Written by John Edward Betancourt
We like to believe that shortly after we’ve been through a horrifying and difficult experience, that life can get back to normal and it makes sense as to why we think that. After all, the problem at hand is over, so there’s no need to fret about the past and we can just move forward. For time heals all wounds and eventually, we will be right as rain and back in the groove and everything will just be peachy keen. But alas, we also learn shortly after those tough times, that such thoughts are nothing more than an outright lie. For trauma is very real and if it isn’t resolved it can and will manifest itself and haunt us and drive us to tough places, and sometimes what we thought was resolved, returns, and well, those particularly unfortunate truths are top of mind today, simply because they made an appearance in the next episode of The Walking Dead.
For when we catch up with everyone in Alexandria in ‘Twice as Far’, business as usual is on the menu. All because, the battle with the Saviors saw them be the victor, and Negan was dead… so there was nothing else to worry about but getting back down to business and back to normal. Which brought forth a bevy of low-key moments, a lot of repetition and… a sense of dullness. Simply because it was obvious that everyone was trying to go through the motions and force normalcy forward when in fact, a great deal of the people in this town, were struggling with what they did at the Savior complex, such as Carol and others were just frozen in place over the events of the past few months. Since Rosita and Daryl were super cautious and eager to excessively protect anyone and everyone… including Denise, when she asked to go on a run for antibiotics for the town. Even Abraham was trying to stick to a routine, to the point where he became Eugene’s shadow for a discussion about the future. Wherein Eugene wanted to manufacture ammunition at the perfect place nearby, and that talk rattled Abraham a bit since this hammered home the reality that Eugene was finally growing into his own and wouldn’t need Abraham as his protector like he used to. A reality that meant nothing would ever be the same and that left Abraham beside himself, and he wasn’t the only one to find himself in such an awkward place. Since Denise held her own and showed Rosita and Daryl that she was capable of being a warrior and that they were stuck in place because of their fear. Which made it seem as though this episode was going to focus heavily on healing, that is… until the other element came into play. For Denise died horribly in this tale. Simply because our heroes came to discover that the Saviors were not defeated as previously believed. Not to mention, a now disfigured Dwight returned to the fold to taunt and hassle Daryl, and he is the one that killed Denise. And while the rest of our heroes escaped courtesy of a harrowing ambush (courtesy of Abraham) and firefight, and Eugene’s ability to surprise his captor by biting his junk… the damage was done. For Alexandria’s biggest threat was proven to be alive and well after all, and past traumas came bubbling up and for some, it was more than they could bear. Since Carol couldn’t handle the prospect of more war and more bloodshed and exiled herself one night, in the hopes of getting a fresh start at a critical time for her family. Because the danger was once again at an all-time high, and the struggle was also real. Since hearts were low and minds were scrambled and justifiably so. For it’s just been hell on earth for these folks all season long. But before the darkness completely slinks over this tale through and through, we can celebrate another intelligent tale. One that really did hammer home the need to heal, even at a critical time and how scary life can be when we discover we didn’t finish what we started. But alas, this will be the last time we talk about anything deeper regarding this season’s storylines. For what lies ahead is something to fear, for revenge is on the horizon and Negan is coming, and those dark elements combined would forever change the landscape of this incredible series. Until next time.
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January 2025