Written by John Edward Betancourt
How ‘Discord’ Reminds Us to Always Take a Moment to Reflect
‘I made life hard on you. I shouldn’t have. I’m really sorry.’
One particular tragedy that we hear about often when it comes to successful people, is how they simply burn out and lose everything, and what makes that so tragic… is that we know such a twist would be devastating in nature. Because all of us have tasted failure, or we will, and we know how much it stings and how much it hurts, and there is that part of our brain that knows… it is worse for them. Because they did it, they reached the top, they tasted success and reveled in its wonder, only to find themselves back where they started, and we always wonder how that burn out occurred. Because it shouldn’t happen to those who have it all. But it does and there are specific reasons as to why.
The kind that surprisingly the next episode of Heels takes the time to explore, and it makes sense as to why. After all, at this point in the story, its aces for the DWL. They have it all, they are the best and they’re on top and already the show made a point to inform us that one must be ready to work hard to maintain that apex. Which means that the celebrations might not be as epic as we might like, so one can get back to work and do their thing. But ‘Discord’ also brings forth an important note. In that, it isn’t enough to just get back to work and bust your hump until it is pulverized into oblivion. One must… find a stopping point where one can take a moment and reflect on the journey. To find gratitude and to reflect upon life, because that… is what keeps us from burning out. Because eventually, our problems come back to haunt us, the ones we lightly dealt with or didn’t deal with at all when we stepped into the spotlight. Not to mention, there’s old traumas that need resolution as well, and all of that must be settled because what lie ahead is so hard, and when you just push and push… and let the bad stuff fester and grow, you burn out, you reset and fail and thankfully… we saw everyone here… take that moment. Granted, it came forth courtesy of Ace’s injury and absence, since Jack had no choice but to leave and find his brother. But that downtime allowed for everyone back at the office, to think about the journey. To think about the amazing path, they’d been upon and how they could do things differently here to be grateful and revel in their accomplishments. For gratitude goes a long way in maintaining. For then we don’t feel tired, we don’t feel burdened. We just feel good, and we want to keep at it. Which allowed for so many to shine here. Since Diego came to learn that he could maintain by way of his podcast with Bill and just revel in the showmanship of everything, which he loved. Not to mention, reflection on the journey and gratitude for a job well done, gave Willie newfound confidence. The kind where she was able to write a powerhouse script for the next card, one that took the DWL to new heights and showcased that she had so much more to offer the industry that had already given her so much. Granted, it went nowhere because of that twist, but the lesson was there, and it was lovely.
But there was mention of resolution coming into play as well, and Jack and Ace handled that. Because whilst on the road, Jack really took a minute to think upon the root cause of what brought him to such negativity at times and what drove him to hurt his brother. As it turned out, it was a sense of fear, a worry of more loss at a time when so much was gone from his life, and of course… a desperate need to feel a sense of family. And the thought that might fade without the DWL, scared him and pushed him to just plain be a dick. But he understood that would no longer work, and that his baby brother deserved better from him, and he finally gave Ace that, and that brought about healing and resolution between these two brothers and it even inspired Ace to go on his own reflective journey.
For he took some time to really think upon his life, its direction and what family and the DWL gave him, and what this experience truly meant. Which in turn prompted him to return home. To also enjoy that sense of family he hadn’t known for ages, and to really bond with his brother and well… we’ll talk about the other thing it inspired more in the next rewatch. Because we have to applaud this one for taking the time to really showcase how we escape the burnout that has plagued so many and how important it is to resolve and reflect on the journey. Because it truly grounds us and gives us so much. Heck, it even helped to bring peace to Jack and Staci’s broken relationship and going this route not only fuels us for success… but truly does prepare us for new challenges in our field. Of which will come. As evidenced by the fact that Charlie Gully returned here, with a new slimy plan to ingratiate himself into Jack’s life and stay relevant and of course, exert control. But while Jack wasn’t sure how to handle that in that moment, the strength is there. Courtesy of just a brilliant episode through and through. One that went places that television shows, rarely go. Because they just don’t ponder upon the big stuff like this. They really play off of the power of the dream and keep it fluffy. But this show always keeps it real and always manages to showcase aspects of the dream we don’t give enough thought to. In a manner that is meaningful and powerful and truly, this is one of the show’s best episodes because of what it accomplishes for the characters and there are more amazing explorations on the horizon that we cannot wait to dive into, as we continue this wondrous rewatch. Until next time. Watch ‘Heels’
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January 2025