![]() I've realized over the course of writing this blog, that I should really entitle these "Things I Make Mattie Watch". Seriously, that girl has the patience of a saint some days. Well guys, it's summer time, and that means a lot of chilling in front of the TV. Last time, I covered video games, this time, I'm going to talk about the wonders of television. As you know, I'm a big fan of the TV, and of course, that means pointless TV dramas. You've likely heard me talk about the Real Housewives series before. It's ones I've made Mattie watch in the past, and this summer is no exception. This season, we get the Real Housewives of the OC, Real Housewives of NYC, and Real Housewives of New Jersey. Yep, Jersey. It's back, it's amazing, and I cannot wait to see it. Why? Because it's fantastic. This franchise of series have all stemmed from the success that still is Real Housewives of the OC. Now going on it's 9th season, only one of the original cast members is still on the show, but the drama is insanely entertaining. Yes, watching the lives of these upper class women fight one another over the most childish things, brings me a type of joy I can't explain. I really don't know why, I just enjoy these shows greatly. As we speak, Real Housewives of the OC is on. Yes, I'm a Bravo girl, and this isn't the only brand of shows I love this summer. Lately, there's been Married to Medicine, which follows the lives of Atlanta women whom are either married to doctors, are doctors, or both! Nobody bickers like Southern women. There's also Ladies of London, which follows the high society lives of a few British women, and some American transplants trying to make it in the UK. Sticking with the theme of 'Making Mattie Watch Things', there's a show called The People's Couch, which I may have mentioned before, but it's a show about people watching shows and commenting on them. So, it's kind of a more tame glimpse into what living with Mattie and I is like. There's far less swearing, and the people almost seem normal. Almost. It's sometimes the same group of people, or different, but the show moves from home to home, group to group, and has many different shows. Most of which are popular and recently aired. We get to see clips of the shows they're watching, then their commentary on the show. A lot of the times it's like watching with friends who say the things you're thinking. It's a fantastic show and I highly recommend taking a look into it. Thankfully, there is little rhyme or reason, so the show's aren't consecutive, nor are they really linked to one another. So watching them in any order, is completely okay. ![]() Also, I have John to thank for this next new guilty pleasure. Have you guys seen the show Catfish: The TV Show? I'd never even heard of this, until one day, we were at John's house and it was on. Oh. Wow. This show, is utterly, fantastic. The premise of the show is these guys help people check out those they've met online. Like, online dating is always an iffy thing; sometimes you meet someone and you want to believe they are who they say they are, and sometimes that's true. Other times, the person you've formed a relationship with is completely made up. Well, the main guys of this show help people figure that all out. I've seen a to of instances on this show where a girl meets a guy online, and they turn out to be another girl. Or, where a guy meets a super hot girl online, and she turns out to be the complete opposite of her pictures. It's not always bad, though, the confrontations are memorable, always. I've also seen things turn out amazingly well. Where both people turn out to be who they said they were, and how they get to be together with a happy ending. Those are the moments that make me squee. Of course, this whole show makes me squee! Also on MTV, (random fact: I remember when only music videos were played on this channel) is something I definitely have hooked Mattie on. It's their series called Girl Code. They have well known female actors, artists, and TV personalities, go through and answer questions that have been asked about all kinds of things. Like how to handle a break up; what to do when you catch someone in a lie; how to handle rejecting someone. All kinds of things that I even don't think about sometimes. there's humor, animations, fake skits, and a lot of honesty and sarcasm. This show is something I absolutely adore to turn on and just watch endlessly for hours. They also have Guy Code. I couldn't tell you which came first, but both tackle a lot of issues that both genders wonder about. I'm sure its aimed towards teens, but I'm young at heart. It's great entertainment regardless! Those are my TV picks for the summer, but of course I always still love any cooking show! But, there is one more out there that's not on TV yet. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal, is the brand new Sailor Moon series that started this last week, and this week a brand new episode airs. You can find it on Hulu, or any anime site that's streaming it. I thought this would continue the story of our heroines, but as it so happens, this is a reboot of the series! However, that campy charm that made the original series so lovable is gone. there's still some humor, it's still the same premiss, but it's far more fast paced, and far more serious than it used to be. Not to mention the animation has gotten a brand new upgrade. Right now the series is only available in it's original Japanese form with English subtitles. Whether they ever dub it is completely up in the air. What's your favorite summer time shows? Feel free to comment down below, or tweet me your favorite summer activity @SoraLostSoul.
March 2025