Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘Happy’s Place’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Stories that revolve around the power of loss and grief and the impact it has upon our lives… are certainly comprehensive in nature. Because we see the emotional slam that death imparts upon people in these stories, and we see how much the hole it creates in our hearts, can make a person suffer and suffer greatly. Plus, we see how hard it is to get out of that funk and find our way back to the light. So that we aren’t locked in sorrow forever and can live and do right by the person we lost and honor them. But what’s interesting, is that these stories do miss the mark when it comes to something quite important to such matters. In that, they never cover… how to grieve. Which one would think is paramount for certain, since we have to grieve and get that muck out to heal, but those stories rarely exhibit that. It could be related to the fact that such an act can be personal in nature, or perhaps there is a worry that how the story outlines it, might be seen as verbatim and people will try and use it, and fail. But there are some things we all do to grieve and move on, and that’s why this week’s episode of Happy’s Place on NBC is of note. Simply because ‘Fish Fry Monday’ explored some of the universal things we do to grieve, and it accomplished that feat, by way of a great suggestion from Emmett. In that, the bar should bring back Fish Fry Mondays, an event that was super popular and made the joint some serious cash, and that her late father took part in, and he expected Bobbie to follow in her daddy’s footsteps and help him with it. An act she was mortified to take part in. Since it meant leaving the bar alone and potentially opening it up to trouble. But the staff had her covered and she came to slowly learn, that this wasn’t a fishing trip. Heck, it wasn’t for her daddy back in the day. It was just an excuse to drink beers and shoot the breeze with Emmett and that is where the lesson got underway. Because Emmett wanted to do just that with Bobbie. So that they could remember her father and think upon the good times and talk about old times. Because that… is how we all grieve. By honoring the memory of the ones we love, by keeping them alive through our words and thinking about the impact they had upon our lives. Because then we are able to think fondly upon them instead of with sorrow, and that was a great first step for Bobbie and Emmett to take together. But of course, this show always offers more than just a singular lesson, and Isabella handled the second one in this story. One that revolved around how important it is to respect others and their respective field. Because Isabella was behind the bar and learning about how to tend bar from Gabby and she really didn’t pay much attention to all that Gabby had to say. For Isabella thought slinging drinks was a simple job, one that required minimal thought and attention. In fact, she thought a YouTube video would get her ready to roll, and that brought forth all kinds of conflict between the two, the kind that Steve had to step in and cool off. So that Isabella could see that Gabby wasn’t trying to be a jerk or overbearing. She in fact, cared deeply about her craft and knew way more nuances about bartending than any video could ever teach a person. Which in turn, prompted Isabella to back off, and listen, especially when it was made clear she missed some critical steps in her belief that she was just ready to go, and that led to the respect in question and allowed for Isabella to step back and learn. All of which brought forth, a touching episode. One that showcased some wonderful lessons regarding respect and grief and presented them to us in a manner that was just… beautiful. Since it made those points clear in a direct and humbling manner and regarding grief, it went where few stories go, and that’s important. Because that’s the kind of stuff we need to see in print, and on the silver and small screen because people look to these stories for guidance and the good news is, they have it here, and truly… that leaves us eager to see what other brave lessons await us on the horizon as season one of this delightful comedy continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘Happy’s Place’
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March 2025