Written by John Edward Betancourt This piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist. Truly one of the most difficult challenges that await the creative team of a spin-off of a wildly popular show, is figuring out how to get said spin-off to properly honor what came before it while finding a way to offer the audience something fresh and original. Because that is the point of the spin-off, to give everyone something new and enjoyable while giving rise to familiar feelings, and a great many spin-offs have failed at that venture throughout the years. But some, have risen to the challenge and provided fans with something quite incredible to say least, and one such series that fits that particular mold, just so happens to be Fear the Walking Dead on AMC. For this first spin-off in The Walking Dead Universe, truly blended together elements we loved from the flagship series while finding a way to do its own thing. Courtesy of stories that were darker and devastating now and again, while also making sure to dig deep into the characters and the impact this world would have upon people. Something that has been handled so well here, we are starting to see it pop up in the new spin-offs. Because this show really did trailblaze in the world of zombie storytelling, and well… as it nears its conclusion, each of us are wondering what kind of bold moments await us in the farewell tour and well, we here at NTG had the distinct honor of seeing some of the final episodes of this incredible spin-off, and we want to take a moment today to discuss, in a spoiler-free manner of course… how this show will indeed offer up some big and bold moments as it barrels toward its ending. Part of which will be handled by answering some of our biggest questions regarding some of the characters. After all, we were curious as to why Victor Strand and Luciana were absent from the events of the first half of season eight, and here… we get those answers, and they are… quite incredible in nature. Simply because some of the paths that people took in their away time are not what we expected them to be, and they lead to powerful character moments that stand with the legacy and the vibe of this series, and there are other big reveals that pop up early that also are bold and dynamic in nature and set the stage for some potentially tear-jerking moments. The kind that only this series knows how to pull off, and the majesty of this final leg of the journey, doesn’t end with some bold decisions from a character standpoint. For what truly makes the final six worth our while, is the sheer fact that a grand question posed at the start of the season is revisited in this farewell tour. For this show opted to go further regarding The Walking Dead’s examination of why humanity is worth salvation… by pondering upon whether or not we can be saved. Or if the mistakes and darkness we let infect us at times… will forever be our undoing. And that question is pondered upon heavily in these final stories in a manner that is quite powerful and insightful and that adds wonderous depth to these episodes, and it will undoubtedly be answered in the series finale. Which should be epic in nature, because of that philosophy lesson, and also because… there’s quite the threat to be found here. For it is no secret now that Troy Otto has returned to the show as well, since no one is gone until they’re gone, and his desire to find his own fulfillment only adds to the epic nature of these final six episodes and helps to set the stage for a grand showdown between Madison’s camp and his own. All of which will provide us with one incredible farewell tour, one that is indeed trending toward a thoughtful and meaningful conclusion for these characters that we’ve come to know and come to love. But alas while it is wonderful to know that depth and quality is to be found in this last leg of the journey, this preview piece does end with some bittersweet news. For the beginning of the end of a series that has moved us, shocked us, and outright captivated us, gets underway this Sunday, October 22, when Fear the Walking Dead returns to the airwaves on AMC and AMC+… and we here at NTG cannot wait to geek out about this series for a little while longer before we finally say goodbye to one bold and brave spin-off series.
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season One Finale of ‘The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
When we first joined the enigmatic Daryl Dixon on his unexpected voyage to the nation of France, it became quickly apparent that The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, was going to focus on some supremely unique concepts regarding the human condition. For this AMC series was obviously about hope, specifically how we regain it when we’ve lost it and how we find purpose at the same time since having hope fall out of our lives… tends to give us a lack of purpose and direction as well. But what was fascinating about having that expectation set, is how the show explored such matters. Because a few episodes in, it also became clear that finding such fulfilling elements in life, is no easy task. Because life is a journey, and discovery is part of that journey, and it may take us some time to really figure out what will give us hope, and what will give us purpose and never was that truth more evident than during the season one finale of the show. For ‘Coming Home’ should have given Daryl the purpose and hope he so desperately sought. But it did not. It forced him to deeply face what we actually need to find within ourselves to obtain sustainable hope and direction. That is of course, after resolving last week’s incredible cliffhanger. For if you recall, it was Dixon v Super Variant Walker in the closing moments of that tale, leaving us to wonder how Daryl would fare and as it turned out… he did just fine against this super powered monster. For he remained as clever and as thoughtful as ever and was able to handle that walker with minimal fuss. But alas, that was not good enough for Genet and Codron, she wanted submission, and he wanted revenge and that brought Quinn into the fold, and some chains and restraints, and more hyper walkers to up the odds in Genet’s favor. But alas, some of the walkers turned upon one another and these men did figure out how to bring down the last of the walkers. Which of course, angered Genet. But thanks to Fallou and his surprise weapons fire, everyone was able to escape, and some left Genet’s palace in the most harrowing ways imaginable. Mainly because Quinn did take a bite along the way, and that of course meant doom, and it also meant… that Daryl found himself in a difficult spot where he had to save Isabelle from afar and inspire Laurent to put down a reanimated Quinn. Which he did, and that put them on the road to the Nest and their voyage there… led to what should have been the beginning of the spark for hope for Daryl. Because they once again encountered Codron. Who was sent out to find them under the pretense of bringing them back to Genet to pay for whatever silly crime she believed they took part in. But instead, he was tasked with instilling fear in the group and was expected to murder Laurent, and all of them, in cold blood. Which did not sit well with Codron. For he truly believed that such an act was unnecessary and cruel, and rather than follow orders… he killed the men he traveled with and gave Dixon and his crew a reprieve. One that cost Codron greatly. Since Genet knew he had done something awful, and of course needed him to pay the piper accordingly. But the kindness of any person on this planet, one full of grace, should always bring forth hope. As should what Daryl found at his final destination. Because they did all arrive at the Nest in one piece.
Within its walls, was nothing short of a utopia. A place where people were kind to one another and truly worked toward a better tomorrow. Where perhaps at last, the folly of the past would be laid to rest and where good ideas and kindness and unity would be the way forward. Which was much of what Daryl knew from back home, since that was now the Commonwealth’s goals, and that should have brought Daryl deep hope and a sense of renewal and purpose. Wherein he could return home and spread this kind of word around the countryside and help others to realize that the world could be a better place. Not to mention, he was able to watch over Laurent and Isabelle, and share knowledge with others in this place. Giving him the useful nature, he has always desired. But alas, something was amiss here.
For despite having peace and believing in something more, Daryl still felt lost. Still felt hopeless. Which he attributed to being so far from home. Because the Commonwealth and those he loved were still on his mind. So, he worked to head back home post haste, only to learn that even that… wasn’t quite as fulfilling as he expected. Because there was also history for him here, and unfinished business he struggled to understand. Because there was a deep connection forming between, he and Laurent and even Isabelle and that was new for Daryl. For he was used to sharing a deep connection with only a few and re-energizing that connection when his soul needed it so. So, to be thinking about others and what it would mean to know them and help a different cause, put him at a crossroads at the end of this story, where he was unsure as to which path, he should take. Which doesn’t really seem to be grounded all that much in concepts of hope and purpose and how we find it, but it is. Because often times, storytelling uses hard plot devices to show us how we should find hope or purpose when in reality… how we find those elements in a sustainable manner goes far deeper than seeing the good in others. It’s more about… seeing the good in ourselves. In understanding the difference, we can make and how we influence and inspire others. Which Daryl has never considered. He’s only known moving forward, he’s only known helping others without helping himself and now… he must look inward and have faith in himself because we cannot believe in anything greater until we believe in ourselves. Not to mention, we cannot find purpose until we understand who we are and what we want and that… is the most powerful ending The Walking Dead Universe has ever sent our way. Because this is a horror story that rarely explores such matters in such a realistic light. But here, we were treated to six episodes that explored how we get to the point where we need to reassess our lives and our path and that just goes to show, the franchise and the subgenre of zombie themed horror are maturing before our eyes and looking at intimate concepts that neither have ever explored before. And it would also seem… Daryl will have help in season two regarding how to find himself. Since Melissa McBride returned to the franchise here as Carol Peletier, and she is on the hunt for her bestie and will undoubtedly find her way to him and that will make for some powerful television down the line. But for now, we can bask in the wonder of a brilliant tale. One that put Daryl Dixon and the whole TWD Universe in a bold new light, and it will be interesting to see what other powerful explorations regarding the human condition await us, when we return to Daryl, and Carol and the shores of France in season two. Until next time. Watch ‘The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Finale of ‘The Changeling’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
Whenever a creative mind sets out to tell a powerful story, in any particular medium, they always have a deeper meaning or message in mind that they wish to convey and explore through the story in question. Because that’s the point of storytelling, to explore the human condition, to ponder upon the nature of our world and maybe even explore the meaning of life. And that is why stories are important and why they resonate with us. For they open our eyes to so much and connect with us on a level we never thought possible. And it is important to remember that that is the point of a story, because sometimes how we get to the deeper stuff… can be a touch unique in nature. For no two stories are the same and no creative accomplishes that goal the same way. Take for instance, The Changeling on Apple TV+. For this story has been unconventional from the get-go, by offering us a fairy tale for adults that is grounded in horror, specifically the horrors of life and the fears we face on our journey and how we use imagination and storytelling to cope with them. But also, by giving us a story that blurs lines and has left us wondering if by chance what Apollo and Emma have encountered is actually real, or the products of that coping mechanism. But what we’ve all wondered deep down about this series, is what it truly wants to accomplish from a messaging and exploration standpoint. Because it has at times, stepped away from those horrors to play deeper into the mystical narrative and its even pondered upon the remorse that parents feel for the actions they take part in, to parent. But regardless of the unique manner of this story, and the stunning visuals it provides us with, it was always planning to give us something more to latch onto, to give us something to explore and chew upon. We simply had to wait to get to the ending of the tale. For ‘Battle of the Island’ was a fast-paced waking nightmare that saw William Wheeler and Kinder Garten be unleashed upon the island and attempt to kill every man, woman, and child on the island. Which brought forth a powerhouse final battle. Wherein Cal lost her life in saving Apollo and the children and where Apollo headed out to meet his wife in Central Park, where it seemed the spirit of Brian awaited. All of which appeared to be nothing more than a happy ending that brought forth a reminder that the dark times we fear don’t last. But when one takes a moment and lets that ending sit… does so much more come to light. For in essence, this is a story that was in part about the horrors of life and what a pain they can be. But Lillian’s journey last week, and the fight to save children from an evil that wished to consume or corrupt them… speaks to a story that all-along, has been about the fears that parents harbor. How they are terrified of the health of their child when they arrive and want them to grow into a great person, and how the world around new parents concerns them and scares them. Since there are forces that corrupt and forces to move people down dark paths. And that… is all tough to navigate, and there is no proper path to do so. There’s only the drive, the effort, and the love, that a parent can give that accomplish those goals and that… made for a powerful story indeed. Because we don’t talk about those fears when it comes to parenting. We simply believe that finding the one we love and becoming a parent is a magical process free from fear and free from worry. Where the one we love will anchor us, support us, and help us through the worst moments. And of course, where our child will give us strength we’ve never known. To the point where no bad will ever arrive again, and that’s just silly. But this series made sure to point out otherwise and really help us to understand what the process of becoming a parent will look like, and how it will be scary, and it will be a fight, and it will take sacrifice untold to assuage those fears and raise our little one right. Which means, our magical views of love, marriage, and the baby carriage, is the horrific fairy tale we need to forget as adults. So, we can be prepared for the work ahead that accompanies bringing life into this angry and chaotic world. Watch ‘The Changeling’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Series Premiere of ‘Goosebumps’ (2023). Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
It is definitely safe to say, that we live in an era where universes now rule the day from a storytelling standpoint. For so many shows, and books and movies, now operate in an outright encapsulated universe. Where everything is connected and where every moment has critical impact upon future stories and well… that is in fact, a good thing. Because it is giving rise to rich stories that captivate us and keep us in a familiar world that we adore, and it just so happens, that a brand-new series on Disney+ and Hulu, is working to bring together a series of beloved horror stories in a manner that creates a new storytelling universe. Which makes Goosebumps quite the fascinating watch. For this series, one that is indeed a revival of the highly beloved 1990s series that was based upon R.L Stine’s incredible work, ponders upon one particular question. In that, what if the amazing stories that we enjoyed from this show back in the 1990s… just so happened to be connected in a manner that goes beyond the book series? And the answer to that question is… we would be treated to a horrific universe filled to the brim with moments that are spooky, scary, and dangerous, alongside characters that we get to know and care about. Vesting us deeper into this story than ever before and it accomplishes this incredible feat… by plunging us into the world of Port Lawrence, and by introducing us to a bevy of kind teenagers that make up part of the population of this isolated berg. Who sadly, manage to do something awful in ‘Say Cheese and Die’. But not from ill intentions. For Isaiah, the town’s star quarterback, wants to ensure that an upcoming party hosted by his beloved Allison is a true smash. So, he and his friends head to the old Biddle House. A place where tragedy once took place and is currently under renovation by Isaiah’s father for its new tenant, which allows for everyone to sneak in and host the party of a lifetime. But there is quite the problem in doing this. In that, deep within this home is an evil that none of them know about, and they have managed to unleash it. First through a camera that informs its owner that bad things will befall people they care about. Which sadly becomes Isaiah’s responsibility when he takes that camera home with him from the Biddle House, prompting him of course to fight with all of his might to prevent its premonitions from coming true with mixed results. But also, through the fact that something dark from within this house begins to roam about the town, and infect the right individuals, such as the new owner of the home. Which informs us… that while the nightmare of the week will indeed be resolved as it was in the classic, life in Port Lawrence will continue along, with consequences in place from the horrors these teens will encounter, and that… is freakin’ brilliant. Because at last, it gives Goosebumps a true universe to operate within, where horrors untold are everywhere to be found and where the characters will have to work toward more than just outwitting an evil camera and other horrors on the horizon. Giving this series real depth, real gravity and it really does feature wonderful characters that are relatable and real, and that we want to see succeed. But most important of all, the decision to create the GBU so to speak, invests the viewer into this universe like never before. Because now… you must know what this evil is and how it will be put down, and the wonder of this story doesn’t there. For that really is… perfect balance. Since that gives fans of the original, the anthology style of storytelling they crave, while offering them something new to enjoy and new fans of the show… can now understand why their folks loved this series and why it means so much to them. Through exciting stories that also happen to offer up… some solid scares. For this iteration of Goosebumps has evolved for certain, and now features some of the red stuff that the prior one shied away from, alongside visuals that are nightmare inducing. Making this, a perfect premiere, one that was clearly forged in love and a desire to let this iconic franchise live on, and truly, it will be fascinating to see where this amazing series is going to take us as darkness continues to wash over Port Lawrence in the weeks to come. Until next time. Watch ‘Goosebumps’Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Four Premiere of ‘Creepshow’. To revisit the Season Three Finale, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
If there is one particular piece of advice our family, friends and other people close to us offer when we are dealing with something that upsets us in this life, something that is sticking with us and eating at us… it would be that we need to move on. Which isn’t the worst advice out there. After all, we are obsessive creatures at times, who love to pour over every moment and every possibility as to what went wrong and how we might have fixed it. So, letting go and moving on isn’t a bad thing by any means. Not to mention… sometimes what we think is problematic and worth worry, is in fact, something that can easily be moved on from. So, we should, for our own mental peace. But the only real issue with this advice, is that we treat it as the blanket solution to all of our problems. As though it can indeed serve as cure-all for our emotional ailments, and that is where we go wrong with this advice. For so many will see their traumas and their grief and other such emotional issues, as something they can easily move on from and they attempt to do so, with ugly results. For the fact of the matter is, we cannot just ‘move on’ from death or stunning moments in our lives. We have to deal with them and confront them and resolve them. Otherwise, what we tried to move on from will come back to haunt us and impact our lives in ways we never thought possible, as evidenced by the stories featured in the season four premiere of the Shudder series, Creepshow. For instance, ‘Twenty Minutes with Cassandra’, showcases… how our traumas and our past transgressions can in fact be toxic to others, especially when we do our best to project them onto others or lash out with our pain in a desperate attempt to relieve the pressure building up within us. While ‘Smile’ outright explores how trying to hide from our past and our sour transgressions that result in trauma, can and will come back to haunt us and damage what we’ve built, and oddly enough… that commentary is found via stories that seemingly have nothing to do with such topics. Since ‘Cassandra’ revolves around a woman named Lorna, battling a monster that a woman named Cassandra brings to Lorna’s doorstep while Lorna is trying to enjoy a nice evening at home. Whereas ‘Smile’ introduces us to a loving couple composed of James and Sarah Harris, who find themselves dealing with a twisted stalker on a night when James is honored for his photographic work.
But there is indeed deeper meaning in both of these stories. For as Lorna begins to deal with the horror that did indeed follow Dear Cassie to her doorstep, does she come to learn… that IT, is the personification of Cassie’s traumas and guilt over past transgressions, and it has grown so large and so overpowering that Cassie can no longer connect with people. She can simply greet them, express that evil and let it destroy the new friend/relationship and that… is indeed a powerful way in which to hammer home the central theme of this tale, in a manner that reflects how the work to put our past to bed pays off, and how exhausting it is to let it persist. Since it perfectly showcases how all of those sour emotional elements manifest and grow into something so awful, we cannot control it. Which makes for quite the thoughtful and powerful tale, one that is wonderfully complimented by the deeper message found in ‘Smile’.
For that story, which appears to be nothing more than a revenge tale, turns out to be so much more. For the audience comes to learn that James did something awful in the name of getting that award winning photo. In that, he let a man and a child drown, and they could have been saved if he put down the camera. But rather than own up to how the photo came to be, or use a different one, he chose the one with the most emotional impact and profited deeply upon their passing, and that stayed with him and created incredible guilt and darkness within him. To the point where such matters begin to haunt him and prompt him to do horrible things to give his own soul peace. Hammering home, the central theme in a powerful and devastating manner, and all of this gives rise to one incredibly intelligent and thoughtful series premiere to one top-tier horror series. Because this is… everything we expect from world class horror. Since it features stories that are dark and twisted and demented, that reflect the worst parts of us, so we can learn from them in a safe and secure manner. And of course… this story featured so many other incredible staples of the genre that we adore. Such as incredible tension, courtesy of ‘Smile’, since the darkness following James and his family put us on the edge of our seats, and the monster in ‘Cassandra’ was simply top-notch, as was the gore present in that tale. Plus, there were even moments that feature the dark humor this series is known for. But above all, the commentary on the human condition is indeed what stands out the most. Because it is raw, and pertinent, and it does leave one to wonder if season four of Creepshow is going to spend more time reflecting on us. Simply because, now would be the perfect time, since we are emerging from a period in time when we all had to look in the mirror and deeply reflect upon what we saw in our own eyes, and it will be fascinating to see how the relevancy of the world and recent events continues to influence this brilliant horror show as season four continues along. Until next time, kiddies. Watch ‘Creepshow’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 202 of ‘SurrealEstate’. To revisit the Season Two Premiere, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
When we lose a skill that we deeply cherish, we tend to believe that our life is over, and understandably so. Because that skill in many ways defines us. For it is what people know us for, and it is likely what we made a living from and all of that brought us joy. So, to no longer have that in our lives, due to an accident or other unforeseeable circumstances, truly is terrifying for certain and we do indeed find ourselves at a crossroads. Where we aren’t sure how we will go on. But the fact of the matter is, that skill likely didn’t completely leave us. For skills are learned and engrained within us, and if we lose our primary course of action to use it… that doesn’t mean we are utterly screwed and at the end. It just means we need to learn how to pivot and find ways to compensate for what we lost, so that which defines us… never goes away. If anything, that particular truth about our skills is top of mind today, simply because it is a lesson that Luke Roman learned during this week’s episode of SurrealEstate on SYFY. For ‘Truth in Advertising’ saw the team be split this week. Wherein August and Susan handled a unique set of spirits in a Bed and Breakfast, while Luke, Zooey, and Father Phil had to contend with the filming of a reality television show about ghosts at a haunted property they were working to sell. Which at first, offered no lessons to Luke, just irritation. For the show’s host, Kit Rampart, was quite the egotist, and truly believed that he was doing something special. When in fact, his show was nothing more than theatrics and nuisance and that caused he and Luke to clash often and well… these little tussles happened often enough that both men began to communicate with one another more about who they are and what they want out of life, and they found common ground. For Kit lamented his path and wanted to go back to something spiritually pure, despite his fame, and of course… that resonated with Luke. Because he too wanted to be in the thick of it again and find ways to help spirits and well… that inspired him… to think outside the box and think about what else went into his work when his gifts were readily available. Which helped him to realize, that what really made him successful, was understanding what a spirit needs and knowing how to speak to them with a level of bravery and honesty that no one else attempted. Which motivated him… to learn about this ghost and offer her the honesty and the peace she needed and for his efforts, he was rewarded with a successful cleanse of this house, and renewed confidence. For now, he could still get in the thick of it and give the spirit what they wanted, it would just require a little bit of work, but the satisfaction he would receive for freeing a spirit and saving a house… would not change. Which was a beautiful message for Luke to learn and it gave him newfound focus and direction. But of course, we’d be foolish to not discuss August and Susan’s mission in this tale. Because they were struggling to find anything out about the spirits that were apparently tortured and angry. For they screamed loud, they wailed even louder, and lashed out physically against the walls. But there was no dark history here, no evil to be found. But what they did find by finally going to the source of the noise… was a secret room where two amorous spirits met every Saturday night for a spiritual sexual awakening. The kind so pure, that Susan and August, recommended that the owners of this Bed and Breakfast do nothing from a cleansing standpoint. Since it was just two forbidden lovers, getting it on. So instead, they offered advice, wherein the owners should pivot and lean into that aspect of their hotel and they even had Kit come along to help advertise the spicy and spooky nature of this little getaway, since Luke did find a way to help Kit’s show thrive after all. All of which made, for a supremely satisfying tale. One that was… heartfelt in nature for the most part. Since Luke’s journey helped him to grow and find purpose during a tough time, and it also offered up a different kind of ghost. One that while angry, wasn’t evil, just misunderstood for certain. Plus… that sexy ghost plot line was just hilarious. Since there were little clues to the audience that the need for a little hunka chunka was the real reason for a haunting and well, you really cannot go wrong with a horror story that offers growth, meaning and some laughs to keep things fun, and this episode just serves to remind us, of how versatile this series can be. And now that we’ve reached the end of this delightful and thoughtful tale, it will be interesting to see what lessons and what scares await the Roman Agency as season two of this wondrous series continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘SurrealEstate’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 302 of ‘Chucky’. To revisit the Season Three Premiere, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
When we last settled in to enjoy the SYFY and USA Network series, Chucky, one grandiose question was left upon our minds. Specifically, what is Chucky’s long-term plan? Because a guy/doll like that, doesn’t waltz into the White House to occasionally satisfy their blood lust by popping the top of a Secret Service Agent. Oh no, this is the kind of monster that has big aspirations hidden in that little body and well, it would seem that we won’t be waiting too long to learn the exact plan for certain. Because the next episode in this delightfully devilish series, took the time to reveal some more tidbits regarding Chucky’s plans for the future, and well… they do indeed involve a lot of purposeful, calculated and targeted deaths. For ‘Let the Right One In’ saw Chucky… well let loose with the killing. Because when given the chance, he brutally took down the president’s secretary and with good reason. Because he needed to sow chaos in the White House. Primarily because a cleaner of sorts was poking around to ascertain how a Secret Service Agent fell in the most secure house on the planet, and killing a few folks at random would help to throw him off the trail so he could in the meantime… properly begin to execute the plan he really wanted to take part in. Which it would seem… is to eliminate anyone that might stand in his way and prevent him from the larger plan that he has yet to reveal. Which meant, Devon, Jack, and Lexy were in a lot of trouble in this tale. For they may be the last people that can stand between Chucky and his bloodlust. In fact, they ran into some real darkness here, because surprisingly, Miss Fairchild came to realize that Chucky was in the White House and that only this trio could stop him. Which brought them to the nation’s capital to begin to figure out a path to get inside the White House. As it turned out, Grant was their first and best and only hope really, because he managed to attach to Lexy and was willing to have Miss Fairchild meet his mom to facilitate entrance for the trio into the White House. But alas, that meeting brought forth some serious pain. Because while Miss Fairchild was waiting patiently for final word on whether or not access would be granted to hunt Chucky, the little monster found her. In fact, he managed to wrap her in the American Flag and slowly and painfully choke the life out of her. Before taunting the trio of course… because that’s what Chucky does. But more importantly… both of those kills… did as he hoped and brought about great chaos. Because Lexy, Devon, and Jack… were besides themselves and unsure of what was to come next for them without their legal guardian at their side to help them sneak into the White House. Not to mention, chaos was now reigning supreme in the White House. Because there was a killer loose, and old secrets were out in the open. Such as the president’s affair before he reached the Hill, and of course… First Lady Charlotte Collins had to keep quiet about this whole thing, despite the fact she did not want to. Because to do otherwise would devastate her husband’s administration and more or less send the whole family packing in disgrace. And all of that was made possible by dear old Chucky. Who settles for nothing short of success, and now he can execute the next phase of his twisted and master plan, one that we all cannot wait to learn about… because it will undoubtedly be diabolical and amazing. But while we wait to learn all that, we can revel in one intense and twisted tale. One that really did bring forth some utterly horrific murders. Because it was just horrifying to see Miss Fairchild go down like that, and the length of her end made that scene so uncomfortable. Not to mention the whole end of the president’s secretary was some next level splatter. The kind that would definitely give someone pause if they made the mistake of eating dinner and/or strawberry shortcake/anything while watching this. But… that is what this franchise does best. Shock us, captivate us and leave us eager for more, and we are most certainly counting down the minutes to next week’s tale. To see what more we will learn about the plan and to see how our heroes operate without the safety net of their beloved Miss Fairchild. Until next time. Watch ‘Chucky’
Please enjoy this super-sized sneak peek of the season two premiere of Shining Vale, which debuts on STARZ tomorrow, 10/12/23.
Also, this sneak peek was assembled/written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist. Sneak Peek #1 – ‘Free to Go’
Sneak Peek #2 – ‘Dropped Out’
Written by John Edward Betancourt This piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist. For the most part, the horror genre really isn’t all that accessible to children and pre-teens and teens, and understandably so. After all, this is a genre of storytelling that goes to some supremely dark places with its characters and its concepts, and it features moments and visuals that well… aren’t really appropriate for kids and young adults. Which is why so many horror stories feature ratings and warnings for parents, to help them decide when their young ones are ready for the horrors that horror harbors, but as mentioned before… there have been moments where the genre has made attempts to reach a younger audience and get them interested in the genre… with mixed results. Since some of those movies and shows just couldn’t find the balance or really a focus. But there were a few that impressed. Take for instance, Goosebumps. For this 1995 series, based off of the work of author R.L. Stine, was lightning in a bottle. For it featured stories that were filled with relatable characters for kids and young adults, and stories that outright impressed by offering up the right number of scares and creepy moments to keep kids and teens engaged and never overtly traumatized, as some horror can do at that age, and it did such an amazing job… that this series became nothing short of iconic. For so many remember it fondly and remember it as their gateway to the genre and potentially what brought forth a love of horror for them, and well… truly what this series accomplished back in the day, has yet to be replicated and likely never will be again. For it truly was the right series, at the right time. Yet what’s fascinating… is that Goosebumps is in fact, returning from the dead. For Friday will see the debut of a new series from the world of R.L. Stine debut on Disney+ and Hulu and well, that likely will raise red flags in everyone’s mind. As though a cash grab is taking place, and a subpar product will debut that is but a shell of what was once was. But we here at NTG had the distinct honor of seeing this new series early, and well… we are happy to tell you, this isn’t a cash grab or an attempt to capitalize on nostalgia. This is a new iteration of the franchise, one that is quite impressive in nature, and we’d like to take a moment today to explore what makes it so great, in a spoiler-free manner of course… starting with that structure. Because the brain trust behind this new chapter in the Goosebumps saga really did understand that lightning in a bottle is impossible to replicate, so instead… this series is nothing short of a delightful updating of what once was. One that is designed to reflect the times and the audiences out there. After all, horror is now mainstream and audiences have tuned into prime time shows that feature real terrors, regardless of age or ratings, and that allows for this iteration of the show to be a touch edgier than its predecessor, so that new audiences don’t feel as though they’re being patronized or handled with care. But at the same time, the scares never overwhelm or go too far, giving the show the perfect creepy vibe that it is known for, a move that will perfectly introduce new horror fans to the genre with ease and prepare for them for the hard stuff if they choose to explore horror further, while pleasing the nostalgic viewers that loved this show dearly back in the day. But where this show truly shines… is in its overall structure and plot. Because not only did the overall feel and look of the series get a remodel, so did how the stories are told. So, gone are the days of pure anthology storytelling here. Instead, this show is centered on a group of teens and their families and schoolmates, as they encounter the twisted elements of evil that lurk in the shadows of their town. Which allows for a wonderful hybrid to come to life, where the show offers anthology elements, but an overreaching story that ties everything together. So that the viewer is vested and quite frankly, eager to binge to see what awaits them next. Which adds new thrills to this series and compels one to continue to the journey for certain, and it also doesn’t hurt… that some big names are in this series as well. Since Rachel Harris and Justin Long are a part of this show and use their acting talents to keep things light when necessary and serious when the spooky stuff rolls in and well, all of these elements combine to bring forth, a magnificent revival of a beloved series. Since it doesn’t tread upon what came before it, it respects it and grows the saga before our eyes in a dynamic new manner that you cannot get enough of, and the best news of all, is that we are indeed days away from enjoying a great deal of the first season of this show. For Goosebumps debuts on Disney+ and Hulu this Friday, October 13th, with five deliciously devilish episodes, with new ones to follow on both networks on Fridays following, and we here at NTG cannot wait to geek out with all of you over this magnificent revival of a true horror classic. Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the motion picture, ‘V/H/S/85’. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without the labor of the actors currently on strike, the movie being covered here wouldn’t exist.
It really is quite amazing, how nostalgia is being transformed into a critical analysis tool in this day and age. Because more and more, we are hearing less about how a certain era of time was better or more magical in nature, and more about how… most decades were rough in nature. Wrought with ugly days and moments that nostalgia sought to wipe out. A reality which could be attributed to the current political climate, since cries of taking America back to ‘better days’ has made so many critical of that notion, and allowed for folks to point out how the good old days of Americana were wrought with the worst parts of us and filled with sorrowful acts that we should be ashamed of cannot erase and really… those discussions and those truths are spreading like wildfire into every corner of nostalgia, including popular media. For stories are now looking at the past with a critical eye and celebrating the good whilst pointing out the bad and of course… horror films that are turning their eyes toward the past… are holding nothing back in their examinations of what other eras really looked like. Allowing for horror to really lead the charge in deconstructing nostalgia and its power, and one particular franchise that is leading the way in such matters is the V/H/S saga. Which is surprising since it started out as a hardcore anthology designed to celebrate both the subgenre and the era in which it first appeared, but the advent of V/H/S/99 changed all that. Since that film dug deep into how the 1990s were not the cuddly years we remember. No, that decade of boybands and TGIF had a lot of societal issues, the kind whose foundation were laid down in the 1980s and for proof… well then look no further than the latest intelligent entry in this saga, V/H/S/85. For this brand-new Shudder release, does precisely what the prior film did, by giving us multiple vignettes set in the 1980s that explore the downs of the decade and the problems that we created then that we are still dealing with today. For instance, there is a set of vignettes entitled, ‘No Wake’ and ‘Ambrosia’ that examine how the gun violence that leaves us in fear for our children today, more or less found its genesis point in the 1980s and would serve as the prelude to shocking moments in our history. Such as Waco and Ruby Ridge. Courtesy of a story that speaks to how Americans’ constant need to be in conflict, led to heinous acts of gun violence that made more gun violence acceptable and the powerful commentary doesn’t end there.
After all, there are vignettes here that speak to how the 1980s was an era when technology exploded upon the market, and moved so quickly that it stirred up all kinds of worry and unrest about technology. The kind that we still suffer from today since simple technology innovations are seen as world-ending or can somehow bring forth physical changes. Which makes ‘TKNOGD’ and ‘Total Copy’ very poignant pieces. That speak to how those fears come to life and how the push to create upgrades and technology at a rapid rate created trouble with those that needed time to adjust and lost themselves in the mix of it. All of which provides us with some fine reminders that the 1980s were not just filled with bitchin’ music and big hair, they were uncertain times that were filled with fear and what’s even more impressive… is that this anthology offers up so much more.
Because this motion picture also just served to remind us that the turbulence of the era was also attributed to natural disasters and the surprise discoveries we made about the human condition. For ‘God of Death’ takes place during the great earthquake that hit Mexico City in 1985, and while it adds a delightful and amazing supernatural twist to that moment, it serves to remind us that Mother Nature was a touch aggressive in the 1980s, since Mt. St. Helens erupted in that era as well. Of course… the 1980s were also when Serial Killers rose to prominence in the news and opened up a new world of worry for us and ‘Dreamkill’ takes the time to explore the fears that generated, and how hard it was for us to cope with the reality that seemingly everyday people were eager to cause harm… to satiate a bloodlust that few understood in that era. All of which brings together, the angriest and best chapter in this franchise. Because in addition to the incredible commentary and observations about how the 1980s were not the charming years we want them to be… it holds nothing back with the scares and the gore and offers us moments that resonate and feel familiar in every uncomfortable way imaginable. Making this a powerhouse horror anthology, one that takes the medium to new heights and keeps your attention every step of the way. Courtesy of quality writing, quality performances and surprises left and right that you don’t see coming in the slightest and well, hopefully this really is the beginning of a bold new era for this franchise. Where it will continue to showcase the best parts of horror by removing our rose-colored glasses, so we can see the truth about eras we hold near and dear to our hearts. Watch ‘V/H/S/85’
January 2025