Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 303 of ‘Keeping Faith’. One thing that we can all agree upon, is that the AcornTV series, Keeping Faith, has been a masterclass in tense storytelling. Simply because Faith Howells has had to deal with some incredible odds and incredible events, the kind that have left her running for her life or working hard to save the future of others and that’s brought about a bevy of episodes that have left us on the edge of our seats. But what truly makes this series so fascinating and so dynamic, is the sheer fact that it knows how to slow things down from time to time, in order to give the viewers and Faith a moment to catch their breath… and explore a unique concept in the process and for proof that this is the case, then look no further than this week’s tale. Because the next episode in this series, opted to have Faith step away from all the drama and trouble that her mother was sending her way and deal with something quite important, her pending divorce and what will become of the children. For Evan was pushing pretty hard for joint custody, and if he couldn’t have that… he wanted to be back with Faith. Which were ideas that pretty much left Faith and the audience nauseous to say the least and well, this unexpected push from Evan… allowed for the story to dive deep into a topic that we don’t discuss enough in everyday life. In that, divorce is hard, and it hurts everyone involved and puts them in a tough place mentally. To the point where odd behavior comes into play, as evidenced by how Faith and her children handled the pressure Evan kept applying to the family. For Alys, isolated herself whenever possible, or she was eager to involve herself in questionable situations. For she and Angie knowingly involved themselves with angry protestors to get their vegan message out, and the fury those protestors brought forth helped to get them both arrested, much to Faith’s chagrin and Alys wasn’t the only troubled child in this tale. For Megan made it clear that she is need of professional help because she cannot resolve the waves of emotion surging through her and as for Faith… well… she hid a bit from her home life. For she was invited back into the courtroom to help Carys with Mike’s case and she was over the moon about that. Simply because this was a grand chance to right a wrong and do something good for a change. But sadly… she didn’t get to enjoy a win here. For the judge ruled against Mike and his desire to have his son’s tumor operated upon. If anything, all of those elements made for one harrowing and sorrowful tale. One that ironically, used Evan to lift our spirits up. Because he was nothing short of a grade A jerk in this tale and needed a little taste of his own medicine and fate gave him that. Because Tom finally decided to cut off Evan’s gravy train and he even demanded that Evan work elsewhere in order to get his life moving once again. But rather than take a moment to understand that his dad was sending some tough love his way, the kind that should have woke him up from his trance like state, Evan doubled down on his pity party and victim mentality and opted to take his frustrations out on Steve Baldini. Who he was convinced was sleeping with his soon to be ex-wife. A move that taught Evan a second lesson in humility when Steve knocked him around a bit. But while that would have been a wonderful way to end this tale, since Evan has been in need of a fist to the face for a long time, that sour air hanging over the majority of this tale… returned to the forefront of the story in its closing moments. Because Rose decided that she was no longer going to sit back and be a ghost in her family life… and made contact with Alys. Which is a move that will have all kinds of repercussions in the weeks to the come. But while we wait to see what those are, we can bask in the wonder of another quality tale. One that really did a phenomenal job of exploring the power of divorce and how it motivates us to do strange things when the pain of it becomes a little too strong and well, hopefully Faith can pull herself together and quickly, since her mother is making quite the move and she’ll need her patented strength to keep her and Evan… at bay. Until next time. ‘Keeping Faith’ is available to stream right now on AcornTV.
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March 2025