Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...There really is no better moment in a freshman television series, than when everything plot wise comes together. Because when that titular moment arrives, everything kicks into overdrive and it just so happens that after weeks of world building and subtle set up on many a fine plot point, the eighth episode of Lost in Space will always stand as the moment when everything came together at last in magnificent fashion and well, I’ll just say it now, ‘Trajectory’, is hands down the best episode that season one of this series has offered to date because it accomplished so much in a single hour. And it kicked off this grand plot tie in by finally having the Robinsons reveal to all the colonists of the danger that now awaited them in space, but only after Victor and his family tried to leave everyone behind to get help from the Resolute and well, his moment of panicked selfishness was not without merit. Because he never would have made it into orbit with a ship that weighs as much as it does with only a little bit of fuel to propel them, giving Maureen the idea to strip the Jupiter 4 down to the bare necessities so that someone could pilot it into space and signal the ship for help. Which meant that everyone got to work on clearing out the ship, and as everyone busted their hump to prepare the J4 for launch, an important matter came to a head as Maureen finally learned the truth about ‘Doctor Smith’ and locked up June in the garage to keep everyone safe from her lies and actions and well, that sure didn’t stop June from trying her damndest to talk her way out of this mess. But thankfully, it seemed as though no one, not even young Will, was listening to her crap, allowing for the family to continue to prepare for the launch, and that preparation took on new life since it turned out that John and Don were the only two men who were properly qualified to pull off this risky gambit. And this, is where this particular episode blew me away. Because once the mission got underway, and seemingly went off without a hitch, the Robinson’s biggest problem once again came to the surface to cause trouble. Because Will was worried about his father’s safety, and found himself talking to Smith once again, and sadly, she knew exactly how to press his buttons and use the Robot as bait for her escape and once she was free, she went after her captor, right in the middle of the damn mission which resulted in quite the shocker. Because shortly after Smith knocked Maureen out, the Jupiter 4 exploded high above the planet, meaning there’s a fair chance, that John and Don have met their end. Granted, I’ve got a gut feeling that both of them somehow survived, but part of me is wondering if that’s simply not the case since the Robot has been ‘dead’ for some time now and well, if they pull the trigger on something that dark, then this show will have accomplished something incredibly bold for certain. Either way, this one had my attention all the way through, and I love that so many plot threads came together so smoothly and now the stakes are higher than ever since the Resolute is 24 hours away from abandoning the planet and the colonists and well, with the J4 out of commission, and so many fates up in the air, I really haven’t a clue as to what comes next, or how this season will end, so I guess I need to hit ‘Next Episode’ in order to find out. Until next time.
Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...It’s rare to find a cliffhanger pop up in the middle of a season for a television series, simply because they’re usually reserved for special moments in the story, like say the midseason or season finale. But some shows have actually managed to master the art of ending a regular run of the mill episode on a stunning moment and one such show that is beginning to shine when it comes to the art of the cliffhanger is The Handmaid’s Tale. Because the ending to last week’s episode, wherein much of Gilead’s leadership was crippled by a suicide bombing attack, was stunning to say the least and ending it on that explosion, left me hungry to know what kind of fallout would follow from such an act and thankfully, this week’s tale, ‘After’, was happy to show us just that. But, before we get too deep into Gilead’s obligatory response, let’s talk about how the show took the time to show us the international response since we caught up with Moira and Luke in Canada because word about the bombing, and the Handmaid’s that died in the act spread north and that left June’s best friend and husband in limbo as they waited to hear if she was okay and well…it gave this duo time to take inventory and for Moira, it gave her time to reflect upon what they’ve all lost thus far. Which made for a beautiful sequence wherein we learned about the girlfriend Moira left behind, and how they met and how Moira even carried a baby to term to make some serious money and really, what made this part of the story so beautiful is the sheer fact that it served as a reminder as to how much everyone in this story has lost, and how important it is for them to cherish everything they have since it may fade away on a moment’s notice. If anything, this served as a surprisingly uplifting and heartbreaking twist to the story and well, the surprises didn’t end there. But before the next stunner arrived, some things played out as expected, since Gilead’s response was swift and with Commander Waterford, alive, but seriously injured, Commander Cushing took charge of the investigation to find out who was behind the attack on Gilead and it should come as no surprise that his quest for the truth took him to the Waterford home, wherein he pushed June hard for information. Because he saw through the B.S. story that was pitched in regard to her absence and let’s be honest, this was downright terrifying because this man was hell bent on retribution for Gilead, to the point where he was putting suspects down in the street. His actions meant that June had to act quickly, because Cushing would push and push until he uncovered every traitor in Gilead, meaning Nick was in trouble and in a stunning moment, she managed to inspire Serena to do the right thing for a change and Mrs. Waterford teamed up with Nick to have a few documents drafted for senior leadership, the kind of documents that expose someone for crimes against their country and wouldn’t you know it? Those papers put Commander Cushing in peril, and brought peace and safety to the Waterford home, and well, the story had one last surprise hiding up its sleeve, because that act motivated Serena to do some more good in her husband’s name…and she had June help her out in drafting more documents to signal an end to the police state currently gripping Gilead. So, let me get it out there now, I loved this episode. There was something magnificent about seeing a top official of Gilead quiver and quake at the possibility of rebellion and it was nice to see Serena finally step up and do something worthwhile for a change, and while I still don’t trust her, it’s good to know there’s a sliver of good buried in her soul. Plus, as an added bonus, this episode served as a twisted redemption for Emily and Janine since they were recalled into Handmaid service following the bombing and while the servitude part sucks, at least they won’t die a horrible and slow death. But what matters most, is that Gilead is fractured and that’s a good thing since many a worthless Commander has fallen and while things will likely get rough in the following weeks as Gilead’s leadership fights back, there is a now a giant crack in Gilead’s foundation, and that will likely embolden others to push harder to split it wide open. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...If there’s one grand mistake that science fiction stories featuring space travel can make, it’s adding a sense of safety to its respective journey through the stars. Because while such voyages are indeed filled with wonder, space is as dangerous a place as anywhere else in the universe and not having that present in said tale, removes any sense of realism or any air of conflict for the characters and it is a mistake that Lost in Space has been getting dangerously close to making. After all, while there have been tense and troubling moments for the Robinson clan, in the back of your mind you know they’re going to sneak past their problems with little effort, and unscathed and that can detract from the power of the story. However, it would seem somewhere down the line, the powers that be and the Writer’s Room recognized this issue as well, and decided it was high time to raise the stakes in this story, allowing for the next episode in this tale, ‘Pressurized’, to finally instill a powerful sense of danger into the story. All of that was accomplished by way to two key plot lines, one involving John and Maureen as they came to discover that there are plenty of natural hazards on this world when they found themselves trapped in a tar pit after a little seismic activity on the planet forced them off their current path and this storyline was downright intense and fascinating simply due to the fact that their Chariot sunk into the tar. This forced the couple to face their morality with their air running low and at long last it seems the duo came to an understanding about their relationship and what they mean to one another before inspiration hit Maureen, allowing for them to escape using helium and a weather balloon. But that however, was merely the beginning of the trouble to be found in this episode, since the genuine danger was put on display in Judy’s storyline. Because the fuel team had to cross a field full of pressurized geysers in three minutes or less, and a problem with a line on the fuel truck, prompted Evan to step outside of his Chariot to fix it, and while he made the repair, the geysers went off early, hitting his truck and upending it, eventually pinning him beneath the fuel trailer, which sparked quite the debate between Judy and Victor, do they bother to save Evan, or wait for backup? Because moving the trailer, meant spilling a lot of fuel thanks to a puncture point, and not moving the trailer meant the end of Evan and well, Judy made the call and rescued Evan…only to have him die on the way home… It was a powerful and sobering moment, and really the first time since start of the series that we’ve seen anyone suffer or lose their lives and it truly does serve as a reminder that this world is as harsh as any other and that everyone here needs to be careful and well, I fear the danger will only grow from this point forward. For Smith has finally gotten her hands on the broken Robot, and she seems to have figured out how to bring it back online and to make matters worse, Victor’s son spilled the beans to his father about the Black Hole, meaning that Victor is ready to leave others behind to save his family first. Either way, it was nice to see this episode take us to some darker places and raise the stakes and I fear things are only going to get worse from here as we close in on the season one finale. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...There are certain expectations that we have in our mind when we settle in to watch our favorite stories, and of the many, many items that are on that mental checklist, one that always stands out above the rest, is that we want this particular tale to take us on a complete and satisfying journey. Because when a story does that, it provides us with the perfect escape if you will, since real life rarely answers all of our questions, nor does it do a good job of tying up loose ends. Which means it was perfectly reasonable to expect the season one finale of Killing Eve, ‘God, I’m Tired’, to deliver onto us a perfect ending, one that wrapped everything up in magnificent fashion. However, there’s just one problem when it comes to that. Killing Eve doesn’t subscribe to any notion of traditional storytelling, and wouldn’t you know it? This is a finale that decided to instead mirror everyday life by in essence, taking us back to the point where we started in this particular tale, with more questions in front of us than answers and filled with wonder as to how this story was going to end. And as an added treat, this finale toyed with us before bringing us to that point, by making it seem as though we were going to get that complete ending after all, as this finale quickly brought one plot thread after another to their end. Because in this tale, we finally saw Anna and Oksana reunite after all these years. But not for the sake of taking a stroll down memory lane, or to rekindle an old flame. Oksana needed her money and her passport, which were both in Eve’s hands and surprisingly, once she discovered Anna had nothing for her, the two of them expressed their disdain for one another’s actions, to the point where they pointed guns at each other and well, this little standoff ended in a way I never expected it to, with Anna taking her own life, and while that decision was jarring to say the least, it was clearly a final choice by Anna to spite her former lover by not giving Oksana the satisfaction of pulling the trigger instead. But the show wasn’t quite done yet with saying farewell to important characters since this episode also saw the end of Konstantin shortly after he and Eve met Villanelle and his daughter at a restaurant where a good old-fashioned standoff ensued, and it ended with Konstantin taking a pair of bullets to the gut and while one would think that this act of revenge on Villanelle’s part would allow for her to finally turn to the light side and help Eve out, that simply was not the case. She ran off and that’s where things got messy. Because with Konstantin dead, and Villanelle gone, any leads to The Twelve faded away and to make matters worse, Eve found herself fired once again, meaning she was headed back to London with her marriage in tatters and nothing to show for her efforts. Which meant she had one last opportunity to set things right, and using the information she gathered from Anna, she ventured to Paris and made it to Villanelle’s apartment wherein she exacted her own brand of revenge by destroying all the pretty things in the assassin’s apartment mere moments before the two finally came face to face in private allowing for Eve to express her own obsession with Villanelle, which was of course reciprocated. And just when it seemed as though these two had finally reached common ground and could potentially move forward in just about every way imaginable…Eve surprised Villanelle by plunging a knife into her, leading to another escape from the wily assassin and leaving everything up in the air. Because we learned nothing about the Twelve in this episode, and their star assassin is on the run again, and we still have no idea where Carolyn’s loyalties lie and to top it all off, Eve’s life is a freaking mess, and, in all honesty, this is simply a brilliant way to end this season. Because in doing this, nothing was rushed in the finale, and all of the incredible twists and turns that the past few episodes introduced, will get properly resolved next year. Either way, this was just a magnificent season through and through, one that defied convention and I loved that this season ended with minimal resolution since it demonstrates how committed this series is to doing things differently, which means we are going to be in for some incredible storytelling treats when season two arrives. Until next year. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...I think it is safe to say at this point, that The Handmaid’s Tale is a series that likes to toy with its audience. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because taking a ride on an emotional rollercoaster is part of enjoying a great story. But therein lies the problem if you will with the show. Because at some point, the story is supposed to reward the audience, to give them something special and worthwhile for enduring such a tough ride and really, this series really hasn’t taken the time the time to do such a thing. Granted, it flirted with the notion of a reward early on in season two, since we did get to see June escape the clutches of Gilead for a time, only to find herself back where she started and while that’s downtrodden and harrowing enough in its own right, the series took things a step further by allowing for us to witness June’s near psychological breakdown and really, at the end of last week’s episode, I was genuinely wondering if this series was ever going to give us something positive when it comes to this harrowing tale. Well as it turns out, last night’s episode of the show, ‘First Blood’, is the story that will likely go down as a turning point for this storied saga, since it did indeed provide a reward for the audience after all this time, in stunning fashion for that matter as well. But of course, as this series is wont to do, such rewards don’t come easy and this story did force us to sit through more uncomfortable injustices in this world before finally giving us what we want. Like the whole matter with Nick and his newfound bride, wherein we saw Gilead’s fanaticism come into play since Eden was ready to turn her husband in as a Gender Traitor for not sleeping with her right away and well…that moment, and the fact that Nick eventually did consummate his marriage was just plain screwed up because the girl is only fifteen years old, but that is this world, where nothing matters but ‘God’ and what man has deemed His word, and now a new generation subscribes to this garbage and that’s downright disturbing. In fact, so were Serena’s actions in this tale since she tried desperately to play nice with June for a change, that is until June asked nicely to see Hannah and quickly saw Serena turn on her despite the understanding they were finally coming to and well, it would seem that Serena’s disdain for June stems from the fact that she is and will forever be a non-believer in Gilead’s cause. Because thinking about her former life proves that little has changed in June’s mind and this oddly enough tied into that fanaticism as well since we were privy to a few flashbacks from Serena’s past, wherein we saw how hard she pushed to be heard in America and how she and Fred gamed the system as it suited them in order to get their way and how they will take whatever measures necessary to make people understand just how important Gilead is to them, as was evidenced by Commander Waterford’s hunt and subsequent execution of the man who shot his wife… But, with this kind of darkness surrounding the story, it seems as though that a reward is simply not possible, but there was one believe it not, and it wasn’t the act of kindness that Commander Waterford sent June’s way by giving her a current picture of Hannah. No instead, this one came right out of left field in that, while Waterford was dedicating a new training facility for future Handmaids, Ofglen decided to surprise everyone by stepping into the meeting room, distracting everyone briefly before she revealed that she had a trigger in her hand, and before the Guardians could tackle her to the ground, the explosives wrapped around her body detonated in the room, sending Handmaids outside flying, and likely sending many of Gilead’s top officials to their graves and well…just like that, Mayday struck one hell of a blow, and the audience finally got something they’ve been desperate to experience, comeuppance for the monsters that run Gilead. If anything, that last minute surprise was truly unexpected in every way imaginable, because Mayday has been silent since June was returned to the Waterford home. But it’s obvious an opportunity to cripple Gilead’s leadership was too good to pass up, and what’s equally as surprising here is that Ofglen was ready and willing to die for the cause and clearly, she had enough of what she’s seen and had done to her and her sacrifice truly signals a big change for this story. Because this kind of attack shows how serious Mayday is about toppling Gilead, which means that the fight is on, Gilead’s days may be numbered, and you know what? It’s about damn time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...I always love it when a television series finds a way to completely and utterly surprise you. Be it a twist or an unexpected revelation, there’s just something special about having the story shock you in ways you weren’t expecting, and wouldn’t you know it? A grand surprise is precisely what Lost in Space had in store for all of us in the next episode, ‘Eulogy’. But, what made this little stunner so worthwhile, is the sheer fact that the series truly disguised what was on the horizon, by outright making this particular tale look like a boring filler episode. Because a fair chunk of this tale focused on a hodgepodge of various plot lines. Like having John get the colonists on the same page regarding the Robot, which ended with everyone deciding to keep the Big ‘Bot around after all. Or Don West working with Victor to get the fuel from his crashed ship for a price. And to top it all off, the story found a way to inject some morality themed moments into this story as well by way of Maureen’s internal debate to tell everyone about the Black Hole and with John taking the time to teach his son about how to respect and honor those we’ve lost in life. Now don’t get me wrong, all of this was solid storytelling through and through, but it really wasn’t advancing the plot a heck of a whole lot, and well, it really was serving as quite the smoke screen when all is said and done. Because one plot thread that was introduced during all of this as well, was June’s interaction with Angela, wherein the sneaky ‘doctor’ fulfilled her fake role as a therapist, all in the hopes of pushing Angela over the edge, so that she would exact revenge upon the Robot. In fact, Smith went so far as to even hide the gun for Angela to find as part of this plan and well…the good doctor was unfortunately successful in her endeavor to break the ailing woman. Because eventually, she came around to the idea that an eye for an eye was the way to go, and she ventured to the Jupiter 2 and opened fire on the ‘Bot, forcing it into protection mode and while Will was able to stop it from killing anyone, John did get hurt in the scuffle, forcing young Will to make one hell of a decision, and end the Robot’s life. Yes, that’s right, he took the ‘Bot up to the Memorial he and his father built and asked the Robot to step off of the cliff, effectively killing it, and there is no doubt in my mind that this was all part of a larger plan for Smith and she’s ready to start the next phase of her evil machinations. In the end however, this was one incredible twist, one that I simply didn’t see coming and well, it just goes to show how far Smith is willing to go to get what she wants, and my goodness…her brand of evil is becoming downright disturbing to say the least. However, she will need to act quickly on the next phase of her plan, because Judy and Don now know the truth about her identity and it won’t be long before her secret is out. I just hope that veil of mystery is pulled back before she does some serious harm to anyone else. Either way, this was just another great episode, and I need to watch the next one as soon as possible to see what else June has hidden up her sleeve. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...To say that Killing Eve is a breath of fresh air to the spy drama, would in fact be an understatement. Because this incredible new series has done the impossible and has straight up challenged this storied genre by showing everyone that such tales can be more than pure machismo and explosions and cool gadgets. This series has demonstrated that the spy genre can in fact, be filled to the brim with wonderful and dynamic characters, and it doesn’t have to stick to any particular formula when it tells its tale, as was evidenced in last night’s episode, ‘I Don’t Want to Be Free’. Because normally, the penultimate moment of the spy tale is supposed to be incredibly intense, full of powerful revelations and surprises and action and adventure, all designed to take your breath away. But in this all-important episode, the series decided to change things up by delivering unto us a powerful character study, one that quite frankly, gave us our best insight into Villanelle yet, and all of that was accomplished by finally allowing for the audience and Eve for that matter, to meet a character whose name we’ve heard thrown around this series, time and time again…the elusive Anna. Yes, that’s right, we finally met this mystery woman face to face and as it turns out, in a world full of intrigue and double crosses and shadowy figures, the woman that seemingly matters most to Villanelle, comes from a simple life. She’s a schoolteacher, one that is still grieving over the loss of her husband and it was fascinating to learn how much validation matters to Oksana, since Anna’s efforts to make Oksana feel wanted and normal paid off in spades by way of a close relationship. But, while it was nice to learn something positive about Oksana, there is still an inherent danger in growing close to her since she demands your full attention and that’s sadly why Anna’s husband is no longer alive. Plus, we also learned, that she is not someone you want to cross in the slightest. Because this episode did follow up on her predicament in prison, and after letting her stew in there for a hot minute, the Twelve finally broke her out and gave her a new handler, one that ordered the death of Konstantin. But Villanelle had other ideas in mind, and after putting down her new handler, she went after her former boss, his family and quite frankly, the Twelve themselves for attempting to end her life and while she wasn’t exactly successful in her endeavors, the lesson was indeed learned that she’s dangerous to those who want to do her harm and Konstantin better beware because she’s ready to make him pay for everything he’s done to her. Yet, a penultimate episode means nothing without setting up something big for the season finale and this story delivered on that as well. Because it would seem that Eve is confident she can finally reach Villanelle on some fundamental level, which is a huge deal when one considers the fact that they’ve been enemies for some time now and one cannot forget that Carolyn continues to confuse and befuddle the audience as to where her allegiance lies since Carolyn was caught on camera talking to Villanelle while she was still in prison, and that will likely be resolved next week as well. Either way, it looks like the season one finale is going to be downright epic, and well…I rather appreciated the fact that Oksana’s backstory took the center stage at last and it should be interesting to see what decisions she makes when it comes to her future, when the season wraps up next week. Until then. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Normally, when one tunes in to watch an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. you’re guaranteed a few things when it comes to the story. You will in fact, get an action-packed tale, wherein our intrepid Agents defy the odds and accomplish wonders. Because that’s what Phil Coulson’s team does, they make miracles happen as a single unit and always fight to see another day. However, it would seem the past few weeks of this storied franchise have changed those rules, because this team has not been unified in the slightest and it truly seems that for the first time ever, no one is safe when it comes to this grand fight to save the world from utter destruction. Which meant that I found myself nervous to settle in for this episode, and my trepidation was justified. Because the season five finale, ‘The End’, had a different feel hanging over the story. It felt like it was building toward something heartbreaking, but before it tipped its hand as to whether or not people we love were going to pass into the great beyond, this episode did something that seemed impossible in so many ways since the team returned from the future; it managed to re-unify this shattered team and once they finally found themselves on the same page, they managed to accomplish the wonders we have become accustomed to. In fact, I would venture to say that this was their finest hour. Because I cannot remember a time in this series where every single Agent was this motivated to do something heroic and meaningful and every single of them were true heroes in this episode through and through and for their efforts, they were successful in their respective endeavors. Mack was able to save Polly with an assist from May and Fitz, and Daisy, truly realized her potential as a superhero in this tale by boldly and bravely confronting Talbot and trying to reason with him. Yet, while that was a failure, it spoke to how far she had come by outright sounding like Coulson and wouldn’t you know it? Eventually Daisy was successful in defeating Talbot when she used her supercharged powers to blast him into space, saving all of mankind. However, this was in fact, quite the pyrrhic victory. Because in order to give Daisy a boost, Coulson had to sneak her the Centipede Serum, meaning full well that he sacrificed his life for the greater good and to complicate matters further, Fitz was badly wounded in the escape and perished from his injuries, making the back half of this episode, as heartbreaking as I originally expected it to be as S.H.I.E.L.D. lost two critical members to the team. But, there is hope for a reunion for Fitz and Simmons since the man that died in this episode is from the future, and another Fitz is out there in space with Enoch, waiting for a future that will never come, but that same kind of second chance, doesn’t exist for Philip J. Coulson. Which meant that the final moments of this episode, gave the team and the audience a rare opportunity when it comes to stories such as this; everyone got to say goodbye to Phil as he made the decision to live out his final days in paradise; Tahiti to be specific, with Agent May for that matter as well and this was…downright beautiful and tear-jerking to say the least. Because in many ways, this farewell signaled the end of an important chapter in this series and the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole. Because Phil Coulson has been a massive part of this franchise from the get go, and it’s strange that he likely won’t be along for the ride in the newly announced season six, or further MCU adventures for that matter, but at least, he found some semblance of peace at last in his final days after doing so much, for so many. If anything, while that ending was sad in its own right, it was also quite beautiful. After all, the Earth is still in one piece, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is still here to protect it, and that’s about as joyful as things can get in a story such as this. Either way, this really was the finest season of this series to date, and with this chapter having come to a powerful close, I’m quite glad that this isn’t the true end of the series, and that we get to see how this team grows as a family in season six, and how they will respond to the new challenges that await them with a new leader in place, and a new future in front of them. Until next year. Written by John Edward BetancourtWhen we last left Kara Thrace and her unsettled crew on Battlestar Galactica, the situation was grim. After all, there was mutiny in the air over Starbuck’s decision to roll the hard six and take the crew of the Demetrius along to investigate Leoben’s Basestar and considering the fact that the prior episode ended with a cliffhanger, I got the distinct feeling that the next chapter in this story, ‘Faith’, was going to be quite the intense affair with all of that bad blood hanging in the air. As it turns out, I was definitely right about that part, but this episode offered up so much more for the audience, and all of it related to the title of this tale. But before we get too deep into that, let’s take a moment and talk about how this story resolved the cliffhanger in question, because that’s what generated all the tension in this episode, and with good reason. Because the attempt to take over the ship ended in violence when Sam defended his love, going so far as to shoot Gaeta to hammer home the point that Kara is in charge and oddly enough, the violence turned out to be an effective way to diffuse the situation since everyone stood down to prevent further bloodshed and the respite in this moment allowed for Kara to convince Helo to give her a Raptor to take to the Basestar instead of the entire ship. As for what she and a small group found in space, well that’s where the notion of faith and quite frankly, destiny, came into play. Because the Basestar in question and its location, was a dead ringer when it comes to Kara’s visions and after some tense moments aboard the ship, the all-important meeting with the Hybrid took place, and the chilling message from Razor came about once again, along with other riddles that led everyone to realize that the Final Five hold the key to finding Earth since they are from there, which means the time has come to unbox D’Anna, since she has seen all of their faces. But all of that aside, it’s nice that Kara’s unwavering faith in Earth was rewarded in this tale and now…the people of the fleet are going to have to take her a little more seriously. Yet, while Kara dealt with her dilemma, the show slowed things down severely aboard Galactica, where the president was receiving more treatment for her cancer. And while received said treatment in sickbay, she met a woman named Emily and the two of them discussed the finer points of religion and what might happen to them when they pass into the great beyond and well…this was a surprisingly beautiful part of the plot and I like that the series didn’t condemn or endorse faith in this segment of the episode, it merely examined what it can mean for people in times of trouble and it was also cool to see Nana Visitor, a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine alum pop up in this part of the story as Emily. When all is said and done however, I love that the plot is continuing to come together as this season rolls on. Suddenly it’s crystal clear that Kara has indeed been through something incredible since her visions are coming true, and I love that the ‘harbinger of death’ message came back into play because that makes it clear we are moving toward some big things in the weeks to come. Either way, this was a good one, it definitely kept my attention and honestly, there’s little else to say other than, I’m ready to roll on another episode, because I’m dying to be refreshed upon what D’Anna has to say about the Final Five. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to watch the next one to see where this incredible plot is headed. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...I have to admit, that I was a touch hesitant to watch this week’s episode of The Handmaid’s Tale, but not for the reasons that most would expect. Because I already know this show is going to sock me in the stomach with some kind of disturbing or shocking moment that will leave me shaking my head in disgust at the joke that is Gilead. No, instead, my concern here came from the fact that the only reason to watch this show might be fading away because June is why we tune in, and her desire to fight this twisted system and everything it stands for keeps us going. But last week, it seemed as though June was slipping into Gilead’s waiting hands as we watched her fight and drive disappear in the closing moments of that tale and wouldn’t you know it, things went from bad to worse when it came to her mental state in this week’s episode, ‘Seeds’. If anything, this change in her personality, wherein she was about as obedient as they come, truly did make this episode difficult to watch because it allowed for us to finally see Gilead for what it is…a bland and vapid place, one devoid of anything that makes our lives worth living. Yet while that proverbial pulling back of the curtain made me squirm in my seat as more atrocities unveiled themselves during the course of this episode, like watching women die in the Colonies from radiation poisoning, or the fact that marriages in Gilead are arranged and involve underage girls because only a twisted Theocracy would be cool with something as disgusting as that…there was a rhyme and reason for all of this. Granted, it feels strange to type that and for you dear reader, it’s likely awkward to scan over with your eyes, but the point was subtle in this tale; in that when the odds are against us and it seems as though the situation is hopeless, that sometimes fighting and believing in something more, is all we have to keep us going. All of that was evidenced by Emily and June’s plight because both of them…let this world bring them down, and quite frankly, there’s no shame in that. Because a world like this would be beyond difficult to function in, which brings us to a concurrent theme present in this tale as well, in that…people in this world often see making it to tomorrow as a grand reward, which is disheartening to say the least. But, eventually, Emily and June found their way since Emily came to discover that there is beauty still left in the world and June came to realize that potentially changing the course of a young life would help to make a difference and be worth fighting for and that seems to have given them motivation to go on and resist as best they can. Of course, we all want more than that, a battle, a fight, something or anything that shows people fighting against Gilead. But sometimes joy and happiness are a form of resistance, especially in a world that outright tries to suck the life out of you and those two things are dangerous for Gilead. Because they lay the foundation for something more, for the fight to come and it’s wonderful to see that these two women have bounced back from their darker moment. Because they inspire the audience as we wait for the all-important moment when their fight finally pays off in spades, and they can be free again in a world without Gilead. Until next time. |
January 2025