Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 205 of ‘Minx’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this piece was written during the 2023 WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. Without the labor of the writers and actors currently on strike, the series being covered here wouldn’t exist.
One unfortunate truth about our society is that women do not command the respect they outright deserve, simply because… modern society doesn’t cherish or respect women. For women are still seen as inferior and too many still think that men should be deferred to on all things and well… that’s dumb. For all genders are equal in this world and there are plenty of brilliant and wondrous women in positions of leadership out there that do indeed deserve respect for the work they put in and what their work creates. But alas, the good fight will have to continue to hammer that fact into the heads of so many, and one helpful way that happens… is through storytelling. Since we learn a plenty from stories and that’s why this week’s episode of the STARZ series, Minx, is of note. Because ‘A stately pleasure dome decree’ took the time to showcase the crap that women have to go through to enjoy some measure of respect. To put in perspective how much better we can be about offering that up in this life, and one way that respect is commanded… is through putting the disrespectful in their place. Which is what both Tina and Shelly had to do at the home office. Because a couple of the models decided to throw shade and nonsense during a Billie Jean King watch party. The kind that forced Shelly to not only prove measures of equality through an impromptu tennis match, but also forced Tina to just put these guys in their place. Because they simply would not shut up about male superiority and well, having their egos knocked down a peg by Tina, in one unique way involving a pair of penis stuffed tennis rackets, happened to be one solid way to command respect. However, that isn’t the only way that a woman is forced to find respect in this world. Sometimes… a lady just has to play the game and be the shark in the waters of the business, or in this case, publishing world. Since shark-ish behavior is all some people in that world understand and respect. Which was what Joyce had to do while she and Doug were in Las Vegas. For they were out in Sin City to have Doug sell the international rights to the magazine. Which meant that disrespect was everywhere to be found. After all, Joyce wasn’t part of the good old boys’ club that ran publishing and ironically, women’s magazines, so she did her best to get along and even stand up for quite the blast from the past in Maggie. Who was now the editor of what was in essence, a Minx clone. But she understood the importance of helping out an up and comer, until that backfired of course. Because Maggie, didn’t respect Joyce at all, especially not after their falling out. So, she instead drummed up drama to force that unity to give this new magazine clout. The kind that would lock up some of what Minx was after from a financial standpoint. Which in turn prompted Joyce… to be the shark and teach Maggie and anyone else eager to disrespect her in the business, that she was not to be trifled with. All by having Doug buy Maggie’s new mag from her publisher. So, it could be promptly shut down. A move that hammered home the point and sent out quite the message to the publishing world. One that landed the international deal and of course… left Joyce feeling a little down about this move. After all, it wasn’t like her, but it did get her the respect she deserved. Of course, all of this would have been unnecessary had equality been in play in the first place. But this is a story that reflected the real world and also helped to remind us… how little has changed. Because a lot of what happened here, happens in 2023, plain and simple. Making this a shockingly poignant and powerful tale in the end, one that forced some tough growth for the characters. But alas, they need to get ahead and get people to understand they’ve come to dominate, and forcing respect is part of that process, and it will indeed be interesting to see how Joyce and Tina handle their newfound respect, and confidence, in the days to come, as season two of this stunning and poignant series continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘Minx’
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March 2025