Written by John Edward Betancourt One particular career path that so many people want to take part in, is that of the writer. Simply because it seems to be nothing less than a dream job really. After all, who wouldn’t want to spend their days, sipping on tea and enjoying lovely meals after a wondrous workday, where words magically appear on the page, and day in and day out, one is surrounded by creativity. That is why, so many try their hand at the craft and why so many speak to how badly they want it. That is until they learn… just how hard of a career path this turns out to be. For so many wild and unique reasons. For this is a career path where others are vying for the same gig in some cases, and where there isn’t always work to go round. Not to mention, it is not for everyone, and it is not glamorous in the slightest. Since those wondrous days can sometimes be late nights, wherein a pot of coffee is being consumed to meet a deadline. And even those who are successful at it, have to hustle and grind now and again, and sadly, that means… there are people out there… willing to prey upon writers that are eager to get ahead and carve out that path. Which could prove to be dangerous for the writer in question, if they get that desperate, and well… all of this is top of mind today, because all of those concepts are explored in the next episode of Tales from the Darkside. A feat that ‘Printer’s Devil’ accomplishes by introducing us to a talented writer named Junior Harmon. Who is a working writer and has finished his debut novel and is beyond eager to get it into someone’s hands. Because he believes he is ready to go from writing articles that don’t fulfill, to the next level. But he seemingly cannot break through and is going without meals because of nonpayment and a lack of sustainable work. That prompts him, to answer a radio ad for an agent named Alex Kellaway, who promises incredible success, at a stunning price of course. For Junior will have to commit to an animal sacrifice and write what Alex needs to make his millions, and well… Alex lives up to his promises. For soon Junior’s name is everywhere and he has riches untold. But of course, he still wants to sell that novel, and well, if he wants it to hit shelves, the sacrifice in question will be the costliest one of all… the woman he loves. All of which speaks to a horror that few people ever think about. In that, there happens to be a dark side to writing. Where scribes suffer a la Junior as they struggle to achieve their goals and where some do indeed fall into traps that guys like Alex, lay down. Granted, there’s no animal sacrifice involved, but guys like Alex ask new and struggling writers to sacrifice something else, their hard-earned money. For guys like him in 2024, charge reading fees with a promise that they will advance a career via their notes, when their notes offer no substance and hold no weight in the industry. Or they run vanity printing presses. The kind that publishes a writer’s project for a ridiculous ‘investment’ fee. Making this story a cautionary tale for would be writers. But there is of course, more to this story than its unique perspectives on writing. For it does feature some supremely fascinating horror elements. Such as how Alex finds his writers great success. Since it adds a bleakness to this tale that takes one by surprise. Not to mention, Junior himself lends to the darkest elements of this story. Since he is so desperate to succeed, he commits to taking lives to further his career, to the point where his humanity fades away and he’s willing to commit the ultimate kill for his dream. All of which speaks to the darkness we carry within and how there are some individuals that will do anything and everything to achieve their goals, regardless of who they hurt. Which makes this, a brilliant story. Simply because this explores a bevy of ideas and concepts that few horror stories ever dive into. Because we so rarely see this side of the writer’s journey on the small screen, and we rarely see the shady folks in that chapter of their lives on display. Plus, it really does showcase some genuine evil from people, and even throws shade at the greedy folks in the industry who worry more about dollars over quality. Giving rise to a story that is part satire, part warning, but all horror in the end. Since it really does showcase the ugliness of those who take advantage and how some dreams aren’t worth chasing if they require us to abandon our humanity. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.
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January 2025