Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Two of ‘The Devil’s Hour’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
There are a great many elements that go into the creation of a wonderful and memorable mystery. Obviously, the case or conundrum that is the foundation of the story must be as compelling as it gets. Because without that, there is no reason for the audience to be vested in the story. But in addition to that, the story also needs to be outright compelling and filled with high stakes for resolution and it of course… needs dynamic characters that we care about. But above all else, the best mysteries out there know how to subvert our expectations and surprise us at every turn and one particular series that is excelling at all of these elements, is The Devil’s Hour on Prime Video. For the next episode in this fascinating journey, ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’, takes the time to check every box on all that all-important list and it accomplished those feats by making sure to explore the fallout of the end of the series premiere. Because this is a story that informed us that disaster didn’t strike at that household, instead the man that we were all worried about was brutally dealt with, allowing for this story to immediately subvert our expectations by making it appear as though we were simply moving on from this point, and putting the whole mystery involving Lucy and that mystery man on the backburner until that meeting we keep getting snippets of comes to fruition and well, that definitely allowed for us to lower our guard and just settle in. Which in turn allowed for us to dive into the police investigation regarding that treasure trove Ravi stumbled upon, and their search for the right Lucy Chambers. Wherein they slowly uncovered that this particular party has visited other Lucy’s around town and while they poked around regarding that fact, the Lucy we know, the true mark, went back to her everyday life and her everyday battles. Since she really was struggling to figure out what was wrong with her son and why his behavior was always so odd and why he was always so cold and distant. Allowing for some powerful moments to come forth as she did her best to be a great mother and really help her baby, and well, at this point in the story, we were all so relaxed and comfortable that what came next… outright stunned us. Because it became apparent that this story was designed to remind us that we cannot escape fate. Courtesy of the fact that Isaac began to exhibit behavior that once again allowed for Lucy to understand that something incredible was at work here and tied deeply into the neighbor girl up the road, and so much more that she didn’t understand, and of course… that ending is the stuff of legend. Wherein we came to learn that the mysterious man only identified as Gideon happens to have deeper ties to Lucy than we originally knew. Since he stepped into Lucy’s home and kidnapped her son. For reasons we simply do not understand in the slightest, but that’s okay. Because that only adds to the wonder of this particular tale. One that truly offered up a compelling and powerful journey, that raised the stakes and grew the characters. Not to mention, it featured some stunning performances since Jessica Raine turned her acting skills loose here. Plus, it also provided us with more mystery and great surprises. The kind that makes it clear that there is a grand tapestry being assembled here. One where every little moment connects in a masterful manner and truly, this episode really does compel us to continue the journey post haste. So that more layers can be revealed to us and at last, we can learn the truth about this strange fate swirling about Lucy Chambers and what Gideon has to do with all of it. Until next time.
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March 2025