Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘Kold x Windy’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
There are certain moments in life that we put upon a pedestal so to speak. For we believe those particular moments will be life changing. To the point where our lives will be turned upside down in a shockingly positive manner. Where people immediately respect us and the hustle we went through to get there, and where riches and attention untold await us. So, we pour every ounce of good vibes we can into that moment in our minds, so we can try and manifest it and relish in it… only to learn that moments like that… are stunningly rare. Not to mention, real life changing moments tend to be negative and heartbreaking in nature since they come out of left field and the one, we are hoping for… tends to be nothing more than a Tuesday, where the only thing that changes is our mood. That’s simply because, the end game, must be earned and one big moment in our push to obtain it, is followed by more depending on how hungry it makes us. And it is the work that comes after, that gains us respect and gains us the life altering surprises we seek and really… that harsh lesson is top of mind today, because it was precisely what Malika and Renee were forced to begin to learn in this week’s episode of Kold x Windy on WE tv. For ‘Respect Is Everything’ is a story that saw a big moment finally arrive for this talented and troubled musical duo. For their work with Stoney finally hit the airwaves and everyone in Chicago recognized how well this bop, slapped, and Kold and Windy really did believe, this was it… their big moment had arrived. But alas, this was merely that steppingstone moment. One that informed them of how talented they are and that if they dedicated themselves to the work, they would have the respect they desired and the joy and riches they always wanted. But since they expected the moment to hand them everything, they simply basked in the wonder of it and saw some surprises come their way because of it. After all, they were forced to fire their manager since she tried to get a bigger cut of the revenue pie and started to call them out often in a negative manner, something they both rightfully saw as disrespectful and well… their lives didn’t change much after that big moment. They just kept on living and waiting. A common mistake we all make because of how we blow up the moment, and their aloofness, and of course… some unresolved issues from the past… brought forth the juicy drama in this tale. Drama that oddly enough… allowed for us to learn a lot about the duo’s nemesis, Shelly. Since we came to learn that she had no qualms leaving her street persona behind to take part in a chill domestic life with her girlfriend, and we also learned that she comes from money and really… is of two worlds. One of which calls to her often since the streets lets her settle scores and injustices and gives her the cred to chase her own dreams in Drill Music and it was just fascinating to learn all of this, and of course to see how the fury the streets ignite, will indeed come back to haunt folks. Because there was still a desire for revenge regarding Renee’s actions earlier in the season and sadly, since Kold and Windy lowered their guard because their heads were in the clouds because of their achievement, revenge came to them in a manner… that left all of us worried about the future of this duo. Simply because those gunshots were horrifying to listen to, and of course, we’ve come to care deeply about Malika and Renee since we know who they are deep down and want to see them succeed. But while we wait to learn if those muzzle flashes will bring sorrow or concern for their well-being, we can once again bask in a hyper intelligent and realistic tale. One that really did point out, how our lives don’t change just like that when good things happen, and how much has to go into creating permanent positive change. The latter of which of course, is in tune with the core themes of this thoughtful show, and well, all of these elements made for another compelling tale. One that also moved us and left us rooting for this duo further, so we can see if they will rise above the darkness and grow before our eyes. Until next time.
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January 2025