Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() The word 'outcast' immediately evokes some specific imagery in our mind. The kind that reminds us of the awkward kid in school, the one who was picked on often and tended to keep to themselves simply because they didn’t quite fit in. Or it reminds us of our own past, where we were in fact that awkward kid in question. But the bottom line, is that this word is synonymous with people that don’t fit a particular societal mold and are often shunned because of it, since people fear anyone or anything that they deem to be different or awkward. But what’s truly fascinating about this particular imagery, is that it is starting to fade away from everyday life, for various reasons. One of which is related to the fact that a great deal of the kids that were picked on while they were growing up, have made a point to teach their children to not mirror those particular habits and to instead befriend the awkward kid or kids because… they’re actually pretty damn cool. But this is also changing simply because society is starting to change, and its coming to realize that this kind of behavior accomplishes nothing, and that kindness and unity are better choices for certain. And one such way that this particular message is getting out to the masses is through popular media, since we are seeing that theme appear more often in film and television and truly, there is a fair chance the genesis of this message… came about from the next episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. For ‘Tin Man’ features a bold mission for the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise. One where they are ordered into unknown space to identify and make contact with a sentient ship that Starfleet Command has nicknamed ‘Tin Man’, and in order to facilitate open lines of communication, a mission specialist named Tam Elbrum comes aboard and he is immediately shunned by some members of the crew. Because unfortunately, this eccentric but supremely talented empath has quite the past, one mired with mistakes and lost lives and that’s branded him as dangerous in every sense of the word. And while we could talk at length about the plot and how this story wraps up, what we really need to discuss… is how this particular tale focuses heavily on the notion of the outcast and how we need to treat them in everyday life. Because Tam really does serve as the allegory for the awkward kid, for he is an outcast aboard the ship and picked on, albeit in a classier manner in this tale, and it takes an objective mind to finally reach him. For the only individual that he is comfortable around on the ship is Lieutenant Commander Data, and it is how Data treats Tam that brings across the message in question. For Data makes it clear that individuals that are ‘awkward’ or ‘weird’ likely are nothing of the sort. Instead, they simply think differently than the rest of us and they communicate differently as well, and the key to making them not feel ostracized or unwelcome, is to offer them understanding and kindness and inclusivity. Plus, it is equally as important to help them feel as though they belong and that they have value, because doing so can allow for them to accomplish wonders. If anything, all of these elements make this a supremely powerful tale when all is said and done. In large part because of its relatability factor, but also because it really does give the viewer pause. For it asks the audience if they are at their absolute best in these situations, and if they’re approaching an individual in this manner with an open mind and that’s just amazing. Because it is just rare for a sci-fi show to challenge its audience in this manner, and that lends credence to the theory that this was likely the first story out of the gate when it comes to this line of thinking. Something that genuinely reinforces TNG’s standing as a pioneering series and the wonder of this story, and the fact that Tam doesn’t quite accomplish wonders in this tale since he opts to go with Tin Man into the void, prompted the writer’s room to explore the nature of the outcast further. Since the next episode in this storied franchise… dives deep into the concept of social anxiety, and what it takes for an outsider to properly fit in. Until next time.
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February 2025