Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...![]() When it comes to Limitless, Brian Finch has performed many heroic acts. Granted he's also pulled off some shady stuff too but that's just to keep the show interesting. Because deep down we know Brian is a good man caught up in the weirdest of situations. But despite all of the wonderful things he has done, Brian has never actually played the hero on the show. Sure he's saved a lot of lives, put plenty of bad guys away, but for the most part he's always done it from afar, within the creature comforts and confines of the CJC, or surrounded by agents, rarely going into the field to truly make a difference outside of collecting evidence. But that all changed last night since Brian was finally able to get into the trenches and do some solid good for a change and "Undercover!" turned out to be one high quality episode because of it. Now I'm sure some folks are going to cite "Brian Finch's Black Op" as an episode that shows his abilities in the field, but I disagree, that was about survival and thinking fast. This particular episode was a full on FBI case and really the first time that Naz went along with everything and let him do his thing and well...with or without NZT, Brian was quite the hero last night. It was up to him and Undercover Agent Lucy Church to save a group of women from a life of sexual servitude...or death if deemed necessary and really, this noble quest brought out the best in Brian and featured some of his finest moments on the show to date. After all, there is something to be said about Brian getting the job done and finding the passports for all of the girls that have been brought stateside, but there's something incredibly special about his decision to go to the track and win a buttload of money so that each girl has thousands of dollars to start their life over again. I mean, if that's not heroic, I'm not sure what is and kudos to the show for being the first one to really address the issue of what happens to people once they've been saved by law enforcement in stories such as this. But of course Brian's big moment was in the final phase of the case after Lucy's cover had been blown with his wonderful speech on what was right and what was wrong, all done off of NZT. But the show wasn't all sunshine and rainbows this week. Despite that stellar storyline, we still had to deal with the fallout of last week's mess with the Evidence Clerk and well, it was quite the awesome twist to see Sands make Rebecca an offer to join up with the Morra security team. For a brief moment there I thought Sands was doing the right thing for once, recognizing talent and smarts when he saw it...then came that surprise with her apartment being bugged and the order to drop her like a bad habit at the first sign of trouble. It really was an ominous little treat, and I love the buildup this show is putting together for a showdown with Morra. Either way, this was a wonderful episode of the show. I really enjoyed watching Brian work in the field for a change and I love all the wonderful things he did for people in an episode that could have been extremely dark and heavy. This show always manages to surprise and it looks like next week will be no exception to that rule either since it looks like Sands is coming to Brian for help for a change...should be interesting. Until then.
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March 2025