Written by John Edward Betancourt Whenever a beloved television series is inching toward its outright conclusion, there is great trepidation and concern from the fans and rightfully so. Because the television landscape has a rough history with final seasons and season finales, the kind that often entails slogging stories that seem to be drawn out for no good reason. Which in turn are wrapped up hastily, out of the blue, for one reason and one reason alone, to try and race to the finish line and offer up an epic finale. One that is also rushed in its own concerning manner since what came before dominated the story, and well, it is definitely safe to say, that these concerns are top of mind for fans of the iconic series, The Walking Dead. Simply because… they really are shell shocked, for this kind of problem has plagued so many television shows and that creates genuine worry that the series somehow won’t stick the landing. Especially when one considers that this upcoming stretch of episodes are the bridge point to the final eight, wherein the potential to languish in some other concept for a time could force that rushed conclusion. But as we inch toward the Part 2 premiere of the final season of this iconic show, we here at Nerds That Geek had the opportunity to get an advanced look at the next leg of the journey and we have some good news to report, in a spoiler-free manner of course. In that, any concerns and any worries anyone has about this part of the show slowing down and potentially ‘wasting’ time, should be tossed right out of the window. For Part 2 of Season 11 starts off with an outright bang and doesn’t let up, and that really is the first real aspect of this final season that is of note. Because it is genuinely impressive how well Part 2 of Season 11 makes use of its time, since not a single second is wasted, to the point where you’re engaged from beginning to end, and what plays out is so engrossing that the episodes simply fly by and they’re so good, you’re actively eager for more, once they have come to an end. But what’s truly amazing, is that the wonder of this leg of the journey, doesn’t end with its stunning pacing. Because this part of the story, is jam packed with some epic surprises. The kind that catapult the story forward in a bold and incredible manner, to the point where one’s jaw is going to drop and these incredible twists and turns, allow for the show lean harder into commentary on a big concept that’s been hanging over Season 11 for some time now. Specifically, whether or not humanity is worth saving and well, the explorations that await us regarding that are both powerful and poignant and open up a whole new world storytelling wise, and really all of these elements just go to show that the series understands what is at stake for the end of this series... and that Angela and her staff are up the task and are ready to deliver. If anything, everything we’ve discussed today, is going to have the internet buzzing about this show over the next eight weeks. Because this is one bold middle act, one that genuinely holds nothing back when it comes everything we love about this series and the best news of all, is that our long wait for more of this beloved franchise is about to finally come to an end. For Sunday, February 20, 2022, will see the Part 2 premiere land on AMC at 9:00 p.m. EST (or you can see it now if you have AMC+), and we here at Nerds That Geek cannot wait for you to experience the wonder of this brave new chapter in a franchise that is eager to blaze trails and wow us... one more time before the endgame begins. Until next time.
Written by John Edward Betancourt One particular challenge that writers and creative minds will encounter when they work to create a television show with an ensemble cast, is giving all of the characters proper screen time. Because obviously, the main characters of the show are the focus, and they deserve their day in the sun. But often times, shows with a bevy of characters, give life to folks that are just as dynamic and engaging as the leads and fans want more of that person and their journey and well, therein lies the challenge. One that a great deal of shows has failed to resolve throughout the years. But one particular show has figured out how to master that age-old problem, and that’s another reason why The Walking Dead became such a hit, and this aspect of the show is top of mind today, because it was put on full display in the next episode. For ‘Inmates’ is a story that focuses on a bevy of different characters and actually manages to keep a few out of sight and mind. In fact, we don’t see a glimmer of Rick or Carl or Michonne here, and for that matter, Daryl and Beth pretty much have a cameo in this tale, but an important one, nonetheless. Since their journey allows for the pain and anguish that the audience experienced over ‘Too Far Gone’ to come to the surface and be dealt with so characters and viewers can find resolution and move on and with good reason. Because there were other characters we needed to check in on, and once this segment ended, we were able to catch up with Tyreese and the kids. Including Judith, who we learned survived after all, and their storyline not only brought us some comfort, but also informed us of how good a man Tyreese really is, all while reminding us that Lizzy is not well mentally. Since she damn near went full psycho here. But since there are so many characters we care about in this story, complete with fates left unresolved at the end of that nightmarish fight at the prison, this episode made a point to check in with as many of them as possible. Since we did get to learn that Maggie, Sasha, and Bob were safe and sound after all. But sadly, Maggie needed some measure of resolution when it came to her one true love, especially after losing her father in a brutal manner. Which motivated her to track down the bus that Glenn was supposed to be on, and she did, only to find that it was filled to the brim with the living dead. Which then motivated her to empty that sucker out and kill every walker within its metal walls to get the answers she so desperately sought, and wouldn’t you know it? She did indeed get some resolution, in that Glenn wasn’t on the bus. But his true fate, was left for the audience to enjoy. Since we discovered that Glenn Rhee was indeed alive and well. Because at some point he found his way back into the prison and in the process, was knocked unconscious during the assault. But when we catch up with him here, he’s awake and moving about and ready to get the hell out of dodge, but not before meeting up with Tara and learning that she wasn’t like the rest of the Governor’s crew and could in fact… be a genuine ally. Which brought forth some kind words from Glenn, the kind that did indeed get her on his side, and that allowed for us to learn the fate of Lily and for Glenn to learn about Hershel’s and well, while it was wonderful to know that Glenn was okay and, on the move, again, his return here was grossly overshadowed by an important arrival. Since the final moments of this episode introduced us to Rosita and Eugene and Sergeant Abraham Ford. Giving us the first on-screen appearance of a trio of characters that would have a huge impact on the rest of the series, much like they did in the comics. But before we worry about their journey, it is best we give this one a round of applause. Since it flawlessly caught up with the other characters and informed us that everyone is okay at the moment, and it also set the stage for some big moments down the line that extend beyond Abraham and Eugene’s little secret. Since Lizzy’s behavior here truly lays down the foundation for one of the darkest episodes the series ever aired and of course… the mysterious Terminus is mentioned here for the first time and that too, would lead to some epic moments for certain and well… the only way to properly celebrate these moments, is to continue the dark journey that awaits us… post haste. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 306 of ‘A Discovery of Witches’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Over the course the of the past three years, the Sundance Now and Shudder series, A Discovery of Witches, has been a refreshing monster story. One that humanized these creatures like never before and of course, it has woven a story an intricate as a spell… one that has enthralled us and enticed us to keep watching, to learn more about this mysterious world and the dynamic beings that inhabit it. But alas, we are now reaching the end of this journey. Which means that the immersing nature of this world has to be replaced with a mad dash to the finish line, one where showdowns take place, hearts get broken and important plot threads are tied together neatly and well… the beginning of that shift toward the conclusion of this sweeping tale, got underway this week. For this week’s adventure through this realm, took the time to resolve a couple of long-standing plot threads. For instance, now that Diana had the pages she needed, she decided the time had come to return to Oxford and retrieve and reassemble the Book of Life, ending a multi-year journey to do so and well… it was not without its worry. Because Peter Knox was undoubtedly waiting for this moment and that meant every precaution out there was put in place to keep Diana safe in the library and thankfully, the actual retrieval of the book was pretty calm and quiet. In fact, the only real surprises of note, are how easily the Book assimilated the missing pages and how eager it was to spread its teachings to the right being. For when the opportunity to explore the book as a complete work presented itself, Diana took it and actually merged with the book. Which wrapped up that search in a wonderful and mystical manner and once the Book of Life was safely where it belonged, the next plot thread in need of resolution could take the center stage. Because for the past three years, Peter Knox has been a thorn in both Diana and Matthew’s sides, and his evil has only grown to nightmarish proportions, culminating in the murder of Em at the end of last season and well… with the Book in hand, Peter finally confronted Diana and Sarah at the airport and demanded they relinquish it to him in a manner that was both arrogant and un-remorseful. So much in fact that his doubling down and outright relishing of his actions, provoked and angered Sarah to the point of no return and well… that brought about the end of Peter Knox by way of a violent vortex. Putting an end at last to his twisted reign of terror. But while it was incredible to see a pair of major storylines reach their conclusion, there is another one that only grew in intensity in preparation for the end. For while Diana was handling the book and her personal nemesis, Matthew went to Poland. To the place where his father died horribly, to be precise, so that he could square off with Benjamin at last and end this mess between the two of them. But despite being able to easily best Benjamin in hand-to-hand combat, that little weasel prepared a surprise for his father. Specifically, Satu. For she used her magic to weaken and disable him just long enough, for Benjamin to capture and torture his father, and of course… he was also happy to record and send a message to Diana as well. In the hopes of luring her to this godforsaken place for a second showdown and he will no doubt… get his wish. But he may come to regret that decision. One that we discovered is part of a long con, courtesy of Gerbert in order to seize control of all of monster-kind, and well… they have now provoked an angry mother that is armed with incredible knowledge of magic and thus… the stage is set for the grand finale. For battle lines are drawn, heroes have been born and the forces of good know what is at stake and what it will take to win the day and that might mean heartbreak and loss awaits us in the finale of this long and sweeping journey, and the possibility of things to come… is going to make the wait for next Saturday’s episode as painful as it gets. Because this is it, the grand finale of A Discovery of Witches and this writer has no doubt, that we are in store for a powerhouse conclusion, one that will leave our eyes wet with tears over having to say goodbye to characters we’ve come to love. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt The best horror stories out there, are the ones that understand when to give their audience a break. Because being constantly assaulted by horrific moments, makes a viewer or reader supremely uncomfortable, the point where the intensity is just too much to bear and might drive them away. Which is why slowing things down a bit, now and again, is critical to telling a scary story. Since it gives the audience a chance to catch their breath and process the horrors, they’ve seen, so they feel okay with continuing the journey and this is precisely why, The Walking Dead on AMC is a top-tier horror story. Because it follows this process to an outright tee and for proof, look no further than the next episode in this harrowing saga. For ‘After’ picks up a few hours after the Governor made his all-out assault on the West Georgia Correctional Facility and when we catch up with Michonne and Rick, and young Carl in this tale… they’re doing their best to avoid a fight. In fact, after handling some sorrowful business at the prison, Michonne decides that the best way forward is to create new zombie companions akin to her previous ones. So, she can travel the countryside safely and survive, and that really does slow things down for her journey. To the point where she actually takes a moment to realize that running away from people and not making connections is the wrong way to handle life after the end, and that in turn motivates her to forgive herself for her past actions and seek out Rick and Carl. Whom, as it turns out, were also eager to slow things down for vastly different reasons. Because Rick was in a bad place physically, courtesy of the Governor’s beatdown, and once they found a safe spot where they could gather their bearings and rest... they did jus that. In fact, Rick was so badly beaten and bruised from that battle, that he outright slept for days, leaving young Carl with a chance to process his pain and frustrations regarding his father’s mistakes and their current situation and that led to some fascinating moments with Carl. The kind that allowed for him to grow before our eyes, courtesy of what he decided to do with his downtime, which in this instance, was to gather supplies and take on the world on his own. An act that led to some scares for certain since the living dead are everywhere. But what mattered more about this particular journey, was that Carl really came into his own here. Since it was, he that needed to provide for himself and his father, and it was up to him to get out of trouble when it presented itself, and he managed to make all of that happen in a brave and bold manner. Plus, it turned out that letting his dad rest and going out and handling some business on his own, was healthy for his relationship with his father. Since it gave them both perspective on what they had and what they lost and such a move strengthened their relationship for certain and well… that’s how this episode ends, on a quasi-happy high note and in a peaceful manner and that is quite the reward for the audience. Because prior to this, it was four episodes of pure savagery and concern, the kind that culminated in horrible and heartbreaking moments. So, it was indeed quite nice to just take a minute and see these intrepid characters lick their wounds and regroup and try to figure out what comes next now that they have lost their home and their future. But while it was indeed nice to take a moment and have everyone, audience included, collect themselves after a harrowing run of episodes this might be one of the last times, we get to enjoy a little joy and quiet in season four. For not everyone had a smooth exit akin to this trio and of course, there’s some surprises waiting for everyone… at the end of the line. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Two of ‘Horror Noire’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. If there is one thing that the horror genre excels at, beyond scaring the wits out of us, of course… it would have to be its ability to truly observe and understand our modern world and humanity as a whole and offer commentary on all of those elements. A feat that this genre accomplishes, by using fear to its advantage. For when we are scared, our attention is focused, and our minds are on alert and that allows for powerful lessons to be absorbed. The kind that truly showcase problems in our world that need attention or teach us something quite important in nature. If anything, the power of commentary is top of mind for today’s discussion, simply because the next episode of Horror Noire on AMC thrives within it. For this week’s tales of terror put a magnifying glass upon our modern world to both educate and alarm us over some of the problems we are currently dealing with. But we’ll to get to the worrisome stuff in a moment, simply because the lessons this episode sent our way were powerful in nature. For ‘Bride Before You’ opted to explore some of the struggles and expectations that Black women have had to (and currently) deal with in this world and it accomplished that feat, by taking us back in time. Where a nouveau bride was forced to go to extremes to sire a son for her well-to-do husband. Which of course led to a lifetime of heartbreak since the witchcraft she used brought forth two children, the son that was loved and a daughter that was cast out and seen as monstrous. Which is a plot thread that brings about powerful lessons since this informs us of the inequality that Black women have faced in their history. Wherein there is a constant hustle to be seen in a positive light or deemed as worthy by both men and the world as a whole, as evidenced by how far this poor bride went to be viewed as more. But while that is a powerful lesson, there is contemporary commentary to be found here as well, since the plight of this family speaks volumes to how embedded racism is designed to oppress since it creates a competitive nature. The kind that will motivate individuals to tear one another down to get ahead and that’s a poignant reflection for certain, one that stays with you for some time. As does the other bit of commentary in this tale, the one that is more contemporary in nature. For ‘Fugue State’ introduces us to Arthur and Charlotte, a happy couple that supports one another in everything… until a surprise comes into their lives. For Arthur is hard at work on a book about cult leaders and the trouble they cause and after spending a lot of time researching a new one, his behavior drastically changes. To the point where he becomes distant and angry and unable to maintain a healthy relationship, all because he firmly believes that the new priest in his life… knows the way to a better tomorrow and now he will stop at nothing to have his supposed happiness and well, this is a plot that is basically ripped from the headlines of our world. Because it quickly becomes obvious as this story plays out, that this situation is an allegory for the strange divide America is currently going through. Wherein good people are suddenly sucked in by horrible ideas, be it a ‘movement’ to reclaim ‘freedoms’ that haven’t been lost… or a quest to deny science and everything it stands for and that makes this a terrifying tale for certain. Since we watch Arthur slide down the rabbit hole of madness and fully embrace the teachings of a lunatic and the helplessness the viewer feels in this moment, is all too familiar and where this segment truly shines, is in its apathy. For it offers no easy answers and merely informs us of this issue and how easily it can claim anyone and that’s of note… because that’s an honest way to handle this kind of exploration. For in reality, we are barely coming to understand the root cause of what truly transforms a person’s mind to believe such wild concepts and until we do… offering an easy answer is just silly. In the end however, this is another brilliant episode from this series. Because it truly offers up some powerful lessons and observations, the kind the world needs to speak to more, and it does so, in a flawlessly horrifying manner. Since the first story uses gothic elements and some surprises to put us on edge and well, Arthur’s spiral into madness is something we’ve all seen and lamented and all of this just goes to show, that Horror Noire remains one of the smartest horror stories of the past year, and this episode does leave one eager to see what other powerful observations and lessons will await us in next week’s series finale. Until then. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 304 of ‘Servant’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. One particular aspect of life that nobody likes to deal with, is the supremely bad day. That one where everything goes wrong, and bad things find us at every turn, and we don’t like dealing with them in large part… because they’re just awful. But also, because they put us in a tough place mentally, the kind where we genuinely feel as though our world is coming to a crashing end when the day in question is bad enough and well, this particularly sour type of day is top of mind today… simply because the Turner family had to deal with one in the next episode of Servant on Apple TV+. For when we catch up with them in ‘Ring’, a busy and chaotic day is happening at the household. For there is a baby-proofing specialist coming through the house on this day to ensure that Jericho will be safe when his toddler years arrive and well… it doesn’t take long for Leanne to realize that he’s a misogynistic pervert that likes to harass women her age and having his gross nature present in the house only puts her further on edge than usual. Mainly because she is still concerned about the safety of this family, courtesy of her former one and having him and a bevy of people coming in and out of the house is really the worst-case scenario for Leanne on this day. But she isn’t the only one struggling in this particular tale. Because Sean is in dire need of help, since he’s got a major catering job coming up and with Leanne on baby duty and unable to help in the kitchen, he’s forced to bring extra help in, by way of Toby’s annoying new girlfriend, Sylvia, and her arrival is a disaster in every sense of the word. Mainly because she’s just a sour individual through and through, one that takes the time to pick on Toby in a supremely abusive manner. But she also contributed to the bad day because she was involved in an ugly accident in the kitchen. One where she didn’t see a spill on the ground while she was ripping into Toby and that led to an awkward fall and a lost finger, putting Sean and everyone in the kitchen in a rattled place. However, while all of those rough moments should have been enough for this family to go through in a single day, this day wasn’t quite done with torturing the family just yet. Because Dorothy had quite the unfortunate moment unfold while she was on the air. For while she was interviewing a local artist on the street, her body did what any mother’s body would do and produced milk. But it just so happened to take place on camera… to a live audience and since people tend to not be mature about moments such as these, it was obvious after this surprise took place, that Dorothy’s on-air career was likely over. Leaving her in a despondent place when she returned home. If anything, this was just… a perfect example of how the universe will sometimes just pour ugly moments upon us. But while we normally pick up the pieces and move on from days like this one, one does have to wonder… if there is a deeper meaning to the events that took place here. Because every moment in this series serves a purpose and is designed to set something up since the writing team here is smart and seems to be building toward something big, and it will be quite interesting to see what the significance of this day will hold to the overall plot and of course, how the family will respond to these ugly moments. The kind that might shake things up in the household psychologically and financially. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Over the course of the past couple of days, we’ve talked at length about the notions of redemption and absolution in regard to the Governor’s journey on The Walking Dead, and what we’ve learned thus far in these discussions has been fascinating. For now, we know that reflection is a key step to traveling down that road and that to start to obtain it, we need to be open to change and address the root causes of what brought about our own bad behavior in the first place. So, we can truly be remorseful and able to pay a penance. But while those are some fascinating lessons to learn, there is still one more step one needs to take in order to obtain absolution, and that was explored in a heartbreaking manner in the next episode of this storied franchise. For ‘Too Far Gone’ saw Philip ‘The Governor’ Blake continue to skirt the edge between absolution and abomination by kidnapping both Hershel and Michonne and by rallying his people to a fight at the prison, a move that allowed for that answer to be presented to us. For Rick Grimes’ words to his old nemesis made it completely and utterly clear that to truly obtain what we seek, we have to openly want it. Which means one needs to be ready to embrace change and the necessary work that comes with that, and unfortunately… that’s not something the Governor was willing to commit to. Because he truly believed the worst parts of him somehow made him whole and strong, and to change that would make him weak and when faced with the choice to change or continue on his path, he chose the latter. A choice that not only closed the book on this exploration in a blunt and rude manner, but it also allowed for the story to explore what kinds of problems can come about from rejecting change and choosing fury, which in this instance… involved complete and utter devastation. For shortly after the Governor committed to the darkness in his soul and chose to unleash his fury upon his enemies, Hershel lost his life in a horrific manner… and the prison fell. For he used his wonderful tank to roll over the fences and blow holes in his supposedly prized new home and well, this led to a heartbreaking sequence. One that saw good people lose everything over a petty battle from a petty and little man, and thankfully… he finally received his comeuppance for his actions. For when the opportunity arose, Michonne was quick to plunge her blade into his chest, thus saving Rick from the physical beatdown he was dealing with, and eventually, Lily put a bullet in the Governor’s brain, ending his insane reign, but the damage was done. For the bug out bus left without everyone on it, and Daryl and Beth were forced to escape into the night and of course, Tyreese and the kids made a hasty exit, one that at the time… left us worried that Judith might be in trouble. Plus, a badly beaten Rick Grimes and his son were forced to scatter as well. Because in the end, the Governor’s inability to choose to be better, allowed for the living dead to infest the burning and ruined West Georgia Correctional Facility, leaving our heroes to face an uncertain future. Because now, they have no shelter and no supplies and that’s a dangerous place to be in a world where the dead walk and well, in the end, this brilliant episode still packs quite the wallop after all these years. Since it reminds us of how choice plays a big factor in the dark things people do and of course, the death of Hershel was downright tragic and painful. Since he was such a gentle and wonderful man and watching the prison burn and everyone scatter… well it just reminds us that the good guys don’t always win and well, this is one that still stays with you long after its ended. For it really is a bold and brave tale, one that would lead to fundamental change for the characters. Because they would learn some hard lessons outside the prison’s walls, and we will be privy to all of them in the days to come as we dive into the supremely dark second half of season four. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the motion picture, ‘All the Moons’. Human begins, fear a great deal in life. For instance, we are terrified of living life alone, because we are fully aware of the fact that community and love and creating memories with those important people, adds great fulfillment to our lives. Plus, we also fear coming down with a major illness. For we are the commanders of our bodies and minds, and the thought of our bodies being invaded by a sickness that would allow for us to lose control of our faculties and mental functions, is a terrifying thought indeed. One that drives us to do whatever it takes to stay healthy and vibrant. But of the many things we fear in this life, there is one above all else that we all share in. Specifically… death. Because regardless of the fact that we know death is our biological purpose in life, the finality of it and what it robs us of, makes it a horrifying prospect. Which in turn motivates us to do whatever is necessary to obtain as much life as possible and of course, to make an impact on this world, so that we are remembered long after we go. But while we do indeed fear death and react accordingly, eventually the majority of us make peace with it. But what becomes of those who don’t make peace with it? How do they function in a world where death is an inevitability? Well, it just so happens that the answer to those questions is explored in a powerful new horror film on Shudder entitled, All the Moons. Now in this particular film we are transported back to the 19th Century, at the end of a war and as it rages around an orphanage, we are introduced to a girl named Amaia, and she quickly finds herself in a difficult situation. For an explosion brings down the orphanage and critically wounds her, and in her dying moments… she begs for help from a stranger and receives a curse in return. For the stranger in question… is a vampire and she gifts Amaia with life eternal. But before she can learn about her new heritage and what it entails, she is separated from her new master and forced to forge a path of immortality alone. One that will allow for her to find immunity to sunlight and eventually… a family life. For an encounter with a lonesome and broken farmer, allows for her to live a life she’s never known… one that will never end, and that revelation will unsettle her soul in ways she never thought possible. Which is a plot that appears to be heavily grounded in old school horror. Since there is a familiar feel to Amaia’s plight. The kind that should see her struggle with her bloody brand of thirst and that should in turn lead to a story about the monsters we can become. But as Amaia comes to learn that she doesn’t have to kill humans and drink their blood to survive, the story quickly shifts gears and truly becomes a character study on what it means to be human and the importance of family and connection and going that route and watching her grow and try to live a life that deep down she knows she may never have, is what really gets the exploration of our fear of death underway. Because despite finding the peace she craves, there is one problem when it comes to her journey. In that, the people she loves and forms a connection with, eventually grow old and die. A reality that breaks her heart more often than she’d like. But it does help her to learn the importance of death and how it can help us to grow, and that motivates her to go to great heights to embrace it and find it. Whether or not she achieves that, we won’t spoil here. In part so you can experience that part of her journey for yourself, but more so because… we need to talk about the powerful message present here. Since Amaia’s journey in essence, walks us through how to not fear death and we do so, by outright embracing it. Because to do so… removes its power and encourages us to live in the moment and experience the wonder of life, so that we do meet our eventual end with joy our hearts and peace in our souls, and while some may see that as too simplistic a message to inject into a horror film, it’s the right answer to the questions posed earlier. Because those who fear it and cower at its presence miss out on so much and never come to appreciate everything this world and its beauty have to offer and it is only when we let go that we truly understand the meaning of life and well, that makes this a beautiful horror film in the end. One that is visually as stunning as its message and for those hoping for gore and more than uplifting messages… have no fear. Because the gothic horror elements here and classic vampiric elements give this movie an eerie feel, one that keeps the viewer guessing as to what kind of vampire Amaia will become and there’s gore to be found when she needs to feed and that really is enough to satisfy the more classic horror hound and well, in the end, this is simply a must-see horror feature. Simply because it is unique and artistic and intelligent and if you’re ready to experience something fresh and original, then swing by Shudder and give All the Moons a look. You’ll be glad you did. Written by John Edward Betancourt When we last settled in to discuss the iconic AMC series, The Walking Dead, we talked at length about the nature of redemption and absolution and whether or not a person can find those things when they’ve committed genuinely horrible and disgusting acts. A feat that ‘Live Bait’ postulated is possible, provided the person in question is open to reflection and observation of their actions, the kind that makes it clear what kind of lines they crossed, and revisiting that aspect of the previous episode is important today, because next chapter in what we could call… ‘The Governor Trilogy’ digs deeper into these notions. To explore what could actually prevent someone from finding redemption and absolution, despite having an open mind and heart in regard to obtaining it. Which is an exploration that at first glance, doesn’t appear as though it is going to be the focus of ‘Dead Weight’. For when we catch up with Philip Blake/Brian Heriot and his new family in this tale, they’re getting by with their new group and Martinez has accepted Phil as is and has let the past go and it just seems as though, the Governor will be redeemed in this tale. And that title will never mean a thing again and watching him help and keep a low profile and take care of Lily and Meghan really does make it seem as though he’s learned the error of his ways and genuinely wants to forge a better life, free from the horrors he conducted. But a singular moment, one where Philip Blake is challenged in a manner he didn’t expect, changes the course of everything and brings forth the lesson in question. For he brutally murders Martinez without giving it a second thought and once Martinez’s blood is on his hands, he is quick to let the Governor return and seize power of this camp in the bloodiest and fearful ways imaginable and it isn’t long before he’s back to his old self. In fact, he even goes so far as to rebuild his menagerie of the living dead in a nearby lake and of course, he uses lies and fear and control the populace and at the end of this tale… we see him fully commit to the anger and darkness within. Since he pulls his gun on Hershel and Michonne and makes his way over to them, leaving all of us to wonder… what went wrong? Why would a man on the cusp of a fresh start, suddenly decide to return to his old ways, the kind that were deceitful and dangerous and downright destructive? Well as it turns out, the answer to those questions was quite simple in nature. In that, simply reflecting upon our mistakes and acknowledging them, isn’t enough to properly bring redemption and absolution into our lives. We also have to look at the root cause of our mistakes in the first place and learn why exactly we made the moves we made. Because without that understanding we cannot separate ourselves from the past and properly forge a future or live in the moment nor we can resist trigger moments and we’ll struggle to shed bad behaviors. We’ll just return to a cycle of never-ending sorrow from which it seems there is no escape and that’s precisely why, this episode took the time to offer up some parallels from the Governor’s time in Woodbury. To teach us that lesson, by way of the cycle that was being built before our eyes. All because Philip did nothing to address those root causes, and what’s wild… is that there is still another component regarding this grand concept waiting in the wings for this saga to explore. But before we dive too deeply into that, we can bask in the majesty of what turned out to be an extremely dark and unsettling tale. One that unraveled before our eyes as Philip faded away and the Governor returned and that really did make for some chilling moments. That kind that helped us to understand how he took control in Woodbury so easily, and how he maintained power with minimal fuss. Because he really did use his charm and his guile to lead and influence and now, things are going to get ugly. Because he’s ready for revenge and ready to lead in the manner he knows how and that will spell sorrow and bloodshed once more. For what awaits us now is a brutal showdown, one that would leave tears and devastation in its wake, alongside that complete understanding of what brings us absolution. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Hello again, horror fans! We promised you a glut of gory horror news today and we are here to deliver on that promise. Because hot on the heels of today’s earlier Creepshow, Slasher and Good Madam news… Shudder decided to continue to make a bloody splash by also releasing their March 2022 Programming Lineup! So, we won’t waste any time today and get right down to informing you of what terrifying treats await us in the month of March on Shudder, courtesy of the network. NEW SHUDDER ORIGINAL & EXCLUSIVE FILMS The Scary of Sixty-First – Premieres March 3 (Available on Shudder US, Shudder CA and Shudder UKI) Two roommates’ lives are upended after finding out that their new Manhattan apartment harbors a dark secret. Directed byDasha Nekrasova, The Scary of Sixty-First won the “Best First Feature Award” at the 2021 Berlin International Film Festival. The film stars Madeline Quinn, Betsey Brown, and Dasha Nekrasova, and was written by Quinn and Nekrasova. View Trailer HERE. The Seed – Premieres March 10 (Available on Shudder US, Shudder CA, Shudder UKI and Shudder ANZ) This horror comedy centers on Deidre (Lucy Martin), Heather (Sophie Vavasseur) and Charlotte (Chelsea Edge), lifelong friends finally getting some time away together, using an upcoming meteor shower to gather more followers for their social media channels. But what starts out as a girls’ getaway in the Mojave Desert descends into a battle for survival with the arrival of an alien force whose air of mystery soon proves to be alluring and irresistible to them. Written and directed by Sam Walker. View Trailer HERE. The Bunker Game – Premieres March 17 (Available on Shudder US, Shudder CA, Shudder UKI and Shudder ANZ) An actress in a Live Action Role Playing Game where the participants play the survivors of an atomic war sealed in an underground bunker finds herself trapped inside with other staff. As they begin to die in mysterious ways, the group realizes that someone or something paranormal is playing a twisted game with them—which quickly plunges into a terrifying fight for survival. The film stars Gaia Weiss, Lorenzo Richelmy, and Mark Ryder. Directed by Roberto Zazzara. View Trailer HERE. The Spine of Night – Premieres March 24 (Available on Shudder US, Shudder CA, Shudder UKI and Shudder ANZ) In The Spine of Night, an ultra-violent animated fantasy epic, ancient dark magic falls into sinister hands and unleashes ages of suffering onto mankind. A group of heroes from different eras and cultures must band together in order to defeat it at all costs. Featuring the voices of Richard E. Grant, Lucy Lawless, Patton Oswalt, Holly Gabriel and Joe Manganiello, written and directed by Philip Gelatt and Morgan Galen King. View Red Band Trailer HERE. Night’s End – Premieres March 31 (Available on Shudder US, Shudder UKI, Shudder CA and Shudder ANZ) In Night’s End, an anxious shut-in unwittingly moves into a haunted apartment and hires a mysterious stranger to perform an exorcism which takes a horrific turn. Starring Geno Walker, Felonious Munk, Kate Arrington, and Michael Shannon. Written by Brett Neveu and directed by Jennifer Reeder (Knives and Skin, V/H/S/94). SHUDDER’S MODERN FRENCH HORROR COLLECTIONThis month, Shudder puts a spotlight on the bold, visionary horror emerging from France in the twenty-first century, including essential titles from the boundary-pushing wave of films dubbed “New French Extremity.” Including Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury’s Livid (previously unavailable to stream in the US) and Inside; Alexandre Aja’s High Tension, Claire Denis’ Bastards and Trouble Every Day, Lucile Hadzihalilovic’s Evolution, Xavier Gens’ Frontier(s), and Pascal Laugier’s Martyrs, all coming to Shudder US on March 1. Also featured in the collection are Adoration, The Advent Calendar, Among the Living, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Islands, Kandisha, Knife + Heart, Sheitan, The Strange Color of Your Body’s Tears, Let the Corpses Tan, Teddy, Terror Sisters, Them (ils) and Zombi Child, currently available to stream on Shudder. NEW ADDITIONS TO SHUDDER’S MOVIE LIBRARY March 1
65 years after a masked serial killer terrorized the small town of Texarkana, the so-called "moonlight murders" begin again. Is it a copycat or something even more sinister? A lonely high school girl may be the key to catching him.
Four months after the death of her husband, a woman on the brink of motherhood is tormented in her home by a strange woman who wants her unborn baby.
The suggestion of a big treasure hidden somewhere inside Mrs Jessel's once renowned classical dance academy will become an irresistible lure to a fiendish trap for Lucie and her friends.
A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at an Inn run by neo-Nazis.
A young woman's quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tormented her as a child leads her and a friend, who is also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.
Events over the course of one traumatic night in Paris unfold in reverse-chronological order as the beautiful Alex is brutally raped and beaten by a stranger in the underpass.
Best friends Marie and Alexia decide to spend a quiet weekend at Alexia's parents' secluded farmhouse. But on the night of their arrival, the girls' idyllic getaway turns into an endless night of horror.
A brilliant scientist left for dead returns to exact revenge on the people who burned him alive.
Darkman and Durant return and they hate each other as much as ever. This time, Durant has plans to take over the city's drug trade using high-tech weaponry. Darkman must step in and try to stop Durant once and for all.
When he double-crosses a drug kingpin, Darkman must free himself of his remote-control clutches.
A dejected bartender and an aging drag queen try to survive the eccentric and hostile nightlife of a corrupt city, as a masked maniac slaughters young gay men and drains them of blood.
American newlyweds Shane (Vincent Gallo) and June Brown (Tricia Vessey) honeymoon to Paris. Once there, Shane secretly begins a search for his former colleague, Leo, who might be in possession of a cure to a tropical virus that has transformed both Shane, and Leo's wife, Core, into ravenous sexual cannibals.
Marco returns to Paris after his brother-in-law's suicide, where he targets the man his sister believes caused the tragedy - though he is ill-prepared for her secrets as they quickly muddy the waters.
The only residents of young Nicholas' sea-side town are women and boys. When he sees a corpse in the ocean one day, he begins to question his existence and surroundings. Why must he, and all the other boys, be hospitalized? March 7
After attending a rave party, a teenage girl forms a bond with a strange monster as she suffers a slow chaotic mental breakdown.
An in-depth voyage into the sci-fi film "Alien" with the visionary filmmakers who created it. See how one of the most terrifying movies of all time came to life 40 years ago, inspired by ancient mythology and our universal fears.
A lonely girl's violent descent into madness.
A delusional CEO (Demi Moore) takes her staff of misfits on a disastrous team building retreat led by an overeager guide (Ed Helms). When catastrophe strikes and the food runs out, mandatory office bonding becomes a lot more… appetizing. March 14
Yacht passengers encounter mysterious weather conditions that force them to jump onto another ship, only to have the odd havoc increases.
A young man tries to help a teenage European girl who escaped from a clinic after witnessing the murder of her parents by a serial killer, and they try to find the killer before the killer finds them.
Dennis and Rita arrive home to a series of mysterious events.
Vicki Maloney is randomly abducted from a suburban street by a disturbed couple. As she observes the dynamic between her captors she quickly realizes she must drive a wedge between them if she is to survive.
A twist on the slasher genre, following two death-obsessed teenage girls who use their online show about real-life tragedies to send their small mid-western town into a frenzy, and cement their legacy as modern horror legends. March 21
A gay bar is hit by a group of sociopaths, and all the patrons are killed except for one man who escapes and takes refuge in an apartment occupied by a group of friends, who will do anything they can to protect him and survive the siege.
A documentary that shows how George A. Romero gathered an unlikely team of Pittsburghers to shoot his seminal film: Night of the Living Dead (1968).
A family's Christmas takes a strange turn when they awake to find themselves trapped inside and begin receiving mysterious instructions through the television. March 25
Rose, a mostly sweet and lonely Irish driving instructor, must use her supernatural talents to save the daughter of Martin (also mostly sweet and lonely) from a washed-up rock star who is using her in a Satanic pact to reignite his fame. March 28
A vacationing family turns the tables on a mass shooter who claims to be fighting demonic forces.
Attempting to surpass his father's legacy, a reclusive neuroscientist becomes entangled in his own experiment, pitting ten fragments of his consciousness against each other.
A psychotic redneck, who owns a dilapidated hotel in rural East Texas, kills various people who upset him or his business, and he feeds their bodies to a large crocodile that he keeps as a pet in the swamp beside his hotel. March 29
Eight new stories by women directors about time warps, emotional-control apps, crime lords, and more! |
January 2025