Written by John Edward Betancourt
This piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
It is definitely safe to say, that grown-up horror fans in the world, all harbor a similar origin story as to how they came to love the genre. One that involved trips to the video store on the weekends and some begging and pleading for mom and dad to let them rent the video with the scary monster on the cover, only for them to endure regret and terror, and eventually, wonder, the kind that stems from when they enjoyed the rush that the film gave them, and the safety it provided them with to work out some deep rooted fears of the dark or more. And if by chance that wasn’t how it went down, then good old-fashioned cable did the trick since it was easy to find horror there, and if all else failed… Saturday nights were the way to go. Because everyone’s town had a late-night block of horror programming, from epic B-movie horror features to Tales from the Darkside, and those 90s horror fans got their start hanging out with the Crypt Keeper while watching Tales from the Crypt. But regardless of how horror fans uncovered the majesty of horror, the bottom line is that there was no easy or safe path for them to explore horror’s wonder. Just a push into its world and all of its gore, but that particular truth about horror is beginning to change before our eyes. For those young horror fans are now adults and they want anyone young and curious about the genre to ease their way into it, and it just so happens that Apple TV+ is now home to a story that accomplishes just that. For Curses! is a brand-new animated family show, that is quite frankly… a gateway horror story. One that introduces us to the Vanderhouven family. Which is made up of Alex, his wife Sky, and their two kids, Russ, and Pandora. And they are a family of intellects and explorers and they… are dealing with quite the crisis in their lives. Because Alex is aware of quite the secret regarding his family. In that, a generations long curse hangs over them and it is about to take root in this latest iteration of the family, and sadly… while he works to solve it and lift it so his children will never have to deal with it, it takes hold of him. Forcing his family into unknown sections of their vast house to discover terrors and secrets untold, all in the name of lifting the curse from the family for all time. Which at first glance feels akin more to an adventure story over horror but make no mistake about it; this is a gateway horror story. For in the dark, and in the forbidden sections of the Vanderhouven estate are incredible elements of horror. Not monsters that induce nightmares a la Pennywise the Clown, mind you, but horrors for certain. Courtesy of unique beings that are quite off kilter, and scares and dangers untold, and that makes for a brilliant series. One that really does allow for children to confront the core elements of horror, and overcome them in a safe environment and learn that horror is fun, and that it can offer an individual a lot and the wonder of this story doesn’t end with its ability to introduce the next generation to the genre that kept the last generation staring at the shadows in their room at two in the morning. For this is still a family entertainment show at its core, and that means there are wonderful messages to find within the story. The kind that informs the children watching, that they are stronger than they carry within them an incredible skill set, and that they should be brave when needed. And those are critical lessons to learn for someone young, and ones they need to hear, and well, all of these elements make this series a true delight. For it really does introduce kids to a genre that parents aren’t eager for them to watch in a safe manner that will allow them to properly transition to the darker stuff when the time is right. All while providing them with an engaging and fun story, that is unique in every way imaginable, including its visual presentation, and the best news of all… is that your kids can start watching this right away. For Curses! is streaming on Apple TV+, and we certainly hope you give it a look, since it is a refreshing show, filled with wonder and the right amount of terror. Watch ‘Curses!’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 808 of ‘Fear the Walking Dead’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
Forgiveness is a concept that human beings struggle deeply with, and understandably so. Because when someone has wronged us, we hold onto that tightly, and use it as fuel to gain revenge in some form or fashion, and we use it to pursue a form of justice as needed and well… if the option comes forth to forgive the person that harmed us, that means… we have to let go of all of that. That which defines us, that which fuels us and gives us strength and that is a tough reality to accept. Because who will we become if we let that darkness go? So, we tend to say we will never forgive, and we forge ahead, oblivious to the consequences that not accepting forgiveness will send our way. Because to not forgive can create all kinds of problems for us. It can poison our soul for instance and push us down a dark path where we think we are making progress, when in fact… we are going backwards and falling to pieces in the process. Not to mention, it can prompt us to lash out if we ever see the person that wronged us and push us to create a vicious cycle of emotional violence. Wherein we try to harm them as much as they harmed us, and that isn’t healthy and can be problematic… when they have taken the time to do what we have not, and healed and reconciled their actions. If anything, the problem with not opening up to forgiveness is top of mind today, simply because it served as the central theme of this week’s episode of Fear the Walking Dead. But… not right away. For ‘Iron Tiger’ opened up with a journey to one of the fueling outposts that P.A.D.R.E. used in the past to keep its motorboats and other vehicles running. And Madison and her coalition of the willing were hoping to find fuel to prepare for the fight ahead. Instead, what they discovered was an old friend in Luciana. Who as it turned out, took this job under some difficult emotional conditions. For she still felt awful about what she did to Daniel in season seven, and since Shrike and the others wanted Daniel gone for being too old, she took this gig in exchange for his freedom and stepped away for atonement and that… set the ball in motion regarding the deeper theme. Since in some ways, Luciana had not forgiven herself for her actions and that needed to happen. However, a larger surprise relating to this arrived at the outpost… in the form of Charlie. Who Luciana wanted to keep away from Madison and rightfully so, since Charlie did indeed pull the trigger on Nick and ended his life in the process. And well, sadly, Luciana was unable to keep the two of them apart and the truth quickly came out and that sent Madison into a rage. One where she wanted to inflict harm and find justice through more toxic means than the forgiveness she should have offered. Because Charlie did express remorse and a willingness to atone for her mistake. But Madison ignored all that. She instead wanted blood for Nick’s blood, and she guilted Charlie into finding Troy and killing him to make things right, by using the same skill set she used to get into the baseball stadium.
A move that Charlie agreed to, to give Madison that peace, only to have the plan backfire. Since Troy spotted the tanker truck of fuel Charlie was driving into his stead quickly, and sadly… her cover was blown and that gave Troy… everything he needed for leverage. For he knew Madison would come for someone associated with P.A.D.R.E. and he knew he could use Charlie as a bargaining chip, especially since he overheard Madison pleading with her to return to base. Because he knew his old ‘friend’ well and that helped him to prepare a trap for his old crew, but alas, that plan literally went up in flames. For Charlie set that tanker on an explosive timer, and once it went, chaos ensued and the nearby dead were alerted and well… that complicated the showdown that Madison and Troy endured, because it was rushed and careless and desperate.
But the most heartbreaking aspect of that showdown, came forth because Madison learned about the importance of forgiveness far too late. Because it turned out that Charlie and Luciana went back for Nick’s remains somewhere down the line, and they cremated what was left in the hopes of giving him better when the time was right. Which Madison would now be able to do, and learning about how remorseful Charlie truly was, and understanding that she had learned from her mistakes, is what changed Madison’s mind, and brought forth that pleading, and this rescue mission, to try and save a life and offer Charlie absolution. But alas, Charlie understood the situation and the danger of being the bargaining chip. For Madison was ready to risk everything to save Charlie, including handing over the location of the island, and Charlie could not live with that, so she took matters into her own hands, regarding her own life. Which left everyone… devastated really. Because Charlie’s end was needless and avoidable, had there been forgiveness. But now, an innocent that managed to survive radiation poisoning through her new home and their medical stores… was gone forever and the emotional fallout was great. Since Daniel no longer wanted to stand with Madison, not in this state, and he also did not want to follow her path. So, he forgave Luciana, who offered her own forgiveness, giving them peace and a chance at being the close friends and chosen family they once were before heading off, and well… that revelation and the reality that she had to be better, prompted a powerful decision from Madison as well. In that, she could no longer lead, and she had to find peace and figure out how to perhaps make real peace with Troy as well. So, she left Strand in charge and stepped out, into the rough and tumble world. All of which, made for a supremely somber and dark episode. One that truly explored the power of forgiveness and why we must embrace it, regardless of how difficult an act that can be. For had Madison listened, processed, grieved, and let go, Charlie would still be alive and needless violence would have been avoided. But alas, that kind of lesson and clarity only arrives by screwing up and letting our stubbornness take charge and well, it will be interesting to see where this story goes now. Because just like that, this conflict means less than it did a week ago, and everyone appears to be a more reflective place regarding who they are and what they want out of life, and what their future should look like. Leaving us to wonder… will the finale indeed be the bloodbath that’s been hinted at? Or is something deeper and more philosophical about to come into play? Until next time. Watch ‘Fear the Walking Dead’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 203 of ‘Shining Vale’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
Something that stories across all genres rarely cover, is what families do after a traumatic experience has entered their lives. Sure, they’re happy to show us the moment itself and the love they share and the healing they try to take part in, but beyond that… we don’t see people pick up the pieces, and we don’t know how they cope with the realities of what happened and how one heals from that. Which is why Shining Vale is such an important horror series on STARZ. Because it is taking the time to not only creep us out and offer all the black humor that makes the show great, but it is also really exploring what the Phelps family must do to recover from the painful events that happened in their new home, as evidenced by this week’s episode. For ‘Chapter 11: The Goat’ saw some peace settle into their lives. For Pat’s book was out and people were buying it, and there was finally some honesty in the household regarding what happened that fateful day, and that honesty… went a long way. Because it gave Terry clarity and potentially a way forward to heal his memory. Wherein he would return to work and get into a routine and hopefully have so much unlocked in the process. Which both hindered and helped Terry unfortunately. Because while there were echoes of the past, and familiar moments, there was confusion too. Mainly because he experienced a strong pull to Kathryn, and that left Terry worried about his standing as a husband in the relationship. Which eventually helped him to learn, that he and Kathryn shared a moment and a stolen kiss and that broke Terry to a certain extent. Because he couldn’t stand the thought of being the bad husband, especially at such a precarious time. Which prompted him to go the extra mile and work to impress Pat and make her feel special and loved and hopefully he could rekindle everything. Granted, there were missteps there, since he absolved Pat of her own sin, without knowing said sin existed and of course… he tried to feed her food that was dangerous from an allergy and recovery perspective. But the underlying ties to the theme were clear. This was a storyline about forging bonds in dark times and healing, and forgiveness goes into that, and it was lovely to finally see a story explore those steps in detail.
Not to mention, this story also explored how the end of a crisis can bring about second chances. Since Gaynor faced quite the surprise in this tale. In that… she took her ACTs while mom and dad were healing, just to see what she would score, and as it turned out… the test results, reaffirmed her intelligence and her potential. Because she got every single question right, and she realized that if she chose to go to college, she could be free of the events of the past few months and could enjoy a new beginning, and she pondered deeply upon doing just that during this tale. But alas, she was deeply worried that things might go south again, and she couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Jake and her dad behind in the midst of a new crisis, and that created great conflict within her about taking advantage of freedom.
Which… were valid feelings. Because all healing aside, there were more chilling moments to be found in this tale. Since Pat was also being haunted often by terrible dreams. The kind that brought old memories and ghosts to life and spoke of a deeper evil lurking in this house. One that wanted badly to be near her. Which she ignored for a time and shook off as nothing more than being related to the tea that seemingly healed everything about her and revitalized every aspect of youth possible. But eventually those dreams took a worrisome turn. Since they pushed the envelope and saw that evil potentially get as intimate with Pat as possible. Giving rise to new risks in a place where darkness thrives. All of which brought forth, another amazing episode from an outright amazing series. Because this was the perfect blend of humanity and horror. Since we were indeed treated to a rare sight in storytelling regarding how we pick up the pieces, alongside some scary and spooky visuals. The kind that evoked echoes of Rosemary’s Baby, and were unsettling in nature, and they of course… set the stage for an ugly journey ahead. One that will once again question the reality of this nightmare or if we are bearing witness to a haunting for the ages and well, all this does is leave us eager for more. To see which is the case and how this intrepid family will deal with the new crisis brewing within their broken home. Until next time. Watch ‘Shining Vale’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Seven of ‘Goosebumps’ (2023). To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
For the most part, horror stories follow pretty standard formulas when the hero or heroes of the story are trapped in a place that could bring them great harm. In that, they either find a way to lure the monster into where it trapped them so they can trap it and escape, or they figure out the weakness of the trap that surrounds them. So, they can get out with the monster being none the wiser and fight back and bring the story to a glorious close, and well… those formulas work, and that’s why they stick around. Because they entertain and engage and add chills and thrills. But every once in a while, you run into a horror story that wants to break those conventions to surprise us and up the ante, and Goosebumps (2023) on Disney+ happens to be one of those stories. For ‘Give Yourself Goosebumps’ took us in a vastly different direction regarding this old problem. For the kids came to discover that Biddle had trapped them within the pages of the journal by telling them the story of how he came to hurt, and that in turn, meant they had to figure out how to escape the horrors of this place, this void. Which at first, didn’t go well. Because every single exit, led to darkness or nothing, and that left them all wondering how they could escape, and their spirits were lowered further on the matter by the arrival of Mister Bratt’s consciousness. Which was trapped here as well, and since he hadn’t escaped… well it seemed there was no hope for them ever seeing their families or their lives again. But Isabella came to learn that they needed to watch the darkness carefully, for it had its own clues and secrets and that helped her to discover, a light. One that seemed to lead to a way out of this nightmare, and that made it seem as though… formula was in play. But when she arrived in this other world, it turned out to be nothing but a disaster. For it was just an echo of Port Lawrence High when Biddle was a student there, and in its darkened halls, were all the souls that Biddle and Slappy claimed in the name of evil. Which meant, there was no escape here, just darkness and worry, and that prompted a rescue from her friends and sunk them further. For it really seemed as though, Harold had them through and through, and getting out would be impossible. Thankfully though, a mistake during the rescue, sparked hope again. Simply because Mister Bratt discovered that pain here, let him roam about the world in his body briefly. Which gave everyone the idea that perhaps inflicting great pain, meant he could take control of his body long enough… to write the kids, and himself out of the journal, giving them all freedom and a chance to stop Biddle before it was too late. But despite being able to gain more control and see what was happening in the world, Bratt kept losing control since Biddle had so much power. Which led to more beatings and more slivers of hope, all for naught. Because just when it seemed that Bratt could save them all, Biddle through the journal out of the car both minds were driving, into a puddle no less. Which might destroy the world our heroes are trapped in. All of which made, for a lovely and unconventional horror tale. Where the heroes made minimal progress and found themselves in deeper trouble, and that was refreshing to see. Because it truly tossed those tropes out of the window and informed us of how long Biddle has thought about his plans and how best to execute him. Making him a formidable and strong opponent that has assets everywhere and he will be tough to beat. But what mattered more, is that we were treated to a story filled with surprises and truly… we are left worried regarding our heroes. Because no good can come of their current situation and we will now be waiting with bated breath to see if they can escape the hell that Biddle has made for them, or if more unconventional surprises await us. Until next time. Watch ‘Goosebumps’ (2023)
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 403 of ‘Creepshow’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
Some unfortunate truths about our world that none of us like to talk about, is that there are bad people in this world, and they rarely find themselves accountable. And that isn’t something we enjoy pointing out, because it bothers us to no end… that they don’t face the justice they deserve. Because they do bad things, and they hurt people… and they tend to be unsavory individuals themselves, and it just isn’t fair that they don’t face hardships and are continued to allow to do the horrible things they do. So, in order to cope, we simply chalk it up to the fact that we live in a cruel world and there’s little we can do about it but make the best of our lives, and that does indeed seem to bring us comfort. But what we often forget about… is the sheer fact that karma is something of a reality. Granted, it may relate more so to causality and time, but karma is out there none the less, and eventually the darkness these individuals put into the world tends to find them and hold them accountable in its own special way. Which means that we might not see how they suffer and atone for their sins, but we should take comfort in the fact that eventually, the lies will be exposed, and justice will indeed be served and well, karma is top of mind today, simply because the next episode of Creepshow on Shudder puts the wonder of karma on full display. Courtesy of two twisted tales of terror that feature… some woefully horrible people that deserve a taste of what the universe has to offer. For ‘Parent Death Trap’ introduces us to a young man named Lyle, who while he has been born into money and everything he could ever want, is miserable. For his parents are insufferable jerks and they consistently tear him down and abuse him emotionally, and that suffering doesn’t end until the day he snaps… and kills them. Of course, he gets away with it, even when a long-lost love comes into his life, giving rise to the audience wanting to see some karma come his way, because it takes a real crappy guy to act like that. Whereas ‘To Grandmother’s House We Go’ introduces us to a gold digger named Marcia, who has fallen upon hard gold digger times. For the family of the man she married, to inherit his fortune, has denied her any funds, outside of what her stepdaughter needs, and she is miserable and eager to make some money. And it would seem a voyage to see grandma will accomplish that. For she is ill and once she dies, the money is in hand, and well… this too frustrates us because Marcia is straight trash.
But what matters more… is that karma does indeed come into play for these a-holes. But not before we really come to hate them. Because Lyle really is a manipulative little jackass, who is eager to use the pity dear Violet sends his way to enjoy her love in every possible way. And of course, he makes sure to handle the money just right so most of it stays away from the IRS and the police, who are curious about his parent’s transactions, and that is why the ending of his tale is so satisfying. Since we learn that Violet is just as bad as he is, and out to grab his fortune because of the sins of her own trash parents and that brings about… sweet karma. Where Lyle finally pays the piper for hurting his parents and for letting wanton death be his legacy and that does indeed remind us that while it might take years, since it took four for this to happen… eventually the tax man of the universe comes calling.
Whereas Marcia’s karma is a bit more straightforward. Because she hurts a lot of people in this tale, and truly makes every effort to piss off and insult anyone that isn’t on her side or isn’t eager to pay her lazy butt a dime, and she of course treats little Ruby akin to an indentured servant, so it brings forth great satisfaction when we see her encounter great trouble on the road to collect her money. Because a werewolf finds her and Ruby in the middle of the road in the middle of the night, and she is forced to endure great fear and find survival skills she never knew she had. Which shockingly makes her victorious and safe when she figures out how to fight back against the horrible threat that surrounds her. But eventually, she gets hers in the most satisfying way imaginable when it is revealed that Ruby has werewolf blood flowing through her veins, and that too hammered home the wonder of karma. If anything, this was just a solid episode through and through. One that reminded us that while evil does flourish and thrive in this world, its machinations don’t last forever. Which offers comfort and catharsis through a pair of episodes that also offered so much more than fine lessons. After all, the trademark dark humor that permeates this series was present in both tales’ courtesy of those ghostly parents and their fine one-liners and Marcia’s outright disdain for anything outside of herself, and the special effects were a true treat here as well. Since the ghosts were a marvelous blend of computer and practical effects and the werewolves were the stuff of nightmares, and well… once again, this is a set of stories that leave us hungry for more. Because this season of storytelling is just top-notch and engaging and smart, and that really is something we crave. Until next time, kiddies. Watch ‘Creepshow’
Please enjoy this super-sized sneak peek of Episode 203 of Shining Vale, which is available to stream on STARZ, today! Also, this sneak peek was assembled/written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist. Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the motion picture, ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the movie being covered here wouldn’t exist.
We are living in quite the unique time when to comes to adaptations of videos games for film and television. Simply because, this particular genre of film, is finally garnering some respect. For gone are the days of half-hearted adaptations. Ones filled to the brim with slick moments and loud soundtracks to appear cool and kitschy. There’s real love going into these stories now, and creatives are working hard to really capture the essence of the source material, pay proper tribute to it, and grow the story. For that is what fans truly want, to see the game in real life and have it offer just enough of something more to make it stand out and that has been the norm lately, and it’s been delightful. In fact, the success of this new wave of adaptations and the joy it is bringing the masses, has emboldened creatives to continue to tweak the formula. So that perhaps the real boundaries of the genre can be pushed and so fans of the adapted game franchise can discover wonders untold from a filmmaking standpoint and well, it just so happens, that a quality adaptation that accomplishes that is in theaters, and available on Peacock now. For Five Nights at Freddy’s is indeed the long-awaited adaptation of the wildly popular game franchise, and it does feature some amazing depth, but before we discuss that, we need to talk about how it makes the franchise proud. Thanks in large part to its setting and its plot, since this is a story that introduces us to a down and out man named Mike, who takes on quite the job to save what remains of his family. A job that entails nights, and being away from his beloved sister, Abby, and also watching over an iconic place with a dark history. For Mike has been tasked with keeping what’s left of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Place safe, a once proud children’s pizza joint/arcade that fell on hard times when a bevy of children went missing with its walls. Which of course, should be an easy job. But the old animatronics in this place, seem to have a mind of their own and so does the facility, since its secrets run deep and it is eager to reveal them, and well, it won’t be long now before the dark history of this pizza place is presented to Mike, and what it will show him will change his life forever. Which is a plot… that perfectly provides fans of this iconic game with everything they could want and more.
Since we are indeed plunged into the iconic world of Freddy Fazbear’s horrific pizzeria, and of course… so many of the iconic monsters are present here and really, iconography from the game is everywhere to be found. Not to mention, other elements from the game we won’t spoil here are present, giving rise to that respectful adaptation we crave, but what makes this movie so special… is what it does beyond the adaptation portion. Because in many ways… this is a movie that is designed to take fans of the game that have a casual understanding of horror or a curiosity about the genre… and introduce them to what it can accomplish for a viewer. Which means that while the scares aren’t as intense as some of the more hardcore fans might like, there’s a real creepy vibe to this movie, one that unsettles and enchants, and that is the essence of horror and why we love it.
However, while those words do make it appear as though this is only a gateway horror film, make no mistake about it… there are elements present here for hardcore horror fans as well. After all, the story expands upon some already dark elements from the game and elevates them to a new level, adding some of the horrors of the world into the story, such as generational trauma, and the power of trauma in general. Not to mention, Freddy and his friends are indeed horrifying through and through and the movie even takes the time to pay homage to classic and contemporary horror stories. Since there are echoes of Stephen King’s Insomnia and The Shining, and there are hints of Mike Flanagan’s adaptation of Doctor Sleep to be found here as well. Not to mention, the story is anchored by some fine acting. For Josh Hutcherson is simply sublime as Mike Schmidt and brings the right level of ache to the role needed to trust and root for the character, and Matthew Lillard is simply amazing as Steve Raglan and steals every scene he is in. And their intense work is wonderfully counterbalanced by Elizabeth Lail as Vanessa and Piper Rubio as Abby since their performances add incredible depth to the story. And of course, we’d be remiss to not point out that Mary Stuart Masterson commands every scene she is in as Aunt Judy, and well… all of these elements combine to bring forth, one frightfully delightful horror film. One that really does offer so much and truly entertains, and most important of all… brings another iconic video game to life in a manner that is pleasing and respectful. Watch ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 204 of ‘SurrealEstate’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
We like to believe that entering a new chapter in our lives, will allow for us to do as we please and we can forge ahead with minimal concerns about anything and everything, because the new chapter is a fresh start in our minds. Wherein we’ve said goodbye to old haunts, and we can reinvent ourselves in the process and there is merit to that line of thinking. After all, if we are leaving old things behind, they’re in our rearview mirror and all that lies ahead is unknown open road. But we do need to exercise caution with that particular line of thinking when we start over fresh. Simply because… it does harbor concerns, and some missteps. Such as the fact that we often find ourselves doing the same things in life when we start over, which means we are approaching the same problem with a new attitude, one that can leave us vulnerable and one that carries with it an air of arrogance and well, that particular problem is top of mind today… simply because it was put on display in the next episode of SurrealEstate on SYFY. For ‘I Put a Spell On You’ was all about Luke Roman settling into a new routine. One armed with the confidence that he could outwit any ghost with a little bit of thinking, and since he and Susan weren’t exactly on speaking terms… he just pushed ahead to make some big deals and that… explored the lesson at hand, courtesy of quite the surprise. In that, a client wanted to buy a cozy cottage in the woods to develop the property into his super mansion and that meant Luke needed to have the cottage’s owner, sell. But what he wasn’t prepared for, was the owner’s good looks and her powerful charms and well… that prompted Luke to try and see if by chance… he could find a little love along the way and really reinvent himself. For there was no ghostly danger here, surely, so why not just have it all and really dive deep into that fresh start. But… there was a slight problem. In that, Kay was a little TOO charming, and she made some of August’s new equipment freak out while she was in the office, leading him and the Padre to believe that she might be a spirit and Luke should exercise caution. Which he did, for a short while. But that charm, that power, was too much for him to bear and well… his friends were right to tell him to not dive into a romantic fresh start without caution. For Kay was actually an ancient witch from overseas that needed to bathe in the blood of a man that she felt a connection with to stay young, and Luke was that man. But thankfully, August and Phil were a step ahead of Kay and were able to save Luke, and other innocents she was draining for her bath before putting her down and well… Luke learned plenty after this. In that, if we’re hitting the reset button and we stay the same course, we need to be cautious and humble… because a second chance is rare and to be treasured and it is an opportunity to enact change and turn things around… if we remain vigilant, and exercise caution when needed. Of course, he wasn’t the only one that got a rude awakening about fresh starts and charging ahead without taking the time to exercise caution. For Susan’s desire to stay home and work, and of course… not do a proper check of the house, backfired. Since the house, claimed her. Giving rise to a need for the team to rescue her down the line. But while we wait to see how and when that rescue takes place, we can celebrate another human tale. One that continues to remind us that we will stumble and fall in life, and that doesn’t make us bad or dumb, just creatures that are trying to learn and find a little peace in our lives. And there’s real beauty in that lesson and all the moments this season has showcased in that vein so far, and it will be fascinating to see what other learning lies ahead as season two of this refreshing show continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘SurrealEstate’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 304 of ‘Chucky’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
It is definitely safe to say, that season three of Chucky, on SYFY and USA Network, deserves our awe and a round of applause. Simply because… over the course of four episodes, this show has managed to captivate us, engage us and outright build tension in a minimalist manner. Which is no small feat, but this show accomplished it, and it answered all of the questions we had hanging over heads post season two and well… its wonder and majesty has continued beyond that. Simply because, last night’s story was nothing short of a midseason finale masterpiece. For it was the kind of tale that could have served as an outright season finale courtesy of its grandiose nature and scope and well, ‘Dressed to Kill’, accomplished such a feat… by getting the band back together. For this was it, the big White House Halloween Bash and all comers were invited. Mostly because this was a trap to catch the serial killer haunting the halls of this hallowed place, but also because… appearances needed to be kept up and that meant… our heroes and Chucky were set for a showdown at last. For the trio did arrive and Chucky was eager to see them and kill them, and well, sadly, the plan our heroes put into play… didn’t pan out the way they hoped. For while they were able to get into the residence using Lexy’s connections to Grant, Jake and Devon were unable to locate Chucky and Lexy had to get out of there to maintain some moral standards. For Grant saw this night as nothing short of a chance to get physically close to a pretty girl. Which meant the hunt was back on for the doll that made their lives hell. Which was a sequence that did a wonderful job of building tension and worry on our part since Chucky made it clear he was out for blood, and that tension was so thick, that this story needed to break it up so we could have the trademark fun this show is known for. The twisted kind of course and that was handled by Jennifer/Tiffany. Who settled into jail and got her voodoo kit back and in doing so… was able to settle a score. Because she was treated quite rudely by her cooking hero and made her pay in blood and Bolognese and once, she got that out of her system, Tiffany turned her attention to getting the guards under her control, so she could make plans to escape and well… this sequence was just off the wall fun and filled with demented madness. Courtesy of some culinary themed gore and dark humor and the wonder of this tale didn’t end there. Because we did in fact, get the showdown we desired. For eventually Devon, Jake, and Lexy came face to face with their tormentor and he of course… was so far ahead of them that they were unable to stop one of the most epic kills scenes to ever hit the small screen. For Chucky knew there was a chance he wouldn’t be able to isolate this trio of heroes, so he instead planned to kill as many people as possible, by squishing them with a grand chandelier. Which worked, and got the kids out of his hair, so he could finally, pray to Damballa and regain his life eternal. And therein lie quite the stunning twist. For Damballa cared not for this sacrifice and abandoned Chucky completely. To the point where he aged rapidly and faced the real possibility, that his death was at hand and well, it doesn’t get much more epic than that for a midseason finale. For that reveal regarding Chucky’s fate, is indeed a season ending cliffhanger. Not to mention that kind of carnage and that type of showdown, is the stuff you save for the end of a season as well. But instead, this series opted to wow us with such surprises in the middle of the year, and it even wrapped up a bevy of plotlines in doing so. Making this a brilliant story for certain, one that had it all. Guts galore, dark humor and Jennifer Tilly just letting loose as an actor, and the same goes for Brad Dourif, who just tore it up as Chucky in every sense of the phrase and well… this was so good and so amazing, that the wait for the back half of season three will be nothing short of excruciating. Because season three of this show is hitting on all cylinders and we’re getting a top-tier Chucky story along the way and well… we need more. For we need to know what will become of Tiffany now that she’s immersed in the wonders of voodoo again, and we must know if Chucky can find the evil redemption he seeks, or if this is it… the end of the line for a horror icon that has haunted us and enthralled us for over thirty years. Until next time. Watch ‘Chucky’
Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the motion picture, ‘Night of the Hunted’. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the motion picture being covered here wouldn’t exist. One thing that we can all agree upon, is that our world is a supremely angry place at the moment. After all, there are old ideological conflicts happening around the globe, and there are wars raging, and the chaos doesn’t end there. For in America, there is a grand divide likely not seen since the Civil War. Where certain factions of Americans have denied the very science, they use to function within their day, and now subscribe to conspiracy theories and lies, and outright insurrection and violence when they don’t get their way. Which has ripped apart the fabric of the United States and left many Americans, and other folks around the world wondering… what the heck has gone wrong in the Land of the Free. Because this wasn’t what the founding fathers envisioned, and it isn’t a way for a modern society to live. But alas, there are now two sides in America. Those who subscribe to freedom and progressive movement that reflects the year present on our calendars, and those who claim to back freedom but do everything to deny it to others and are eager to set America back some fifty years in the name of stupid ideology. Which leaves all of us wondering… what it will take to end the divide and bring us together and how bad it will get before that day comes and well, that has all of us nervous and worried. To the point where we aren’t sure if we are safe out and about anymore since it all it takes is one bad day for someone to resort to violence to feel whole, and well, that’s why it should come as no surprise that horror is starting to explore those feelings. For that is what the genre does best, and it just so happens that Shudder is now home to a violent and angry film that reflects the zeitgeist of America and the stalemate its citizens are enduring and that makes Night of the Hunted, quite the curious watch. For this is that rare horror film that offers no easy answers, just fascinating observations about the current state of the U.S. of A., and it accomplishes such a feat, by way of one bad night for a woman named Alice. For on her way home from a convention, she finds herself under fire from a mysterious sniper at a gas station, who will kill just about anyone that comes near the station… but he is eager to spare Alice. For he believes she is the genesis of his problems, and he wants to offer her a special death, one that is painful and terrifying for reasons unknown. Which is… the perfect way to reflect the divide in America and much of its problems. Because random shootings in public places are a thing here, as is gun violence in general, Not to mention, the sniper’s words about how he cannot stand being seen as a nut or how no one will listen to his thoughts, deeply reflect the corner of America that call themselves ‘The Silent Majority’. For they speak exactly like the sniper, talking about a country they think has fallen because it no longer caters to their understanding of Americana, and that talk exists because they despise change and despise those who lead it, for reasons no one understands. And of course, Alice represents the other side, and the desperate attempts made from more tempered Americans who want unity and peace and to move the country forward at long last. All of which brings forth, a raw and visceral and wicked horror film. One grounded in the cruelty of mankind and that makes for an uncomfortable viewing experience. Because all too often this movie feels as though it is ripped from the headlines or social media, and it echoes so much of what we hear on the news and lament, and that is scary. As is the fact that it more or less expresses a very bleak idea of what is come to regarding this problem. Nothing as terrifying as say, the end of everything, but the film does ponder upon the reality that this is now the norm, and we are now entering a vicious cycle of violence and rhetoric that will not end until someone finally stands up and says enough. Who will that be exactly? Certainly no one embroiled in the current fight for logic and supremacy. Because they’re all dug in. But the movie does offer one hopeful thought regarding this. In that, perhaps it is up to the next generation to end this. Through voting and reforms so that the old guard and their old ideas are quelled and so that a new measure of tolerance can be instilled to ensure a generation no longer feels left out. But until that day, this is life, this is our world and perhaps a different approach is needed if we want to put an end to the madness now. But while we wait to see how we make peace; we can celebrate this brutal horror film. One that showcases the mess we are and the mess we will continue to be, and it deserves a round of applause for offering up an honest and angry look at American culture at the moment, in a manner that unsettles. Because we need to be unsettled by this, and not feel comfortable with it, for to do so… would in fact bring about the worst-case scenario, for apathy destroys everything. |
January 2025