Written by Juanita ‘Obi-Juan’ Bonner ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 1514 of ‘Supernatural’. Also, to revisit Episode 1513, ‘Destiny’s Child’; click here. For those who know me, it’s no secret that I haven’t followed the Supernaturalverse since its inception in 2005. As I point out in Angels, Demons and Gods, a close friend turned me on to the show with the fan favorite holiday episode, 3.08: ‘A Very Supernatural Christmas’ (Thanks Steph!!). From there, I was hooked – DUH!!! Why do I bring this up? First, most holidays are just not my jam. Not because I don’t like them. I mean. I’m definitely no Scrooge. It’s mostly because I believe the lot of them are over commercialized and structured to suit one faith. Second, holidays on Supernatural stand out to me because they ALWAYS stand out to Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) too! And finally, after an unexpectedly long Hellatus, seeing our boys return to the screen with a light-hearted episode that includes holidays was the treat I didn’t know I wanted! So, before you can say “Go Luigi,” let’s dive in. The aptly named ‘Last Holiday’ brings a new character to the Supernaturalverse – A Wood Nymph named Mrs. Butters (Meagan Fay) or Mrs. B for short. After a series of malfunctions within The Bunker, like pilot lights interrupting Dean’s grilling and plumbing issues throughout, the boys investigate. In the main control room, Dean hastily (of course… LOL!!), tries to undo the current mode by hitting the reset button. After an auto-restart, things seems back on track and Dean, the “Meat Man” (YES!!), heads back to cooking his burgers. But wait… as Dean enters his room, burger in tow, he finds an elderly lady folding his underwear. His Scooby-Doo underwear – LOVE IT!! In the common room, Dean is trying to figure out who this lady is as Sam joins the confusion. At this point, I’m ecstatic that we’ve got a bona fide Supernaturalverse filler episode that’s well on track to bringing all the giggles – YAY!!! We learn that Mrs. B was brought on board with the Men of Letters (MOL) before WWII. And when they didn’t return from a ceremony back in 1958, she used her magic to place The Bunker and herself in standby mode. She is quite upset to learn that Abaddon (Alaina Huffman) killed the MOL that fateful night and all that remains are the legacies, Sam and Dean. I ponder on the excellent formula writing of introducing a new, yet seemingly harmless character, with comedy. Then immediately preying on our sympathies by showing her vulnerabilities. Do we fall for it? Why yes… yes, we do!! Because not only does Mrs. B brighten up the place, her magic enhances The Bunker’s abilities including… HELLO – Monster Radar! SERIOUSLY!! Oh, and she cooks too. NICE!! Sending our boys to clear out a vamp nest with a packed lunch is just… WOW, right?? Then the holiday tie ins begin. We see The Bunker decorated for Christmas as Dean excitedly says, “Oh, we are so keeping her.” LOL!! Oh, but there’s more. The next morning, as Mrs. B serves Sam breakfast, Jack (Alexander Calvert), still adjusting from getting his soul back, enters. Mrs. B’s magical nature instantly knows Jack’s not human and asks, “What are you?” Dean, in his new Christmas gift – a purple nightshirt, complete with a poof-ball cap (LOVING THIS!!) – enters and breaks the tension by calling Jack a millennial… LOL!! As we all recover from the scene, especially Sam (am I right?), Mrs. B still appears a bit taken aback by Jack, but eventually settles in offering him a delicious smoothie. Suddenly, we hear a bunker wide alarm go off. As Dean pays tribute to Ghostbusters (Columbia Pictures; 1984) by yelling “We got one” (HECK YA!), the boys follow the monster radar again. In their absence, Mrs. B warms up to Jack in a somewhat grandmotherly fashion. From there, we move into a collection of monster missions complete with packed lunches (NICE!) followed by happy holiday feasts and fun showing Thanksgiving, Halloween and the Fourth of July. All of it set to another Ghostbusters throwback – The Bus Boys’ ‘Cleanin’ Up the Town’ (AWESOME!). Plus, we get a nice shot of Sam and Dean entering a monster lair holding MjöInir (not seen since 8.02: ‘What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?’) and the fan favorite grenade launcher from Baby’s trunk, respectively. Settling back in during Sam’s birthday celebration, all seems well. Homey, in fact. I mean… teasing Dean about his age (and cholesterol), rice crispy treats, Jack finally smiling again and Sam going on a date with Eileen (Shoshannah Stern) all sound absolutely scrumptious, no? Alas… Jack, led to the truth by Mrs. B herself, finds out that this charming little Wood Nymph is a much more powerful than imagined. And, it was only after killing over 200 Nazi soldiers (WOW!) before capture that she was retrieved by the MOL from the Thule Society’s laboratory. WHOA!! Not to mention, Cuthbert Sinclair – AKA: Magnus (Kavan Smith) – is the MOL who, through a “series of experiments” (interesting), convinced her to stay on with them. You know. The assbutt who tried to add Dean, bearing the Mark of Cain at the time, to his collection of monsters in 9.16: ‘Blade Runners’. Ah… yeah… there can’t be much good coming if this guy was involved!! Though, I will say, this late in the game, we’ve now seen multiple references to Abaddon and the Mark of Cain, which has to mean something, right?? Jack confronts Mrs. B, but wouldn’t you know it… she wanted Jack to find the truth. Oh… and those delicious smoothies?? Part of her plan to weaken Jack! OMC!!! Mrs. B slaps some magical cuffs on Jack and locks him in the basement. Then, just as Dean’s about to happily eat a grilled cheese (Boy, he sure loves those… LOL!!), Mrs. B casually tells him he’ll need his strength to kill Jack. The whole scene is fantastic – calm and hilarious (LOL!). But as you would expect, Dean gets locked up right alongside Jack… LOL! But I do love the Archangel blade Mrs. B gives him beforehand. Haven’t seen one all season, am I right? ![]() When Sam returns from his date, he’s surprised to find that Mrs. B believes that Jack is evil, that he’s poisoned Dean’s mind and that they both must die. OMC! Can you imagine coming home all happy go lucky only to find this fresh hell… LOL!?! Telling Mrs. B he’s going to his room to get his gun, Sam calls Dean’s cell and I wonder… hmm, does Mrs. B even know what a cell phone is? And, I love that Dean didn’t call Sam for help because he didn’t want to interrupt Sam practicing sign language… LOL!! They argue about who was going to look into Wood Nymphs, but then end up reminiscing about holidays and the amazing omelet on Boxing Day… NICE!! The whole conversation is a lovely comedic moment during what should for all intents and purposes be a very serious situation. Bravo!! Sam gets busted and a disappointed Mrs. B magically forces him into a chair. Feeling torture is the only way to get Sam to see the light, Mrs. B proceeds to rip out fingernails. YIKES!! And there it is! The lies of Cuthbert Sinclair laid bare. From the beginning, knowing how powerful she was, he tortured and manipulated her to bend to his will. A series of experiments, my ass!! Not to mention, Sinclair kept Mrs. B prisoner by using magic sigils carved above the control center and preyed on her good nature and love of family. And here she is, turning the tables, just as she’s been taught. Very full circle and I LOVE IT!! In the meantime, a trapped Dean and Jack have a small, yet necessary, moment. After reassuring Jack that he’s trying to forgive him for Mary (Samantha Smith), Dean tells him; “I’m not gonna let some evil Mary Poppins take you out!” YAY!!! Then, using the Archangel Blade, Dean strikes Jack’s cuffs, sending him flying and destroying a hutch. Hilariously trying this move again, only with Jack positioned towards the door, Dean strikes again. Jack flies, taking down the door in the process. YES!!! Dean races to the control room and slams the standby button. As red flood lights and alarm sounds fill the entire Bunker, Mrs. B disappears. Dean and Jack run to free Sam. But wait! The magic sigils light up and the pipes begin to rattle. Mrs. B appears from a smokey haze with glowing green eyes and charges upstairs. She throws all three boys across the room and begins yelling at Jack that Sinclair told her that she couldn’t go back to her forest because helping The Men of Letters kill monsters is more important and that Jack must die to protect her boys. Sam tells her that Sinclair used her and she seems genuinely stunned. Shaking free of her stupor yet still determined to kill Jack, Dean then yells; “He can save the world.” Confused, Mrs. B begins to break down. The lights come back on and through tears, she says, in reference to the now dead MOL: “it’s just that… I miss them so much.” WHEW!!! In the end, Mrs. B heals Sam’s fingernails and apologizes to all of them. But before returning to the forest, where she was most happy, she explains that without her magic, The Bunker reverts to standby mode. AWW MAN!! Does she really have to go? Cooking, cleaning, boosting the power in The Bunker… all gone. Good-bye Monster Radar!! Not to mention, she’d sure come in handy in the fight to save the universe!! She also points out that the interdimensional geoscope won’t work either. WAIT! You mean that giant telescope thingy works interdimensionally?? WHOA!! Apparently, Nymph magic or not, it doesn’t seem to be working anyway, but I’m sure the writers didn’t drop this tidbit on us for no reason, right?? In the final scene, Jack asks Sam if he believes Jack can kill God. Sam tells Jack that he’s the only one who can, and I think… hmm, maybe not! You?? The heavy moment is broken when Dean enters presenting Jack with his very own birthday cake, albeit a flopping mess… LOL!! Jack smiles and says, “It’s great.” Dean lights a single candle and Sam tells Jack to make a wish. Jack ponders for a moment then blows out the candle – lights out! And there you have it. Our first post-pandemic Hellatus episode is complete. Holidays and all, I absolutely loved it!! What did you think about this gut busting filler episode and all the hints it dropped? And, what about Cas (Misha Collins)? He wasn’t even mentioned, right? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or reach out to me @obi_Juanita on Twitter and until next time… GO TEAM FREE WILL!!
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