Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Two Premiere of ‘SurrealEstate’. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
We like to believe that everything we enjoy and love in this life, will last forever. For we are creatures of comfort, and routine, and that deep rooted desire to have consistency really does fool our brains into that belief. Because sadly, nothing lasts forever in this life, and the world is constantly growing and changing around us… and we either adapt to that… or suffer the consequences. But that… is also easier said than done. Because change is hard to understand and accept, especially when something we’ve been used to for ages on end is robbed from us. If anything, that particular struggle is top of mind today, simply because it served as the central theme of the season two premiere of SurrealEstate on SYFY, and that made ‘Trust the Process’ quite the powerful tale. For when we returned to the Roman Agency in this story, change was everywhere to be found. Because Luke was still on hiatus after losing his powers and someone had to step up and keep the business rolling and that someone… was Susan. Because she knew the value of this business and the importance of keeping it going. So, she introduced great changes. The kind that made the agency, a powerhouse real estate firm regardless of whether the house was spooked or not, to make the company a trusted commodity in the community, and she also figured out how to handle the core business without a psychic in the house. All by making use of detailed research on the houses that were haunted, along with asking August to assemble devices that might be able to communicate with the dead, and well… this brought forth some struggles for Luke. Because eventually… he came back, and immediately found himself in a place where he no longer fit. For everyone rallied behind Susan and that kind of change was a lot to process. As was not being the guy in the spotlight and of course… he struggled with the fact that Susan had enacted wonderful policies and procedures to make this business thrive and sadly, that pushed Luke to do what most people that are used to being the center of it all do, and make some unpleasant waves. Courtesy of off the cuff comments that were rude, and by picking apart some of Susan’s great policies. All of which, sowed division on the team and of course… pushed Luke to try and be the hero again to feel some sense of normalcy at a time where change was all around him. Because his powers had not returned and well… that desperate need put him in quite the dangerous place at the end of this tale. Wherein he attempted to solve the big spiritual mystery on his own. As though immersion therapy would bring his powers back and give him what he craved. But instead, he found himself near death thanks to the spiritual desires of a former serial killer, and had it not been for the team, and their research… he might have perished. And as an added bonus… Luke’s salvation pleased a client and well… one would think that would have brought a little consistency to the change. But Luke continued to fight, and push and be the tough guy… all because he is hurt and scared regarding the change in his life. Which doesn’t make him bad or a villain here, just a broken man that has to find a new way forward and hopefully he can. Before his fears and worries send Susan, packing and break up the team, and well… in the end, that concept and Luke’s actions here, made for one engaging and delightful season two premiere of this show. Because it served to remind us that the characters are what matter most in this show, and they are as human as they come. Since they’re filled with flaws, and some amazing gifts. But this really was the best way to bring Luke back into the fold and settle us into season two. Because now, Luke has something to work toward, something to earn really, and not having his powers will force him to choose some interesting paths this season. And well, it is definitely safe to say that the fans are here for it. Because we want to see him succeed and find peace, and we want to see this business thrive and see his associates succeed alongside with him, and truly, it will be fascinating to see what lies ahead for Luke and his intrepid team as everyone works toward embracing change and new horizons in the weeks ahead. Until next time. Watch ‘SurrealEstate’
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March 2025