Written by John Edward Betancourt At this point it is outright safe to say that we’ve been experiencing a bit of a dark patch, storytelling wise, during our journey through season three of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Because this particular segment of year three has not only taken the time to examine the notion of revenge, but it has also looked at how our governments sometime let us down and how terrorism and revolutions aren’t always a noble cause. And while there is nothing wrong with examining deeper and bleaker topics in a science fiction television series, TNG was always known for providing the audience with a wonderful look at the future, whilst having a little fun along the way. And thankfully, the next episode in this storied franchise stayed true to that latter mantra, by offering up quite the lighthearted story. A feat that ‘Déjà Q’ was able to accomplish by offering up quite the surprise in regard to the omnipotent being that shares the namesake of this tale. For when we catch up with Q in this tale, we come to learn that he has been stripped of his powers because he continues to cause great trouble in the galaxy and this led to a lot of fun and silly moments. The kind where the crew was able to get some quality digs in on the creature that has tormented them for years on end and that alone made for one fun tale, one that definitely helped to clear our mental palates of the darker stories that preceded this one. But while it was quite hilarious to see Guinan jam a fork into Q’s new flesh and see him struggle with sleep and hunger, what kind of episode of TNG would be this be without an exploration the human condition? And oddly enough, Q’s predicament allowed for that to easily sneak into this tale. Because Q has made a lot of enemies throughout eternity, the kind that were eager to harm him once word spread of his transformation into a corporeal being. And that meant that he was under physical harm often in this tale, leaving Captain Picard and the crew with quite the moral conundrum. In that, they could either leave Q to his own devices and his own unfortunate fate for sowing chaos throughout the universe, or… they could be the bigger species here and try and help him to understand the difference between right and wrong and the true consequences of his actions. All in the hope that he might learn something about being a better being for a change and perhaps engender a little good in the galaxy and believe it or not… going with the latter option, worked. For eventually, Q came to realize that his way was the wrong way and that it was okay to show kindness and gentleness to others and it was also a noble thing to put one’s self in harm’s way in order to keep those you care for safe, if the situation calls for it, and it most certainly did in this tale. And thanks to his attempt to sacrifice himself in order to keep the crew of the Enterprise safe, Q’s powers were eventually returned to him and he was quick to celebrate their return in an epic fashion. Because nothing says 'party' like a Mariachi Band and it was sweet of him to provide Lieutenant Commander Data with the experience of laughter. But what matters most, is that Q finally committed a genuinely selfless act in this tale and even used his powers for good for a change and really, in the end, what makes this episode so worth our while; are the grand lessons it sends our way. Because this story is a fine reminder that we should always take the high road and always treat others with respect. Simply because you never know what kind of impact that might have upon someone who is experiencing hard times in life and it also serves to remind us that redemption is never that far off for someone who believes they are a lost cause. Because if a guy like Q can find salvation and goodness in his heart, anyone can find their way back and a little TLC goes a long way in making that happen. If anything, this was just a delightful episode through and through, one filled to the brim with wonderful comedic moments and some endearing ones as well and truly, this episode serves as a fine demonstration of how quickly the writers' room turned this show around in season three, and the best part of all, is that the best is yet to come. Until next time.
Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the fourth episode of ‘Tiny World’. Thus far, the AppleTV+ series, Tiny World, has done a phenomenal job of opening our eyes to an aspect of our planet that few of us ever pay any attention to. Because we rarely think about or acknowledge the tiny creatures that popular our world. But thanks to this series, we are truly staring to pay them mind and we're starting to understand more about the unique and dynamic lives they lead. For we've come to learn that there are some tiny animals that enjoy comfort and safety and are surrounded by all kinds of wonderful bounties, thanks to their environment and the larger animals they share space with. While there are others... that deal with some incredible struggles on a daily basis. Because unfortunately for these little critters, there are just parts of the world that are simply brutal to survive in, such as the Australian Outback. For the heat in this part of the world eventually becomes downright unbearable and dangerous for anyone or anything residing within its borders and the tiny animals that call the ‘Outback’, home, definitely face some incredible challenges on daily basis when it comes to the heat and their surroundings. Such as the sugar glider, since this little cutie has to work hard to find food and shelter in the sweltering sun, all while raising its young and while that seems like a pretty cushy and cute life, it didn't take long for this series to present us with the dangers that these precious little buggers face. For there are lizard predators that climb trees in this part of the world, and that forces the little glider to take its baby and run the instant there is trouble. And if the baby in question isn’t quite ready to leave the nest, that makes travel tough, since mom or dad has to carry their young to safety. However, while we learned plenty about the sugar glider and the tough challenges and dangers that it faces on a daily basis, there are other animals in the outback that also spend their days fighting hard to survive. Take for example, the frilled lizards that populate this place. For they spend a fair chunk of their time fighting to keep their homes safe from intruders or usurpers. And while they are duking it out with their own kind or whatever unfortunate animal meandered into their territory, there are other creatures working hard to find the precious resources that so many of us take for granted, like water. Which is why the Thorny Devil Lizard is a creature of note. Because this horned lizard has come to realize just how scarce water can be in the brutal summer months, and that's allowed for its kind to evolve to make the most of whatever water it finds, by using its scaly skin to soak it up and even push it toward its mouth. But while it was fascinating to see what these animals go through in order to survive in the outback, what truly made this episode so harrowing and so powerful, was its ending. For this story took the time to point out that the dry nature of the outback, in summer time, forces the animals that live there to fight for their lives when summer storms begin to form. Because the lightning bolts that these storms produce, manage to ignite the dried-out gum leaves that have fallen to the ground. Which creates powerful fires that leave these poor animals no choice but to flee in a hurry and that made for one tough sequence to watch. One that thankfully ended on a happier note than expected, since most of the ‘characters’ in this tale survived and eventually were able to start their lives over. Because oddly enough, fires actually help to revitalize the forests in the outback. For the ashes from the burned out trees are rich in nutrients and the rains feed the seeds within those ashes, and it isn’t long before new trees are sprouting, and life and this cycle of danger starts anew and well, this really was quite the incredible episode when all is said and done. Because this one really did a fine job of showing us just how tough life can be for the tiniest of animals. Since all the creatures in this one had to work overtime in order to see another day. But at the same time, it also taught us how resilient and determined they are, and now that we’ve concluded our journey through the outback, it should be interesting to see what other challenges and outright victories, the itty bitty critters of the world will face and enjoy, in the next chapter of this fascinating documentary. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the finale of ‘Earth’s Great Seasons’. Winter truly is a special time for all of humanity. Because despite the fact that the landscape is bleak and covered in snow, and the climate is uncomfortably cold at times, we as a species tend to use this time of year as an outright celebration. For so many cultures around the world gather with those we love during winter, and offer and receive gifts to symbolize how much we mean to one another. Or we take part in celebrations that pay tribute to the solstice and oddly enough, this is a time of year that can also put us in quite the philosophical place. For nature’s stripping of color from the world, serves as a fine reminder to humanity to prepare for rebirth and change when springtime draws near, making this the perfect time to ponder upon our lives and their meaning and direction. But while we think about the nature of tomorrow while enjoying a cup of hot cocoa from the comfort of our warm and toasty homes, there is a grand fight for survival happening outside of our window. For Earth’s Greatest Seasons wasted no time in its finale, in showing us how the wild animals that populate our world, work twice as hard to survive the ‘Winter’. For the environment is bitterly cold and harsh in every single sense of the word, and that motivates the animals that don’t hibernate for the winter to put together a survival plan and the first priority on that list, is keeping warm. Because without warmth and safety, they simply won’t make it through the season and that motivates some animals to go to great lengths to make that happen. For instance, penguins in Antarctica will create mass huddles in order to spread and share warmth, something they don’t normally do and there are even tinier creatures out there, such as the least weasel; that will make use of shelters that other animals built, in order to get what they need to survive. So, once warmth been achieved, then it is on to the next key elements in their plan, specifically… finding an abundance of food and battling the harsh elemental obstacles that nature puts in their way and that allows for some animals to get quite creative and inventive. Take the river otters of Yellowstone for instance, since they use breaks in the ice, to fish and in order to keep an ample food supply on hand, they’ll hide future meals in the snowbanks. Something that sadly can backfire from time to time, since coyotes and wolves are looking for food as well, and they’re just fine with using their noses to find a fresh fish buried in the snow. And speaking of the wolves, they do a wonderful job of using the elements to their advantage, since they are quick to use any and all tracks that they find in the snow to quietly and patiently hunt down a meal, even going so far as to let their prey wear themselves out in the snow. But while it was fascinating to see animals adapt to their environment and come to learn that they have figured out how to use something as simple as ice to their advantage; where this episode truly shined, is when it took the time to show us how sometimes a fight for survival in nature… involves an actual fight. Because with resources scarce in the winter, it is indeed survival of the fittest and if that means a Bald Eagle needs to throw down and toss claws in order to eat, so be it. And it was simply incredible to watch these birds and other various species, battle over resources, since it hammered home just how tough it is out there in the middle of winter and while these sobering segments made it truly seem as though this bleak time of year is nothing more than a brutal and savage free-for-all, the show did make a point to highlight a sliver of beauty that exists in the midst of all this wintry desolation. Because believe it or not, there are still animals out there, that see winter as the perfect time to select a mate. Simply because they know that if they breed now, their babies will have a fighting chance to survive when the spring arrives since food and resources will be abundant, and really… this segment of the story is perhaps a fine reminder that we do indeed share some elements of our world with nature. For its desire to create life in the midst of icy temperatures, fits it in with the thoughts of rebirth and renewal that are swirling through our heads in the dead of winter and really in the end, this series truly did save its most powerful story for last, and the show couldn’t have picked a better place to bring this saga to a close. For winter really does signal an ending of sorts and it brings this voyage through the seasons around full circle, and hopefully all of us walk away from this documentary with a newfound appreciation for nature. For the animals of the world really do defy the odds, regardless of the season and their fight serves to remind all of us, that life is quite the gift, and we should take a moment and cherish it, whenever possible. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Chapter 13 of ‘The Mandalorian’. There really is no greater moment for a television series, then when it finally finds its proverbial groove. Because when it does, the audience is often treated to a powerful tale. One that assaults the senses in every way imaginable and leaves its fans talking for days on end over what happened in that story and well, this is relevant to our discussion today, simply because The Mandalorian finally found its groove this week. For ‘Chapter 13: The Jedi’ was the perfect episode that we’ve all been waiting for, and what made it so great and so incredibly worth our while, is the sheer fact that it was filled to the brim with epic moments, delightful reveals and surprises and of course… the return a franchise fan favorite. For this is a story that featured the first live-action appearance of Ahsoka Tano, and well, her arrival on this series did not disappoint. Because not only was she still handling unfinished business from The Clone Wars and Rebels, she was still a noble Jedi. One that was eager to right wrongs and save lives and her skills haven’t diminished either, since she was able to wow us with all kinds of incredible lightsaber work and while it was just amazing to see her in live action form for a change and see Rosario Dawson offer up a quality performance as the character… it was the little things that made her appearance worthwhile. Such as the fact that she is still haunted by what happened between her and Anakin Skywalker all those years ago, and that little touch just added depth to an already rich character. But while it was wonderful to see Ahsoka back in action, there were plenty more incredible moments waiting for us in this tale, such as the noble quest that Din and Ahsoka took part in. For the city of Calodan on the planet Corvus was ruled by a ruthless magistrate named Morgan Elsbeth, who ruled through fear and responded to loyalty with cruelty. And she also had ties to the Empire, but more on that in a moment. Because it was up to our intrepid heroes to save the good people of this city from Morgan’s special brand of evil, and that led to some incredible action sequences. The kind that sent our hearts racing and took our breath away and they were also shot in a gorgeous manner, giving this episode a fascinating feel. Since it resembled a classic western at times, with just a hint of Kurosawa for good measure. Yet while that sequence was also a treat in its own right, one that featured screen veteran/Sci-FI legend Michael Biehn, it’s the big reveals/surprises in this tale that matter most. Because Grand Admiral Thrawn was name dropped in this tale since that is who Morgan was working with in regard to the Empire, and it is simply incredible to know that he’s still around post Battle of Endor and his arrival by name has all kinds of implications for the future of this series. After all, he could in fact be Moff Gideon’s boss, since a Moff has to report to someone and if that is the case, and Gideon fails in his mission (which he likely will), that could mean that Thrawn will step in and handle matters himself. Which could in turn lead to a live-action appearance of another fan favorite from the Extended Universe as well. But what is truly stunning about this tale, is that it still had more surprises to send our way. For this story also took the time to finally allow for The Child to spend time with an actual Jedi and well, the connection that he and Ahsoka shared, helped for us to learn a lot about this little green guy. For instance, we now know that his name is Grogu and that he was being trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when the Old Republic fell, and that someone rescued him from the temple when Order 66 came into play and he’s been in hiding ever since. And sadly, his time away from the Jedi has allowed for his powers to diminish and his current situation has also put him quite the precarious place. For Grogu is full of fear and uncertainty and a tinge of anger as well, and that’s a dangerous place for a force sensitive being to be, as we have learned over the years, and that is precisely why Ahsoka was unwilling to train him. But not all hope is lost for young Grogu. For Ahsoka gave Din advice on what to do with the little guy next. In that, Din must take Grogu to the planet Tython, and on this world the little one must sit atop a seeing stone near a temple that has a strong connection to the Force, so that he can finally choose his own path. For if he reaches out with the Force, a powerful Jedi may arrive to help guide him and if not, then he can finally live his life as he sees fit and it should be interesting to see which path Grogu chooses. In the end however, this really was the finest episode of this series to date. Because not only did it offer up incredible action and adventure and stunning visuals, it did a fan favorite justice and it offered us answers and plenty to look forward to in the future, and at this point it is outright safe to say that the wait for next week’s episode is going to be a difficult one. Since we are all wondering what kind surprises await Din Djarin and Grogu on Tython. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt When we think of the word revolution, an interesting set of thoughts and images blast into our minds. Because on the one hand, that word carries with it a sense of nobility. For the United States of America was founded on the notion of freedom for all and it took revolution to achieve that. Yet at the same time, revolution can also invoke images of terror. For there are unsavory and unwholesome organizations out there that kill in the name of revolution, when in fact there is a more sinister agenda at play when it comes to the actions of these ‘freedom fighters’. If anything, these polarizing images make the word revolution confusing to say the least… since it seems as though the notion hovers in a grey area above anything else. Which in turn, begs quite the important question about this word/notion. In that, what then is it, that makes a revolution a positive thing? Well, as it turns out, the next episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation took the time to answer that question, by plunging the audience into the middle of an interstellar revolution. For ‘The High Ground’ sees the crew of the Enterprise delivering medical supplies to a planet known as Rutia IV, due to the fact that terrorist style bombings are occurring on this world as one faction battles another. And unfortunately, their presence here drags the crew into the middle of this mess, when Doctor Crusher is abducted by ‘the bad guys’ and is forced to help them with their medical needs, since a brand-new weapon they’re using is slowly killing each and every one of them, and that is where this fascinating exploration begins. Because as Beverly dives deeper into the world of her captors and while Commander Riker works with the government of Rutia IV to get her back, both of them quickly come to realize that neither side is right in their quest to quiet the other. Because both sides simply believe that the only way to win this conflict, is by wiping out the other side and their reasons for doing so, reveal that this fight is grounded in ideology and attrition, and if they actually took the time to speak with one another and actually addressed the issues at hand, then the fighting would end. And while this ends happily for Beverly and Captain Picard (who was also captured during a bold plan to attack the Enterprise in an attempt to get the Federation to settle this planet’s problems) since they are rescued by a Federation/Rutian task force, the underlying message that comes out of this mess is a heavy one for certain In that, revolutions are only a good thing when they are in fact, dedicated to a just cause. For when people rise up against actual monsters and work to topple an oppressive and horrific government, then the bloodshed in question makes sense. But if the fight is bound in ideology that is outdated and outmoded, or is related to petty differences in general, then we can look at a particular revolution as a mistake or as an outright unjust cause. Which is precisely what we see in this particular tale. Since this battle is rooted in old prejudices and downtrodden views related to class and standing and of course… this scenario/lesson is something that can easily be applied to our modern world. For these types of silly fights are happening around the globe right now, with no end in sight, and all it would take is a little compassion and understanding to end such senseless suffering. But while this commentary is indeed poignant and powerful, what truly allows for this episode to shine is that it once again makes a great effort, to not offer the audience any direct answers. Instead, it simply examines the world in an objective manner and asks the viewer to ponder upon a society where revolution isn’t glorified and seen as a cure all, but as a last-ditch effort for freedom and peace. Which makes this quite the poignant and cerebral episode when all is said and done, and it’s quite incredible that season three continues to dive into such powerful topics. The kind that are unfortunately relevant, because mankind didn’t make them a priority then, nor are they a priority for us now and it should be interesting to see what other unresolved societal matters this series is planning to tackle as season three continues along. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 307 of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’. There is no stranger feeling in this world, then the day that we wake up and feel lost in life. Because we spend years chasing our goals and our plans in the hopes that we will find purpose and direction and a sense of belonging, but alas, the world and its chaos always finds a way to muck that up. For unexpected moments and trial and tribulations, sow doubt and fear into our minds so that we feel as though we don’t belong in our current role or no longer fit into the world, we created for ourselves and that’s a terrifying feeling to have wash over one’s soul. Because it leaves us wondering if everything, we’ve worked for is a lie and whether or not we need to leave it all behind in order to find ourselves and our true path. But what’s truly fascinating about these particular thoughts and feelings, is that they are often times nothing more than a lie. The kind that are precipitated by fears and unresolved issues in the back of our minds and until we handle/resolve/face them, we will in fact continue to feel lost and listless in life and really, all of this is relevant to today’s discussion, simply because this particular conundrum served as one of the key focal points of this week’s episode of Star Trek: Discovery. For ‘Unification III’ saw Commander Michael Burnham deal with this exact problem, since she no longer knew if staying aboard the U.S.S. Discovery or working with Starfleet was a path that she wanted to follow, and the only way to be certain was to face her concerns head on, and that particular journey, made for one fascinating tale. For Michael had in fact, come to learn that The Burn was indeed a phenomenon that didn’t happen all at once and that there was sensor data out there that would allow for her to potentially pinpoint the source of The Burn. But in order to get that data, she would have to negotiate with the people of a world that were on poor terms with the Federation, despite the fact that they were a founding member of it. But despite the sour feelings present between this world and the Federation they left behind, there was chance that Commander Burnham could get these people to surrender the data in question. After all… her brother helped to make Ni’Var what it is today: a world where Vulcans and Romulans were finally living in peace together. Which was a stunning and beautiful surprise to offer the audience and that led to the exploration in question. For the Discovery’s voyage to Ni’Var not only allowed for Michael to reunite with her mother, who became a member of the Qowat Milat. But it finally forced her to face her unresolved issues at last. Because a hail mary attempt to get the data from the Vulcans and Romulans, put Michael’s motivations for saving the galaxy on the spot and such an act allowed for her to learn that her concerns and feelings came from a place of great fear. Because there was no safety net for her to work with anymore, just raw danger and the potential for failure and that kind of fear is what has left her in such a jittery place and wondering if she is up to the challenge of her chosen path. But once Michael faced her fears and came to realize that she and this intrepid crew had nothing to lose and had faced great challenges before… she was able to finally resolve these feelings and forge ahead, with the data she so desperately sought. Which means it likely won’t be long now before the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery has solid intelligence upon the origin of The Burn, a reveal that will undoubtedly pull us into this story further since we’ve all been dying to know the truth about this cataclysmic event. But before we get to that point, it’s best we celebrate one engrossing tale. One that absolutely provided us with the right kind of fan service. Because it was just incredible to learn that Spock’s reunification efforts were successful long after his disappearance in the Hobus Supernova incident, and to see that he remains a critical fixture of Ni’Var’s new history for his efforts. Plus, it was equally as wonderful to see Michael be reunited with her mother and finally make peace with her fears and her worries so that she can now be focused upon rebuilding hope in the galaxy. Also, we would be remiss to not discuss the other wonderful surprise in this story, specifically Ensign Tilly’s promotion to Acting First Officer. Because it’s a wonderful call back to her season one discussions about someday becoming the next great captain in Starfleet and undoubtedly, her promotion will serve her well in achieving that goal and well, in the end, this was simply a wonderful episode through and through. For it really did a wonderful job of bringing together some important plot points from the franchise’s rich history, all while exploring the human condition in a dynamic and relatable way and it should be interesting to see if what happened in this tale, will help to bring Ni’Var back into the welcoming arms of the Federation, once the mystery of The Burn has been revealed and resolved at last. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Two of ‘Big Sky’. For the most part, crime/thriller stories, tend to follow a fairly standard formula. One that involves a grand introduction to our protagonist, so that we properly understand that they are a just and wonderful human being that believes in good over anything else. And they are unfortunately plunged into a world where twisted things are happening, and their desire to set a mess right allows for tension and danger to build as they close in on the criminal in question. Which in turn allows for a powerhouse finale to take place, one where our twisted and mysterious villain is revealed at last before said hero puts them away or puts them down, all in the name of justice. If anything, this is a formula that continues to persist, simply because audiences love it. Because it is thrilling and delightful and it truly keeps the audience on their toes. But once in a while you run into a story from this genre, that figures out how to divert from this formula and offer its audience a vastly different kind of tense and shocking tale and the new ABC series, Big Sky, is a show that is pulling off this particular feat with ease. For last week’s ‘Pilot’ episode made it clear that the heroes of this story, while they are indeed good people through and through, are flawed for certain, unlike their counterparts from this genre. Plus, that same episode also informed us, that this harrowing story is going to shock us in ways that we never thought possible, since it ended with the death of Cody Hoyt. Someone we all believed was going to be a staple of this series going forward since the story made it appear as though he was going to play a huge role in solving this case. But while that twist was indeed about as stunning as it gets, since you just don’t see main characters die in such a brutal and sudden fashion in these types of tales, we would be remiss to not point out how this surprise helped to establish the vibe for this week’s episode. Because knowing that anyone could go at any time on this show, adds a level of uncertainty and unease to the story, the kind that settled into all of our souls and when we tuned into ‘Nowhere to Run’ and stayed with us for the duration of the episode. Why exactly, we will get to in a moment. Because before we dive too deeply into that, we need to take a moment and discuss how this story did a phenomenal job of once again shaking up the comfortable structure of this genre, by allowing for us to get to know our villains on a more personal level and what exactly makes them so incredibly twisted and evil. Which at first glance, doesn’t exactly seem like a violation of the ‘rules’ of the genre, since a reveal of the villain’s motivations is a staple of the genre as well. But what makes it so worthwhile here, is that the show put Ronald and Rick on display in the second episode, well before our heroes truly figure out their machinations and that’s just wildly unexpected, and the same goes for what we learned about their motivations in regard to their crimes. Because as it turns out, these are two wildly marginalized men. The kind that have been ignored by the world for far too long and clearly haven’t accomplished all that much career wise, and have experienced all kinds of hardships when it comes to women. Which has left them angry and bitter and taking it out on innocent women or ones they deem to be ‘dirty’ is only way to cope with that rage, and that does make for some fascinating and unique villains. Since often times in these stories there is some serious abuse at play to go with the marginalization and that is what motivates them to act out, as opposed to here, where it’s just a couple of guys that can’t communicate properly with women and can’t stand the fact that they’re not objects designed for control and compliance. Which brings us back to the tension in question. Because unfortunately for Ronald and Rick, they’ve finally met their matches. For Danielle and Grace and Michelle aren’t going to go quietly into the night in the slightest, nor are they good with taking orders while they wait for Ronald to decide their fate, and Cassie is determined now to figure out how Rick is involved in this mess and that led to some powerful sequences for certain. Wherein our marginalized villains were eager to exert their power and their fury over these women and that was scary to say the least. Because despite the fact that they are pathetic in many ways, they are about as dangerous as they come and the fact that we already lost a series lead in last week’s episode, made every interaction that Cassie had with Rick, unnerving for certain and the same goes for Ronald’s interactions with his captive audience. In the end however, this really was quite the brilliant episode when all is said and done. Largely because it kept us guessing from the get-go and it truly did put us upon the edge of our seats and made us cringe with discomfort on a consistent basis. Especially at the end, since Ronald’s desire to climb into his mom’s bed for a ‘can’t sleep cuddle’ was just… icky. But what matters more is that Big Sky really is establishing itself to be a unique crime story through and through. Because at this point, we simply don’t know what is going to happen next and whether or not all of the characters in this story are going to make it to the end, and that is both terrifying and exciting at the same time and it definitely compels the audience to continue to the journey. In order to see what kinds of other stunning twists and turns await us as this demented case unfolds. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the third episode of ‘Earth’s Great Seasons’. Autumn truly is a special time of year. Mainly because, it offers up so much beauty. For this is when the leaves begin to change, and that brings forth seas of endless colors and wonder. And of course, that magnificent change in our environment, motivates us to get outside to take in those incredible views before the snow arrives and forces us indoors for the winter. Plus, this is also an oddly philosophical time for humanity as well. For we tend to realize that autumn is a signal that another journey around the sun is nearing its completion. Prompting us to take inventory of how our year went to see if our respective goals were accomplished or if we need to refocus our efforts in the new year to come. But while our autumn experience is filled with pumpkin spiced lattes and reflections upon our respective journeys, it is a far more chaotic time in nature. For the next episode of Earth’s Great Seasons took the time to show us that while mankind is slowing down and preparing to take it easy in the wintertime, the wildlife that populates our incredible world is in fact, speeding up. For ‘Autumn’ features nature's mad dash to prepare for the harsh winter and one key thing that animals do to prepare for the cold, is stock up. Because a great many animals sleep the winter away or burrow into shelter for the season and that means they spend autumn gathering food or eating as much of it as possible to prepare for the snow, and this hurried rush to prep for the oncoming cold doesn’t end with stocking up on supplies. For a great many animals in this world, simply opt to migrate away from the cold, especially birds. And while we admire the sight of birds heading south, the fact of the matter is… this important act can be quite dangerous for these fine feathered travelers. For the cranes that head south toward India during this time of year, have to brave the Himalayan mountain range, and that is no easy task. For the weather is harsh there and there are predators waiting for a chance at a meal when one bird cannot handle the voyage. Plus, there are birds in Norway, the Brunnich Guillemot to be specific, that risk life and limb with their young in order to find food and a warmer climate. For their babies aren’t quite ready to fly in the fall and it is up to the parents to teach them how to do so in a rushed manner when their food runs out. A decision that can lead to outright disaster for parent and child since the former never leaves their child's side, even in the worst possible moment. Allowing for predators to take advantage when failure comes into play. But thankfully, autumn has to more to offer than harrowing experiences for the wildlife of the earth. For the cycle of life continues along just fine as the temperatures begin to drop, since some animals see this as the appropriate time to find a mate and start a family. Because they know, that if they’re going to be in one place for months on end, they can safely carry a child to term. Plus, it was equally as fascinating to discover that some animals are eager to teach their young how to fend for themselves when autumn arrives. Partly because the parents are going to leave their babies behind in the spring and they need their young to be ready to survive on their own. But also because... this grand push to feed and hunt during autumn, makes it the perfect time of year for any young animal to hone their hunting skills. If anything, this ended up being quite the eye-opening episode when all is said and done. Because the prevailing belief about fall is that it is a gentle time, where animals leisurely graze and gather food before settling in for a long winter’s nap and now we can see, that is simply not the case. No instead this is a frenetic time of year, and that led to one intense tale for certain. Because every animal in this episode was rushing toward their respective goals and well, everything we witnessed here will definitely provide us with a newfound appreciation for our lives and our world, the next time we go out to look at the changing leaves. For we will be promptly reminded that our moment of Zen stands in stark contrast to the animals that are working hard to prepare for the bitter winter, that is headed their way. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Chapter 12 of ‘The Mandalorian’. When one thinks of the Star Wars Universe and everything it has to offer, we tend to think of grandiose adventures, incredible battles on land or in space and of course, we also ponder upon a grand struggle between good and evil. Because good people pushing to save this galaxy, far, far away from the twisted and power hungry monsters that populate it, is a genuine fundamental to this epic and sweeping saga and oddly enough, that is something that has been missing from The Mandalorian as well. Because for the most part, Din Djarin has been nothing more than a galactic gunslinger in this tale, one that spends his time saving the day on the various planets that he visits as part a long and winding journey to bring The Child home. But while it has been a lot of fun traversing the galaxy with Din and his tiny clan of one green dude, at long last this story is finally delving into the realm of good vs. evil, as evidenced by this week’s phenomenal episode. For ‘Chapter 12: The Siege’ gave new purpose and life to Din’s quest to keep The Child safe. But not before misdirecting the audience. For early on, this particular tale felt akin to a standard episode of the series, since Din and The Child made a quick stop on Nevarro for repairs and shortly after touching down and coming to learn exactly how well Cara Dune and Greef Karga stayed true to their world about turning this world around, Din’s old friends asked him to help out with quite the important mission. One that involved blowing up the Imperial Base that Moff Gideon used to launch his assault upon them at the end of season one. Which led to a thrilling rest of the episode as this trio and their new buddy Mythrol, tore through that base and discovered its secrets before destroying it in an epic manner. And really what made this segment of the story so thrilling, is the sheer fact that it was filled to the brim with incredible action sequences, including an epic air combat sequence that outright took our collective breath away. But what matters more, is that Moff Gideon came back into the fold in this tale and was quick to react when he learned that Din was back on Nevarro, by having his spies plant a tracker in the Razor Crest so that he could finally chase down The Child, and that, combined with the discoveries in the lab, are what gave life to a grand good vs. evil motif. Because it turns out, that Moff Gideon wants The Child because of its Midichlorian count and he plans to use its blood to create some kind of super weapon. What kind exactly, we will get to in just a moment, because first we need to point out… that this is one evil and twisted plan. One that would undoubtedly end with a tortured Child as Gideon draws its blood on a repeat basis to create more of whatever he’s creating, and that means it will indeed be up to Din and all of the forces of good to keep this sweet little baby, and the galaxy, safe from the madness of Moff Gideon. But as to what he’s creating exactly, well that is of note as well. For the creatures that were in Bacta tanks at the base, looked oddly like Snoke clones, leaving one to wonder if this plan, regardless of whether it fails or not, is the genesis of Emperor Palpatine’s machinations for the return of the Sith in The Rise of Skywalker, or if this is part of another revamped Extended Universe surprise. For the rows of soldiers Gideon was overlooking at the end of this tale, resembled Dark Troopers from Kyle Katarn’s video game adventures from back in the day, and those Force sensitive creations could be going into that armor. Either way it should be interesting to see if Gideon’s plans are related to the EU or TROS or both for that matter. But while we wait for all to be revealed, we can revel in one kick-ass tale. Because this episode was just a lot of fun through and through and it was nice to enjoy a good old fashioned Star Wars adventure that focused on explosions and epic sequences and everything in between. Simply because those are some of the many reasons that we love this franchise and really in the end, this was perhaps the most satisfying episode of this series to date. Mainly because, at long last, it set up an endgame for Din's journey and that likely means this story is going to ramp up in intensity, as we close in on an epic final showdown between Moff Gideon and Din Djarin. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 306 of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’. One particular element about the Star Trek Universe that is supremely fascinating, is how quickly positive change is impacted within this franchise. For the instant there is a crisis in the galaxy, Starfleet and the Federation are able to step in and save the day. Simply because peace and harmony are what these organizations stand for and their people will stop at nothing to make that a reality. For the fine officers that serve aboard Starfleet ships believe in the greater good and that every being out there deserves a chance to thrive in comfort and peace and well, all of this relevant to today’s discussion, simply because it was shocking to see all of that missing from this week’s episode of Star Trek: Discovery. For ‘Scavengers’ gave us a stark look at the Milky Way Galaxy in the 32nd Century, one that we haven’t been privy to just yet. For a rescue mission to get Book out of hot water, revealed to Commander Michael Burnham and Emperor Georgiou that the galaxy is truly in a terrible state. For the world that Book was trapped upon, was full of sorrow and people were dying needlessly in the name of cruelty and greed and while Burnham was able to rescue Book and get her hands on some vital data that might clue her into how The Burn happened in the first place… Starfleet and the Federation’s role in this tale is what made this particular episode so bleak and unsettling. For Burnham’s mission was rogue, to put it mildly. For no resources on Starfleet’s end could be committed to such a mission. Mainly because, an organization that once stepped in to save the day was no longer able to do so. Instead, we came to learn in this particular tale, just how spread thin Starfleet really is at this point in time. Because Admiral Vance simply does not have the ships or the resources to do what Starfleet used to and that in essence, means that this once intrepid and heroic organization has been reduced to nothing more than a triage service. One that can only put out so many fires and save so many lives and it was stunning to see Starfleet in this state since that isn’t what they stand for in the slightest. But while it was shocking to finally see how bad things are in the galaxy and come to understand just how badly Starfleet is in need of a win, there was a point to providing the audience with a such a bleak presentation of life in 3189. Because it allowed for Commander Burnham to reach quite the epiphany. In that, the galaxy is in essence stuck in a rut. One that no one can escape from until the origin of The Burn is finally understood. For if the cause can be discovered and reversed, then Starfleet can overcome their shortcomings and begin to rebuild the fleet and offer the hope and salvation that it is known for. But in order to get there, it is going to take incredible risk and sacrifice and it will be interesting to see if Michael is going to be willing to take on those burdens in order to learn the truth. For when we leave her in this tale, she's at quite the crossroads. For she knows what must be done, but her duty and her loyalty to her ship, her friends and Starfleet in general, has her hesitant to take the next steps. But while that makes it seem as though this episode was filled to the brim with darkness and despair, there were some bright spots to be found in this one. After all, the U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031 is now the NCC-1031-A thanks to the amazing retrofit she’s received, and it was quite cool to see all the new technology the crew has its fingertips. Plus, it was lovely to see Stamets bond with Adina and try to reach her and help her come out of her shell, since she serves as something of a mirror for Paul. Plus, the comic relief with Linus and the fat cat jokes definitely helped to lighten the mood. In fact, Tilly’s crack about Grudge eating Burnham was one of the best one liners of the episode, and as an added bonus, Philippa’s zone out moments were also lightly explored in this tale and it should be interesting to learn if being in the company of good people is starting to force her to deal with her sorted past. If anything, this was simply a brilliant transitional episode. One that was filled to the brim with poignant moments, beyond what we’ve already discussed. Because the interpersonal conflicts between Burnham and Saru were powerful for certain since it truly pained this nouveau Captain to view someone he trusts in such a negative light. But most important of all, this one set up the endgame for season three, and it would seem from here on out… the search for the cause of The Burn is going to be quite the focus. Because its secrets really are the key to bringing peace and wonder to the galaxy once again and it will likely be a difficult and dangerous and uncomfortable quest. Because the truth behind something that caused that level of devastation, cannot be pretty in the slightest. Until next time. |
January 2025