Written by John Edward Betancourt Finding true love is something that is supremely important to each and every one of us and it makes sense as to why. After all, love really does send our spirits soaring and it gives us a confidence and a high that is unmatched by anything else in this life. Not to mention, it gives us a sense of purpose and a reason to push harder toward our goals. Since now we have extra incentive to achieve them so we can share in the wonder of the fruits of our labors with our partner and speaking of sharing, the prospect of making special memories that can bring us joy and fulfillment is another big reason that we are eager to fall in love. Since it means we will create something quite special and beautiful with our partner, in a world full of chaos. But of the many reasons that we seek out love, the one that matters the most to us… is that it provides us with safety and a sense of belonging and it also allows for us to feel whole. For when we’ve found our soulmate, they complete the missing parts of us. But what’s unfortunate about love… is that sometimes its draw is so powerful, and our need to find it is so great… that we don’t realize we’ve fallen for the wrong person. One that eventually stops giving us the important elements we just discussed and in fact… isn’t at all who we thought they were, and instead has a tendency to indulge in dark behaviors that are the opposite of love. And well… when we come to realize that unfortunate reality, we find ourselves at quite the crossroads. One that is explored in a terrifying manner in the next episode of Tales from the Darkside. For ‘Pain Killer’ introduces us to a man named Harvey Turman and his wife Nadine and well… they seem to have a great life. After all, they’ve got a nice house and Harvey is steadily employed and they enjoy quiet evenings together in front of the television and really the only problem they seemingly have to deal with, is Harvey’s newfound back pain. Because it is bad and it is keeping him out of work and causing marital strife and that brings Harvey to a back specialist known as Doctor Roebuck, to solve his woes and uh, Roebuck has quite the interesting theory as to why this pain is occurring. In that, it is likely related to Harvey’s wife and the toxic relationship he resides within and the best way to handle this… is to remove the problem from the equation, through murder and mayhem of course. Which is at first glance, a story that seems grounded heavily in just a rotten twist that impacts an everyday Joe. Since Harvey is blindsided by this idea and finds himself in hot water when the deed is done, courtesy of another appearance of the Devil, who is Doctor Roebuck in this particular tale. But while that particular twist is what brings about the classic horror elements in this story, since a deal with the Devil permeates the genre and, in this instance, has quite the Faustian feel for certain, this is another story that is grounded in real world concepts. Because abusive and toxic relationships are indeed a very real thing and that is precisely what we are dealing with here. Since Harvey is sticking around in a marriage that is bad for his mental health since Nadine really is quite abusive for certain. But he’s staying in it because confusion is the crossroads that battered lovers face. Since they are taught that love is both pure and difficult, and that moments such as these are likely related to marital and romantic challenges, instead of calling it what it actually is… stone cold abuse. The kind that impacts our health mentally, and physically if it comes to that, and well… this story more or less offers advice and a warning on this matter. In that… when we discover we are in an abusive relationship, we have to look at it objectively so we can make the hard call and get the hell out. Because it won’t get better, and we won’t ever heal. It will just escalate until something horrible happens, which happens here in an abstract manner of course, since the deal with the Devil serves as the allegory for Harvey committing the ultimate defense act… one that will damn him forever and well, no one deserves to have their life go that route. Nor does anyone deserve to be abused for that matter either. Which is why it is imperative to reiterate the need to leave and if that isn’t immediately feasible or safe, one should be making plans to make it feasible and safe and well, in the end… this is an incredible episode when all is said and done. Because it too brought up a topic that is somewhat taboo now and was very taboo in 1984 and it is one that genuinely puts more real-world horrors on display and offers up some fine answers on the matter and well, despite the dark nature of this story, it does compel one to continue the journey. For season one of this show is pulling out all of the stops and it does leave one to wonder what kind of other everyday terrors it is going to put on display as season one moves along. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.
Written by John Edward Betancourt It has often been said that money is the root of all evil, and there is a lot of merit to that particular phrase. Because time and time again, we’ve seen money and those who acquire a ridiculous amount of it, succumb to its wonder and transform before our eyes. To the point where they find themselves detached from reality and in a strange place, mentally. As though they now have power over other people because they have what everyone wants and sadly… they do. Because money also makes the world go round, and when one has an excessive amount of it, one can use that money to buy what they please since every man has a price for their soul and their morals and for the majority of folks, that price is lower than we might think. After all, just look at the fine ‘gentlemen’ in Washington that will gladly take a handout and do as their investor asks without giving it a second thought, which has great impact on the everyman since the government official in question answers to the dollar, not the people. Not to mention, the rich are often so warped by their earnings, they’re happy to do whatever it takes to make more bread and for proof… we could talk for hours about drug prices these days. But we know these things and we are infuriated by them, and at this point we also know we are badly overdue for change when it comes to this norm. But while we wait for the proud day when balance is restored to this problem, the time is now to start planning on how to prevent this problem again, by examining the root cause of such madness. For there has to be a reason as to why a person becomes detached in this manner and it just so happens, that one potential answer as to how things got this bad, was explored almost forty years ago, courtesy of the next episode of Tales from the Darkside. For ‘I’ll Give You a Million’ introduces us to a pair of filthy rich, white dudes named Duncan Williams and Jack Blaine and well, they spend their days enjoying their riches through fine liquors and by toying with one another’s finances by way of ridiculous bets and wagers. Because they have the money, so why not flaunt it? But even that kind of freedom, bores Duncan to tears and one day a wild idea pops into his head. In that, perhaps he can take investing to a whole new level, if he offered his own friend a million bucks for his soul. A deal that Jack agrees to because hey… it’s a million. But of course, things go awry, and Jack dies before the contract can be fulfilled properly and that leads to a ghostly and horrifying encounter… one that puts Duncan face to face with the ultimate financier and debt collector from beyond. Which is… quite the story for certain. One that does a wonderful job of reminding us of and perhaps warning us, that this is what being rich in America looks like in the 20th and 21st Century and it is awful and disgusting, in its presentation here. Since we are indeed privy to the joy that comes out of exerting power over others through money and the cruelty that Duncan exhibits when the deal starts to go sideways because of Jack’s health, is disturbing to watch. Since it really does remind us of how far detached the filthy rich are from humanity and well… that really is the root cause of the problem. Because when one can buy the services of people and tuck oneself away in a ridiculously large mansion full of the finer things in life, said person is insulated from the realities of life and the hardships and the struggles that everyone else is going through and that… robs one of their humanity… plain and simple. Which means the only way to prevent this from being a standard down the line, when the rich finally pay the piper and the reset button is hit… is to find a way to keep them connected to humanity, and how we do that… is tough to say the least. Because it’s something that capitalism and modern America have never tried to do, because we praise the dollar over anything else. And perhaps our praise and value of it the dollar is where the change starts, because if we no longer cherish it above all things, there’s no real need to collect as much of it as possible. Which are observations that make this… a shockingly philosophical episode for certain. One that ponders upon a lot of difficult notions and topics… to the point where we haven’t even discussed the quality horror elements just yet. Which means now is the time to praise them because they are soild. After all, the setup to the final meeting between Jack and Duncan is delightfully eerie and ghost Jack and his soul are as creepy as they come and hey… you can’t go wrong with that gory surprise at the end, courtesy of the Devil and well, in the end, this is just another impressive Darkside episode. For this one is prophetic in nature and relentless in its spicy and direct commentary and it will be quite interesting to see what other in-depth social commentary awaits us as we continue our journey through the Darkside. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight. Written by John Edward Betancourt One thing that we can all agree upon, is that the horror genre is filled to the brim with horrifying monsters. The kind that sends shivers down our spines with their hideous appearance and disturbing desires. After all, there is something utterly disgusting about the vampire’s need to seduce people and feed upon their blood, and the raw anger that the werewolf exhibits is equally as unsettling. As is the zombie’s eternal motion and undying hunger for human flesh. But while casual and horror fans flock to the theaters or their favorite streaming service to watch a zombie feed or see a slasher make people bleed, in an effort to celebrate the wonder of the mainstream monster… it is important to remember that what truly makes the genre worth savoring… is the sheer fact that puts every monster imaginable on display. That includes, the more intimate ones. The kind that we don’t like to talk about all that often because they’re in our neighbors’ homes, or our own for that matter as well. But those are the horror stories that are truly the most impactful since they force us to face some powerful fears for certain, in some capacity, and it just so happens that the next episode of Tales from the Darkside puts quite the intimate monster on display… in the most unique manner imaginable. For ‘The New Man’ is a story that at first, appears to be grounded in some supremely traditional horror elements. After all, we’re introduced to an every man named Alan Coombs who is finally on the road to recovery, now that he’s quit drinking for good, and when we catch up with him, here… something strange is happening to him. In that, some random kid named Jerry, that he’s never met, comes to his office one day and claims that he is Alan’s son. But Alan doesn’t believe the kid and drops him off at the police station, only to have the cops drop him off at the Coombs estate… because that is his home. Which in turn leads to some uncomfortable moments as Alan tries to kick the kid out, simply because he is convinced that this kid is some kind of a monster that is trying to muscle its way into his family. Which in turns pushes Alan to drink again and he ends up alone and destitute while this cycle, with the same kid, begins again at Alan’s old workplace. Which is a twist that doesn’t seem grounded at all in something nontraditional. Since this kid could be a variation on a Skinwalker, or perhaps some kind of shapeshifting creature grounded in gothic horror of old. But when you watch this one a second time around, it becomes apparent that there really is something more real-world and different at play here monster wise, and in reality, the monster in this tale, is addiction. Specifically, alcoholism. Because Alan is clearly a functional alcoholic. Because despite his claims that he's off the sauce and living his best life, there's a lot here that speaks to otherwise. Such as his wanton disdain of Jerry and the context clues from his wife about bad drinking related behaviors from Alan, that she recognizes as returning to the forefront of their lives. Plus, days go missing for Alan and all of that makes it one-hundred percent clear that he never quit the booze, he just set the bottle down for a hot minute to feel value and worth, and goodwill. All because he has a genuine monster within that craves alcohol and without treatment, he will never escape it. However, this was 1983 and this kind of stuff wasn’t handled by a therapist back then. It was just… willed to its end, and men like Alan wouldn’t dare seek out further treatment because that made them weak and that makes this tale quite stunning in nature. Since it really is examining a real-world problem that we are only now talking about, and it truly puts the horrors of living with an alcoholic on display and that’s scary stuff on screen for certain. As it is in real life. And it is equally as impressive that it points out the toxic nature of not seeking care for issues such as these, since that too still runs rampant in our modern world. But while that solves one mystery, that doesn’t answer how Jerry pops up again at the end of this tale. As though he's some kind of monster grounded in temptation. But there is a solid explanation for that as well. In that, little Jerry represents the countless faceless children out there, that have grown up or will grow up, in a household where addiction runs rampant. Who in turn might propagate the cycle themselves since addiction has genetic merit and abusive childhoods tend to motivate the abused to become abusers. Which in the end, makes this a poignant and powerful tale, one that was ahead of its time in its commentary and stays with you for quite some time. Because this is a monster, we’ve all known in some capacity or another, and has genuine staying power, and the show deserves serious credit for going this hard with the writing this early in its first season, but it makes sense as to why. After all, there were no guarantees of more seasons back in the early days of this show, so why not go for broke and scare us right and proper and well, now that we’ve reached the end of this realistic nightmare, it will be interesting to see what other real-world horrors awaits us... in the Darkside. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight. Written by Scott Edwards I will admit that I am a sucker for Urban Legends, not because of how they put some fear in the back of your mind, but because of the story behind them. While some of these stories have been grossly exaggerated over the years, like a killer with a hook hand, the things that took place in the past are just fascinating to me. Wanting to know more about these stories and where they came from, I find myself glued to my internet to try and find out what caused these stories to become so popular. Even if there is a little truth behind these stories, they have become a fixture in our society, so the more you know about them, the better off we will be. Rummaging around at a swamp meet, Gabriel is able to spot something that he has not seen in years, an old VCR. While his girlfriend Skye does not seem as enthused over it as much as he does, the thought of a vintage way to watch movies is something he cannot get over. Getting home and fixing the old piece of technology, Gabriel finds that there is an old tape lodged inside that says, ‘Watch Me’. Trying to get the old tape to play, Gabriel finds out that he has stumbled upon an old legend that has gone dormant for the past couple of years. Sending off her boyfriend Holt to college, Julia is beside herself when she has not been able to get ahold of him for almost a week. Getting a strange call from an unknown woman who says that the girl cannot be stopped, Julia is forced to travel to the campus to find out what happened to Holt. Arriving at the campus and finding a strange keep inside of his room, Julia sees that there is a lecture that his favorite professor is hosting, and she attends it to try and find some answers. While Gabriel is silent in disclosing any information about his student who was part of a project, Julia knows that he is lying and decides to take her investigation to the next level. Following Gabriel back to his off-campus base of operations, Julia finds out that Gabriel is obsessed with the afterlife and what really happens when we die. Entering the lab, Julia sees strange images on the screen in front of her that do not make any sense. Leaving before she is spotted, she runs into Skye who has a proposal for her, to watch something on her computer. But seeing that Holt is texting the strange woman, Julia is told not to watch the tape and is witness to the wrath of Samara. Meeting up with her boyfriend and finding out the mystery behind the tape, Julia is brought into a life changing event that will lead to figuring out what happened in a small town with plenty of secrets. I see what this movie was trying to do; bring a franchise back to life after ten years, but it really did fall short. With too many gaps in the storyline, mainly why a biology professor would be obsessed with what is on the other side, to not seeing Julia helping out her mother, the movie did however push through to the digital age. Seeing how easy it was to make a copy of the killer tape with the use of computers and adding a tape within the tape was kind of fun. I liked that the mystery was solved, and how Julia was able to fight off of the old blind man who was trying to keep Samara hidden from the world. With a killer tape, outdated technology being used, a mystery, a cool professor with a beard, a blind man, a small town and a little girl that will never rest again, this is an alright movie that will keep you wondering what it will take to keep the little girl from trying to kill the entire world. Stay Scared. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Shining Vale’. To revisit the last episode, click here. It doesn’t matter how much good will we put into certain acts or how well we communicate with our partner or our closest friends. We are in fact, human, and when hurt or pushed in life… all of that goes out of the window and we will do some dumb and petty things to satiate what those little voices inside of our heads ask us to do, and that will lead to a little drama and strife and that’s really when we learn what our relationships are made of, and if they will survive. For it is only when the dumb stuff comes into play, do we decide as to whether or not we want to keep this relationship rolling and if we’re willing to put in the work to fix it… or if the time has to come to move on and well, that particular conundrum is top of mind today, because it was one of the central themes present in this week’s episode of Shining Vale on STARZ. For when we catch up with Terry and Pat in ‘The Squirrel Knew’, there was genuine tension hanging over the house and rightfully so. After all, regular employment was no longer a thing for Terry and Pat was struggling to get the book back on track and well, while she consulted with Rosemary about the book… her new spirit bestie offered up a fascinating revelation about Terry’s decision to buy this house. In that, his attention to detail would have resulted in him having full knowledge of the fact that Rosemary died in this house. Which meant he disregarded Pat’s feelings and concerns, especially regarding her mother’s past (more on that in a moment) to get the house under contract in a hyper fast attempt to repair his marriage and family life and that betrayal, led to a blowout. One that left the both of them unsure of what they wanted from this. In fact, Terry was so despondent over being called out and of well, everything, that happened to this point… that he actually took a day to hang out with Katherine to sort his mind out and sort out where his heart belonged. A move that allowed for him to realize that he genuinely did love Pat and belonged with her and that working it out with her… was the right thing to do. A sentiment that Pat shared, thankfully, largely because of the fact that she genuinely wants her family to be close and cohesive. Since she didn’t enjoy that growing up, and that allowed for us to watch these two lovebirds start to work toward a healthy tomorrow and what’s amazing… is that we learned all of that about Pat, in the most unique way imaginable. Because while mom and dad were working out their problems, Gaynor and Jake were spending the weekend at grandma’s house and well… that led to those aforementioned discoveries. Because Grandma Joan, revealed to Gaynor that she struggled mightily with mental health problems ages ago. In fact, they were so severe that Pat skipped a chance to go to college to oversee her mother’s recovery from a suicide attempt. Making it clear to Gaynor that her mother was not the uncaring, unfeeling person she thought she was. In fact, she was the opposite and wanted so much more and that changed her outlook on Pat completely and seemingly allowed for them to bond in a way that they’ve never bonded before. But while all of those moments make it appear as though this was a feel-good episode through and through, one that was going to end on a happy note… that’s just not the case. Because in between all of this, Pat was doing her best to get rid of Rosemary. Even going so far as to ask a local medium as to how to chase Rosemary off and well… she absolutely did not listen to his advice. In fact, she did the exact opposite of his suggestions and made a deal with Rosemary to get her out of the house, one that involved a touch of possession so that Rosemary could live vibrantly on the pages of Pat’s new book. Which was a bad idea since Rosemary may have used that opening to join Pat and Terry in bed and she also has plans to use that window to flex a little more of her ethereal power, as evidenced by the surprise warning that Pat received at the end of this tale. Which once again leads us to believe, that Rosemary might not be the patron saint of the Tiki Bar that she pretends to be, and she may have some ugly plans for Pat and the family. But while we wait to have those questions answered, we can relish in one delightfully intelligent tale. One that allowed for the characters to grow in a unique manner and also filled us in on their backstories in an equally as dynamic fashion. Which are some storytelling decisions, that just go to show how versatile and brilliant this show really is. Since it easily balances drama and horror, and of course... comedy... no problem, and that definitely leaves us eager to continue the journey. In part so we can see what other fascinating character growth awaits us, and to finally learn exactly what it is that Rosemary wants from Patricia Phelps. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 1114 of ‘The Walking Dead’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. It is definitely safe to say that the AMC series, The Walking Dead, will be remembered fondly for accomplishing a great deal during its time on the airwaves. After all, this is the horror story that finally made zombies mainstream, and had it not been for this series, horror would not be as popular and as well-embraced as it is right now. Not to mention, it will be remembered for taking its source material to a whole new level by adding incredible depth to the already rich characters that jumped off of the page of Robert Kirkman’s revolutionary comic. But of the many things this show will be remembered for when it goes off the airwaves later this year, its ability to genuinely surprise us and shock us is something that will keep fans and future audiences that discover this series, buzzing about the show long after its curtain call. Because over the course of its illustrious run, the shocking character deaths that started in season two and the twists and turns that deviated from the comic books, have had all of us pouring over social media or texting our friends or shouting aloud at a watch party, regarding their gravity and power and even now… as we near the end of the journey, this show is still finding new ways to just shock us… as evidenced by last night’s episode. For ‘The Rotten Core’ is a story that seemed as though it was going to be heavily grounded in action and adventure and rightfully so. After all, this particular tale picks up mere minutes after Toby punished anyone that wasn’t telling him what he wanted to hear, all while Aaron and Maggie’s team entered the battleground apartment building to fight against this injustice. But a reunion with Negan and the discovery that young Hershel Rhee stowed away in the truck, led to quite the powerful surprise for certain. For it was Negan that rescued young Hershel from the Commonwealth’s soldiers and once he was safely with the others in a hidden apartment, that shocker came into play. For a brief conversation between Hershel and Negan, wherein Negan revealed that he was the one that viciously killed Glenn on that one fateful night, brought about a reckoning for Negan. One where he outright had to answer for what he has done and face the pain and remorse of taking Glenn and Abraham’s life and this led to some incredible moments for certain. The kind where young Hershel outright pulled a gun on Negan for his actions and where the man responsible for all of this pain… had to attempt to explain himself and apologize. Which was… a sloppy task for certain and that’s something the show should be applauded for. Since it didn’t let Negan off the hook for what he’s done, nor does it make this moment any easier or smoother. It just served to remind us that this world is messy and flawed and broken and people here have had to do horrible things to survive and have indulged in the darkest corners of their souls to see another day. But what made this such a shocking moment… wasn’t the fact that Negan had to have this tough talk with young Hershel. It’s that he made an actual attempt to make things right and flawed attempt or not, that’s a huge deal for Negan since he’s tried hard over the past few years to just… put all this behind him, and that moment… combined with the revelation that he’s remarried and about to be a father, may have finally put him on the road to redemption. Which is something, we never thought we would see on this show and even then, who knows if it will ever fully come to fruition. Since there is a real anger and hate swirling in Hershel’s soul and understandably so, and Negan’s promise to finish their business… might end his life in a poetic and ugly manner. But all that speculation aside, there were more surprises to be found in this particular tale. Such as the fact that the Commonwealth’s army, one that is highly trained and well-armed… lost to the good people of this apartment complex and Toby got his comeuppance, and that’s shocking because they should have won the day. But instead, this is an army that we are learning is quite arrogant and undisciplined and a great deal of their problems with ferocity and execution, comes from what we discovered back within the Commonwealth’s borders. In that, this ‘bold reimagining’ of the old world, is nothing more than a recreation of the latter days of Rome. For it is filled with corruption and complacency and greed and while we knew of the first issue, thanks to last week’s reveal about Lance, we hadn’t a clue how far it spread and how bad the other elements were taking hold in this place. At least, not until Sebastian Milton revealed it. Because when he was lightly embarrassed by Daryl before Mister Dixon and Rosita started their patrol shift… he ordered them to join a pair of sleazy lieutenants that he had on the take, to take part in a stupid and foolhardy mission. One where Daryl and Rosita would traverse a sea of walkers to break into a rich dude’s house and steal his money since Sebastian’s funds were now cut off, thanks to mother’s fury over his spoiled nature. Which was of course, a mission that Daryl and Rosita didn’t want to take part in, but threats run deep and well… it of course didn’t go as planned and had it not been for Carol and Mercer, who knows if they would have made it out alive. But they did and this outright exposed the corruption and greed present here and it is so deeply rooted in the Commonwealth’s overall structure that not even Mercer can do anything about it. As evidenced by the fact that he had to pawn the death of the corrupt officers off on living dead related endings, and by how… he stood by and let Sebastian collect his money and go about his day, despite the fact that he was responsible for a bevy of innocent deaths in this matter. Since he sent a ridiculous number of civilian teams to this house to get his bloody bag of money before ever considering Daryl and Rosita. If anything, that really made for some heartbreaking revelations about the Commonwealth, and it, and Negan’s surprise… once again forced the viewer to ponder upon the central question hanging over this season. In that, are we worth saving? Because on the one hand, Sebastian’s nonsense implies that, no we are not. But seeing a man like Negan, transform himself from a violent despot into an honest man, ready to start anew and ready to face the emotional consequences of his past, and become a family man in the process… says that perhaps we are. Which means this little dance around that question will continue until the very end of the series. But while we wait to see how this show answers that question, we can bask in the wonder of a shocking episode, one that also set the stage for some incredible conflict. Since the good people of the once strong Alexandria Alliance, appear to be slowly preparing for a grand fight with the morally corrupt echo of the past that is the Commonwealth. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt It’s no secret that I love horror movies through and through and one thing that I’ve always appreciated when it comes to this magnificent genre, is the sheer versatility that it puts on display. Because really, there’s something for everyone when it comes to horror films. If you’re a fan of splatter, you’ll find plenty of movies that provide you with guts and gore. If you want something a touch more philosophical, well George Romero’s work has you covered. But really, we all watch these films for one reason and one reason alone, to experience a feeling of terror. Because who doesn’t love a good scare, and the feeling of being alive that comes with all of those thrills and chills because once the terror has come to an end, we are safely returned to our everyday lives where we can go about our business in relative peace and quiet and return to the scares when we deem necessary. But some horror flicks, well they are simply not content to provide us with an encapsulated experience that ends once the screen fades to black. They mean to rock us to our core and stay with us long after they’ve come to an end and recently, I took the time to revisit a horror movie that accomplishes just that in Prince of Darkness. Now the plot for this one we won’t spend much time discussing today, because if you’re here on this written journey with me, you’ve seen this movie, and really, I want to spend as much time as possible discussing what exactly makes this horror story so great because I cannot emphasize this enough, this is a damn fine film and really, the first thing I love about this motion picture is the strange sense of realism that it provides. Now, I’m certain that statement just raised a few eyebrows because you’re probably asking, how on earth can a horror film be realistic in the slightest, and it’s a question I would agree is valid, but Writer/Director John Carpenter actually managed to pull off such a feat. As to how exactly he accomplished such a wonder, well we can all thank science for that. Because this film deals a lot with alternate dimensions and matter/anti-matter, which was revolutionary stuff in 1987 when the film came out, but it is commonplace now and by being on the cutting edge of stuffing this kind of research into a horror movie, and by giving Satan himself a physical manifestation, the lines between fiction and film are blurred and that messes with your mind in ways you never thought possible and as your mind tries to process the possibility of science making this kind of evil tangible, you find yourself sucked into the story… But, outside of that surprise storytelling wise, the other reason this motion picture works so well is the sheer fact that the scares in this one just so happen to be of the highest quality. Working within that realm of realism, Carpenter removes any scripted feel to the scares, and they almost seem chaotic in nature, lending a real sense of danger and dread for the audience. And the ‘anything can happen’ feel that comes with this, makes the third act as wild as they come and the fact that Carpenter pushed the envelope with some of these scares is why this movie stays with you for so long, simply because the terror unsettles you at your core. If anything, all of those elements, and the fact that Carpenter does a fine job of throwing Revelations into the mix, make this motion picture a modern classic in my eyes since it is so incredibly thoughtful and so incredibly terrifying all at the same time and I’m glad to see that companies like Shout Factory have given this movie the care it deserves with a remastered Blu Ray release. Either way, this one is a must see in my book, and a must own since it’s so unique and well-crafted and if by chance you haven’t seen this film, please seek it out and give it a look, you’ll be glad you did. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the season three finale of ‘Servant’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Whenever someone that means to the world to us, stumbles and struggles in life… we are quick to drop everything to help them and it makes sense as to why. For they are supremely special in our eyes, and we only want the best for them, and stepping in and giving them the assistance or direction, they need… allows for that to happen. Not to mention, being there in their time of need strengthens our relationship and of course, it helps us too… since we will feel good about making sure that someone that matters wasn’t going it alone during a difficult time in their lives. But while this particular choice on our part tends to end the way we want it to, with our loved one pulling through, this isn’t always a decision that ends in happiness. Because sometimes stepping in to help can cause more harm than good… or produce an unfortunate result. Mainly because, the person we are trying to aid resists our help and fights us every step of the way, and that definitely leaves one in a stunned place mentally. Since that is not how an act of kindness is supposed to be reciprocated. But the fact of the matter is, when the problem at hand for the person we care about is vast and troublesome and has fundamentally rattled the person in question, they might not be ready for help or to change the course of their life. Or they simply don’t want help or salvation and having to realize that… is heartbreaking for certain. Since it means the person we love will languish and spiral for far longer than we like… or forever if they never decide they want to leave their dark place and well… that tough lesson is of note today because it’s one that Sean and Julian were forced to learn in the season three finale of Servant. But it sure didn’t seem as though that was going to be the case early on in ‘Mama’. Because while Dorothy was initially still hesitant to accept help and the medications the doctor prescribed her, she eventually began to relent to everyone’s wishes and lowered her guard and opened up to her family, and for a time it really appeared as though… she was ready to turn over a new leaf and deal with the darkness within and be the person Sean, and Julian and Leanne knew she could be. In fact, she was so comfortable in the house once again that she was back to spending time with Leanne and she let her play with Jericho, and she even went so far as to make the family a stunning dinner. As a symbolic thank you of sorts. But alas… all this wonderful behavior was nothing more than a ruse. Because in silence, Dorothy was fuming. For she couldn’t believe that her family ‘turned’ on her and demanded that she be ‘better’ when she believed she had done nothing wrong. Making it clear that she didn’t want their help and support. She wanted their complacency and silence so that she could quietly plan the ultimate betrayal. One that spoke to the fact that no amount of love or help or care was ever going to change her. For she was so broken and shattered by what happened a year ago, that she accepted her negative feelings as the norm and there would be no deviating from that since she genuinely thought she knew best. Which led to a horrifying ending in this tale, wherein the plan to take Jericho in the middle of the night came to fruition and well… that incurred the wrath of Leanne and allowed for Dorothy to suffer some grave injuries for certain. The kind that we don’t know if she will recover from, and to make matters worse… Leanne’s old Uncle George is back in the mix and planning who knows what. Meaning that dark clouds are gathering on the horizon for this family. But while we wait to see what kind of storm awaits, we can offer up a round of applause for one supremely bleak and poignant tale. One that finally brought a reckoning forth for the Turner family for enabling Dorothy’s inner demons and for never once getting her the care she needs. Since such an act plunged her into total darkness, and it will be fascinating to see what will come out of this twist and the revelation that evil has returned when Servant returns to Apple TV+ for its fourth season. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the motion picture, ‘The Spine of Night’. Ask a group of people what they think are essential elements to a horror movie, and you’ll get back some pretty consistent answers. In that, it should have a monster of some sort, one so powerful and nightmarish that it sends chills down the spines of the audience when it appears on screen. Plus, they’ll also tell you that it should feature some quality gore, some amazing kills, and above all else, it should terrify the viewer through and through, courtesy of chilling moments and surprises and well… those are all fine answers to hear from people… because those elements are the standards for horror, and it means the genre has done a fine job of making it clear what to expect from it. But while it is wonderful to know that the genre has established expectations for its audience, it is important to remember that the genre’s wonder and structure can extend beyond the norms. For this is a type of story that can dig deep into the human condition and put our fears and struggles and societal problems on display. Plus, it can be dramatic if needed, and horror often fuses well with just about any genre. But of the many fascinating variations available when it comes to horror, the one that isn’t utilized enough… is animated horror. Which is surprising since the possibilities are endless through that format and to date, only a handful of creatives have really utilized its potential. But as the market demands more scary stories in any capacity, there’s a chance we might finally see more animated horror features arriving in our homes and in theaters and it just so happens, that Shudder is now host to a horror flick in this vein… that might just inspire others to go out and make more animated tales of terror courtesy of the quality of The Spine of Night. Which is an animated horror feature that transports us to a time in history that no one will recognize. For this is an era of the past… or the future… where the comforts we normally enjoy don’t exist and mankind lives in a world resembling the dark ages and what makes this era of note, is that it harbors great magic. The kind that greedy men are eager to get their hands upon and when they do… even darker times emerge. For the wrong man unleashes a genuine evil upon the world and it knows no bounds and its hunger for blood cannot be satiated and despite the best efforts of humanity to fight back against it, it would appear that there is no stopping this evil and its desires. But magic is all about balance and it knows that to put an end to this tipping of the scales toward darkness, a long dead champion will need to return to the land of the living… to put a stop to this madness at last. Now, that is a plot that some folks might not see as horror-themed in the slightest and it makes sense as to why. After all, those are some hardcore fantasy concepts right there, the kind ripped from the pages of a solid Dungeons & Dragons match or any good fantasy novel. But there is horror to be found in this tale, courtesy of the fact that whatever the villains of this story tap into… is quite Lovecraftian in nature. Complete with body modifications from our darkest nightmares and well, a hunger for blood and a need to surround oneself with it, is some old school horror for certain. The kind that evokes images akin to Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the horror elements present here extend beyond classic concepts. For the gore here is simply top notch and real or animated or not, splatter is a staple of the genre and there are buckets of it here. Plus, it also doesn’t hurt that this particular film… actually leans into some social commentary as well. For everything involving the Pantheon, where wealth and class inequality run rampant, has a modern world feel to it. Not to mention, the desire to see science be toppled and purged from this land because it is misunderstood and feared, has echoes of our modern world and the current battle mankind is fighting against the supremely stupid, anti-science movement. But above all else, where the commentary aspect of this story shines, is through the actions of its villains. Because the greed and desire and outright lust for power present here, serves to remind us that mankind is and will forever be the most dangerous monster of all. For when a man is drunk off of the wonder of power, and hungry for more of it, they will bring great suffering forth… as we’ve seen happen time and time again. If anything, this is just… a supremely refreshing horror film. One that really does a wonderful job of injecting all kinds of delightful horror elements into a medium that traditionally shies away from it and it really does work here. Courtesy of its dynamic and unique characters and a setting and universe that are masterfully crafted. Plus, it’s a wonderful thing that this movie also takes the time to tip its cap to other horror animated features from days gone by. Since the animation style here is heavily reminiscent of 1981’s Heavy Metal. In fact, one could claim this is a grand homage/spin-off of the segment ‘Den’ from that movie and heck, it wouldn’t have been surprising at all to see the Loc-Nar pop up here. But all of that aside, this movie really is quite the treat. So, if you’re looking for a vastly different kind of horror film to enjoy, one that is original and fun and entertaining… then swing by Shudder and give this one a look. You’ll be glad you did.
Please enjoy a sneak peek of Episode Five of Shining Vale, which will air on STARZ on March 27, 2022.
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January 2025