Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the series premiere of ‘Reacher’. There was a time, not that long ago, where the crime drama landscape on television… featured a vastly different type of gumshoe. One that was hard-boiled, and gruff, and no-nonsense and they used those attributes in conjunction with their keen eye and mind to cut through the lies and distraction surrounding their cases to bring bad people to justice. But somewhere along the line, that type of story was no longer viable on television. Because audiences realized that they wanted more depth from their detectives and humanity as well, and that has brought about vastly different crime dramas in this day and age, the kind that now feature inclusion and innovation and depth when it comes to the characters, and they’ve even tied technology and how it assists detectives in catching criminals in this modern age into these tales. Which are storytelling decisions that truly made it appear as though the old school gumshoe was going to be relegated to the shelves of television history. But believe it or not, there is still room for hard-boiled, no-nonsense detectives/investigators on television in this day and age, provided of course they have evolved to match the world as it stands today and for proof… then look no further than the brand-new Prime Video series, Reacher. For this reboot of the film and newest adaptation of the Lee Child novels, gives us a gruff investigator that truly works within the framework of 2022, and it accomplishes this feat, by placing Jack Reacher firmly within the grey area that so many now understand we now operate within, as evidenced by how we are introduced to this iconic character here. For when we catch up with Reacher in ‘Welcome to Margrave’ he’s minding his business and trying to enjoy a little pie and a cup of coffee in an out of the way diner when he finds himself under arrest for a crime he didn’t commit. One where someone was murdered brutally on the side of the highway, and since Reacher just so happened to be on the side of the road the next morning, walking his way into town… he became the likely suspect. A reality that irritates him to no end, especially when he exhibits to the police that he already has keener observations about the case than they do. A sequence that more or less speaks to how we view police officers in a vastly different light these days and how some departments have sown distrust amongst the people. Giving Reacher that modern new edge in question, one that is further explored by an interesting surprise. Because while he is waiting to have his name cleared, he ends up sharing a cell at the local prison with someone who claimed to take part in the murder. A move that leads to all kinds of trouble for Reacher since some of the inmates and the guards seem eager to let the wrong crowd deal with him and his new friend. And it is in this place that we see Reacher do his best to mind his own business and stay out of this mess. Which is something that seems unheard of for a hero, but that is the point. For Reacher makes it clear that he now understands the cruelty of the world and will only step in when it truly suits him so, and that really is the ‘grey area’ mindset that so many people share in and going that route may shock audiences for certain, but it really is the right way to handle this story for a couple of key reasons. First and foremost, because Reacher’s mindset is where so many good people reside right now. For they have been doing their best to right wrongs and spread a message of hope and equality, only to have their push for good be pushed aside by people that believe shouting nonsense and lies and spreading hate and disdain is the way to go in America, and these folks feel beat down and as though they can only do so much, so why not handle it within the framework of their circle of control. Making Reacher a genuinely relatable character for certain and the other reason this is the right way to handle his journey, is because it makes him a prime candidate for redemption since he can use the harrowing discovery made at the end of this episode to make an important decision. One that would require him to perhaps let go of that more aloof outlook on the troubles of the world to go full bore into helping people and righting wrongs and well… there’s no more powerful motivator in this life than losing a family member under the circumstances he has, especially a brother that meant the world to him. Which means we are going to be in for one incredible ride, full of emotion and action and adventure as Reacher finds peace in righting the wrong of his brother’s death and if that journey is anything like the one here in the premiere, we are in for something special. Since this magnificent premiere, one full of homages to investigators and detectives of old, is about as refreshing as it gets, and it will be genuinely amazing to continue this story and enjoy all of the twists and turns meaningful moments it is going to send our way. Until next time.
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January 2025