Written by Juanita ‘Obi-Juan’ Bonner ![]() Since Supernatural (CW/Warner Bros.; 2005-2020) came to a close last fall, I’ve spent time here and there watching old episodes, surfing Twitter hashtags, and in general, mourning a show that for well over a decade, has shaped my television watching experience. Saying goodbye to Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) Winchester has been, to put it mildly, tearfully and agonizingly difficult. And though the mantra “Nothing ever really ends, does it?” lives on in the wildly successful Supernatural Family, charities and cast and crew events, nothing beats settling in for some good old fashioned middle America hunting with my boys. That’s why, for my first post-show article on Erik Kripke’s “The little show that could,” I’m ecstatic to review the Complete Series Box Set out now. Available at multiple outlets, the set comes in standard DVD and Blu-ray and has 58 discs (NICE!!) with over 220 hours (Blu-ray version) of episodes, Special Features and Gag Reels to pour over. In Dean’s own words: “Awesome!” *WINK* Opting for the Blu-ray version, which includes digital codes for every season, I coughed up a few extra bucks to pick up this hefty set via Best Buy preorder for the release on May 25th, 2021. So… just over $314.00 later (includes tax), let’s dive in and see what I got. Features (Slide Show Below) First thing’s first – the case! Thick, sturdy and absolutely beautiful, this case is donned with an original CW ring of fire Supernatural series ad photo that for me has always felt like an amalgamation of Title Cards. Especially Seasons 2, 8, 12 and 13 which all also have fiery orange colors. But, unlike Title Cards, these ads also feature Sam and Dean driving Baby (YAY!!) down a dusty midwestern farm road with the ring in the sky far ahead. The words: “GOOD TIMES. BAD TIMES. END TIMES.,” seen at the top of the CW image, instead rests just below Baby’s tailgate on the box set. This immediately conjures thoughts of years past and “The Road So Far,” as well as the 327th and final episode 15.20: ‘Carry On’. AWWW!!! Continued round the box, the midwestern scene wraps to the sides with the back showing our two heroes standing in front of Baby with the ring amplified behind them. Overall, the entire box is a “spectacu-lacu-lar” (*WINK*) choice to embody the series as whole and I LOVE IT!! Further represented on the inside, the ring is seen in the distance on every disc case. This time we see the boys with their backs to us sitting on Baby’s hood looking rather than driving towards the ring. This combined with the case cover shows just how much time our boys spent in motion. A circle if you will… TEEHEE! Always on the move. Always on the hunt. And forever… on the road! Not to mention, the show just wouldn’t be the same without all the wonderful scenes inside Baby, am I right?!? For, she’s truly the anchor, the glue and the heart of the show!! *SNIF* As you wrap around the back of each disc case, the picture changes to show progression over the 15 seasons. A neat and thoughtful concept for sure! We see Sam and Dean throughout plus Castiel (Misha Collins) on one case by himself (Seasons 3-4). Even Jack (Alexander Calvert) is included on the final case (Seasons 13-15) along with Sam, Dean and Cas. AWWW!! All of which bring a nostalgic smile mixed with a twinge of sadness to be sure!! Inside the cases, each disc is coved with a shiny holographic-like traditional Supernatural pentagram and a different color for each season. OOOOO!! Next, the final disc, which contains the Special Features for Season 15, is housed in its own hard card case with an encircled pentagram on the cover. Inside, there’s a close up of Sam and Dean – a bit worse for the wear – driving in Baby. All of it feels again like a strong depiction of something we know all too well with this crew – the road! And speaking of features… as Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) would say: ”Hail to the King. Baby!” (LOL!) they are fantastic. Chock-full of the fans, cast, crew, writers and directors, every part ooze the magic that makes this show so uniquely beloved. NICE!! And of course, the Gag Reel rocks… LOL!! The other seasons also have their own set of Special Features and Gag Reels. And similar to the season individual Blu-ray editions, extra when compared to the standard DVD versions. Finally, exclusive to either of the box sets, the 68-page Collectible Booklet is truly icing on an otherwise plentiful cake. Thumbing through this book is a walk down Winchester Lane you don’t want to miss. In particular, a letter from Kripke, a note from Bob Singer (Producer/Director), and Baby’s Backstory are some of my most favorites. But, let’s not forget the immense amount of set photos showing tons of memorable occasions from scary to funny and everything in between. Including many of the shows guest stars over the years! YES!! There’s also a breakdown of the Special Features for each season, a small synopsis for every episode, and my personal favorite, a lightning bolt next to episodes featuring songs for the “show’s classic rock moments.” As Gabriel/Loki (Richard Speight Jr.) would say… ”HELLS YEAH!” LOL! Pros and Cons Setting aside the lovely case and Collectible Booklet, the price for each disc comes in at less than $5.50 and that’s at pre-order prices. The cost has actually come down quite a bit with the Blu-ray version now just under $270.00 before tax. Considering the individual season Blu-ray discs are often $25 to $30, that in and of itself is a bonus for any fan, am I right?!? Adding in the exquisite case and booklet means the deal just gets sweeter! LIKE PIE!!! *BIG GRIN* Plus, as previously mentioned, it’s never a bad idea to have a digital copy of our boys. I mean… who knows when you’ll be out and about and meet someone who’s never seen the show and you’re beyond compelled to show it to them… LOL!! Keep in mind though, the entire piece should be handled with care. For the box itself is strong, but the paper on the outer case could easily tear or show wear and fingerprints from too much handling. Additionally, the discs do not always snap in and stay in place which might render them easily scratched if you’re not careful. Ugh… with all the power of Rowena (Ruth Connell) I say: ”Bollocks!!” with a side of *EYEROLL*!! LOL! Looking at the individual seasons, I’m crazy happy that they’re in Blu-ray format. However, it certainly would’ve been nice to see 4K, no? Though, with how old the show is, I’m sure the remastering process would be a nightmare. Next, the bonus material accompanying each season appears to be nothing new when comparing this set to each season’s individual release. In fact, the individual releases arguably have more with extra commentary on certain episodes that isn’t listed in the box set. Bobby (Jim Beaver) comes to mind here… ”BALLS!” Finally, the digital copies, though I love them so, do not include the majority of the Special Features. Pretty much just a few Comic-Con panels. Considering the set silliness is a very large part of what we love so much about this crew, this is my biggest let down. Because having digital Gag Reels and extras would not only preserve the actual discs but also make for some excellent “Eat it Twilight,” (LOL… oh, Cas!!) on-the-go fun for any fan. Though, there’s a lot to be had on YouTube, not having your own collection after coughing up over $300.00 is like: “No one in the history of torture has been tortured with torture like the torture you’ll be tortured with!” HAHAHAHA… Crowley (Mark Sheppard) rules!! Conclusion All in all, for the superfan who wants the entire series and 15 years-worth of trials and tribulations and greetings and salutations all rolled into one package, this box set is ideal. The price is excellent considering all that you get. On the flip side. If you already own previous box sets or individual seasons, you’re really just paying for the same material housed in one box along with the 68-page Collectible Booklet which seems a little excessive. *WAH-WAH* It definitely would’ve been nice to see said booklet as a separate release option as well. Maybe even as a John Winchester (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) Journal complete with monster details and a leather binding. Now that’s definitely something ANY Supernatural fan would rejoice in seeing. This one included!! I mean, just take my damn money, woudja?!? LOL!! Maybe we’ll see one down the road (pun intended… LOL!). Until then: “Peace out, bitches.” Slide Show
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