Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 313 of ‘Night Court’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
It is definitely safe to say, that we have people in our lives, that frustrate us to no end. They could be family members that grate us the wrong way or people we know in difference capacities, that do the same, but these are folks that just make our life difficult for a bevy of personal reasons, and that we understandably vilify and sometimes avoid. Because the thought of dealing with them, in any capacity, just turns our stomach and adds unnecessary anxiety to our lives. But what’s fascinating about these individuals, is that when they’re not hideously toxic, they actually have some kind of a positive impact upon our lives. Which may seem silly to read but think about it for a second. Because if that person irritates us to the point where we will do whatever we must to never resemble them, that is a positive. Not to mention, sometimes their nature pushes us to be better, so we can be free of them and well… that surprise reality is top of mind today, because it was featured during this week’s episode of Night Court on NBC. A feat that ‘A Few Good Hens’ accomplished by way of the return of the true thorn in Dan Fielding’s side, the Wheeler family. For they once again were in the Stone courtroom over some chicken related shenanigans. The kind that put them in tough trouble and made it seem as though Dan was going to lose this case hard. That was of concern for him, because he had a bet with Julianne that he would win all of his cases on this night. So, we saw Dan Fielding, at his best, and he worked the case in an incredible manner that allowed for Bob and Annie to not face the hard charges they were looking at and receive the kind of settlement that Dan hoped would chase them off for all time. Because that kind of money can keep even the unluckiest of folks at bay. But of course, fat chance there, since Bob spoke to a need for Dan in his life. But what was more important, is the Wheelers had a positive impact upon Dan. Because their shenanigans really drove him, and he really went the extra mile for them and showcased how talented he is as a lawyer and that truly hammered home that central theme in a lovely manner. But of course, what would an episode of this series be without zaniness and shenanigans? And that was handled by Abby here. Who was smitten to no end by a handsome man named Crash, and really didn’t see a single red flag. But that all changed when she learned that his full name was Crash Wheeler, and he was the black sheep of the family because well… he took a different path. Which gave Abby a smidge of hope that dating this Wheeler might end well. But soon… she learned that while you can take a Wheeler out of the overalls, you can’t take bad luck from a Wheeler, and his noisy, open mouth kisses, combined with spreading the hideous and well-known Wheeler luck, made it clear that she had to let this one go and that made… for some hilarious sequences and wild moments for sure. Not to mention, the writers just let loose in this episode. Since they gave Brent Spiner, Annie, O’Donnell, and Kate Micucci a lot to work with comedy wise, and their talents combined with the talents of the cast, led to a side spitting story really, and quite possibly the funniest episode of the series to date. Because the comedy was simply top notch here, and there are moments that this writer, and others, will have to revisit, to fully enjoy the gravity of the jokes and the ones that were delivered in a rapid-fire manner and well, this was just a perfect episode of the show. Because this one had it all, a unique message, great comedy and you can never go wrong with the Wheeler family finding their way back into the courtroom and it is good to know they might be back for more fun down the line. Until next time. Watch ‘Night Court’
Please enjoy this exclusive sneak peek from Episode 208 of Style Kings, which debuts on aspireTV tomorrow 8 p.m. EST! Episode 208 | "Trends, Codes, & Guidelines" Justin and Darnell source all things tile for Michelle’s home across multiple applications. Dedrick and the Alpha Derby exec team prepare for the party of the season for a good cause, and everyone’s unique outfit will be on full display! The two designers compare notes on how they navigate rules of thumb to stay stylish but timeless. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Eight of ‘The Hunting Party’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
One particular goal that each and every one of us hope to accomplish in our lifetime, is that we leave behind a powerful legacy. For there is a part of us that fully understands that life is short and that the end is an inevitability, and if we are able to leave our mark upon the world… we can live forever and be remembered in a wondrous manner. So, we push toward making that happen, and so many support that. Because it is at its core, a positive goal to push toward. One that oddly, we don’t bother to acknowledge is sometimes used in the darkest ways possible. Because some individuals understand their souls are so rotten, they’ll be forgotten when they’re gone, and because of that… history is littered with sour legacies as well. Ones so bad that we sometimes wonder… what the world would look like if someone stepped in, to stop them before they could cause harm, and that is why we turn to fiction. Since that’s a place where catharsis for such matters lie, and that’s why this week’s episode of The Hunting Party on NBC is of note. Because ‘Denise Glenn’ offered that catharsis through a harrowing story, full of twists and turns. For at first, it seemed as though this story was going to offer up a little status quo. In that, another monster from The Pit was back in the saddle again. Because a body that harbored the work of Denise Glenn, a serial killer who paid tribute to Greek icons/muses through her artful murders, popped up in her old stomping grounds. But there was just one problem with that assumption. In that, Denise did not do it. For she was found in the rubble, and she was placed behind bars, and that meant… a copycat of sorts was poking about. Someone who was clearly looking to complete her mission since she originally planned to offer nine tributes to nine muses and was stopped at six. But that seemed impossible, since it would require someone to intimately know a killer who was locked away, and the only close interaction she ever had, was through silence and sight. Since some of the killers and monsters in the Pit were tasked with watching her create art, for their own therapy. Which meant, in order to get answers and to stop this copycat/’hero’ worshipper, Bex was going to have to come face to face with Denise and that led… to some amazing storytelling. ![]()
Simply because, we enjoyed another tribute to Silence of the Lambs, plus… we were up close and personal, with a fascinating psychopath. For Denise loved to play games with people and see their reactions and see how best to best them mentally. Because she was depraved. But she also understood… that having someone else finish her work, would give her that sour legacy and let her be poured over for all time. But alas, she simply did not count upon dealing with Bex. Who was able to match Denise mentally, and discover, that a brief interaction after the Pit collapsed, allowed for Denise to anoint her successor. But since the team was now one step ahead with a name and a face, that never came to pass, and that monster was denied a legacy of any sort… and more… courtesy of a surprise ending.
But what mattered more, was that this story correctly pointed out, thanks to the brilliant writing of Keto Shimizu and David Loong, that legacy is something we all crave, be us good or rotten people and that when the right people stand tall in the face of those who want to leave a bloody mark to write theirs… true wonders can be accomplished. Which made for a brilliant episode, that still had more to offer. Granted, it was a little lighter on the Silo storyline, since all that came forth was an understanding that the Pit also has ties to a private pharmaceutical company, but that’s okay. Because in lieu of that… we got answers regarding Shane and his quest. Since we learned that he was adopted, and that he had deep ties to Dr. Dulles, who spent time counseling Shane in his youth and believed he could find Shane’s parents. So, Shane was sticking around and told that lie to find answers. Which was a relief to discover, since it means Shane remains noble and oddly… answers might be coming his way since Sarah was nice enough to hand over tapes that her father recorded of their sessions. All of which brought forth, just a magnificent episode when all is said and done. Because this one really did offer up an epic cat and mouse game between Bex and Denise and it was a real treat to watch Bex carefully read her and figure out how to best her. Not to mention, this is a story that saw little internal tension for a change, as though this team is now more than a motley crew squished together, but a well-oiled machine that is starting to respect one another and work with a flow that can only do good down the line, and that’s a good thing. Because with only two episodes left in the season, this team is likely waiting to face its biggest challenges and unity always helps in such matters, and it will be fascinating to see what hideous monsters and struggles lie ahead as season one inches toward its end. Until next time. Watch ‘The Hunting Party’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Twelve Finale of ‘When Calls the Heart’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
It is definitely safe to say that humanity has a complicated relationship with change. Because on the one hand, we sometimes crave it and sometimes yearn to have it come into our lives. Since we know change can spice things up and perhaps inspire us when we need that most. But at the same time, we lament it, and we go to great lengths to avoid it, as though it will somehow cause us more harm than good. When in fact, it is the only true constant in the universe, and it is constantly in our lives, and the sooner we realize that and just embrace it… will we find newfound peace and strength in life, as evidenced by the season twelve finale of When Calls the Heart on the Hallmark Channel. Because ‘Must Be Gold’ saw the residents of Hope Valley embrace change through and through and that led… to some lovely moments. After all, this is a story that saw everyone come together to finally solve the mystery of what happened to the gold. Because Rosemary needed an ending to her story and Edie needed closure in life, and that allowed for so many to pool their resources and figure out that it was buried in a sealed off well, and it was put there in the hopes that Edie would use it for financial well-being as a gift from her dearly departed. Granted, she did the right thing with it period, but the mystery was solved and this reflected how embracing change can close chapters in our lives in a wholesome manner. Speaking of chapters, new ones are also part of the nature of change and are easy to embrace when the situation is right, and it most certainly was in this tale. Because graduation was upon Hope Valley and that meant young minds were moving into new chapters and that was indeed celebrated. For when we are looking at new chapters, we instantly find hope and we instantly want to see the person enjoying one, succeed. That led to celebrations abound and even new beginnings for some, such as Oliver. Since he was granted a chance to be a Mountie in town to be closer to Allie, and well… all of that just reminded us of why we do have a soft spot for change and how beautiful it can be, in fact, perhaps the most touching moment regarding change, involved Millie and the gifts that were given to her and Angela in an effort to add to the wonder of that forthcoming change. But while those were indeed lovely storylines that spoke to some positivity regarding change, neither of them really reflects what happens when we truly embrace it. Because closing a chapter is easy and celebrating the hope it engenders is also simple. But there are moments where we are presented with intense change that can do a lot for us if we embrace it, and that was explored by the powerhouse finale of this story. Wherein little Jack had a scare because of some warmed insulin and well, Elizabeth was faced with a choice that could bring forth huge change. In that, she could either hope this was a one off and not worry about it, or head to a better facility that could get him stabilized and return home when that had taken place. The latter of which was the right choice but meant leaving behind her home and a brighter future in education since her work was about to be presented to all. But in the end, she chose to get Jack on the train and toward that facility and making that choice and embracing the change that would bring forth to her life, helped Nathan to realize how much he loved Elizabeth and how badly he needed her. So, he and Allie opted to go with her, and be with her, and be a family, regardless of stress or cost… or the change to their lives. But that’s what happens when we embrace change, we just go for it, and we see where the day will take us, and we chase after what we really want and that was a beautiful way to wrap up this season’s storylines and set the stage for next year’s. For season thirteen officially has a green light, and that’s lovely. Since we simply must know what will happen on this family’s new adventure and so we can enjoy more amazing lessons from this thoughtful and heartwarming series. Until next year. Watch ‘When Calls the Heart’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 303 of ‘Dark Winds’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
One particular truth in life that we go to great efforts to avoid, is that there will always be consequences for our actions. For the universe believes in balance over anything else, and no matter how hard we try to keep our actions out of sight or justify them, it will exert that balance through consequences. Some of them will be large and devastating in nature, while others will be smaller and frustrating, depending upon what we are trying to keep out of sight. But they will come and well… this is top of mind today, simply because Joe Leaphorn and Bernadette Manuelito dealt with this in the next episode of Dark Winds on AMC. For ‘Ch’į́į́dii (Ghosts)’ featured consequences big and small for this duo, with Bernadette dealing with the latter. Because she came to learn that Spenser’s muscle, Roberto C. ‘Budge’ de Baca, was keeping tabs upon her and made sure to return her service revolver as an olive branch. Which gave Bernadette an option in her case, either enjoy the stalemate and let things be, or keep pushing forward on her investigation, and she of course, chose to push. Because she knew something was happening and that led… to consequences… despite her best efforts to keep her search on the down low. For Spenser arranged a fine dinner in Mexico between her and Budge. Wherein she learned that Budge and Spenser were formidable forces, since she was left to fend for herself in Mexico, to make it clear she needed to back off, and that warning was her consequence and paled in comparison to Leaphorn’s journey. Who at first, did not seem to be dealing with any consequences at all. Because despite taking some injuries in the last episode, he and Chee were hot on the trail of their suspect and that brought them to a chili farm just up the way from the cabin. Wherein they met some very strange individuals that clearly knew something about the case at hand but did their best to just keep Joe and Chee at bay. But of course, secrets always come out and eventually Joe was able to learn that the boys were at that farm often and recently ticked off the group’s leader. But before justice could be served on such matters, the farm was abandoned and its leader escaped in the red truck that was involved in the murder, stretching this case out and leaving wounded in its wake. ![]()
But in between that progress on the case, there were consequences that came to light for Joe and his actions with BJ Vines. Mainly because, two little girls who were out playing, found his freakin’ body. Or what was left of it, rather. For six months of decay left behind a bushel of beard and not much else and that of course… ignited something within Agent Washington. Who prompted Joe to take her to the crime scene to work the clues and that in turn… forced Joe to face his actions and that did not go well. Since it put his mind in a panicked place and left him in an uncomfortable position where keeping his cool and being the strongest investigator at the scene was not possible. Since Vines was truly coming back to haunt him, and there is a real sense that will only be a matter of time before Agent Washington puts two and two together.
A sense that was reinforced by the fact… that Joe’s family found out about it and offered up some unique responses for it. Because Joe’s dad, Henry, was over the moon that justice, be it off the books, prevailed in this moment, and that put Emma in a dark place. Wherein she realized that her husband lied to her and crossed all the wrong lines and that led to a powerful confrontation. One where the spiritual world and the real world collided, since she spoke to how Joe had done the family a hideous disservice by letting the spirit of Vines hang about their family, and how he had sullied the memory of their son. Because now, justice was mired in revenge and blood, and that left Joe in silence and of the understanding, that the chickens had indeed come home to roost and consequences were now in front of him. All of which made, for a magnificent story. Simply because, what Joe did here, is often glossed over in the genre. As though the grey justifies necessary evil when the time is right. So, to see consequences come into play was quite powerful and quite refreshing, and now Joe is going on a powerful journey. One that will test him in ways he never thought possible. Yet, while that will be fascinating to see play out, this episode also made it seem as though Bernadette and Joe/Jim’s cases are on a collision course. Since the creepy chili farmers had a picture of Bernadette in their barn, and well… all of these elements will have us counting down the minutes to next week’s tale. To enjoy more thoughtful moments involving Joe and to see where these fascinating cases are headed. Until next time. Watch ‘Dark Winds’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Seven of ‘The Americas’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
When we think of the mountains, very specific imagery and thoughts come to mind. That of giant, rocky, snow-capped peaks and lush trees and biomes that are pretty easy to distinguish. Because in our travels, we’ve seen a lot of mountain ranges that go from forest to rock quickly, and that also prompts us to think upon specific wildlife that lives in those places, and how the higher we go, the scarer life gets. Because there does come a point where oxygen is of concern. But what’s fascinating about those images and thoughts, is that they are only… somewhat correct. For while there are mountain ranges that resemble that, there are some, that harbor so much more. Take for instance, the long and winding Andes Mountain range. For this massive range, one that basically serves as the spine of South America, is more than those visuals, as evidenced by the next episode of The Americas on NBC. For ‘The Andes’ showcased every peak of this mountain range and that allowed for us to learn… that closer to the equator, these rocky peaks are teeming with lush jungle-like foliage and so much life. For instance, there are bears that live in this part of the range, that actually manage to scale the sharp cliffs. For this is their home and this is where they thrive, and they are not alone in these mountains. For there are also amazing varietals of birds that live here and compete with one another for a mate, making this part of the Andes akin to the most bustling biomes on our planet. Not to mention, in the segments we often think are devoid of life, there are species that have figured out how to handle the harshest of conditions. After all, there are frogs in the higher points of the Andes, that set out on an important quest to find a mate when the seasons are right, and to any other species of frog, this would be a perilous and costly quest. For where they live, the temperatures swing hard and fast. To the point where there is a deep freeze nightly that should cost them their lives. But these hearty little frogs can freeze and resurrect to keep their species going and they’re not alone in finding ways to adapt to the harshness of this range. Since there are also precious little ducks that harbor feathers that can handle just about any temperature, allowing for them to move about ugly environments with ease. Plus, even in the worst possible conditions in the Andes, where desolation and silence should be the norm, there are still animals making their way about to find a meal and thrive. For there are lizards in the salt flats that know how to eat and garner hydration through the unique flies that feed off of the salty brine that exists in what should be a wasteland, and even at the highest reaches, life finds a way. Since the pink flamingos we know and love, live in this part of the range as well. Since the unique lakes that are far from prying eyes sustain them and give them everything they need. Because life on Earth, is just resilient and hearty, and it simply adapts. Because it’s drive is strong and seeing how it is has found a way in some of the harshest mountains possible, made for one stunning tale. Because in addition to those amazing stories, we were also treated to some breathtaking visuals. The kind that showcased volcanoes in this place, and hauntingly gorgeous spots that we might never see without the help of shows like this. One that continues to offer up an amazing journey through a region of the world that is long overdue for this kind of examination, and it will be interesting to see what other visuals and stories await us, as we inch toward the end of this magnificent adventure through the Americas. Until next time. Watch ‘The Americas’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Grosse Pointe Garden Society’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
It is definitely safe to say that season one of the magnificent new NBC series, Grosse Pointe Garden Society, will go down as one of the finest explorations of modern America ever put upon the small screen. For not only has the series taken the time to explore the duality of the American Dream in the 21st century, and what’s driving some of our divides and our darkness. But it has also taken the time to explore how our desire to hold to old concepts, such as the majesty of suburbia, and what American life should look like, has left us confused, and listless and unable to handle matters that are evolving away from old haunts. Such as the relationships that mean the world to us… for they no longer resemble what was once the watermark for love and marriage in the age of Americana. In fact, that particular conundrum is top of mind today, simply because it was front and center in this week’s episode of the show. A feat that ‘Pollination’ accomplished by deeply examining all the relationships in this show and how they relate to that central concept. For instance, Birdie and Joel’s storyline explored how… we are taught in America that love is a dream-like experience that will bring us endless joy when we commit to it. But we soon learn that it is in fact, hard, and doesn’t always go as planned and brings about hurt. Hurt that prompts us to wall off our emotions and reserve them until we find the dream partner, and that prevents us from finding happiness. Since Joel revealed he’s in a loveless marriage and Birdie does want to be close to someone, and well, they clearly want each other and connect but won’t. Because the lessons they’ve learned about love have confused them. As for Catherine, well she and Tucker took the time to explore how the expectations we have of a perfect marriage in America, can create the problems that divide couples no problem. For we truly believe that men are to be stoic and unemotional and that women are best seen and not heard, and in a relationship in America… the bond should fix all things. But they were a couple in crisis here. One that realized that a happy marriage goes beyond status and stature. It requires honest communication, and effort and moments that spice things up, and their learning of that lesson… allowed for it come out that Tucker tuned Gary up because of the emotions he hid behind, and Catherine made it clear she wants to feel desired, and she found ways to express that. Granted, that meant putting on QUITE the show for the help, but the lesson was there. ![]()
Plus, this episode also took the time to deeply explore the flawed dynamic between Brett and Alice, and how that also ties into some of those outdated concepts of traditional relationships. Since Brett was livin’ that bachelor life by hitting up the apps and having some fun. Which meant that Alice went ignored and she of course, raised a stink about that. Because she enjoyed the balance she had and how she could have the best of both worlds with Brett in her life. But Brett had his own needs and wants and needed that intimacy and that led to a battle, one where it was pointed out that Alice really did expect him to be at her beck and call. All because, in our modern world, there’s this belief that we can find others to compensate our needs when our relationship doesn’t supply it all, and we hold to that, rather than make what we have a billion times better.
All of which was a powerful exploration on modern love, and the flaws we’ve created because we are so immersed in dreams of perfect love and the belief that smooth sailing in love comes naturally. When in fact, it requires work and a reality check and that made for a powerful story that fleshed out this world further… and of course… this episode didn’t forget to further explore the nightmare to come. In fact, this episode’s flash forward took the time to ponder upon how… the Garden Society might not be looking at a clean getaway after all. Because Catherine and Birdie, who were in charge of moving Quiche’s body and car, needed gas, and of course… had zero money on hand. Which prompted them to find drugs on Quiche’s body to use in trade and that trade ended… with Catherine giving up a bracelet that harbored an inscription. One that could tie her, and her friends, to the crime. Not to mention, more clues arrived in this tale. Since we know Quiche spent some time at the bar where Misty slings drinks and Gary, happened to have some good drugs on him. But as always, time will tell on such matters, and in the meantime, we need to celebrate another thoughtful tale from this series. One that really explored the simple things we are missing when it comes to our relationships and how and why we are missing them. Along with adding new depth to the characters, since Tucker is even more mysterious than expected and well, it’s safe to say we are simply craving more from this brilliant series. For the death of Quiche and their identity is as compelling as the time we spend with these characters, who reflect us all in some way… and our struggles in trying to navigate a world that is locked into concepts and other such fluff, over what is important and right in front of us. Until next time. Watch ‘Grosse Pointe Garden Society’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Suits LA’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
When we make the decision that we are going to buckle down and reinvent ourselves and make great changes to our lives, we are supremely excited and rightfully so. Because the whole point of going this route is to improve our mental health and put ourselves on a path that brings us a sense of fulfillment we are missing in our lives. So, we attack this new chapter with vigor and gusto, out of the belief that we can impact change quickly since we are committed to it, only for us to learn… this will not go the way we expected it to. Because change takes time, and sadly… old habits are hard to break, and they will pop up in the midst of our push to be someone new. In fact, those old habits will cause harm and help us to stumble and fall, and we will find ourselves frustrated, and this is where people step away from reinvention since now it’s hard and it seems as though it won’t come to fruition. If anything, the mistake portion of reinvention is top of mind today, simply because it was front and center in the next episode of Suits LA on NBC. For ‘You’re on Your Own’ brought Lester’s trial to the forefront of the story, and well… this was it. This was Ted Black’s big chance to reinvent himself at long last, and for a time it seemed as though this lesson wasn’t going to be an issue at all. Because Ted was prepped, cool, and ready to take it to the prosecution. But… a surprise discovery on their part sent the case reeling and prompted the team to try something bold. Because Elizabeth came to discover an article had been published that exposed Lester’s settlement with his wife, and she wanted time to subpoena the transcripts of that conversation and bring it into evidence and well, that made Amanda nervous. Because something similar happened when Amanda was battling Elizabeth in court and that prompted her to theorize that Elizabeth was somehow planting stories like this to gain the upper hand, and well… that prompted Ted to have her, and Kevin prove that. Because in this instance, and eye for an eye seemed appropriate, but sadly… getting that information, for it turned out to be true, ignited something awful within Ted. ![]()
After all, we know that back in his New York days, playing dirty and doing questionable things in the name of the pursuit of justice was a standard for him. Despite the danger it brought forth since we learned his actions, cost that poor comedian he used to advance the case, his life. And while that was indeed something he wanted to leave behind… those old habits die hard. Which led to a physical confrontation with Stuart to take out his frustrations on the matter before he learned of Elizabeth’s shady machinations, and he also… resorted to those old haunts. Since he hid Lester for a day to ensure that his team had the time to get the job done. But the right maneuvering from Elizabeth, meant nothing special was going to happen, and that in turn… led to a horrible day in court and a hard scolding for Ted from Amanda. Since she laid into him for taking the dirty play further than needed and for jeopardizing the case in the process.
But before we break down how that relates to the central theme, we need to discuss how things will go from bad to worse in this case. Because while Ted was maneuvering about, Erica and Kevin were working on something huge, and game-changing for the trial for all the wrong reasons. Because Kevin was deeply bothered by something Lester said often in his statements, since those words sounded… movie-esque. Which was why he brought Erica in on the matter, and she in turn brought in Rick. Since he had read everything, Lester had ever written and well, they discovered, that Lester was quoting his own film, and that kind of behavior meant he was hiding something. That pushed Kevin… to pull the truth out of Lester and what he learned… put everything in jeopardy. For Lester admitted to killing his production partner and now nothing will ever be the same and there’s a chance the firm will collapse because of Ted’s choice to defend him and also because… of the mistakes he made. Because he truly learned the hard way that reinvention takes time and it requires us to let go of the person we once were, and Ted just isn’t there yet, and we do indeed pay the price for those mistakes. All of which made for a powerful tale, one that blended together the courtroom stuff we love about this franchise while continuing to offer up a fascinating character study. One that also took the time to explore Rick and Erica’s relationship and what drives Stuart. But alas, that will indeed be overshadowed by the chaos present here, and it will be interesting to see what the fallout of Lester’s admission is going to be, when Ted learns about it. Until next time. Watch ‘Suits LA’
Please enjoy this sneak peek and synopsis of Episode 303 of Dark Winds, which debuts on AMC and AMC+, tomorrow!
#pisode 303 – "Ch’į́į́dii" (Ghosts) – Premieres Sunday, March 23 at 9pm ET/PT on AMC; Available to Stream on AMC+ After a close call, Leaphorn and Chee follow the trail of a new suspect. The discovery of a body sends Special Agent Washington in a different direction. Manuelito puts a target on her back as she digs deeper into the mystery. Directed by Michael Nankin Written by Max Hurwitz and Billy Luther Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() One particular bit of advice that we hear often in this world, is that we should chase our dreams, no matter the cost, and it makes sense as to why we hear that. Because our dreams are supremely important. For they ignite something special within us and push to do something wondrous in this world. Something that will fulfill us and bring us untold peace and joy. So, we make it clear that all should go for it, ourselves included… only for us to learn that said advice… harbors some flaws along the way. For instance, we come to learn down the line that chasing our dreams is hard and will at times, harbor setbacks, and that’s shocking… as is what accompanies those stumbling blocks. In that, sometimes along the way, we will encounter people who think dreams are for suckers, and that people are better served being practical in life. Not to mention, life sometimes slows down our quest and makes it seem impossible. All of which leaves us wondering, why on earth no one was honest about how the world can be bitter about dreams, despite their wonder and of course… what we do to overcome those roadblocks to achieve our calling. To be close to what will make us endlessly happy. Well, it just so happens, that a brand-new series on Apple TV+ explores those very elements in BE@RBRICK. Which are feats that this new show accomplishes… by way of a magnificent story. For in this tale, we are transported to the town of Vinylville, wherein we meet Jasmine. Who informs us that this town… is very much like the world. Wherein the path your parents walk, tends to be path you will walk in adulthood, and if that doesn’t work… you will be selected for something that suits your skill set. All so you can be a thriving member of this well-oiled machine of a society and well, Jasmine isn’t good with that. Simply because, she loves music, and she would love to be a singer, with her best friends at her side in a band, where they can all express their creativity and live their dream. In fact, they’re so eager to have what they want, they push to make it happen, setting forth a showdown with a town that cannot fathom such rebellion. Which is… the perfect way to ponder upon all of those elements. Since that story, presents the world as it is, where dreams are only embraced by fellow dreamers and a handful of open minds. While the rest of the world expects folks to conform and only worry about how they can keep the engine running. Which leads to some stunning commentary and some powerful moments that give us pause, but also ignite inspiration within us. Since the story also makes it clear, that while the world might say no. Or tell us we are being foolish; we should never stop dreaming and we should never give up on what calls to us. Because when you are meant for something more, you should never settle. But to also, be ready for a fight to have it, since breaking norms is never easy. All of which brings forth, a brilliant family series really. One that harbors a story that immerses you as much as it teaches you. Since you are vested in Jasmine’s plight, and you want to see her and her band find success and enjoy the majesty of living one’s dream. But make no mistake, this is about that struggle, about how hard it can be and how important it is to never give up on what calls to us, and that’s a huge deal. Since it offers kids some fascinating lessons that no other family shows have taken the time to present, and in many ways… it also serves as a love letter to creativity. But the best news of all, is that you can enjoy this dynamic new series now, for season one is streaming on Apple TV+ and we hope you give it a look. For this one is special, and truly offers up a stunning examination of a journey that all of us will go upon in some capacity. |
March 2025