Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the motion picture, ‘Deadstream’.
It is definitely safe to say, that becoming a celebrity in our modern world, is a process plagued with all of kinds of problems. Simply because, it is so easy to accomplish and so intoxicating when it happens, that those who bask in the glory of finally being in the limelight… sometimes struggle with that and all the negativity that comes with it. Because not everyone is going to be happy with that person’s time in the spotlight, and will voice that opinion accordingly, nor is it easy to adjust to the demands of fame and how in a digital world, one is expected to be always on their game and accessible. But what’s truly unfortunate about this newfound process for fame… is the ugly that it has unleashed upon the world. Because it pushes people to be hyper competitive for likes and shares and subscriptions. Which in turn leads to sometimes awful content that is off-putting or offensive or harmful, all in the name of that almighty clout. Not to mention, it floods the market with advertisements and plugs since everyone wants to take full advantage of that fame. But worst of all, it brings out the worst in people and it sometimes the exposes the garbage they are, and that… is more problematic for us since we fed them and nurtured them without giving it a thought. Which has brought forth many a disgraced vlogger or influencer, and it leaves one to wonder… it is then possible for the ones that stumbled to redeem themselves? Especially since the entire world saw their mistake and the world is of course, a woefully unforgiving place. Well as it turns out, there is a brand-new movie on Shudder that ponders upon the answer to that question, in a very dynamic manner. For Deadstream is a story that plunges us into the middle of that push for redemption for a fallen influencer. For Shawn Ruddy, the host of the wildly popular web series, Wrath of Shawn, has fallen upon tough times when we meet him, here. For he screwed up bad a few months back, to the point where there was a full-on trial for his filmed shenanigans and that led to a loss of sponsors and everything, he worked so hard to build. But Shawn isn’t one to take the L. He wants back in on the influencer game and is willing to try something new to show the world he’s sorry and serious about creating amazing content that won’t bring harm to others. Which is why he’s agreed to spend the night is a severely haunted house, which should offer up some fine views and redemption at last. But there’s just one problem. In that, the house he has selected is occupied by a supremely powerful spirit and it will stop at nothing to claim Shawn’s soul.
Which is a plot that not only answers the big question at hand, but also features some powerful commentary on the influencer and vlogger world. Specifically, regarding how vapid and over the top it has become. Since Shawn and his push to sell merch and of course… use his platform to apologize and then pretend as though nothing happened… feels way too familiar and worn out here. Not because that is somehow an unoriginal concept for this movie, because this isn’t a topic you find in film often. No instead, it feels worn, because we’ve heard this story too many times regarding too many influencers. Which hammers home the toxic nature of this world before letting us know that yes, redemption is indeed possible for these folks. Provided of course… they understand that there is a line between entertainment and reality, and they apply that to their content and its quality and know that there will be consequences for their actions, even their honesty… since that is the nature of fame.
However, while all of those elements do indeed make for some fine commentary on a growing problem in our world, that doesn’t really seem to be a story that leans super deep into horror, at first glance. But make no mistake about it, this is a horror film through and through and once the ghost begins to really make her presence known… this movie gets wild. In fact, the scares here are simply top notch and totally catch you off guard. Not to mention, the special effects in this movie are just off the wall incredible, since they feature ghosts that genuinely leave you unsettled and uncomfortable with whatever they’ve become on the other side. Plus, the splatter and the gore, are just downright incredible and are used in a logical and organic manner, which also adds to the uncomfortable nature of this tale. But what truly caught this writer off guard, was the amount of humor in this story. Just because you don’t expect it, but it works and it adds to the story since it helps to break up some of the incredible tension here, and really in the end, this is just a dynamic and wonderful horror film. One that features everything you could ever ask for from a horror film. After all, you’ve got scares galore, some delightful and timely, and downright compelling commentary on our world. Plus, a little guts and gore and monsters that are the stuff of nightmares. But the best news of all, is that you can pour over this scary story over and over again, and properly absorb all the nuances and little touches this film features, courtesy of the fact that is currently streaming on Shudder, and we certainly hope you give it a look. Because this one is just a pure delight.
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January 2025