Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Anytime one is treated to a stellar season premiere, one is often left wondering if the rest of the season will even remotely hold a flame to that titular first episode and with good reason. After all, it's television and rarely do shows have a perfect season from beginning to end since there's so many stories that need to be told during the course of a year and truthfully, I was definitely concerned about a dip in quality when it came to last night's episode of Preacher. Simply because of the fact that the season premiere was completely and utterly sublime and seeing this show continue its new 'throw caution to the wind' mantra would be an incredible treat. As it turns out, 'Mumbai Sky Tower' was not only just as good as the season two premiere, it actually managed to surpass it in quality, thanks in large part to the trio of gentlemen who brought this show to the small screen in the first place; Sam Catlin, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, who continued their hands on approach to the start of the season with Sam once again writing the script and with Seth and Evan stepping behind the camera to direct. This particular tale in essence picked up right where we left off Sunday, with the Cowboy in hot pursuit of the gang and after surviving a slaughter at the hotel, they head off to talk to the one man that might be able to help them, Fiore. If you recall, Fiore and DeBlanc were the pair of Angels that tried desperately to reclaim Genesis from Jesse last season and when they were unsuccessful in their venture, they trotted off to Hell to ask the Cowboy to kill Genesis and Jesse, with the promise of seeing his family again as a reward and after the Saint of Killers violently murdered DeBlanc, Fiore all but disappeared. As it turns out however, he was The Amazing Ganesh being advertised all over the season premiere and he fell into stardom, by way of desolation. Because following the death of his friend he drifted to the Mumbai Sky Tower Hotel and Casino and tried his best to find some purpose there, but instead...only found himself wishing for death and a fateful attempt at suicide-turned-resurrection in front a crowd, thrust him into a brand new role and despite Jesse's pleas...he had zero interest in helping him or his friends. If anything, this storyline alone is what made this episode so damn entertaining, since let's be honest...we didn't spend enough time with this Angelic duo last year, so to finally see how human these Angels can really be, and how important it is for them to be happy and fulfilled added a new layer to this story and it gave Fiore a depth I certainly never expected to see. Which made his exit from the show all the more tragic. Because not only does he lie to Jesse and send the Saint of Killers Jesse's way when he finally agrees to help, he also asks for the sweet release of death to find peace at last as Jesse commands, and the Cowboy is happy to oblige and just wow...that was quite the route to take with this character and it while it wraps up Fiore's story, it's truly a shame we won't be seeing more of him going forward. Yet the show wasn't done keeping our attention locked with just that story. There's the matter in regards to Tulip's past since she ran into an old friend named Gary who is quite displeased she hasn't spoken to the 'boss man' and her past is clearly going to intercede with Jesse's current plans since the gang is headed to a logical place for God to hold up, New Orleans, and that town also appears to be the home to this mystery boss man named Viktor and when all is said and done, it was just a joy to see this show continue to stick to its new mantra. Once again the laughs kept coming, the gore was just right and the story continues to draw us in and if this pace can be maintained, holy cow...this is going to be an incredible season through and through. Either way, it's off to New Orleans next and I cannot wait to see what awesome surprises await us in The Big Easy. Until next time.
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January 2025