Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the finale of ‘Chloe’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Also, this article features discussions on domestic violence, which may be triggering to some individuals.
Whether we like to admit it or not, all of us are going to make mistakes and do something stupid things in this life. The kind that will make us feel sheepish and can potentially harm other people. Because that’s just how mistakes go and when that happens… we immediately embark upon a unique quest. One that will grant us redemption/forgiveness. Plus, a sense of wholeness again, especially when our mistake causes that great harm and well… our quest for that kind of salvation is one that isn’t easy. Because we are often aware of what we’ve done, and the impact of our actions, and we genuinely worry that our attempts to sew wounds back together will fail or be met with severe resistance and anger, and we are right to harbor those worries. For sometimes, the acts we partake in, aren’t forgivable or fixable and all we can do is move on and learn and well… this particular scenario is top of mind today, simply because it served as the focal journey for Becky Green in the finale of Chloe on Prime Video. For when we catch up with Becky here, she knows full well that the walls are closing in on her and that it is only a matter of time before she is exposed as a fraud. Which motivated her to prepare an exit strategy with Josh, so she could escape post haste and regroup while she hid, and well, none of that went according to plan. For on the day of her escape, the truth about Sasha was revealed to the world, and that of course… put her in a tailspin. One where she was so lost, and so distraught, and so guilty over her actions that Becky decided perhaps… there was a better way. In that, perhaps the time had come to not only own up to her own faults and mistakes, but to try and do something to set her actions right and that in turn motivated her to do take part in some bold acts. In that, she abandoned the escape route and faced the horrors of her own mess head-on, and her past for that matter as well. Which allowed for her to finally feel the pain and anguish she’d been hiding away for years on end and chase a new lead regarding Chloe. Because knowing what she knew about Elliott now… she pondered upon the real possibility that he might have killed his wife because she didn’t give him the awe and obedience that he expected from women. And well… while there was no smoking gun to be found regarding such an act, her push to find out more about why Chloe wanted to leave, did bring about an opportunity to do some good in the world. For a return ‘home’ featured another unsettling conversation between Becky and Elliott. One where he once again demanded control over her and answers and whatever else would satisfy his fragile and annoying ego. Which Becky refused to provide him with and that brought her into a violent moment with Elliott. Where he made an attempt at silencing Becky for good. Giving her the answers, she needed but also giving her something to post to Instagram, via Chloe’s phone and account, thanks to her hitting the record button at the right time. Allowing for the world to see the true Elliott, all while forcing his vapid inner circle to ponder upon their own lies and the façade they all shared in and well… her bold action here, led to quite the somber ending. One where Becky was left destitute and broken from the lies, she told and the world she created, and without salvation for doing her good act. That allowed for this finale to send quite a few messages our way. First of course, it hammered home the reality that redemption and forgiveness isn’t always possible. Plus, Becky finally came to learn the dangers of living within the fantasy rather than working on oneself and well… that’s a dark way to bring this story to a close, but it is the proper ending for certain. Because there was never anything pretty about this journey. It was always about the darker aspects of the human condition and the ugly we choose to indulge in. So, there could not be a happy ending here, not when a person who made poor and selfish decisions settled into a fantasy filled with emotionally hideous and selfish people. But it thankfully teaches us a great deal about fantasy versus reality and the worth of putting in the work to fix ourselves and our lives and those lessons… made this an incredibly worthwhile journey. One that serves as a cautionary tale of sorts for anyone else looking to escape a life… that only they can fix.
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March 2025