Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Six of ‘You Would Do It Too (Tú También lo Harías)’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
We are taught from a very early age, that the truth means everything in this life, and because of that… we should be a champion of it. We should speak it at all times. We should expose it when someone tries to cover it up, and we should ensure that everyone knows it at all times. Because we are also taught that people will cherish it and embrace it because they too demand it. So, imagine our surprise when we try to do this in adulthood, and come to learn that the world has quite the unique set of views regarding the truth, and how people actually cherish it. Which do not match up at all with the lessons we were taught. Since we come to learn that some folks, just love to lie and could care less about the truth, and that speaking it can cause harm instead of good, and that not everyone wants to hear it or champion it. For some cannot handle the truth and some won’t believe it regardless of its purity. So, we come to learn that in reality, the truth is only beloved some of the time and it is manipulated in this world and that harsh lesson is top of mind today, because Fran learned it in the next episode of You Would Do It Too (Tú También lo Harías) on Apple TV+. A feat that ‘A Difficult Decision’ accomplished by having Fran and Rebeca take the truth about Dante and what happened on the bus that night, right to their boss, in her own home no less. Wherein… the lesson came right into play. Because despite giving Commissioner Jordan every single reason to open the investigation back up and bring justice forth… she didn’t care. In part because, the department learned that Dante was an innocent man. Since another sister came forth to discuss what really happened on the day he supposedly ‘killed’ his other sister, making it clear he went to jail for no reason. Which would have put a black mark on the whole system. Not to mention, other wild circumstances came into play. Such as the fact that Dante was injured while trying to escape with smugglers and was likely going to die, and the press was going to continue to pursue the narrative that he was a hero and well, that helped the boss to understand… no one wanted the truth. Because the truth would hurt the department and the system since they screwed up something fierce, and there would be no justice for a dead man walking and the people had their narrative and were satisfied with it and wanted to embrace that someone did something just in an unjust time and did more than a police department that was in fact, incompetent. All of which hammered home the lesson, since truly, the truth was not welcome and was harmful and truly was nothing less than a lie to others because they put belief into what they wanted the truth to be. Which was a lot for Fran to deal with and such injustice and such a push toward keeping the truth in darkness… prompted him to leave the force. Which in turn meant the witnesses/criminals were sent home and the world was about to move on in vastly different manner. Since those ‘impacted’ by the events on the bus held a dark truth in their hearts, one that others knew but could speak nothing of. Because the world had settled into its lie, and that made for one powerful episode. One that ironically, spoke to our own world right now and our own fights with the truth and that was ironic because this show hasn’t showcased that it wants to jab at the truths of our own world, but this was another welcome surprise from a show full of them. And what’s even wilder, is that we still have two episodes in season one to go, and that means nothing, but surprises are headed this way. Since the case is closed and Fran is out and clearly, this show is eager to explore matters regarding the fallout of this twist, as we inch toward the end of this breathtaking story. Until next time. Watch ‘You Would Do It Too (Tú También lo Harías)’
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March 2025