Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the motion picture, ‘Watcher’.
One thing that every horror fan can agree upon, is that modern horror movies, are quite intense in nature and it makes sense as to why. After all, the genre is beloved by so many now and filmmakers everywhere have figured out what keeps the audience happy. So, these movies just let loose now and take us on a terrifying ride, often from beginning to end, and by no means is this a bad thing. Since we are being treated to some genuinely scary films that leave us breathless and shaking in our seats. But what is truly fascinating about this new and intense era for the genre, is the sheer fact that it wasn’t always this way. In fact, not that long ago, horror films took their time with their stories, and we were eager to play upon our curiosity and keep us guessing as to what kind of terrors awaited us within the story. Something that was more or less a staple of 1970s horror films, likely due to budgetary restrictions since that wild west era of filmmaking forced so many writers and directors to get creative with how to tell their tale of terror. But as is often the case in this industry, everything is cyclical in nature and slowly but surely the slow burning horror thriller is beginning to make quite the comeback, to the point where Shudder is now host to one that truly keeps you on the edge of your seat with its mystery and outright intensity in Watcher. A feat that this movie accomplishes, by plunging us into Bucharest, Romania during an important moment for a loving couple. For Julia and Francis have moved here to help Francis further a career. A move that is difficult for Julia, since she was born in America and doesn’t speak a lick of Romanian, unlike her husband… who has family ties to this country. But she does her best to adjust and integrate into her new home and for a time… it seems as though she is on her way and about to find newfound happiness. But the unsettling news that a serial killer known as ‘The Spider’ is active in her area, combined with some strange encounters and moments with a man that live across the street… plunges Julia into a world of worry. One where she decides to take matters into her own hands to secure her safety in the midst of this trying time… by any means necessary. ![]()
Which is a plot… that perfectly pays homage to the horror/thriller film of the 1970s. Because so many of them featured stories where someone clever was forced to uncover the truth about their new town or their new digs. It was of course, often a woman and it didn’t always involve a serial killer, but that allowed for a powerful story to take place. One where you didn’t feel safe either since danger seemed to be lurking around the corner, and that is here in spades. Because everything Julia does to discover more about her mystery neighbor and his strange habits, and to garner answers on the Spider, leads to an uncomfortable ride. Where you are constantly worried and on edge just as she is, and that makes for intense experience, one that ends in a manner that is both satisfying and horrifying.
But the wonder of this motion picture goes beyond its beautiful homage to classic horror storytelling. Since Zack Ford’s magnificent script and Chloe Okuno’s wonderful direction… work to add a modern twist to a story that even looks as though it was shot back in the 70s. For this duo paint a powerful picture of a woman at a crossroads. One that wants to make the man she loves happy while finding her own strength far from home and that of course… leads to a little game of, is Julia sane or not? Because the stress of that journey, combined with the terror that she is in a foreign land with a killer potentially nearby, leads one to wonder if she is cracking under the pressure and the loneliness of the moment, which makes for some powerful moments as well. The kind that really do keep us guessing from beginning to end, making for an engaging experience. One that also takes the time to add in a little modern commentary regarding how we don’t listen to women or their concerns when they are genuinely worried for their safety, making this motion picture a perfect blend of old and new… one that you outright need to experience. Since this movie really is a masterclass in building tension and it doesn’t hurt that the performances here are top notch as well, with Maika Monroe leading the way with her troubled take on Julia and the best news of all, is that you don’t have to wait a single moment longer to enjoy this terrifying and troubling thriller. For Watcher is streaming on Shudder right now and we here at NTG hope you give it a look. Simply because this really is quite the engaging and unsettling film, one that will stay with you long after it has come to its violent and angry end.
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March 2025