal of time pondering upon her journey in life, and the choices made and the hardships that she’s faced. That in turn, makes this a celebration of a life. Yet, while those elements make it sound as though this story is nothing more than a somber tale about our sometimes very unfair world and those final days, we spend upon it, there are moments of inspiration to be found here as well. Since this is also a story that reminds us, it is never too late to chase a dream, to find closure and live our life as we see fit, since Mola makes it clear what she wants, and she works hard to achieve it. But does she? Well, that is an important question to ask since it has not been answered in this review, and it will not be. Because the end of this story needs to be experienced, firsthand. So that the gravity and the beauty of this journey can be full realized. For this particular story is something quite special, quite revolutionary, courtesy of its raw and visceral examination of topics that we hide from but should not. For there is great beauty and great lessons to be found when we stand on the precipice of the end, if we are willing to share what we see and know.
Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() It is definitely safe to say that we are seeing a surge in stories that explore the pain we carry, the impact of trauma and how we come back from that, and it makes sense as to why. For the world is a messy place in 2025, and the anxiety we are experiencing from that is triggering old haunts that we thought were long gone. Not to mention, as a society, we are finally coming to understand that most of our problems are derived from something deep within and those two elements are absolutely driving people to learn more about such matters and yes, seek advice through entertainment because it absolutely helps us process and heal. But while it is lovely to finally see the world recognize such truths about the human psyche, there is a slight problem when it comes to this surge of stories about our flaws and our pain. In that, they are a little too… upbeat and inspiring. Which might seem like a strange thing to read but think about it for a second. Because so many of these movies and shows, and books, offer happy endings and quick journeys toward that joyous finale and that… just does people a disservice. Because healing is a long and winding process. One wrought with tough days and setbacks and low points, and our happy ending might not manifest itself in the way we want it to, and we should know that up front, and stories in that vein should be honest in such matters. Which is why we must celebrate stories that offer that truth, such as the powerhouse drama that recently debuted at the Sonoma international Film Festival, Café Chairel. A feat this film accomplishes by introducing us to a pair of strangers at vastly different places in their lives. For Alfonso is a budding coffee entrepreneur, eager to offer a new kind of coffee experience and Katia is merely looking to make peace with some old memories in his town, and in any other life, neither would cross paths. But her desire to check out the shop, combined with a deep understanding that they are both sharing in something deeper and more powerful than they’ve said aloud… bonds these two in a unique manner. Wherein they will simply bury themselves in one another’s company and coffee, in the hopes of finding peace to the powerful pain they carry, and what lie ahead from this decision… is a harrowing journey of discovery. One that will alter their lives and their paths for certain, but only time will tell them if that will be for the better. Which is a plot that offers up, a vastly different exploration of trauma and the gravity of loss and grief, and the ghosts that haunt us. For this story steers clear of the tropes often found in these films since there is no sudden joy or hope that this duo finds by meeting one another and learning of their pain. They simply trauma bond, as we do sometimes… and just… function. Which is something we don’t showcase enough in popular media or talk about, because that would indeed ‘sully’ the journey. But that is what we do. We go through the motions; we bury ourselves in tasks that keep our minds and emotions busy. We simply go on in that dream like state and get lost to not have to face our feels and seeing that presented in the raw is powerful and moving. Since it truly showcases what happens before we start to heal, and where this film truly shines, is in pointing out that sometimes… the pain gets worse before it gets better. Since we see Katia really bury herself in her memories and indulge in anger and pain over them and the lack of immediate progress regarding her quest. Not to mention, we see Alfonso collapse mentally and emotionally from his own demons. For that which haunts him makes him feel worthless and brings him to such low places and that… is about as real as it gets. For those who hurt from trauma, those who have lost someone, can speak to those moments and speak to the unhealthy behaviors one commits to, to feel anything but the pain of the moment, and that makes for a sobering feature that is as brilliant as it is bold. For this is that rare film that properly explores the darkness that finds us, and how much it aches and tears at our very soul. And it presents how we see the world as cruel for not giving us time to breathe, and how the bright spots fade fast during this era in our lives. But it does offer up a way forward, in a manner as blunt and as brokenly beautiful as any other moment offered here. Which brings forth a story that explores healing in the most honest manner possible, and how it is a hideous process that teaches lessons that won’t be known for some time, and it deserves applause and awe for going that route. Because this is what popular media needs to present on such matters. Not to scare us, but to prepare us. For the long road ahead to brighter days and better tomorrows and the peace we aren’t sure we will ever see when the darkness hangs over us. To see ‘Café Chairel’ visit the Sonoma International Film Festival website. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() There comes a point in all of our lives, where we learn some valuable lessons. Specifically, that life is precious and fragile, and fleeting at best, and because of that… we should cherish it and live it to the fullest and soak up every special second it sends our way, and how we reach that moment of education… is quite fascinating to say the least. Because sometimes… we learn it through outright tragedy. Such as say through the loss of a loved one. Since their exit immediately teaches us the value of life, and how quickly it can slip through our hands, and it can also come forth through a scare of sorts. Be it a brush with death or a medical surprise that reminds us of our fragility. But perhaps the best and most beautiful example of how we learn this lesson… comes from the fact that now and again… people inspire us to learn it. Especially those who experienced those scares and came out of the other side stronger and more aware of what we’ve been given, and because of that… they are eager to share their story and showcase how important it is to live life in a manner where tomorrow doesn’t matter. So that we can soak in the wonder of the moment. And their words do help us realize that, and live that and it just so happens… that a brand-new film that screened at the Sonoma International Film Festival today, accomplishes that incredible goal/gift. Courtesy of a powerful story about a young man that learned this lesson far sooner than expected in Ali Eats America. For Ali Allouche was diagnosed with cancer at an early age and spent many of years in hospitals. Receiving treatment and chemotherapy to give him a future that so many with his condition never get, and well, while healing, Ali noticed something quite unique about his food. In that, his taste buds dulled and that bothered him and inspired him to think upon how he would love to experience more food in this life and well, that put Ali on a unique path. One where he understood that every day was a gift, and that if he could beat his cancer, he could embrace that gift and eat everything in sight and savor every bite in the same way he would savor life. Which prompted his family to put together a grand plan to get Ali to travel to every state and feast upon the various foods of America, and well… that quest to taste more than your local McDonald’s… really does bring forth a stunning story. One that immediately reminds us of the fragility of life. Because cancer is no joke and has either taken the life of someone we know and love in this world, or it impacted someone we know in that manner. So, to have it at a young age is lifechanging for certain, and truly gives one stunning perspective. Which leads to many an inspirational moment in this story, since we see Ali reach that epiphany and embrace it and think upon the wonder of the moment. Something that we are instantly reminded to do, but the inspiring nature of this story goes beyond just seeing a young man stare down cancer and eventually beat it, because his journey to eat new foods in new places, adds a unique wrinkle to this story. One that prompts you to root for Ali. Because in essence, the journey to sit down and break bread with anyone in his company, is a dream. A dream that Ali refuses to let slip from his hands. To the point where he takes small steps to start his journey and fights through side effects of his chemotherapy, and bad days with his health, to go one mile farther. To have one more bite and be that much closer to achieving his dream and that’s just powerful stuff. Since it reminds us how much control we often have regarding our goals and how often times, the only thing really stopping us, is ourselves, our doubts, and our worries and fears. So, to see Ali ignore all of that, and push through and get that bite, get that meal… more or less prompts you to stand up and run through a wall to chase your own dream. But what’s also special about this story, is that it still offers so much more. It’s also about… the power of food. Of how it inspires us and excites us and how it helps us connect in ways we just don’t think of. Because it is often at the table that we learn someone’s story, learn about their struggles and vice versa. Where we share memories and laughter and tears depending upon the moment. All of which makes this, a documentary about life in a way. About how there are struggles, sorrows, and beauty, and that grand reminder that our time is limited, and that our seconds are far better spent soaking up the majesty of life over its worries, and that makes this a special, must-see feature for certain. One that stays with you for a long time, for all the right reasons, thanks to the courage and clarity of the next generation. To see 'Ali Eats America', visit the Sonoma International Film Festival's website. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
It is definitely safe to say that documentaries about famous people, always leave us with a sense of want, and with good reason. Simply because, those documentaries are about as comprehensive as they come, so they tend to quickly move about from one point to the next, and that can bring about quick reflections on their work, which we hold near and dear to our hearts, and their lives… which we are eager to learn more of. So, we do indeed wish they could give us more, but we also understand, creatives only have a small window in which to tell these life stories, and they do the best job they can with what they have available.
But now and again, you run into a documentary that manages to tell a comprehensive story that satisfies. Courtesy of an exploration that finds something special to latch onto, something that captivates the viewer about a celebrity in a manner they didn’t know was possible, and those are special and worth celebrating and it just so happens, that Viaplay is now home to a documentary in that vein. For recently, Like Tears in Rain, debuted upon the network, and this story about the life and times of Rutger Hauer, a wildly popular actor, manages to leave us feeling satisfied by doing something that is rarely done in documentaries. In that, it worries less about his career, and focuses intently on the man that Rutger Hauer was, away from the cameras. Courtesy of home video footage and intimate conversations with people that knew him best. To help us really see Mister Hauer in the raw. Wherein we learn about the gentle nature he carried, how much he valued honesty and family, and how he was always eager to preserve memories. All of which shows us a side of him, that we never knew existed because he was so incredibly private and enigmatic in life. Which is also explored here, specifically the why. Since we come to learn that Hauer was that rare creative that was eager to separate his movie career from his personal life. To maintain a sense of sanity and to preserve what he cherished and that brings about a fascinating and honest look at his life, one that is extended into the exploration of his career. In fact, it is quite lovely that this story maintains that raw honesty regarding his many, many years in Hollywood. Since it helps to remove the mystique of the industry and helps us to learn that Rutger faced ups and downs like anyone else. Plus, this story does make sure to spotlight the biggest moments in his career in a meaningful manner, and it speaks to their impact upon him and the landscape of film, for his influence is undeniable. Because he was indeed a deeply talented actor that tapped into aspects of the human condition in a manner that will forever remain a mystery because he was a force of acting nature. A true natural that just knew what to do and when to do it, and that lesson, and this exploration of his life brings about… an utterly amazing and utterly refreshing documentary. For this one really does defy convention and does not feel as though it is designed to please the masses and touch upon as many points as possible. It’s simply about a man, and what made that man tick. Which this story accomplishes in a beautiful manner, and it makes this a must-see for certain. Because it really does give fans of Rutger everything they’ve ever wanted, but it also provides cinephiles a different perspective on a man that had a huge impact upon the industry. But most important of all, this comprehensive look at a magnificent life and magnificent talent ensures that his memory will not be lost, like tears in rain. Watch ‘Like Tears in Rain’
Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() When we think of spy stories in just about any capacity in popular culture, the word ‘epic’ immediately comes to mind and rightfully so. After all, the spy story is always grandiose and magnificent. Since they take us around the globe with a fascinating spy that carries a unique persona. Who is tasked with navigating geopolitical problems and stunning villains to keep the world safe, and that formula has worked so well, courtesy perhaps of the James Bond/007 franchise, that it has become the standard. One that truly is about as enjoyable as it gets. But it does leave one to wonder if and when the genre will attempt to do more in an era where every genre is working to reinvent itself. Because the times are changing, and how we consume stories is changing our expectations of them, and if a genre doesn’t adapt to this revolution, it could be left in the dust. But thankfully, renowned writer David Koepp and renowned director Steven Soderbergh have teamed up to help propel the spy genre into a new age of storytelling. Courtesy of their new feature, Black Bag, which does in fact… manage to reinvent the spy genre for a new age. All by doing something simple. In that… this story scales down the adventure to offer up something intimate. A feat that it accomplishes by way of a crisp story. One that introduces us to a power couple named George Woodhouse and Kathryn St. Jean. Who do indeed work in the spy industry and yet, still manage to thrive as a couple. Which George attributes to outright honesty with one another in a business that deals in lies. But their love and their future are suddenly in doubt. Mainly because, critical data to a critical weapon has gone missing, and it doesn’t take long for all signs to point to Kathryn betraying her oath and betraying the foundation of her marriage, to be part of an operation to sell that weapon to the highest bidder. Which prompts George to resort to drastic measures to uncover the truth and salvage his love if possible, and his plan to find answers, will change the landscape of so many lives, since such a quest will require the participation of their coworkers/friends. ![]() Which is a plot that truly brings forth a scaled back and intimate spy drama. One that is focused on a concept that is rarely explored in the genre, love. Because more often than not in this genre, spies shy away from love and do their best to not maintain connection. Out of the belief it will cause harm and/or bring about complications in their lives. So, to see a pair of spies that are also a couple, who don’t try to murder one another at every single turn, is refreshing, and adds unique stakes to the story, and that alone is worth the price of admission. But this story has so many more refreshing concepts to offer us beyond a real love affair injected into the world of espionage. For really, the story is focused heavily on George and Kathryn and their inner circle, and that also scales down this world in a fascinating manner. Because it means the story doesn’t feature some bombastic villain, and a third act showdown for the ages in a mountain getaway, where the world’s population is at risk. It instead provides us with unique moments that deeply explore the life and times of spies, and who they are and what they do when they aren’t traversing about the globe. A move that genuinely humanizes these characters like never before and in a way, makes them supremely relatable. Which isn’t something we find often in this genre, since the superhero specter of 007 is another big standard for this genre. But what is equally as important regarding the characters, is that they come to life through some stunning performances from a cast that features hyper-talented up and comers, alongside some outright screen legends, and all of them… own every single second they are on the screen with riveting performances that you crave more of. All of which brings forth, a magnificent must-see feature. One that truly grabs hold of you from the get-go and never loosens its grip. All courtesy of a spy story that is genuinely unlike anything else in the genre, and takes you places hopefully the genre will continue to go, thanks to this revolutionary and invigorating feature. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() When we think of pioneers in the world of politics and journalism in the United States of America, we think of men. After all, there have been forty-seven presidents, and not a single one of them has ever been a woman, for some reason. Not to mention, it is men that we think of when it comes to how modern news was shaped. Since it was Walter Cronkite that had some incredible things to say about the moon landing in 1969, and Dan Rather was someone who truly brought the news to the masses in a unique manner that was digestible and engaging for folks that tuned in on a nightly basis. Which is why, it is so very important to champion stories about women that happened to be pioneers in those fields as well. Because all are created equal and there are indeed women in journalism and women in politics that have done revolutionary acts that have indeed changed the landscape of both industries in our world and that is why, a new PBS feature is of note. Because Shaking It Up: The Life and Times of Liz Carpenter, is a documentary that looks at a woman that managed to influence and shape both, not that long ago. And in doing so, shattered the glass ceiling so that other women could find their way into the political scene and leave their mark on journalism, and what makes this documentary so worth our while… is the comprehensive nature in which it presents Liz’s life. For we come to learn in this story about her humble beginnings in Texas, where she was born to a family of go-getters and pioneers that pushed for equality and for women to be heard and that clearly influenced her to become a journalist. Wherein she was able to showcase through her incredible work that lifestyle reporting was nothing more than a handout to women, and that she and others could report the news just fine. And her incredible work brought her into the orbit of one Lyndon B. Johnson. An up-and-coming senator who would go on, to becomes President of the United States through hard circumstance. But his relationship with Liz, allowed for her to work at the White House, and shape the landscape of D.C. like never before, and beyond, when she returned to private life. All of which gives rise to a powerful story about an everyday citizen that saw a chance to make great change to her industry and make it better with fresh voices that offered new perspectives. Not to mention, she saw a chance on how to elevate communication for a president and the first lady and help them to campaign and use those same skills to shape politics down the line. So that other fresh voices could be heard, and new leadership and ideas could come into play, and that is absolutely worth celebrating, for several reasons. The first is the obvious one, in that, this is a story that finally tosses out the narrative that only men can shape the world of politics and journalism. But more importantly, this documentary makes it clear… that they have not and never will be shaped by just men. For clearly, equality is key to the success of both industries, and the more stories we share like Liz’s, the more people will come to understand that it takes all of us working together to make industries better, to make politics more than the partisan nightmare it currently is, and that makes this a documentary that all should see, all should celebrate, and show to as many people as possible. To inform folks why equality matters but also… to showcase an important life. One that had a huge impact on two cornerstones of our modern world, all because Liz Carpenter asked the most important question of all… why not me? Visit the official website for ‘Shaking It Up: The Life and times of Liz Carpenter’ for the official PBS airing schedule of this important documentary. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Is it definitely safe to say that the action feature has found its rhythm in the 21st Century, after spending the end of the last one, experimenting with what makes an audience happy when it comes to explosions and car chases and the like. As it turns out, the formula to a successful action flick is simple. In that, it needs a character that fits the mold and can throw down and blow bad guys away but is also likeable and relatable on some level. And our hero needs to be thrust into a situation that is big, but not too big, that really only they can solve and as long as those elements come into play, whatever happens in between Is just fine by the audience’s standard, and it has led to some satisfying action stories over the past twenty years. But that does leave one to wonder, if action films will ever take the time to experiment with the formula again and bring forth new stories that snag our attention in ways we never thought possible. Because that really did bring about a unique sense of fun and helped to carve out a future for new stars of the industry, since they truly shined with such unique material. But above all, it just reminded us that this genre can be silly and fun and more than explosions and blood and guts, and well… it just so happens that yes, action movies can indeed be experimental and fun, and still be enjoyable and comfortable. For proof, well then look no further than the brand-new action feature from Paramount Pictures, Novocaine. Since this magnificent new film shakes things up with an action story that is exciting and new. A feat that it accomplishes by introducing us to one Nathan Caine. Who is a bank manager that leads a simple and supremely safe life. He goes to work, and after, he heads right home to game with his only friend, Roscoe, and in between that, he avoids hitting any objects or touching anything that might be too harmful. Not because he has experienced some hideous trauma that’s made him afraid of life, but because… of necessity. For he suffers from a rare condition that prevents him from feeling pain and all of this is designed to ensure he makes it to another day. But the arrival of a new teller at work named Sherry, who catches his eye and his heart, changes all of that in amazing ways. For now, Nathan feels as though he should live a little since there are real joys to be found in the world, and he also believes… that he should risk everything when Sherry is kidnapped in a robbery of his bank. For she truly has helped him find himself and helped him to feel alive, and the least he can do is use his unique abilities, to save her from harm. ![]() All of which gives rise to a magnificent action film that truly does freshen up the concept without stepping away from what makes this genre great. Because Nathan is indeed a guy we can relate to, and the same goes for his inner circle, and he of course… finds himself in the midst of big action sequences that feel grounded and are just epic enough, but in a different manner. Because of that lovely twist, one that is genius to say the least. Because Nathan is a hero with little to lose since he cannot be stopped by the hurt that would stop any of us, and that leads to a sense of invincibly and bravery that is uplifting for certain, and also cringe-worthy in a good way. Since stuff that would normally make a regular person scream means nothing to Nathan, but seeing him be hurt in some epic ways, definitely makes one groan, and draws one into the story further. Since the viewer in a way, feels that pain for Nathan. But while that game changing twist alone is worth the price of admission, there are more wonders to be found in this film. Because it also an action feature that has a lot of heart and harbors a lot of intelligence. Since it is filled with subtle and beautiful messages. Such as what it means to let loose and live in the moment, and the power of love and how that can offer healing. But it’s lovely that this film speaks to how we should celebrate what makes us special, and never once hide away from it. Because who we are and what we are made of, adds value to this world, and that’s perhaps the best message of all in this film, one that still has more majesty within its framework. Because it’s also delightfully funny and fun when it needs to be, and it also harbors some amazing performances. Courtesy of a cast that is made up of familiar faces and up and comers galore. But while it is great to see Matt Walsh (Detective Coltraine), Betty Gabriel (Detective Mincy) and Jacob Batalon (Roscoe) steal some scenes with comedic timing, and see Ray Nicholson (Simon) and Amber Midthunder (Sherry) add emotional gravitas to the story, it’s Jack Quaid (Nathan Caine) that leads the charge here. For he offers up incredible balance and range, which sells the gravity of every single moment in a magnificent manner and truly brings together, what is in many ways… a revolutionary action film. For this one showcases how the genre can grow in years to come, courtesy of a magnificent and original story that celebrates the human condition, while wowing us with some stunning and unique action sequences that truly take our breath away. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() There was a time in our history, where mistakes were something, we embraced. For we came to understand that mistakes are teaching tools. The kind that helps us to learn valuable life lessons and make incredible changes so that said mistakes never happen again, and people wore them akin to a badge of honor. For those who took the time to say they messed up, or that their company or the entity they represented messed up, were seen in a positive light. For it spoke to a good moral core and good business sense and that people should trust that person and that industry. For all involved would always do the right thing and make situations whole again with their honesty. But somewhere along the line, that all changed. Because these days, mistakes are seen in a negative light. For the world now values the impossibility of perfection, not to mention… to admit one made a mistake is now shocking. For so many now refuse to, and often double down on their mishaps to maintain that air of perfection and that’s led to a unique modern world. Where apparently no one can do wrong and penalties and consequences matter over, growth. How and why, that happened… is a discussion for another time. But what matters in this moment… is that this mantra is harming people and changing lives for the worse and for proof… then look no further than the fascinating new documentary, Fist Bump. For this particular tale introduces us to Marcus Knight, a man with cerebral palsy and autism, that loves musical theater and spent his high school days entertaining the masses and was also beloved by his classmates. To the point where Marcus often made the time to take selfies with his classmates and fist bump them to just share in a moment of joy. But once Marcus went to college, his life took a unique and unsettling turn. For he was suspended from his school for committing assault and according to the Title IX complaint filed against him, he was inappropriately touching other students and harassing them for selfies. A move that no one came forward and corroborated, but none the less, Marcus was without a grand chance to enjoy a college education and how this mistake came to life, is explored here. ![]() Since we learn about how Saddleback College expresses that unhealthy mantra, we mentioned a moment ago. Because make no mistake about it, they are in the wrong. They erroneously halted the life journey for an innocent person that only has good in his heart. All because… to admit they made a mistake would somehow be a hideous thing. Something wrong and distasteful. When instead, sticking to their guns and their goof, has ruined a future. Because when one has a Title IX complaint, there are jobs one cannot obtain, and going to school anywhere else is an impossibility and it just… it makes no sense to hold to that kind of mistake, and it ironically, makes the school look worse for certain. But it speaks to the world we live in and oddly enough, that particular truth allows for this story to explore some real concerns behind this kind of decision. Since it also speaks to how in our modern era, institutions and corporations and the populace in general are obsessed with rules and regulations being handled in the most black and white of terms, and clearly, this is not a black and white situation. For we learn over the course of an hour that Marcus is not some predator, but a good man that is polite, charming and always eager to include people through consent and kindness. And had an investigation taken place and the realty of the situation been taken into account, then perhaps all of this could be avoided. But, again, the rules are all that matter to Saddleback and that makes for a fascinating and frustrating feature. Since it speaks to the state of our world right now. Of the us versus them mentality we’ve created for no reason in particular. But more importantly, it showcases, that the arrogance created by the belief that no one can be wrong, is creating a toxic world. Where we won’t grow, won’t learn and won’t come to understand the majesty of mistakes. And in doing so, we will silence voices and keep wondrous people out of the spotlight, and that’s wrong. Because every single person out there deserves a chance to thrive, to grow, to experience life to the fullest and make mistakes along the way, and had this been handled differently, who knows where Marcus would be right now, and who knows how respected Saddleback would be. But alas… what we are left with, is a powerful story that leaves us wondering… what it will take to bring the world back to that place where mistakes and misunderstandings were championed and resolved with dialogue and not punishment. To see ‘Fist Bump’ in Los Angeles at Slamdance, visit Slamdance’s website. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() We are bombarded from a very early age, with all kinds of incredible lessons about how we will find happiness and peace in this life. For our parents and guardians know that we will grow up quickly, and we need to be ready to handle anything in adulthood. So, they inform us, that when the time comes… we need to go out there and start a family of our own and keep ours as close as we can. Since family sustains us. Not to mention, we need to find a good job and/or a wondrous career. One that sustains us financially and emotionally, and above all… we just need to keep our heads high and understand… that with a little determination we can get through anything. All of which is sound advice that we take to heart, until we learn that this blitz to have us ready, left us unprepared. Not out of malice mind you, for those who raise us do their best to be the best for us. But we are unprepared because of the fact that we as a society, never want to focus on hard truths, of the reality of a situation. Which is why we are stunned when we come to learn that said foundation can crumble, and that no one told us that. Or that sometimes… our dream job sucks, and/or we find ourselves laid off and scraping by to survive. Not to mention, we sometimes make the wrong choices romantically and forging a family isn’t what we expected it to be, and it can be impossible to keep our family around. For we lose them along the away, and sometimes we drift apart from the family members we grew up with. But above all, we also come to learn that determination and good vibes mean nothing now and again. For sometimes, you just plain lose, and all of that can leave us listless, and uncertain of how we find our way back to the path that our parents told us to follow. Since those elements do give us what we want. Which means, it is up to us to figure it out, and there is no one way to make it happen. But one that we can easily latch onto, just so happens to be featured in the brand-new motion picture, Las Tres Sisters. Which is a story that introduces us a trio of sisters whose lives are at a crossroads. For Lucia’s career path has gone astray and Sofia is simply drifting through life, and Maria… well she’s facing some scary challenges ahead. For her health is not where she wants to be, and there is another surprise that complicates the treatment she needs, and she is at her lowest and looking for a miracle, for direction. For a chance to get life back on track, and she finds it… through a pilgrimage her grandmother made in Mexico long ago. One that gave her abuela visions and clarity and eventually the miracles she needed to go forward in life. So, she brings her sisters together to walk their grandmother’s path, alongside some unexpected new friends, to finally find the focus and clarity they need in this critical time. ![]() That just so happens to be a plot that offers us up, incredible advice on how we find our way when we are lost. Since this movie makes it clear… sometimes you just need to lose yourself in order to find yourself. Be it through a pilgrimage like the one we saw here or by just getting away from it all and being with family, as is the case here as well. Because that helps us to look at our lives objectively as we focus upon other tasks. Where we see the flaws, the mistakes, how we stepped away from that all-important formula for happiness and that can open our eyes to so many potential fixes. Where we learn how to mend fences with family, and where we learn how to mend our very soul and find focus in life to finally go after we what we need to find peace, to find happiness and that brings forth a thoughtful story. One that shockingly, offers more than just that powerful lesson. For this is a story that really ponders upon all of life’s struggles. Of how hard it is to offer forgiveness, of how hard it is to move on, and how none of us are bad people for losing our way, for holding on too long. For we are but human beings, and mistakes are part of the experience and what matters most, is that we get to come back from those mistakes and create miracles and that’s inspiring to find here, and yet, there are still more wonders to enjoy from this film. Because we would be fools to not point out, that representation is an important part of this feature, and that it harbors some of the best Latinx representation in film in years. Since the cast is predominantly Latinx, there’s Spanish to be found in the dialogue and we get to see Mexico in a way we never have before. One free from the stereotypes we know to see its true beauty, and that’s important because we need more of that right now in popular media. Since it also helps to remind us… that we are not so different after all. That these struggles, this path, are all universal in nature because we are one people. Who just so happen to do some things a little differently because of the many rich cultures that we harbor. But we all get there the same, and that makes this an important motion picture. One that really has some powerful things to say about life, and its troubles, at a time where we need that kind of guidance and direction. Not to mention, it also features some stunning performances. Since Marta Méndez Cross (Maria), Valeria Maldonaldo (Lucia), and Virginia Novello (Sofia), sell the struggles of the sisters in a manner that is relatable and engaging. To the point where you are rooting for them, and Cristo Fernández is simply a revelation as Kin and showcases his stunning range in a manner, that adds to what is an utterly beautiful and brilliant story. One that moves you, excites you, and even puts a smile on your face, courtesy of its wondrous exploration about how to combat the struggles that sometimes complicate the miracle that is life. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() It is definitely safe to say that single people have quite the sour view of dating in 2025, and with good reason. Because it’s simply a pain in this day and age. After all, the bar scene, everyone is learning, isn’t exactly the best place to find a true partner, and the shift to app-based dating has left so much to be desired. Since those apps are more eager to capitalize on revenue than they are on finding people someone to love. Not to mention, the anonymity and detachment apps provide for some individuals, leads to a rough experience for those who try them out. Which leaves all of those singles wondering, how on earth does one find a partner in this day and age? Because there has to be a way to find love, and there has to be a way to connect with people on a fundamental level that allows for us to feel that call to our soulmate, that draw that we outright crave. Well, there are indeed ways that people can still find love in 2025, it will just take some creativity to say the least. Such as say, thinking outside the box when it comes to where one conducts a search for a viable partner, and to outright… be honest and vulnerable. If anything, those concepts are relevant to our discussion today, simply because a new movie on the Hallmark Channel explores what going those routes could do to help singles in the modern world in Return to Office. Which is a story that introduces us to Liv and Tom, a pair of opposites that are about to embark on a new work adventure. For Liv has helped to acquire Tom’s company, and their new boss wants to bring the new teams together through a return to office venture. Wherein folks will work alternating days and share desks, and little do Tom and Liv realize, that they are desk buddies. Which causes friction at first since they are so different in their working styles. But soon, they find common ground through notes and online chatting, and that leads… to vulnerable conversations and romantic draw to one another. The kind that could give them everything they’ve ever wanted romantically, if they’re willing to be open to one another. ![]() Which is a plot that at first glance, just seems to be a run of the mill romantic comedy, but the devil is in the details in this particular tale. Since it really does showcase how we sometimes forget that work and the places we find creative fulfillment might bring us what we seek if we’re willing to be open to such matters. Which isn’t easy since we treat work as a sanctuary, or punishment, depending upon the gig and we do isolate the special spaces for our mental health. But they could provide us with more if there’s someone in those spaces that we can, open up to, and oddly, their journey also reminds us… that we should never discount someone we think as an opposite as a viable partner. Because you never know if they might be the one, unless you explore the possibilities. But while all of that makes for a fine feature and some fine lessons, we’d be foolish to not point out that this film does more than the average Hallmark romance feature. Because it also offers some scathing satire and commentary on the modern workplace. Specifically, how it has become quite toxic in nature and is filled with uncertainty. Mainly because there are so many bosses out there, like Liv’s, who are egomaniacs that think they know best and thrive on their understanding of ‘innovation’ over what really makes the workplace worthwhile and successful. Which is the people that help it thrive, and that was unique to see in this story, since Hallmark doesn’t often branch into such commentary, but it was welcome. If anything, it shows that Hallmark continues to evolve and wants to offer stories that provide more to its viewers and that, and the realistic nature of Liv and Tom’s courtship, really do add depth and realism to this story. Because a lot of what they do, reflects modern dating, since they chat via text and open up there since it can be a safe space, one that we perhaps don’t utilize enough in that regard and of course… they harbor those fears we all fear in the dating world. All of which gives rise to a satisfying feature. One that entertains as much as it teaches, since it also features quirky and fun moments that do make you laugh, and the characters are indeed charming and relatable. Courtesy of a story that truly reflects modern dating and modern life and offers up some fine advice on finding the partnership we all desperately seek. |
March 2025