Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...![]() Once in a while an episode of this show happens that has me a bit embarrassed to watch. This was one of those episodes. Sam and Dean get word that a childhood hero of theirs has passed away, so they head to the wake to pay respects. Seeing Dean geek out hardcore over a wrestler was really adorable, but hard to watch! Lawless was a fun guy, and Dean's childhood hero, so meeting the wrestler in person was a dream come true. Seeing all of these guys wrestle was a great time for the boys when they were kids; one of the few fond memories they with their dad. So I wasn't surprised at all when they went to watch a show. Sam and Dean fight monsters for a living, but watching a wrestling match had them so happy it was almost sad! Another murder happens, and suddenly the boys are investigating! What's going on? Dean suspects Lawless might be a demon. Sam is off to check out the body, while Dean spikes shots with holy water. I'm not going to lie, Dean being completely hammered was adorable. That's so mean, isn't it? Sometimes you really want things to work out for the boys. I thought Lawless was a great guy, and being Dean's hero I wanted him to stay that way....but it turns out the wrestler wasn't so good. No, he wasn't a demon; he just had a deal with one going on. The red eyed demon has no problems taking souls and murdering people. He uses Lawless to find potential victims. The demon did inform Sam and Dean about Casifer running hell. That's bad news for Crowley, the boys just don't know how bad. Either way, the demon gets killed, and sadly, Lawless gets eaten by Hellhounds. Our King of Hell breaks free with the help of another demon. I'm not going to lie, I didn't trust her from the start! Crowley happens to have a vault of his own, and in it is an object touched by God. When he ends up betrayed by said demon that I knew was bad from the start, and Casifer shows up, things go from bad to worse. Crowley does use the power within the spear to attempt to kill Casifer, he only succeeds in killing the demon girl. And then he flees because Casifer is now angry. Crowley is on the run, the boys don't have a lead on Amara, and Cas is still possessed by his evil older brother.....what else could go wrong? I'm not sure! What I do know is we have to wait until the end of March to find out.....
Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...![]() Poor Crowley. Seriously, I knew Lucifer was a dick, but this really took the cake. Crowley didn't deserve that kind of treatment. I don't know why this has me so impassioned but it does! Our beloved little King of Hell is adorable and evil, and he did NOT deserve whatever that was. Either way, Crowley is a smart cat, I'm sure he'll figure a way out of this. Luci being in Cas's body is still the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Misha does do a really good job of acting like Mark though! On the other hand, Sam and Dean trusting Casifer ends so badly for the boys. Dean going back in time to play hero, always epic. He doesn't really save the day, but he does manage to get the artifact and learn some interesting things. The Men of Letters and their reach extended so far and wide. The French girl who ends up with an object touched by the Hand of God during World War II? Now that has the makings of a tragic love story. Which in its own right, is. Dean doesn't hide who he is, he's from the future and tells them all such. Our French girl and one soldier believe him. However, Dean going to the past may change things, or it may not. Wibbly Wobbly Timey Whimey. The ship is doomed from the start of it all, and Dean has to watch as the story unfolds against his control. Still, a turn of fate has our heroine using the Ark of the Covenant to save them all. Casifer shows up to save Dean, and that was bitter sweet. But seriously, what the hell Luci?! So, Sammy has always been smart and resourceful, and neither of the boys are particularly perceptive, but Cas gives off a lot of "something's up" vibes. When Sammy found a spell to bring Cas to Dean, he thought he was doing some good. Luci got tired of Sam quicker than I thought he would, and after raping Sammy's soul, he plans to kill him. Cas is the one that saves him. Only, they need Luci to get to Dean, which they do...that realization sets so many things up. When the object touched by God doesn't react, Luci seems about done with the boys. Sam's quick thinking has him drawing a Sigil in his own blood and expelling the Angel. Now what? Crowley is chained, Cas hosts Luci, Amara can't be found, the boys don't know how to kill her, and Luci wants them dead. God is nowhere to be found and Gabriel is still lying about being dead... Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...![]() As promised, the blog you have been waiting for! Supernatural! "Love Bound"! Yep, that’s last week’s episode, which hey, this week’s episode already aired, but that blog will actually be on time! Promise! Guys, this cold though. I can’t tell you how awful this cough is. So, You have Moose and Squirrel hunting for any info on Amara, only they can’t find any. Moose does find a story of a murdered baby sitter, with her heart torn out, on Valentine’s Day. Romantic? Baby, this whole episode is about love! Well, once they get there, and we see everything, it’s totally not a werewolf. While the boys were convinced it was a shifter, I was like ‘nah, it’s something else’. Because, come on, it has to be something else. The while thing about the dad being in love with the babysitter was kind of gross, especially with his wife knowing. I loved the spin they put on it with the White Witch, or so she claimed to be. I was shocked to find it being a curse gone wrong. I mean, in the ‘that’s kind of original’ way. I loved how the curse went back to the wife who cast it in the first place. Look, magic is a dick and sometimes its going to screw you over. If this show has taught me anything it’s that magic will always find a way to beat you. Seeing Dean’s true desire, also known as Amara, wasn’t a surprise at all. We all knew that was going to happen,. However, Dean admitting to Sam that he saw Amara, and that there is some weird pull thing between them, that was a really strange moment. The boys almost never open up to one another, let alone about actual stuff like that. Still, Dean did come clean, and Sam wasn’t at all shocked In true little brother fashion, Sammy was supportive in this ‘I’ll totally kill Amara for you’ way. Which, good for you Sam. Maybe the Winchesters are finally learning a thing or too. Things missing from this episode included any snark from Crowley, because, seriously, where is our King of Hell? Casifer is also not around, which cannot be boding well, for literally, anyone. And Gabriel is still playing dead. Yes, playing. Because if Chuck is really god, he’s not going to let Gabriel stay dead forever, I outright refuse to believe that. Even with these missing parts, this episode had that earlier seasons feel to it again. I’m really enjoying that. Yes, there is a ton we still need to resolve, but at the same time, it’s nice to just have a case to solve and then that’s it. The bigger plot lines are intermixed, of course, but our main focus is the single case. And also, nobody we love died, which makes it all that much better. THIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...![]() Guys, whatever sickness is going around, I caught it. It starts as a cold, and then just gets worse from there. Thankfully on day four of this evil thing, I’m finally well enough to get back to work on both fronts. I know it’s been a quiet few days on my end, so I’m sorry for that. I promise my Supernatural recap is coming tomorrow, which is way later than normal, but listen….this cold thing….it’s the devil. Anyways, let’s talk about The Walking Dead. Yes, you got John’s epic blog of epic, but I’m here with my reactions, because, well, I can’t not talk about it. So, I started Walking Dead at my parents house and then later finished it at home. Downside to being called in early and then sick as a dog. But, I have to say this mid-season start was everything I wanted it to be and more, except for one thing, Glenn. Stop trying to kill my Glenn! Enough is enough! I get it, nobody is safe, but the constant death threats of my poor Glenn are really starting to get under my skin! Seriously! What is going on with that!? I don’t threaten to kill off your favorite characters! I don’t even know who I am yelling at. Knowing Glenn was saved by Abraham really did make everything better. And also, Maggie is saved! Yay Maggie! Daryl will forever be a bad ass, seriously, he killed so many people and walkers with that RPG, he deserves a medal. Or cookies….in the very least some cookies. Daryl saving the day twice just goes to show he’s a fan favorite for a reason. Our badass took a knife to the back and still got rid of an entire motorcycle gang. How awesome is that? Still, at the end of the day, though, the threat of Negan is ever present. I will forever think of him as John Winchester, but my mom pointed out he was also Denny on Grey’s Anatomy. Yes, I’ve watched Grey’s Anatomy…..I stopped after they killed off my favorite character, who was not Denny, coincidentally. ![]() Sam dying was, I suppose shocking, but who didn’t see that coming? I feel we all knew it was going to happen, we all just expected it sooner. Still, while the actor is adorable, Sam was dumb and he had to go. Jessie and Ron biting it in the process was just an added bonus. I’m sorry, that was so heartless, but seriously. Jessie was the enabler of that little brat, and Ron shot Carl, so he had to go. I’m still shocked at Carl losing his eye like that…for the love of everything that scared the crap out of me. I knew he wouldn’t die, but still…. Leaving Judith with Father Gabriel was risky. I would not do that. The guy has proven to be as shady as a shadow. He did step it up though, which was a long time coming. I have to say, the most shocking, aside from Carl Poppa being shot, was the Wolf. Say what you will, but even after being shot by Carol he tackled a Walker and saved her life. If that doesn’t redeem you, well, nothing can really redeem him. In the end, Morgan grew up and finally put him down. Which, come on Morgan, I get that life is important, but you have to know when to just kill the bad guys. Which happen to be people trying to kill you and your friends. Maybe Morgan finally got through to the Wolf, or maybe he had a thing for Denise… I don’t know. And then, of course, the massive fight scene at the end where Rick and everyone take on those Walkers, that was pretty intense. Not to mention, needed to happen. So far, nobody else we love died, it was mostly just people standing their ground and murdering these evil monsters. Sam still has me angry though. Like, seriously kid? There’s a bunch of monsters and you’re just going to stand there and whine until they come eat you? You had it coming. Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...![]() With The Walking Dead returning this Sunday, there's a lot of talk and speculation. Of course we know some characters from the comics are making their debut in the back half of this season and that leaves a lot of us nervous. So, keep in mind that I haven't read the comics yet, but I still have some theories as to what the latter half of this season holds. I thought it would be fun to share! Especially since Sunday is also Valentine's Day, or Singles Awareness Day. Either way that makes Monday Clearance Candy Day, which is the most important day of them all. So, with Negan coming to the small screen, finally, there's a lot of buzz. Personally, he will always be Papa Winchester to me, and with that the worlds worst TV dad. Will Negan be any better? More like worse. I have a bad feeling and an even worse one for Glenn. John and Scotty have been kind enough to give me some spoilers for the comics, but the show doesn't always follow what's happened. Either way, while I utterly love Glenn I have a feeling he's not going to make it out of this season alive. Subsequently I feel they may keep Maggie alive, but I'm not so sure about the baby. Judith is one thing, but a second kid running around? Really not sure that's going to work out well. With the way the mid season finale ended, I'm curious to see what will happen. I'm almost positive that Jessie is going to lose her kid. Which, sheltering him was the wrong thing to do. I don't think mom and son are going to make it out alive. And while this sounds horrible, I really wouldn't mind Gabriel being caught in that crossfire either. He's been a thorn in my side for quite some time. I do have hope for Aaron though. I love his character, and well, who doesn't like a guy named Aaron? Daryl will survive, because he's a huge fan favorite....and not stupid. His character development has been rather fun, but Carol? As bad ass as she is it's hard to say. I'm starting to feel her days might be numbered as well, but then again Carol has turned into a pretty amazing character. As for Eugene and Tara? One of them might survive, but I'm not so sure Tara's new girlfriend is going to make it out alive. That whole situation with the Wolf was handled stupidly. Pretty sure one of them is going to bite it. As always, Morgan will go on. I'm hoping to see him take on a larger role and make it into the next season. His character is fun, intriguing, and a balance to Rick. The Walking Dead has done a good job of giving us a lot of characters, but with that comes a huge sense of loss when they die. It's sad but true. And with so few of the original group left, nobody is safe. This show has taught us that not all the ones we love make it; lets just hope they make it past this season.... Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...![]() Don't you, forget about me! Don't, don't, don't, don't you! Forget about me! Alright, singing this while typing it was entertaining, I just hope you're singing it too. Look, I do what I can for entertainment purposes. Like last week's Supernatural. It's kind of nice to do these blogs a bit after the air date, mostly because I get to compose my thoughts more. So, let's start with geeking out insanely over Jody being back! Now, I do not trust it when characters appear from earlier episodes. This show has taught me that if a character from previous seasons comes back, they're likely going to die. Thankfully nobody did. I think losing Jody would have broken me completely. I absolutely love her! And having Alex and Claire back was an interesting combination! I can't believe the two don't get along. Or didn't. Sarcasm, it's hard to really tell over text. But seriously, I loved seeing those two back, especially living with Jody. Let's just take a minute to talk about how utterly awkward that "family" dinner was. I laughed so hard it wasn't even funny! It was hilarious! I did feel bad for Claire though, she'd been right the whole time. And if the two had just listened to her....ah well. Vampires being after Alex was pretty scary, but thankfully Sam and Dean saved the day. The tension that built up to that fight though was pretty intense. For several minutes I wasn't sure whether they were going to kill Jody off or not. I really couldn't handle losing someone so precious. She's been with us for so long it's hard to imagine life without her. Alex and Claire are the cutest foster siblings ever. Okay, I know they don't get along, but at the end they'd reached an understanding! It's an adorably family! Again, this episode had that older feel to it. It gave a sense of nostalgia from previous seasons. There was a sense of humor and a sense of danger mixed together. What was missing was any links to the Darkness, Crowley, or Casifer (that's his name now, I'm not even sorry). You would have thought an episode with Cas' vessels daughter would somehow have Cas (hosting Lucifer or not) show up. There was no Casifer, however, and our boys still don't know that Cas allowed Luci out of the cage. All in all, I enjoyed seeing Jody and her family unit. Alex decided she couldn't handle the hunter aspect, and she really doesn't want Claire or Jody to end up hurt because of her. Jody did open her eyes with Claire though, and admitted she'd help teach the girl to hunt properly. Seeing the softer side to Jody is always a treat. Especially when she mothers the Boys. Written by ShaeTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...![]() This season Supernatural has really been stepping out of its usual repertoire and giving us episodes that remind us of the earlier seasons. There has been a lot going on, especially with last week’s episode. Still, time is slowing a bit, and the show is pacing itself with episodes like the one that premiered Thursday. Sam and Dean are respectively dealing with their own things. More so, Sam is finally coming to terms with what happened in the cage. The long awaited apology has finally happened! Sam finally acknowledged the elephant between the two of them. Sam admits his guilt for leaving Dean in purgatory and not looking for him….Dean has long since forgiven Sam. But, our little Moose has a tendency to hold on to things. Especially when it comes to his big brother Dean. For once, our Winchesters talked about their feelings. Well, a bit. Sam opened up at some point and that was a nice change of pace. Otherwise the whole episode was filled with that classic feel. Hunting a Banshee in an old folks home while a few not important side characters got murdered violently. Lucifer is roaming the earth in Castiel’s body, which hosts a whole other bottle of issues. Like where is Cas? Is he okay? What made the little idiot decide to do that? Stupid baby in a trench coat. I need Gabriel to come and save them both! Or Chuck…. I loved the feel of the whole thing. This really was a lovely dose of nostalgia. Of course Sam and Dean save the day, well, actually it’s an old woman who saves the day. But watching her hit on Dean the entire episode was fantastic. And the deaf girl hitting on Sam was utterly adorable. Though, guys, Cas and Dean’s conversation? What even. I’m sitting there yelling at the TV the whole time, like what are you even doing Dean! I know he doesn’t know that Cas is really Lucifer, but come on! You can tell Cas is a bit off! He even tells Sam that he thinks something is up with Cas! Okay, so Luci is plotting, Sam and Dean are actually getting along. And, well, Dean is of course holding his feelings in…Dean does seem to have a thing going on with Amara…..and I feel that’s going to end badly. |
March 2025