Written by John Edward Betancourt THIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Over the past nine weeks, Lodge 49 has more or less put on a masterclass in storytelling. For week in and week out, we’ve been privy to magnificently bittersweet tales that examine some of the toughest parts of the human condition, and the end result of this incredible journey through mankind’s soul has left us moved and inspired. Yet, while it is important to explore what makes us tick and what drives us ahead when times are tough, this show would be remiss if it didn’t take the time to reflect upon the other side of the coin. For there are also wonderfully joyful moments that we experience on a regular basis and thankfully, the brilliant writer’s room of this series was fully aware of the fact that the story needed to dive into that at some point down the line, and it just so happens that last night’s episode of the series, served as the perfect opportunity to examine the more joyous aspects of life. Because ‘Le Reve Impossible’ was a decidedly lighthearted episode through and through. One that definitely brought a giant smile to my face with all of the hilarious and fun filled moments that played out over the course of the hour and really, it would seem that all the happiness present here was a direct result of the fact that everyone was in essence, free from the daily trappings that sometimes bring about a sense of routine in our daily lives, by traveling to Mexico. But while it was nice to see everyone let loose and have a little fun for a change, I have to admit that I was quite impressed with the fact that this particular tale found a way to follow-up on an important moment from not that long ago, since Dud finally saw one of his life-long dreams come to fruition in Guadalajara. For if you recall, he made mention of the fact that he wanted nothing more than for his future to be filled with moments of unity with his friends/extended family, and that it would just be awesome to have everyone hanging out and enjoying themselves by the pool, and it was wonderful and touching to see that happen before his eyes, and the peace that it brought him was just beautiful and kudos to the show for bringing a seemingly innocuous moment to life. Yet, I made mention of a lot of fun moments happening over the course of the episode and a fair chunk of that happened by just allowing the characters to do their thing and soak up the moment and perhaps the best example of this was the dinner scene at the Chinese restaurant since everyone just let loose, and let’s be honest, that eating contest was downright amazing. However, while I could have honestly watched all of that play out for an entire hour and not have given it a second thought, it’s important to note that everyone was assembled in a single place for one reason and one reason alone; the Scrolls. Because Daphne let everyone know of the hot tip that El Confidente gave her, in that, an upcoming auction at the hotel was going to feature Larry’s bowling bag, and Ernie was quick to point out that the Scrolls were likely inside that bag and when the moment finally arrived to bid upon said bag, the audience was treated to an outright legendary moment. In part because Janet tried to buy the bag out from under everyone since she was in quite the desperate place in this story, but also because the group eventually got their hands upon it, in bold and wild fashion. For Metz’s muse was able to distract everyone with a beautiful song and an impromptu fire, and that inspired Ernie to just grab the bag and haul it out of there and in a rip-roaringly hilarious and beautiful sequence of events, everyone did their best to get Ernie to safety, wherein the group was able to get their hands on the Scrolls and keep them, since the auctioneer (played brilliantly by Paul F. Tompkins) only wanted the bag. Which meant it was time to go home and decode these mysterious documents and that brought us back to the fascinating moment we saw in the season premiere, wherein Ernie and Dud were forced to skydive thanks to Metz’s overzealousness when it comes to flight and well, now we know that they landed safely with the Scrolls tucked away with the toilet paper, and now that their mission is accomplished, it’s clear the show can get back to an important question that has permeated the fabric of this entire season, specifically… what comes next? Because this is a show about life and all the ups and downs that come with it, and if there’s another hard lesson we all have to learn along the way, it’s that even when we achieve our goals or do something wondrous, the world just keeps on turning. And I sincerely doubt the mystery of the Scrolls will be solved in quick fashion, meaning the group will likely have time next week to reflect upon their lives and what their current path means to them, now that they’ve accomplished something incredible and I have a feeling that will make next week’s season two finale a beautiful blend of everything that this show does well since magic and reality are about to collide. If anything, this was just a blast of an episode, one that kept me in stitches and one that was bittersweet in its own right. Because this penultimate tale serves as a reminder that next week, our second trip through the Lodge comes to a close and while I don’t really want season two to wrap up this soon, I’ll still be on my couch come next Monday, with a squire’s chalice in hand to see how this magnificent season, comes to a close. Until next time.
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January 2025