Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 211 of ‘Found’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
There are a lot of experiences that we cannot relate to in this life. Because our path is our own, and it takes us where it takes us. Which is why it is important to learn as much as we can about others. So, that we can fill in some blanks and have a better understanding of life as it is and what others go through, and that’s why stories are also important in any capacity. Because they can do more than entertain, they can teach us about the world, about life, and offer lessons galore. Which is a big reason why Found on NBC, is in fact, such an important show. Since it does all of that while telling a unique story about healing and the mistakes we make along the way, and its wonderous ability to ponder upon such matters is top of mind today, because it showcased that again last night. For ‘Missing While Misunderstood’ saw the M&A team dealing with two big moments that few of us understand. One of which, was what it means to search for a neurodivergent child that has run away from home. Because not everyone has a child with spectrum issues, but some do, and some struggle badly to maintain a proper environment, and while the team did find that young man in the most harrowing manner possible, more on that in a second, it was nice to see a show explore something so many don’t know about. And come to understand how tough such a relationship can be and how delicate one must be with neurodivergent children. Not to mention, that made the crime at hand all the more horrifying since it spoke to the cruelty, we impart on what we don’t understand and how a little understanding… could go a long way. But what’s incredible is that this story offered up some other amazing perspectives that we don’t always think upon. Such as… what it means to be held to account legally. For few of us have ever had to think about our freedom being taken away because of a crime we’ve committed. But lots of folks do, and they have to make their final hours in the world count. Which is what Gabi did here. Since she opted to do good and make a life right before being whisked off to jail. Because she wanted there to be some measure of penance, and some measure of kindness to leave as a legacy and we really did come to understand that moment, and its power, and that made for some uniquely moving sequences where we felt a level of remorse from Gabi we’ve never felt before. However, this is still entertainment, and there are still big moments that need to take place, and those were present here as well. Because Sir was once again working behind the scenes to sow his special brand of chaos and bring Gabi into his fold once more, and it seemed for a time, he was going to be successful. For he deflected enough police resources to make his brother the focus, and he lay in wait to strike when the moment was right. When Gabi was at her lowest. So that he could coerce her into her own cell for his own bemusement. But alas, Gabi was ready at every step. For she knew he was lurking and waiting, and she set a trap for that man. One that finally put Hugh ‘Sir’ Evans in handcuffs, and Gabi too. For she still needed to atone. But damn, that WAS satisfying to see play out. For we’ve wanted Sir to pay the piper for a long time and now he will, and it will be a treat to see him be dealt with properly by the police. Not to mention, it will be interesting to see what comes of that HUGE moment with Margaret at the end of the story. But before we ponder more upon the next chapter in this saga, we can relish in the wonder of an amazing episode. One that truly did shine a light on perspectives we simply don’t think upon all that often, and certainly know little of, courtesy of this unique crime drama. One that truly explores the human condition in a manner that showcases our flaws, our beauty… and the world as it is. Until next time. Watch ‘Found’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 2611 of ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. This article also contains discussions revolving around sexual assault, which may be triggering to some individuals.
When we enter the workforce, there is one particular word we intend to treat as gospel… professionalism. For everything we learn about working, when we’re in college, from our parents, and even through popular media, is that being a consummate professional is the way to truly excel in the workplace. For it will make us someone that can be trusted, that is respected, and it will allow for us to inspire others to work harder and achieve goals as a team. But alas, it doesn’t take long for us to learn when we get out into the world, that such a word and a such a mantra… isn’t followed by as many people as we would like. In fact, there are some in the workplace, who simply don’t care about such a word. And they will happily do as they please and break rules if it means getting ahead, and what’s worse… is they persist. For they are never held accountable, hell, they even get promoted more often than not, and that outright shocks us. As does the fact that the most toxic individuals around tend to be in positions of power, and they do awful things to others. To the point where it just seems as though they can never be touched. But they can, provided certain things come into play, as evidenced by the next episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit on NBC. For ‘Deductible’ introduced us to a woman named Kyra that was eager to climb the ranks in her company’s business, and well, after years of lunch and coffee orders, she was given her chance. For the big boss, Frank Bailey, asked her to come along to an important dinner to close a big deal. Which she was happy to take part in until the evening took a turn. For Frank left early and the client… forced himself upon her. Which prompted her to lock herself in the bathroom until morning, wherein she injured herself in getting that door shut, and eventually found her way to a hospital when the coast was clear. Thankfully, some red flags from her little brother, whom she cared for and raised, got Captain Benson involved in the mess and well, it did not take long for her to learn about the assault, and the other horrors at this company. Such as the fact that Frank, was a pimp of sorts. Who often sent the prettiest girls along on big deals to make the client happy. Wherein they were paid handsomely for basically trading their bodies for a signed contract, and this went on and on for years, and of course… that sleazeball did his best to evade any sense of accountability for his actions. But eventually he paid the price, through the answer to our question. In that, it takes a village to bring those guys down. Because they’re enabled, entrenched and don’t give a flying eff about anyone but themselves. But the workplace doesn’t have to be that way, and it can be professional and fulfilling, and really, people have to speak up, in unison, and not let the jerks shout others down. For they need to be exposed for what they do, and if they break the law as well, oh… then they absolutely need to have charges levied against them. Which may seem like a supremely simple answer to a complex problem, but that’s just it. These jackasses are always enabled, and no one does anything to not have to deal with the hassle. But that’s just it, saying something, doing something… sticking to what’s right and professional does make a difference and that’s as fine a lesson as any. One that came forth through a powerful story that featured some equally as powerful moments that were in fact, quite satisfying. Because we did see the right things happen here, and saw people stand tall, and that was nice. Because we don’t see enough of that in the world right now, and that outright offered some much-needed catharsis, at a time when guys like Frank roam free and do as they please. Until next time. Watch ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 2411 of ‘Law & Order’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Eventually in this life… there is a switch in family dynamics. Wherein the children become the parent and must care for their folks with the same delicateness they received when they were young. Because sadly, old age makes life difficult for our parents and they require a helping hand to get through the day, with one unfortunate caveat, however. In that, there will also come a point where it is up to the children to make a decision that their parents never had to. Wherein they must think deeply upon what their parent’s final days are going to look like and what kind of care they need to receive as they prepare to leave this life. Which is tough to think about but necessary. Thanks to what time does to us. Which has brought forth great debates in our modern world, the kind that relate to whether or not we should consider euthanasia as a standard when quality of life gets so poor that keeping someone alive might be considered cruel. Not to mention there is debate as to how that should happen since this is a life we are dealing with, something that we cherish deeply. If anything, the debate over such matters is top of mind today, simply because it was featured in a unique manner during last night’s episode of Law & Order on NBC. A feat that ‘The Hardest Thing’ accomplished by way of a wild case for the NYPD and DA’s office to handle. Wherein a wealthy and seemingly normal man died execution style in his home one night, apparently as a result of a robbery. But the keen eye of Lieutenant Brady helped everyone to understand... this was a murder, and the robbery aspect was staged. Which pushed Shaw and Riley to look at the man’s children, who stood to make millions of dollars from their father’s passing, and their fine work helped them to learn that the daughter was responsible for this act and just like that… it was off to trial and into the world of surprises when a dark truth about the deceased was revealed. In that, he had a terminal illness. One that was going to eat away at his cognitive functions and well, this happened because he asked for it to happen. For euthanasia was not and is not legal in the state of New York, so a staged robbery would have and should have easily allowed for his daughter to escape charges and get some money along the away. A reality that changed the dynamic of the case and prompted Baxter to ponder upon a plea deal. Since no jury would see this as murder one. But Price fought that, hard in fact, because he was facing his own family crisis. For his father was also dying, and as proxy he had to make his own decisions regarding quality of life, and he really believed that there was a path and a nobility we needed to follow for such matters. But the death of his dad, under harrowing and suffering circumstance, changed his tune and helped a plea deal to come into play. All of which spoke to a bevy of topics. Such as the central theme of how children become the caregivers and whether or not euthanasia should be a thing. Which is something this show says… should. Because there is no real need in 2025 to watch a parent or a loved one wither away when their diagnosis is terminal. For we can offer better solutions, and we should. Because it’s not about being tough or powering through pain as Price tried to do here, it’s about doing what’s right for the sick, and not putting people in a position where they have to resort to extremes to bring their family peace. Which made for another poignant and timely episode from this series. One that left us with plenty to ponder upon regarding an unfortunate fact of life we will all deal with someday, in some capacity. Until next time. Watch ‘Law & Order’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
It is definitely safe to say, that we are seeing a surge of crime dramas and mystery shows arrive from other countries around the globe, and that’s not a bad thing by any means. Because it is giving rise to stories that feature new perspectives and new cases for the world to chew upon, and you can never go wrong with that. Not to mention, this surge is helping for new creative voices to be heard and there is but one network that is leading the charge in bringing those voices to the masses, Acorn TV.
For this streamer continues to offer up amazing new mysteries from amazing creatives and it just so happens that a new one from New Zealand is about to debut on the network. For A Remarkable Place to Die will debut on Acorn TV on February 17th, which will harbor a story filled with ambition and echoes of the past, all of which revolves around the most heinous crime of all, murder. And to properly celebrate this announcement, Acorn TV was kind enough to release, a trailer, key art, and details on the show, which we will share with you now. To help prepare you for another amazing mystery from a network that leads the way in offering up crime stories from around the world. ‘Today, Acorn TV unveiled the trailer and key art for New Zealand mystery series A Remarkable Place to Die. Starring Chelsie Preston Crawford (Underbelly) and acclaimed Australian actress Rebecca Gibney (Under the Vines), the four-episode original series premieres Monday, February 17 on Acorn TV in the US and Canada, with new episodes releasing weekly. A Remarkable Place To Die follows smart and determined homicide detective Anaís Mallory (Preston Crawford) as she returns to her hometown of Queenstown, New Zealand, assuming the role of lead detective and hoping to unravel the truth behind the deaths of her father and sister. Mallory has a stellar policing career under way after a secondment to Sydney, but she is forced to confront her strained relationship with her mother (Gibney) and the ghosts of her past, including her ex-fiancé Luke (Charles Jazz Terrier, Wentworth), who is now married to her ex-best friend, Maja (Indiana Evans, Home and Away). With a new case to solve every episode, it rapidly becomes apparent that there is plenty hidden beyond the breathtaking scenery of the tourist town. Secrets linger and danger is never too far away. As bodies start piling up around the once-safe place, Mallory and her team are thrust into a series of intriguing cases that bring into focus the tragedies that have beset her family. Plagued by the suspicion that her ex-fiancé might somehow be involved in their deaths, Mallory also realizes that her mother may know more than she is willing to reveal. A Remarkable Place to Die is a Screentime New Zealand and Real Film co-production for ZDF, Acorn TV and TVNZ with support from the NZ Film Commission and NZ On Air. Executive producers include Philly de Lacey, Henning Kamm and Sibylle Stellbrink, along with Don Klees for Acorn TV, Emma John for TVNZ, Andy Ryan, and Laura Mae Harding and Maik Platzen for ZDF. Banijay Rights handles international sales and distribution.’ Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
If there is one thing that Acorn TV is known for, it’s quality mysteries. After all, this is the home to Harry Wild, and Bloodlands. Not to mention, you’ll find some incredible cozy mysteries on Acorn TV as well. Such as Queens of Mystery and so many before. But there is more to this streamer than just a bevy of whodunits. It’s also home to some amazing dramas as well, and stories that are unconventional and moving, and another incredible drama is about to arrive on the network.
For Best Interests, a powerhouse story starring Michael Sheen, will hit Acorn TV on 2/17 as a limited series binge and well, with Sheen in a lead role for a story that ponders upon some timely topics, you know you’re in for something special and something powerful. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Because to support that announcement, Acorn was also kind enough to release a trailer, details, and key art for the show. Which we will share with you now, to prepare you for the arrival of another quality show on one quality network. 'Today, Acorn TV unveiled all-new assets for drama series Best Interests, from BAFTA-winning writer Jack Thorne (Help, His Dark Materials, The Virtues). Starring Sharon Horgan (Bad Sisters) and Michael Sheen (Good Omens), whose performances critics are calling “magnificently ferocious” and “just so good” (The Guardian) respectively, the US and Canada premiere of the four-episode limited series debuts as a full season binge on Monday, February 17 on Acorn TV. Nicci (Horgan) and Andrew (Sheen) are the proud and loving parents of Marnie and Katie. But life hasn’t been easy for their family. Marnie has a rare, life-limiting condition and as her health deteriorates, doctors believe it is in her best interests to withdraw care and allow her to die. Her parents disagree and so begins a fight that will take them through every stage of a legal process, as they struggle to contemplate this huge decision. It's a story of a family driven apart by having to make choices no parent would ever want to make. Best Interests is produced by Chapter One Pictures in association with Fifth Season. Executive Producers for Chapter One Pictures are Sophie Gardiner (Howards End, Chimerica), Toby Bentley (Kiri, Boy Swallows Universe), Jack Thorne, Lucy Richer for BBC One with Sharon Horgan and Michael Sheen. The series is produced by Jenny Frayn (Help) and directed by Michael Keillor (Roadkill, Strike).‘ Please enjoy this sneak peek and synopsis of episode three of ‘The Couple Next Door’, which is available to stream on the STARZ app now, and debuts on the network later tonight! "The Couple Next Door" EPISODE 103: Blurred Boundaries Airdate: January 31 on STARZ The sexual tension between the two couples reaches boiling point during a weekend away. Alan’s obsession with Becka escalates further, with devastating consequences. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
It is definitely safe to say that television fans everywhere are quite excited for season three of the AMC series, Dark Winds, and understandably so. After all, this is a series that features top notch writing, and top tier performances. Not to mention, it offers amazing representation on the small screen, and it also attracts A-List guest stars that play well alongside the A-List cast. Since we know that Bruce Greenwood and Jenna Elfman will be joining the cast this season, and well… that buzz is only growing.
Simply because earlier today, AMC Networks released the official trailer for season three of the show. Something we’ve been anxiously awaiting, and it is epic and sets the stage for another powerful story and of course, we are happy to share that trailer, and updated details on season three with all of you. So that you can get your fix and prepare yourself for what looks to be the best season of this show to date. ‘AMC Networks today released the official trailer for the highly-anticipated third season of its critically acclaimed noir drama series, Dark Winds. Starring Zahn McClarnon (The Son, Westworld, Fargo), Kiowa Gordon (The Red Road, Roswell, New Mexico), Jessica Matten (Rez Ball, Tribal, Burden of Truth) and Deanna Allison (Accused, Edge of America), Dark Winds returns with all-new episodes exclusively onAMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT, with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays. The first two seasons of the lauded series both have perfect 100-point scores on Rotten Tomatoes, and ahead of the season 3 premiere, viewers can catch up on the captivating first two seasons of Dark Winds on AMC+ and via the AMC Collection on Netflix. The expanded third season, featuring eight episodes, picks up six months after the events of Season 2 and follows Lt. Joe Leaphorn (McClarnon) and Jim Chee (Gordon) as they investigate the disappearance of two boys, with only an abandoned bicycle and blood-stained patch of ground left in their wake. Meanwhile, Bernadette Manuelito (Matten) attempts to settle into her new life 500 miles from home with the Border Patrol, but stumbles across a conspiracy involving human and drug smuggling with far-reaching implications. Joining this season as guest stars are Jenna Elfman (Dharma & Greg, Fear the Walking Dead) as FBI Special Agent Sylvia Washington, Bruce Greenwood (The Fall of the House of Usher, The Resident) as Tom Spenser, Raoul Max Trujillo (Mayans M.C., Blue Beetle) as Budge, Tonantzin Carmelo (La Brea,The English) as Border Patrol Agent Eleanda Garza, Alex Meraz (The Twilight Saga: New Moon, The Walking Dead) as Border Patrol Agent Ivan Muños, Terry Serpico (Law & Order SVU, Yellowstone) as Border Patrol Senior Chief Ed Henry, Derek Hinkey (American Primeval, Americana) as Shorty Bowlegs, Phil Burke (Hell on Wheels, Rabbit Hole) as Michael Halsey, and Christopher Heyerdahl (Under the Banner of Heaven, Hell on Wheels) as Dr Reynolds. This season also sees the returns of guest stars A Martinez (Longmire, Days of Our Lives) as Scarborough Police Department Acting Chief Gordo Sena andJeri Ryan (Star Trek: Picard, Bosch) as Rosemary Vines. Based on the iconic Leaphorn & Chee book series by Tony Hillerman, Dark Winds is created by Graham Roland (Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, The Returned, Almost Human, Fringe). John Wirth (Hell of Wheels, Hap and Leonard) serves as showrunner. The series is executive produced by Roland, Wirth, McClarnon, Robert Redford, George R.R. Martin, Chris Eyre, Tina Elmo, Jim Chory, Vince Gerardis and Anne Hillerman.’ Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
When one thinks of rolling with a biker gang in this day and age, one thinks of fun. Simply because a lot them anymore, are made up of hardcore motorcycle enthusiasts. Who want nothing more than to enjoy the open road with as many friends as possible. So, they head out, often clad in jean jackets and logos of yore, to escape life, and enjoy the day, and enjoy a few beers after a great ride before they go home to their families and their everyday jobs and everyday life. Which is… stark contrast for this type of gang in 2025, when one considers the fact that such gangs were something to be feared but a few decades ago.
Simply because in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, biker gangs were violent gangs. Who rolled with some tough people and conducted violent acts in the name of honor, and their territory, which they would fiercely defend. Which is what brought about the rough and tumble reputation they harbored, and the many stereotypes that we once harbored regarding them, and their negative reign was so brief that we tend to speculate what their world was about in popular fiction and ponder upon what might make someone want to join such a violent group. But that is starting to change. For there are creatives out there now, that are eager to explore how their worlds operated in an accurate manner, to preserve history and help us to understand this unique blip in history, and it just so happens that Viaplay is now home to a quality story in that manner, in the new series, Bullshit. Which is a story that takes us back to the 1970s and the 1980s, in Denmark no less, to introduce us to a pair of biker gangs operating out there known as Hell’s Angels, and Bullshit. Who were bitter rivals and came to prominence by outright going to war in the 80s. Which gives rise to a fascinating story for certain, one that deeply explores the power these gangs yielded back in the day, because of the brutality they would put on display. The kind that would instill fear in the locals that was so strong, they would operate with impunity and that alone, is worth the price of admission. Because that part of the story offers up fascinating perspective and a grand understanding of days gone by. But it is the characters that truly make this story worthwhile, since that is where we truly learn what made these gangs so popular and so violent. Which the show accomplishes by introducing us to Pia and Mackerel, a pair of teenagers who are in essence, lost in this life. For Pia has come to Denmark to start over and be free of her family and Mackerel has been tossed from his home for not abiding by the rules. But they find a home with Bullshit, and they quickly rise through the ranks and that process helps us to understand that these gangs were popular because they called to a lost generation. One that found comfort with their fellow riders, and purpose, and a sense of belonging and something to defend and fight for in this life and fight they most certainly did. In fact, the show holds nothing back in its portrayal of how violent these gangs could be and the fear they instilled, and of course… it also features a love affair for the ages. Since Pia and Mackerel share a bond that all crave and that adds genuine depth to this powerful story. One that finally showcases the world of motorcycle gangs in an honest and earnest light, one that helps us to understand how so many lost individuals found meaning and purpose from them, and how tragic so many of their stories turned out to be. Courtesy of violence, and that makes this an important series for certain. For this is that rare slice of history that all should see, to simply have perspective on a moment in time that we still ponder upon and keep alive because of the mystique that this series so deftly removes. Watch ‘Bullshit’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Four Premiere of ‘Mythic Quest’. To revisit the Season Three Finale, click here.
When we last settled in to enjoy the wondrous Apple TV+ series, Mythic Quest, we were ready for a grand reunion to take place. After all, Ian and Poppy seemed ready to return to the MQ fold after coming to realize that being apart from their team and their creation wasn’t healthy for them, and the company itself was ready to launch Playpen and usher in a new chapter with Dana running the show regarding that and that was all exciting to say the least. Since it spoke to this show doing what it does best, which is moving the story forward in a manner that feels real and organic. Wherein the characters can grow. Because we absolutely wanted to see what was going to come out of the common ground that Ian and Poppy found, and what the team would be like, reunited, after going through a season of challenges that changed them. But alas, the challenges of the industry delayed our want, but want no more. Because yesterday saw the first two episodes of season four drop on Apple TV+, and ‘Boundaries’ and ‘1000%’ delivered on everything we wanted and more. Since we did indeed see an office reunited. Wherein Ian and Poppy were back in their offices and where the company was starting to find profitability and success again, thanks to Playpen. Which meant, the time had come for these characters to dig in and do their thing and thankfully, this premiere wasted little time in giving the audience what they so crave. Since it took the time to explore how Ian and Poppy had new creative freedoms in front of them to really develop the next MQ evolution. Which was to bring about a new level that resembled the majesty of heaven, and they were given cart blanche because of how well Playpen was doing, and its success and this decision, allowed for the story to ponder deeply upon creative ethics from both creators and companies. Since our favorite duo tried hard to find the fastest way to code the new realm, and that brought about some wild artificial intelligence usage that backfired on both of them. ![]()
Which pondered deeply upon how best creatives can create in this wild new market. Plus, the discovery that Playpen users were uh, making sure that their characters were enjoying sins of the digital flesh, prompted David to step in and form a committee to decide how best to handle that. Because on the one hand, the world was supposed to be open and free, but also… there’s a modicum of decency that people expect with gaming. Which led to a hilarious bitch session that pretty much went nowhere, and just prompted David to go with Brad’s suggestion to monetize the game in a way where hanky panky would result in cash penalties.
However, it is the growth and the learning that we also appreciate within this show and there was plenty of that to be found. In fact, both episodes focused heavily on the concept of work/life balance and where those boundaries begin and end. Because in creative jobs, there really isn’t an off switch, but there should be. But what does that look like and what kind of boundaries does one set? Not to mention, how does navigate the interpersonal aspects of life and creative work in a healthy manner? Since conflicts regarding that can arise, and while the episodes offered up no solid answers on the matter (because there are none, it’s up to the individual and the organization to figure it out), it was nice to see such thoughts on display and see the characters find their own way regarding such matters. For they are top of mind in the workplace now, especially after Covid and the changes that has required, and well… all of this made for an amazing season premiere. One that stayed true to everything we love about this show. Since it was the perfect blend of growth and workplace satire and of course… the laughs were there as always. Because the comedy is why we tune in, and there were so many laughs to be found here. Some of which were motivated by the surprise that Rachel, is a moon landing denier. But that aside, it was just a real joy to be back in the world of Mythic Quest again, and it will be a real treat to navigate new challenges with this crew in the weeks to come. Until next time. Watch ‘Mythic Quest’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Three of ‘Prime Target’. To revisit the Series Premiere, click here. This article also contains a discussion regarding suicide, which may be triggering to some individuals.
It is definitely safe to say that the series premiere of the new Apple TV+ series, Prime Target, left us with more questions than answers, and that’s not a bad thing by any means. Because that premiere sucked us into a world of intrigue, where apparently certain research regarding mathematics has caught the attention of both the National Security Agency and private sector employers, and some are willing to kill to keep that research hidden away from the rest of the world, and that’s just not something you see on television all that often. And of course, the bloodthirsty desires of some are what brings about those questions, the kind that thankfully, the next episode of the show took the time to answer. Courtesy of a grand quest in ‘The Sequence’. One that revealed that Taylah survived the attempt on her life and worked quickly to pack her bags and pack her gear. All so she could escape what she knew was coming. Which was a tying up of loose ends, since the last of her colleagues was brutally murdered in this tale, and once she had her bearings… she made her way back to America. Wherein she quietly discovered that Edward was conducting that grand quest to figure out what he stumbled upon and what Safiya uncovered and that prompted the show to do a little flashback work. To transport us to 1994 to meet Safiya and see her working on the mystery, so that we had better context of the entire situation. Wherein we came to learn she knew Mallinder in his youth, and that his response to her work and her research was as negative as his response to Edward’s. But Safiya’s journey took a vastly disturbing route back then. For the deeper she went into her work, the more paranoid and fearful she became. To the point where she cut interpersonal ties and hid away from the world. For she believed that her work had attracted something grand and evil, and that prompted her to take her own life and bury that work, which was a stunning path for certain. And sadly, her fears had outright merit. Because as Edward continued to dig deeper and deeper into her work, he came to discover that it was indeed being sought after by others. To the point where he was mugged for her research. Which left him wondering what to do next, but thankfully Taylah found him and that was when some answers came to bear. In that, it turned out that Edward and Safiya came to discover a unique pattern structure in prime numbers. Which would in essence create a digital skeleton key for every digital lock in the world. Since everything we do with computers is based on a prime number structure. Which would in turn, give whoever had the full understanding of this pattern, the power to do whatever they wanted digitally and potentially bring the planet to their knees. Which is about as scary as it gets, because we live and die by the computer now and well, that brought forth a sobering ending to a tense tale. In fact, that tension was further enhanced by the mysterious actions that took place at the dig site. All of which clearly informs us that there is something afoul in the shadows of the world and it is eager to grab hold of a great secret, and because of that… Edward and Taylah’s lives are in great danger. Which made for an epic story, one that clearly set the stage for more discovery since we must know who wants this, and what they have planned for it, and that is going to make the wait for next week’s episode quite difficult in nature. As we wait to see what other unique and horrifying truths this story is going to send our way. Until next time. Watch ‘Prime Target’
March 2025