Written by Juanita ‘Obi-Juan’ Bonner ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 1513 of ‘Supernatural’. As I explained in my Season 15, episodes 1-12 recap The Road So Far, some might find it superstitiously odd getting cut off from production just after airing your 13th installment. Personally, I see a real-life pandemic throwing a wrench into the big picture as some sort of crazy meta storyline ripped directly from the Supernaturalverse playbook… LOL. Regardless, here we are! Our boys having come out the other side also completed their long awaited journey. And now, the #SPNFamily can rejoice for a time then prepare to mourn once more for a series finale that’s assured to bring all the feels. But, before we jump back into the new material, let’s first take a look at that infamous 13th episode and all it has to offer. So, before you can say man bun (LOL!) or Samwitch (YES!!!), let’s dive in… Fresh off the news that they are the “Messengers of God’s destruction,” Death (Lisa Barry) adds to this by telling J2M they’re running out of time. God (Rob Benedict) is ending ALL his worlds and will soon be coming for theirs. YIKES!! Jack (Alexander Calvert) has to be ready which brings us to step two in his preparatory process – find The Occultum. Huh… this is new!! But so was step 1, as we learn that, disgustingly odd or not, eating hearts was needed to strengthen Jack’s body. Step 2, on the other hand, is “more spiritual in nature.” Interesting, no? By the way, I loved the rude and uncomfortably hilarious verbal exchange between Death and Dean!! With a new mission, the research for signs of The Occultum begin! However, gone are the days when we spend time and usually multiple episodes looking for someone or something. As Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) search the books, Cas (Misha Collins) returns with a lead… NICE!! But not before Dean postulates that killing God will set their universe (our Supernaturalverse) off balance and suggests “the family plan” to eliminate Amara (Emily Swallow) as well. I mean… we all know this, right? But for some reason, I feel like this won’t be as hard as it sounds. That battling Amara won’t be necessary. Because similar to the rest of the Gods discussed in 15.11: ‘The Gamblers’, tired of it all, especially Chuck, she’ll decide to leave on her own?? Just a thought. And who will take over?? Well, certainly not Jack, who just learned how to blow and pop bubbles with gum… LOL!!! As Cas tries to explain the deets on his new lead, Dean trying to guess the history takes me back to some of his silliest cool guy scenes over the years. Specifically, his Werepire push in 11.04: ‘Baby’ and his cowboy and mobster obsessions in 6.18: ‘Frontierland’ and 7.12: ‘Time After Time’, respectively. All of which are fantastic. Or in other words, hilarious (LOL)!! The current information on the whereabouts of the Occultum lead to a guest star fan favorite – and not just because she’s Jenson’s wife either – Sister Jo(Danneel Ackles). The character is devious yet likeable overall… no? We also get a return from Sam’s old flame and Jared’s real-life wife, Ruby (Genevieve Cortese) – NICE!! Though, I will point out that the throwback stories told by Jo and Ruby seem odd since Jo was likely in a different vessel back then. Nevertheless, it’s a minor oversight as I can certainly see either side of the story showing current day Jo based on Sam and Dean hearing each story and envisioning the only Jo, they (and we) recognize. Still. It’s been said before, including multiple times in this episode, that Jo cannot be trusted – seriously, this chick lies… A LOT. Yet, Sam and Dean, on Jo’s word, head to Hell in search of the Occultum. And wouldn’t you know it? Of course, she set them up… in Hell… with Demons!! Back at The Bunker, as Cas watches over the spell keeping a rift open to Hell for Sam and Dean, he continues to question Jo’s story and the mission at hand. He then gets Jack to remove enough of his Grace to allow him to step into The Empty where he can question Ruby for himself. A long time ago, this might seem surprising. But, as I’ve said in previous recaps, Cas is darker, riskier and just plain all out of f@$ks to give… LOL!! When Jack questions his return, Cas reminds us all that The Empty will only take him when he’s at his most happy. And given their current circumstances, he’s anything but. Okay, he has a point! ![]() While Sam and Dean fight demons in Hell, Cas reaches The Empty which manifests as Meg (Rachel Miner) – HECK YEAH!! Just hearing her say “hello Clarence” was a SWEET throwback – am I right? Not to mention “Pizza Man” (LOL)! Led to Ruby, she tells Cas where the Occultum is but only on the condition that in exchange, Cas frees her from The Empty. He agrees and all I can think of is just exactly when and how this promise will come to fruition. Heck, even though he looked sincere, maybe our darker Cas is just playing Ruby and has no intention of helping her at all! Sam and Dean return from their double-cross to find Jack watching over the rift spell and Cas slumped in the chair “kind-of” dead… LOL. As they nervously wait for Jack to bring Cas back, The Empty decides the overall plan doesn’t require our beloved Angel and she begins to crush Cas from the inside out. NOOOO!! Revived just in time… WHEW!! The dual scenes are tense yet comedic. And speaking of comedy, the group brings in Alternate Universe Sam and Dean (AUJ2) and, overall, our Sam and Dean’s interactions with their doppelgangers is fun, weird and just plain great! The hair, the clothing and the beer – hilarious!! “And, don’t even get me started on the car,” or the Family Business (HunterCorp – LOL!!), the private jet and their father who spoils them. OMC, the jabs at the characters AND their real-life selves are excellent, right!?! Plus, AUJ2 note that John Winchester (Jeffrey Dean Morgan - JDM) tried to cross over with them, but they got separated. Does that mean at some point, we might get to see JDM reprise his role in a more hipster fashion? YES PLEASE!!! Regardless, for now, AUJ2 decoys it is! And later, to see AUJ2 go from a judgey tone to actually becoming envious of our Sam and Dean seems to be a lightly meaningful play on just why Chuck loves our heroes so much. I guess hunting monsters, drinking beer and watching Busty Asian Beauties always wins in the end… LOL!! Following Ruby’s information, the boys head to a church which, for the most part, looks pretty average. But wait… Hell Hounds!! Ruby certainly didn’t mention them… LOL!! Of course it wasn’t going to be that easy, right? A narrow escape inside, Sam holds the doors while Dean, Cas and Jack search for the Occultum. Ruby’s words – the top of the cross will point the way – are confusing at first. But then, as the moonlight shines in through a high window, the cross fixed within casts an image on the church floor. Dean pries open a floor board to reveal a small velvet bag. Inside? A spherical object embedded with Anokian. “In order to be in the Occultum, the Occultum must be in you.” I guess I wasn’t the only one who took this to mean ingesting the sphere, because Jack does just that. At first, he appears to feel okay, then doubles over with pain. A beam of light grows brighter from within his body until collapsing on itself. The light and Jack suddenly disappear. Wait… what?? Dean and Cas look just as stunned as I am. Cut to Jack. He wakes up, of all places, in The Garden (yes, THAT Garden) – WHOA!! Duh! Jo and Ruby called it the safest place to ride out the apocalypse. Of course!! That makes so much sense, right?!? I mean. As the little girl Jack encounters explains, God cast humans from The Garden after the original sin then hid it away. And now, humans may not enter. Stands to reason why a money loving con artist Angel and a scheming witch demon would want to hide there escaping the fall of mankind on earth. Jack then sees a snake who sends Jack into a vision filled trance where he sees all the high points of his short life. By the end, Jack falls to the ground in tears. And all I can think of is Jack’s soul!! Back in the church, the beam of light appears again and begins to grow larger. As the boys watch in amazement, the Hell Hounds bust through the doors, throwing Sam across the room. The beam of light grows even larger and brighter, vanquishing the Hell Hounds in the process – VERY COOL! The light disappears and Jack remains unconscious on the floor. Again, the boys appear stunned, as do I. Back at The Bunker, Dean sees AUJ2 out as he explains how much they’ll love Rio. Beaches, babes and Carnival… LOL, perfect!! Plus, I’m sure having these mirror images as far away as possible suits our boys just fine… LOL!! But before they leave, AUJ2 admits to finding and driving Baby. Uh oh!! Dean’s response is priceless and reminds me of episode 13.15: ‘A Most Holy Man’, where he gets lost in thought regarding what he’d do to anyone that would steal Baby. “And we’re leaving…” LOL!! In the final scenes, we learn that Jack’s recovered but he’s different. Cas, describing The Garden as “The crossroads of divinity and humanity,” – a succinct and fitting description for sure! – explains that no one has crossed its threshold until now. Cas brings Sam and Dean to Jack who’s sitting in the kitchen grieving over what he did to Mary. To Sam and Dean too!! OMC, Jack has his soul back. YES! I knew it!! Through tears, he begs for forgiveness… we fade to black. WOW!! And there you have it! The final pre-pandemic shut down episode ends with pain and confusion yet hope and relief. An unplanned though fitting cliffhanger for the times to say the least. Wouldn’t you agree? Let me know in the comments below or reach out to me @obi_juanita on Twitter. Until next time… GO TEAM FREE WILL!!
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