Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘La Maison’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Over the course of the past couple of weeks, we’ve talked at length about how the new Apple TV+ series, La Maison, has done a phenomenal job of showcasing how the fashion world differs from our own and how it is in many ways, rogue. Because it harbors none of the structure, we know from a workplace standpoint, and it is a place where creative power trumps just about everything. But as it turns out, not everything about that world is completely independent from the world we know. For something we all share in, in the workplace, was put on display during this week’s episode of the show. For ‘The Divorcée’ informed us… that new leaders in the fashion world must do what new leaders do in the everyday office space. In that, they must learn who they can trust in the office, and who can get things done for them, and above all… they must assert themselves. To both the industry they work in and to their staff, that they are the way forward and will shepherd in a new future and that was where Paloma was at during this episode. Because she needed to put on a gallery show and let everyone know what Ledu would stand for going forward and to make that happen… she needed to find those answers and stand tall, and at first, it seemed that chaos and failure was on the horizon for her. Because everyone was working on their own agendas in the House of Ledu, and nothing was going her way. Hell, even Perle was doing little things here and there that were toxic. That were of the old guard, and that left Paloma in a tired and frustrated place. One where she had not a clue as to whether or not she could assert herself and pull this off. But slowly but surely, she came to realize… she had to. For no one was coming to save her, and she was the boss, so there was no point in letting others pretend they were and that allowed for her… to assert herself. First, by taking control of the production floor, wherein everyone understood her vision would stand come rain or come shine, and she also… let Perle know she was the boss… in quite the unique manner. For she let her know that to atone for her mistakes, she would be in the centerpiece outfit and walk the runway accordingly and well, those simple moves and her dedication to the show, brought forth wonders. For everyone that was in attendance, including members of the Ledu and Rovel households, and even those watching from afar, such as Vincent, were wowed by what they saw, and despite some nerves, Perle wowed the crowd. Giving rise to a fresh new era for Ledu, one ready to move forward under Paloma’s vision and that truly hammered home, the parallel these two worlds share. But sadly, beyond that… that’s where the parallel between our world and the fashion world ended. For there are still dark clouds gathering. After all, Paloma will have to keep her head on swivel to watch agendas closely and one simple mistake there can bring about chaos. Not to mention, Rovel continues to make moves behind the scenes. The kind that are designed to torture and break Robinson slow and steady. To get those shares and get control, and there appears to be a power play brewing inside the Ledu family as well. All of which sets the stage for more conflict and more fascinating looks into this cutthroat world. But while we wait to see how that plays out, we can celebrate one amazing story. One that truly engaged us and showcased something familiar and truly, it will be interesting to see what lie ahead for Ledu with the wolves at the gates and a new leader in place. Until next time. Watch ‘La Maison’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season 2 Premiere of ‘Found’.
If there is one particular act that none of us ever enjoy taking part in, it would be… owning up to the consequences of our sour actions. Simply because that means we have to admit to close friends, family, and potentially… our employers… that we screwed up. That we did something we should not have and in order to feel good about ourselves and our standing, and to set things right, we have a simple choice to make. In that, we either fix what we’ve done or fade into the night and start over and well, it’s surprising how many people make that latter choice. But the best of us, well they take the time to stand tall and repair the damage they’ve done through bad choices, as evidenced by the season two premiere of Found on NBC. For the secret was out in ‘Missing While Bait’. In that, Sir had escaped from Gabi’s basement hideaway and of course… he was quick to exact revenge upon the team in a matter of minutes. Since he stole a car and made his way into everyone’s homes to wreak havoc upon their lives. Giving rise to real fear in these opening moments of the show and of course, this put Gabi squarely into that awkward moment. Because none of this would have happened had she had brought Sir to justice in a different light, and that left her in that tough place. In fact, she was at her lowest here and unsure of what to do… that is… until Sir crossed the ultimate line. In that, he took Lacey from her apartment. Which prompted Gabi to finally stand tall and be held accountable. Which allowed for everyone to learn what she had done, and the repercussions of it and yes, that made for even more friction and difficult moments for Gabi. Since the team felt betrayed and for that matter, Trent was ready to put her under arrest. But she wanted to fix this, she wanted to bring Lacey home. So… Gabi took a little time to not only reflect upon her mistake, but to think on how best to save the day and redeem herself and get her life back on track. The key to which she realized, was Sir. Because she firmly understood that she would need to needle his ego and remind him of their unwholesome connection to keep his attention and keep him active, and in doing so… she would likely get her what she wanted. All because Sir, loved the chase, loved playing games with his favorite and that prompted her to reach out to the public and poke at him, enthrall him. Which did indeed evoke a response, just not the one that Gabi wanted. Because Sir laid little teasing reminders that he had the upper hand, and any clues found went nowhere. They just let Gabi know that she had unleashed the monster and that he will be toying with her from afar to enjoy his own measure of revenge. Which means, that this episode ends, without resolution regarding Lacey, and without a complete redemption arc for Gabi, and that… is brilliant. Because it reminds us that everything in life takes time, that redemption is a process and that dealing with dark people to get what we want from them, is a complex and horrifying process. All of which made, for a flawless season two premiere. One that built upon the mistakes made in season one in a powerful manner, and also showcased how trauma influences those mistakes. But what matters more, is that this premiere raised the stakes for season two and will now force Gabi to face that trauma and go the extra mile to resolve it if she ever wants to find peace and find Lacey and well, that definitely leaves us ready and eager for more of this refreshing and original series. One that takes risks, because this was super bold, and knows how to tell a story. Since the best ones out there don’t rush to the finish line or resolve issues like this in a brisk manner, and now all we can do is wait impatiently for next week’s chapter. To learn what Sir has to say and learn how Gabi will set things right. Until next time. Watch ‘Found’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season 26 Premiere of ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’. To revisit the Season 25 Finale, click here. Also, this article contains discussions of sexual assault, which may be triggering to some individuals.
One would think that in the year 2024, so much would have changed from a respect and equality standpoint. Especially when it comes to how women are treated in this modern world. But alas, despite us being twenty-four years into a new century, not much has changed in that arena. Equal pay is still an issue, and treating women with reverence and respect still has yet to happen. Not to mention, old white men still work to govern women’s bodies and health care decisions and so many men still see women as property or a destiny of sorts… and it does leave one to wonder… how perhaps we can bring an end to such stupidity. Well as it turns out, the season twenty-six premiere of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit took the time to explore an answer… after of course, an idiot man did some idiot things. For ‘Fractured’ introduced us to four law students at NYU who were just living their best life as best they can, until a simple decision to lift Shelli’s spirits up with an impromptu threesome with two of her roommates, plunged their lives into darkness. For late at night, someone forced their way into their apartment and brutally murdered Shelli before harming Damon and assaulting Elodie, her friends and impromptu lovers. Leaving the SVU team to believe that perhaps their roommate Teddy did this out of jealousy, since he did admit to seeing the three of them together. But Teddy was no killer, and all of his alibis checked out, which prompted the team to turn their attention to a student named Sam Ellis. Who knew Shelli from class and well, had some secrets about his friendship with her. Because he installed a camera in her room and watched what happened that night, multiple times, and had whereabouts unknown. Which made him a prime suspect, one that eventually was placed under arrest when the murder weapon was discovered with evidence linking him to the crime. But in true egotistical male fashion, and through his understanding of the law, Sam was able to sow doubt amongst the jurors, leaving the outcome of the case up in the air. But a little nugget of truth from Elodie, about how Shelli was working to empower herself through a local women’s group… brought forth the lesson in question. Because on her last day with the group, the day before she died, Shelli offered up a confessional of sorts that expressed her desire to stand up to Sam and teach him boundaries. Which allowed for Sonny to confront Sam with this evidence, which was so egregious that Sam was ready to testify and use the word salads he used on Shelli to be free. But he picked the wrong lawyer and Sonny laid into him and got him to admit to the murder on the stand. All by pointing out how Sam wanted power over Shelli, wanted her to submit to him because she was an item of desire, and well, what we learned was simple. In that, guys like Sam, have to be pressed, pushed, and exposed for the closed-minded jackasses they are. And also learn in an embarrassing setting, that rejection is part of life, and that they are not entitled to anything from a woman because women are equals, not property. Because the more we see that, the more the message will come across until the other Sam’s of the world… get the hint and understand that women aren’t property but equals and damn well should be treated at such. All of which made, for another cerebral episode from this powerful show. One that continues to go places that few crime stories will and make no mistake about it, this was an impactful way to bring the lesson home. Because the brutality of this crime and the arrogance of Sam really did help us to understand the state of the union on this matter and hopefully it inspires conversation and hints of change. Because again, it is 2024 and this… this is just ridiculous, and the time has come to move things forward, and it was refreshing to have this series point that out. Until next time. Watch ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season 24 Premiere of ‘Law & Order’. To revisit the Season 23 Finale, click here. Also, this article contains discussions of domestic violence and suicide, which may be triggering to some individuals.
One unfortunate truth about our world that few of us ever like to admit to or face… is the sheer fact that sometimes the bad guys win. Because our world is imperfect, courtesy of the imperfect beings we are and the imperfect systems we have set up to hold people accountable. Which does indeed allow for evil to slip through the cracks and continue to thrive in the world and that is tough to swallow. Because we believe in justice for all, and that is why so many crime shows and movies… make sure the bad guy loses. To give us that catharsis and give us the sense of justice we sometimes crave. But what’s incredible is that not every crime story abides by that rule. Take Law & Order on NBC for instance. For this is a series that explores corners of the justice system that are painfully real. Wherein the ugly of our world is echoed and where the bad guys sometimes win. To provide us with a story that can help us to cope with that reality in far more healthy ways than wanting to escape, as evidenced by last night’s season twenty-four premiere. Although, it did not seem as though that was going to be the case early on in ‘Catch and Kill’. Since we learned that Price won his election and returned to the office no problem. Making it seem as though a decent status quo was on the horizon. But the death of a city lawyer named Macy, took this story down the frustrating but realistic path in question. Simply because, a quick look at who might have harmed Macy, turned out to be a waste of time. For there were no external suspects and the fine work of the new Lieutenant, one Jessica Brady, helped to narrow the team’s focus to look at what wasn’t obvious at first, that it might be someone she knew, she loved. Such as her fiancé, a man named Dylan Phipps, who had a bit of a temper and seemed a bit suspicious and well, through some digging, they came to learn… he beat Macy on a regular basis and worked with a scuzzy journalist to cover up any clues that he might have done so. Which likely meant, he was the culprit and once confronted with that, he was quick to take his own life rather than face time in jail. For he did indeed brutally kill Macy. Which made it seem as though that was how the bad guy got away, by quietly dying and keeping the truth out of the public eye. But ADA Maroun wanted justice and convinced both Baxter and Price to go after the journalist, a jerk named Lane and hold him accountable to being an accomplice. A move that Price loved and eventually… solid evidence came forth and it looked like Lane was going away for a long time. But his deep pockets and his desire to evade any ounce of accountability, ensured that he was going to walk. A move that infuriated Maroun, especially since she experienced a similar horror in her past through her sister’s passing and that prompted her to understandably explode, and plot. Plot to take down Lane herself and lose her job if needed. But thankfully, Baxter stepped in and saved her from doing something career destructive, but that did not make the outcome any better for her. Because Lane was going to walk, and justice would not happen. But alas, that is the truth of the world. Sometimes these pieces of trash have money, and they use it to wield power and help evil prevail and they know how best to game the system and evade justice. Which is an awful thing to type, an awful thing to read or hear aloud and it leaves us to wonder how best to fix things so guys like Lane don’t enjoy freedom after hurting people and the answer is simple… reform. We have to tighten up the rules and fix the laws so that these kinds of things cannot happen. But that will take time, and all we can do in the meantime, is do as Baxter asked of Maroun, and keep plugging away and being better people and doing our best to enact change. Which is not a perfect answer, but if enough people do it… change will come, and all of this made for a powerful opening chapter to a new season from one of the boldest crime shows to ever hit the airwaves. Until next time. Watch ‘Law & Order’
Please enjoy this sneak peek of the season two premiere of Curses! Which debuts on Apple TV+ tomorrow! Written by John Edward Betancourt It doesn’t matter how much television you’ve watched throughout the years, and how savvy a viewer you’ve become… when a show reaches its sophomore season, it brings forth a real sense of worry. Simply because year two of a show is more or less a make-or-break moment for a series, for several reasons. Because this is where the show can establish itself as a sustainable series if it can provide the audience with everything, they loved in season one, combined with some growth and a little envelope pushing in a balanced manner. Yet so many shows fail to do that and fall out of balance or just take things in a different direction, wasting potential and that is what creates that nervousness. Which is why there is likely that touch of worry in everyone’s gut regarding season 2 of Found on NBC, which debuts tonight on the network. Because the season one finale took some big swings and let Sir out of his well-deserved cage, and well, the dynamic between Gabi and Sir was a big selling point for the show. Especially since Sir was forced to atone for his sins by helping Gabi find missing individuals, and that dynamic changing, is one that creates a sense of worry, since that could throw this whole story out of whack. But with the show returning tonight, we thought it best to assuage some of those fears and inform all of you, that the show’s sophomore season is instead, a stellar season of storytelling that uses that twist to its advantage. Because Sir does not disappear this season, he’s still out there, and still plays a central role to the story and that spoils nothing. Because we won’t discuss the how, of that. Instead, we will talk about the fact that his escape allows for some dynamic adventures to take place. The kind that are grounded in a lot of what made season one so great. With Gabi and her team searching for missing people and searching for the monster as well. Which gives rise to everything we love, with some twists and turns to keep things interesting in season two. And that alone makes this new season worthwhile and fun to watch. But the majesty of this new season of storytelling, doesn’t end with changes to Sir’s standing in the series and his ability to now lurk in the shadows. For this change allows for the story to focus a little more on Gabi’s past and the impact that her time with Sir had upon her. Which means we are treated to storylines that explore the importance of the support network she’s created around herself, and that will play into examinations of residual trauma and its impact upon Gabi and others. Which allows for this series to dig into some supremely intelligent concepts, the kind that may offer a guide for those in need of healing and in need of direction when they’re hurting. Because that’s what good television that focuses on the dark, does. It also provides a light in the darkness and it is nice to see that handled in season two in a realistic manner, and there’s still plenty more to be excited about here. Because this talented cast, are fully aware of who their characters are now, and they truly inhabit them and what they stand for. Which gives rise to some amazing performances, which is saying something. Since Shanola Hampton (Gabi) and Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Sir) were at the top of their game in season one. But that comfort allows for them to try new things with their performances and go to new places and all of these elements combine to bring forth a stellar second season. One that does indeed push the envelope, but never loses sight of what makes this show so great, and we cannot wait to continue the journey with all of you, in the weeks to come. Nerds That Geek was also able to attend the NBC Segment of the Television Critics Association 2024 Summer Press Tour, where ‘Found’ was showcased and where Showrunner Nkechi Okoro Carroll, and stars Shanola Hampton (Gabi), Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Sir), and Kelli Williams (Margaret), offered the following thoughts on season two’s design, character arcs and motivations, and Kelli Williams’ time in the director’s chair. Nkechi Okoro Caroll: “We’re very much similar to season one in that it is, what I like to call, a character-cedural, so we’re still going to have a case of the week. We’re still going to have that engine of sort of completing -- reaching a point of completion with our cases every week, but its got a significant serialized portion. I mean, Sir’s out on the loose wrecking havoc. Mark-Paul is having way too much fun doing that so that will definitely maintain as part of the show, but we still have our case of the week. We will still have that satisfying puzzle that we want the audience to join us in solving every week.” Mark-Paul Gosselaar: “My intent is just to have the connection that I have with Gabrielle. That’s basically it. Any sort of connection that I can have with Gabrielle is good enough for Sir, whether that’s in the basement, out in the open, but just to have something that keeps us together, in any capacity.” Shanola Hampton: “I mean, well, I will say that it's been -- what I love about what NK and Sonay and all of the writers do is -- and what we have the luxury -- thank you to NBC -- of 22 episodes, we don't wrap things up in a little bow in one or two episodes. So the healing process, as in life, takes time.” Kelli Williams: “Well, I've only acted in one other show as a director at the same time. I was primarily directing just full-time and not acting, so I'm back to that challenge of sort of splitting my brain. It'll be interesting to have my castmates, see how they respond to me because it's a strange feeling to be in a scene but also watching but also not watching in that sort of more-like-giving-notes way. So, I might have to check back with you later, and I'm in prep at the moment, so I'm already thinking -- I'm talking about things backstage with NK. I'm pitching her ideas. I think it's going to be fun because our group, we get along so well, and I think that everyone is excited and supportive. And, of course, I'm going to mess with them a little bit, right?” Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 12002 of ‘Chicago P.D.’ To revisit the previous episode, click here.
It is definitely safe to say that our better understanding of mental health and the various ailments that can impair it, and popular media, have aided in helping us to realize that holding onto trauma is something that is severely negative in nature. Because trauma does bring about toxic behaviors that can impact our lives in all the wrong ways. Since it can cause us to harm others and harm ourselves in ways that are supremely unique, and stories and science really are doing an amazing job of hammering home the dangers of keeping it around. But it does leave one to wonder… is there any kind of positive angle to trauma? Can it in fact, do anything worthwhile for people before it begins to erode their lives into something dull? Well, believe it or not, the answer is yes to those questions. But only under the right circumstances, it can basically be used as a survival mechanism. Because its strength can propel people forward to get through some supremely tough times, and it can help them focus and complete major tasks. Because at its peak, it ignites something within us, and for proof… look no further than last night’s episode of Chicago P.D. on NBC. For ‘Blood Bleeds Blue’ saw Voight and Ruzek harness its power to get through quite the dramatic series of events. For this episode picked up immediately after last week’s ugly ending, where Martel and Ruzek were being shot at and well, we came to learn that Martel did not survive her wounds, and that the bullet that hit her, came from a domestic violence dispute in a nearby house. Wherein a real piece of work shot his ex-wife and kidnapped their son, and in the process, killed a cop. Which meant, the department sprung to action, with Ruzek leading the charge and Voight and Platt backing him up at the office, and well… that brought about… one intense tale. One that plunged us into the heart of a citywide manhunt. Where we came to learn that the offender was hoping to also murder his children in an effort to exert full control over the family he lost. Which added a sense of urgency to the hunt, one that took the team all over the city before they finally were able to corner the monster and put him down in an unexpected manner. But not before saving both of his kids and their mother, giving rise to a semi-happy ending that showcased the theme in question… in the middle of the manhunt. Because Ruzek was badly traumatized by Martel’s death, and visibly shaken at times, and of course, we know Voight is suffering from a form of PTSD after his harrowing encounter. But in this moment, they both used it to survive, to fight, and that did give them reason to focus, reason to move forward. So that they could solve this case, help someone, and likely believe they could heal a bit of themselves in the process. Which isn’t possible, but that’s a discussion for another day. Because what matters more here, is that this episode did showcase how trauma can be used for good, and how it can drive a person to accomplish wonders when it is fresh and used to push someone forward. But sadly… that moment never lasts and what we are left with when the task is accomplished, is that pain. Which we saw Ruzek experience when the job was done and the scare was over, and of course… once Voight lets go, he too will be faced with the pain of yesterday. Giving rise to the reality that both men have a hard road ahead, but while we wait to see if and how they deal with the horrors they experienced here, we can celebrate one intense and intelligent tale. Since we don’t see shows ponder upon this rare and somewhat reckless truth about the power of fresh trauma, but it was welcome and fit properly. Since it didn’t glorify it, just informed us, and now that this journey has come to a close, it’s onto the next one and likely more tough days for these incredible officers, as they slowly put the pieces back together in the department and hopefully work to heal their traumas before they begin to poison them. Until next time. Watch ‘Chicago P.D.’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 13002 of ‘Chicago Fire’. To revisit the Season Thirteen Premiere, click here.
In our minds, change is nothing more than a temporary obstacle in life. One that inconveniences and puts things out of sorts for a time as we gently move it out of the way, by embracing it and learning what it tries to tell us in that moment. All so we can move forward, and we only give it more thought when it steps into the middle of our road once again. Which is, a fair way to think and deal with change, since it simplifies it for us, but it is not the way to approach it mentally every time we encounter it. Because sometimes, change is less of a big boulder in our path and more of a delicate domino display, one that sets so much in motion when the first domino of change is tapped. Which can lead to all kinds of surprises and uncomfortable and complex matters for us to face as cascading change arrives and well… this particular truth about change is top of mind today, because it showed up during last night’s episode of Chicago Fire on NBC. For ‘Ride the Blade’ was a story that saw Firehouse 51, try to get back to a sense of normalcy with a new chief in place. As though change was over with, and things could proceed as normal until something big came along, down the line. Which meant, Herrmann was back to just enjoying the day and doing his own thing in between saving lives, which ruffled some feathers but kept a status quo going and reinforced that belief that Chief Pasqual was just one big lump of change to overcome. In fact, everyone was so comfortable, that Severide was willing to overlook a stupid mistake on Damon’s part. To just keep life in the firehouse loose and fun. But alas, none of them understood that Pasqual’s arrival, was the domino effect of change, and his arrival and his desire to look at the firehouse in a different light, prompted everyone to realize… that more change was on the horizon, and they had to be the ones to enact it. For Hermann, that meant, owning up to the fact he could no longer be an everyday guy, he was a selected leader and needed to get in line and make Boden proud, and he made a grand commitment to move into senior leadership to do right by his former mentor, and even Severide knew that he needed to make some change. Because he truly let Damon do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and that was starting to bring about conflict in the firehouse since Cruz brought up the favoritism Damon was enjoying and letting him get away with murder was undermining leadership. So, Severide realized that he needed to set up and right the wrong he committed here by favoring family over the job, over his duty. So, he let Damon know that accountability was on the horizon and that one of them was going to have to leave the firehouse. All because Pasqual’s arrival really did inspire more change, since he exposed some bad behaviors that had developed without a chief in place and that made for quite the unique episode for certain. Simply because in a way, this show took the time to serialize a concept and explore it over the course of the past two weeks, and that’s rare, and it hinted at the possibility that perhaps more change will be on the horizon. Since we also came to learn in this story that Dom Pascal is not the flawless man, we thought he could be. He’s someone with a temper, who struggles with the fact that he has little control over anything in life outside of work, and that temper, could bring about a shift at the firehouse. But while we wait to see what comes of that, we can celebrate one lively tale. One that really did expand upon last week’s ideas in a dynamic manner; by using it to enrich the characters we love and give us a compelling episode and truly, it will be interesting to see where all this conflict and change takes us as this season continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘Chicago Fire’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 1002 of ‘Chicago Med’. To revisit the Season Ten Premiere, click here.
If there is one thing, we all hope for when great change comes to our workplace, it would be time to adjust. Because change at the workplace can be very unnerving and so much can happen so quickly when the top brass decides to shake things up. So, all we want, is to get that moment to breathe, to process and to adjust to everything that’s happened, and a fair number of us do. Since those changes do slow down and the new path is set out upon. But in some industries, change is a constant and there is no chance to process, one must simply roll with the punches and hope for the best, as evidenced by this week’s episode of Chicago Med on NBC. For ‘Bite Your Tongue’ saw layoffs taking place at the hospital. Mainly because the board saw this as a chance to trim some fat, and a chance to shake things up and open a window for new employees to come into the fold. Especially with another hospital closing. But it was all handled so fast, that no one had time to adjust, and process the changes. They had work to do, plain and simple and work they most certainly did, but not without some measure of nervousness and trepidation. After all, a wrong step in this particularly perilous time might mean the end of one’s job. Forcing some to choose whether or not they should be bold or if they should be a little more compliant. For instance, Dr. Frost was faced with an ugly issue. In that his patient was dying of cancer, and the only hope to extend his life was to perform a rough surgery that would rob him of his athletic skill. Something the patient’s parents were unwilling to discuss with him, and Frost felt he should know. A risky move that got him a fist to the face, since he chose to speak up. But it was a move that opened up lines of communication and allowed for a healthy decision to come forth. But there was risk involved here, because the initial response could have led to termination. But Lenox and Archer had his back and that helped him stick around, and speaking of that duo… they too had little time to adjust to the changes to their department, they simply got to work in a frosty manner… one that thawed courtesy of a surprise. In that, they had linked cases and would have never known it had they stayed in their corners and attempted to maintain a status quo. But by adjusting on the fly and embracing change, they saved lives. If anything, the only constant in this story was the fact that Dr. Charles once again found himself advocating for a patient to accept mental treatment when they clearly needed it, only to have that rebuffed and end in disaster. Something we have seen far too often on this show since mental health is still taboo to so many. Plus, we also saw Dr. Ripley double down and do his best to keep his friend safe, despite being suspended for remaining silent on what happened that day. Because he really wanted to do the right thing in his mind, and that might not happen now, since Dr. Asher stepped in to protect him. All of which brought forth, another delightful episode of this series. One that spoke to how some workplaces require us to just push ahead and deal with change as it comes, whether we like it or not. But that is how the hospital lifestyle goes, and it was nice to see that peppered in with the unique cases that we enjoy in this series, and the work that goes into solving every last one of them. Plus, it was equally as lovely to see Lenox and Archer find some common ground at last. If anything, the only sour spot here was Ripley’s path, since nothing is going his way. But that’s the route he chose, and it does leave us eager to see if he can overcome his troubles or if more ugliness awaits, as season ten of this dynamic and intriguing show continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘Chicago Med’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Two Finale of ‘The Ark’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
One particular type of science fiction story that we enjoy, yet have limited patience with, is the ‘lost in space’ story. Wherein a crew aboard a ship, be it small or large, are desperate to find a new home and bounce about the stars doing so. Which does bring about an enjoyable journey, since we are able to see the stars and visit new worlds and see that crew come together as one. But we also… don’t want them out there forever. Because then the story is as lost as the crew and it becomes a planet of the week type tale, and with no chance for the crew to grow, the audience will indeed step away and find something new to watch. Which is why, it is paramount that these stories do something with the search and why the season two finale of The Ark on SYFY is of note. Simply because ‘Fortunate’ followed in the footsteps of the Lost in Space reboot and the reimaging of Battlestar Galactica. In that, the crew arrived at last at Trappist-1D and well, what they found there, was wondrous. Because there were multiple Ark vessels in orbit, and much of their payload had indeed deployed. Which meant below was a thriving colony that sat beneath an Earth-like sun, complete with fresh air and resources and a new world to explore. Of course, Captain Garnet and her crew explored the world with caution since there were concerns regarding the attempt on William Trust’s life, and the fact that Strickland was targeted as part of that attempt, and well… it was a wonderful thing that such caution was put into place. Because something wasn’t quite right on this planet. Everyone was a little too happy, and a little too dismissive of the fact that Evelyn Maddox died on her way to the planet and well, there was good reason for that. For Evelyn was in fact, alive and well, and she had figured out how to control the colonists to do her bidding and give her a perfect world. In fact, she was so good at this now, that she managed to put the captain and the senior staff under her horrible spell. Which forced Ian to think fast and recruit an army to save the crew from a fate worse than death. Which thankfully, he was able to do, and that brought forth some real surprises. Since Kelly stepped in and stepped up to ensure that Maddox would never harm anyone ever again. That… brought an end to the madness of Evelyn Maddox and at last, put humanity on the path toward a new future and really, that’s where this finale shined.
For it spent a fair chunk of time, exploring the reality that humanity was about to be granted an honest second chance. One grounded in logic, one grounded in working together for a better tomorrow, and Sharon was ready to do more to make sure that everyone that escaped Earth could enjoy that second chance. Which was why, the crew was split up, so that some could stay on the planet to help the colonists built a brave new world, while Ark 1 would return to the stars to look for survivors. Because there were other landing sites chosen, and there were undoubtedly other ships still searching or they were damaged in some of the early fighting. So, who better than to save those crews, than the one that went the extra mile to keep so many safe.
A move that truly did, bring forth satisfying closure to this chapter of the story. Because just like that, our heroes came together as one, found ways to work together against adversity and mended fractures. Not to mention, they saved a colony from a monster and set the stage for a better tomorrow, all in two season’s time. Giving the audience what it wants, when it comes to this kind of story. But of course… in classic Dean Devlin and Jonathan Glassner fashion… that was not the end of the story, for they had one more surprise up their sleeve. Because one of the rescue missions ended with Ark 1 being warned away, as though a threat was there. Not to mention, quite the discovery was made on Trappist-1D. Specifically, a tablet of sorts. One that was covered in glyphs and a language, that was most certainly… not human. All of which brought forth, one epic season finale. Because in a matter of minutes it would seem that this series, which has flirted with the possibility of our heroes encountering extraterrestrial life, more or less confirmed that humanity is not alone in the universe. Giving rise to all kinds of exciting possibilities for certain. Since it gives humanity a new challenge amongst the stars and more reasons to unite and overcome old haunts. For now, they will be part of something greater if they can BE greater and well… that leaves us ready for a new season of this incredible show, and we hope the series gets a renewal soon. Because it deserves it and deserves to take this bold story further. But while we wait for that news, we can celebrate one stunning season of storytelling. One that took risks, and outright took us for an incredible ride amongst the stars, with some of the finest human beings in the galaxy. Until next time. Watch ‘The Ark’
January 2025