Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Sometimes when life is tough, we often wonder what our world would look like if we made different choices, and we ponder upon another version of us out there, one living a wildly different life because they took the opposite path that we did, and it really is fun and likely healthy to take a moment and explore those possibilities in our imagination. In part because it does indeed help a troubled mind get lost for a moment and sometimes it allows for us to reconcile any choice that we regret. But while that particular exploration is one that we often save for ourselves, creative folks love to dive into such matters in grandiose and epic fashion and for proof, look no further than the next episode of Star Trek. For ‘Mirror, Mirror’ saw Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and Uhura be plunged into quite the unique situation, since an ion storm thrust them into an alternate universe, one where the Federation was a twisted and evil empire and where their ship mates were quite frankly, bloodthirsty bastards that lusted for power and well, there’s a lot to like about this particular episode of the series. For starters, it’s the first on-screen appearance of the Mirror Universe and the Terran Empire for that matter as well, and that’s a huge deal and really what I liked about seeing this universe for the ‘first time’ all over again, is how well it establishes the rules for the Mirror Universe. Because everything presented here is followed to a tee in other shows and while Star Trek: Discovery did indeed build upon everything featured here, it stayed true to the core elements laid out here. But all geeking out aside, this introduction to the Terran Empire offers up plenty more magnificent moments for the audience to chew upon. Because this is actually quite the tense story when all is said and done, one that puts the lives of some of our favorite characters in danger since kindness and understanding has them marked for assassination by a woefully different and bearded Spock, and the race to get back to their own universe adds a sense of urgency to everything that happens here and the performances are also phenomenal in this tale. For this intrepid crew is lost in this new and violent universe and it’s quite amazing to see them try and keep a level head when being presented with this level of barbarianism and that leads to some powerful moments where the actors convey their respective character’s frustration and their fury at seeing a world like this in subtle and magnificent fashion. Plus, there’s a real treat to seeing this cast shed their good guy and good gal images and it allows for them to have a little fun on screen. Because it is supremely wild to see Hikaru Sulu devolve from an honorable man into a horndog that obsesses over Uhura and loves to engage in games of treachery. Or to see the eager Ensign Chekov transform into a scheming little monster that’s ready to kill to ascend in rank and of course, you can never go wrong with a Spock that is torn between two worlds, one of logic and one of duty, and see him struggle to navigate a world that he is trapped within. If anything, all of these elements simply make for a well-written and deeply layered story that honestly stays with you for quite some time after it’s come to a close. Because this one really leaves you wondering what kind of choices humanity would have to make in order to go down a path this dark, since the Terran Empire really is a savage and brutal organization to say the least and I think the other elements you focus upon when watching this one, detract from the fact that the entire planet below was moments away from burning from phaser fire and that’s chilling and that’s bold and that’s really the best word to describe season two thus far. For it really does continue to challenge the audience in new ways and it keeps offering up fascinating and unique stories that captivate and I am loving every second of it. Because this is the Trek I was waiting to find and it’s a true delight to see the series hit its stride and I am so ready for more of these unique adventures with the intrepid crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Until next time.
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March 2025