Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Four Finale of ‘Slow Horses’. To revisit the previous episode, clickhere.
If there is a critique that one could offer regarding spy stories, it would have to be that their endings a little too bombastic. To the point where there isn’t a lot of emotional investment for the audience. Yes, there are indeed high stakes involving innocent lives, and these stories do like to tie the hero to a villain on a personal level. But we really don’t walk away from those stories with something in our hearts, and some would argue that spy stories aren’t supposed to supply us with that, but there is one that is challenging that notion and challenging how these stories should end. As evidenced by the season four finale of Slow Horses on Apple TV+. For ‘Hello Goodbye’ was a shockingly meaningful finale, one that was moving and powerful and showcased that not all spy stories have to be so explosive in nature when they wrap up their stories. But of course, as this series is wont to do, it sure didn’t seem as though that was going to be the case early on. For this particular tale did harbor some serious action, since Harkness’ juiced up lackey came to Slough House to kill David Cartwright. Which brought about the usual gunfire and bravado we’ve come to expect in these endings. But once JK took a bullet, and it became clear that Roddy was injured as well, the gravitas of this ending shifted to worry. Because there was real risk that someone might not make it out alive, and we already experienced the horror of that through River’s fake death. But despite being able to keep the bad guy at bay for as long as possible, and despite him eventually dying at the hands of Shirley, Lamb, and JK… our worries came true. For there was a casualty in Slough House. For Marcus did his best to stop the carnage, even going so far as to gamble and buy back his gun, only to be in the wrong spot at the wrong second. A reality that removed any thrill from this shootout and left us in tears, really, because Marcus was a character we adored, and Kadiff Kirwan’s work will be missed on the show, and the end of Marcus really was quite the powerful and unfortunate surprise. One that truly took the spy drama ending in a different direction by adding some real emotion to it, and such surprises didn’t end with this unfortunate and unexpected farewell.
Because the showdown between the hero and the villain, was far more meaningful than we are used to. Mainly because we came to learn in a matter of seconds that Harkness was in fact, Jack’s biological father, and he wanted his son to join him on his quest for carnage. Which we also learned, was derailed by a rogue employee who decided to kill innocents to bring Harkness down. So, the old man wanted someone smart and loyal to replace him, and who better than his son? But of course, Jack said no to such a move and enjoyed a brush with death because of it. One that motivated him to properly hunt his father down and place him in handcuffs, bringing an end to a supremely unique showdown, one grounded in generational trauma and an understanding that one does not have to follow in the family business.
Yet, there were still more, emotional and grounded moments to be found in this story, after we enjoyed another unconventional surprise. In that, the bad guy won. Mainly because it turned out that Whelan and others in the government went along with Harkness’ desire to create a league of assassins. Which also meant, he would be set free. Because to capture him meant the truth would be out, and to let him suffer at the hands of that prince, would also unleash that dark truth. So, Harkness walked, and life went on and Jack had another important call to make regarding his family. Specifically, what was to become of his granddad and sadly… having a gun pointed at his face and enduring confusion meant it was time for David to be taken to a full-care facility. One that could watch over his slipping mind. A decision that was also painfully moving since this decision clearly wounded David, but what choice did River have? But that aside, that was, the bittersweet bow on a supremely different kind of season finale for this type of show. One that truly showcased that the ‘final battle’ as it were, can be more than just explosions and chaos. It can be moving; it can be emotional, and it doesn’t have to always end in the same old manner. Because sometimes the bad guy does win, and sometimes the brave will lose a soul along the way. If anything, one could say this is simply a realistic ending, and hopefully we get more of that from spy stories going forward. Because such a decision added genuine depth to the best season to date, for this show, and it will be fascinating to see what other unique twists and turns await us in the next season of the best spy drama on television. Until next time. Watch ‘Slow Horses’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Two Premiere of ‘The Irrational’. To revisit the Season One Finale, click here.
One particular question that we ask often in this life, is how do we know when we are truly in love with someone? Which is a fair question. Because time and time again, we find ourselves in romantic situations that we genuinely believe are love-laden only to learn… they’re nothing more than a fleeting moment in time, wherein butterflies in our tummy ruled the day. So, we continue our search when it ends, looking for that genuine connection and that understanding. Because we are curious creatures that love proof and solid understanding of our situation, and well, believe it or not, the season two premiere of The Irrational on NBC, opted to explore the answer to that question. Courtesy of one harrowing search for Rose. For ‘Collateral Damage’ wasted little time in revealing what happened to Rose at the end of season one. As it turned out, she was kidnapped by a man named Gavin. Who had a beef with Rose’s former employers since they helped bring death to his family and well, he wanted revenge, and thanks to another agent’s memoir, he was able to figure out who was who and that Rose was involved in that operation. So, he wanted a confession from Rose, and any other details she had on the case, to have closure before committing a terrorist act to finally feel peace about the loss he suffered and well, that meant Rose was in serious danger and her ugly situation… is what led to the exploration in question. Because as she feared for her life, and watched a former co-worker die horribly… Alec was eagerly looking forward to another date with Rose. One that of course, she did not show up for, and being a master of understanding human behavior and knowing Rose as well as he does, it became clear that something was wrong. Because ghosting someone was not her style, and that prompted him to dig in and try and learn what happened to her, and soon… it became clear that someone took Rose and that she was in clear danger. Which prompted him to get Marisa, and the FBI involved, but that process was a touch too slow for his liking, so Alec did the unthinkable and did everything within his power to get captured by very people that took Rose. To know if she was okay and to work his magic to see how best to free her, and his plan worked. For Gavin’s lackeys came for him and Gavin went the extra mile to learn if this was something designed to trap him. Which was not the case immediately, but Alec did eventually bring him down by analyzing Gavin’s actions and pushing him to his limits, preventing that terrorist act and bringing closure to the whole mess. But what mattered more here, is Alec’s actions. Because that man literally put himself in harm’s way to make sure that Rose would come home, and that Rose would feel safe and that informs us, that we know we are in love with someone, when we are willing to do whatever, it takes to keep them safe and at peace. For that means their well-being takes priority above our own in that moment, and actions are what truly speak loud in a relationship, and if we are willing to go that route, then they have found their way into the center of our heart. All of which made, for the most unique romance story to hit the airwaves in years. Because you don’t really see such an expression like this in popular media all that often. But unique is where this show thrives and it should come as no surprise that this show would explore how we do wild things to keep those we love safe because that is in line with the show’s central exploration of why we do the things we do and well, this premiere deserves a round of applause. For once again not wasting any time in resolving plot threads that linger, but for also giving us a tale that explores some of Alec’s motivations in life, and while Alec and Rose’s journey here didn’t end in a perfect manner, it is obvious this duo have something special in hand, and it will be interesting to see that grow in the weeks to come as season two of this brilliant series continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘The Irrational’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
How ‘Swerve’ Reminds Us That the Road to Our Dreams Is Filled with Twists and Turns
‘Willie. We got the fair.’
When we set out to capture our dream and do the work that such an act will entail, we expect smooth sailing. Because the prevailing belief in our world is that chasing one’s dream is a protected act. One that some kind of higher power blesses. Because we are now on a noble quest, one that truly inspires others and well, it doesn’t take long for us to learn… that’s just not how it goes. Because sometimes… our quest takes years to reach any measure of progress, and that can be quite frustrating. Plus, we fail more times than we would ever expect to on our way toward our dream and the surprises, don’t end there. Because sometimes… we enjoy big victories that don’t feel big. Because other factors in our quest create strife, and seemingly are designed to sabotage us.
Because in reality, chasing one’s dream is pure chaos, and there is no simple path to the finish line. Just twist and turns and surprises and frustrations and never was that more evident than during the next episode of Heels. Because ‘Swerve’ explored such matters in great detail and showcased every twist and turn imaginable that exists when it comes to our dreams. Such as how sometimes… out of the blue, we get our shot and we aren’t sure how we earned it. Which Jack dealt with here. Because on a simple day, one like any other, it was made known that the State Fair had interest in booking the Duffy Wrestling League as its main event. A reality that would and should put the DWL on the map and this stunned Jack and made it seem as though, everything was about to fall into place. In fact, all he had to do was nail the meeting with the State Fair Board, and put on one hell of a show, and with Thomas at his side, he made that first part happen. Because the Board Members were deeply intrigued by Jack’s take on the sport and what it did for audiences and that allowed for him to just let loose and ready an epic script and relish in the wonder of getting his shot and hold to belief that it would be smooth sailing from here. Except. It was not. Mainly because, when people are involved in our chase, as they often are… they can enact their own agendas. Ones that cause trouble and ones that don’t align with what we want and that brought forth, one wild day at the Duffy Dome. In part, because Ace, who was buried in the story and his character, felt he needed to punish Crystal for hanging out with Bobby Pin. So, he dumped her for a new valet and hurt her deeply.
Not to mention, a freshly fired Wild Bill was lurking about the dome, hoping to find relevance or a way in. Because he came to learn about the Fair and knew it was his way back into the show. So, he latched onto the dream as well with his own agenda. Plus, we even saw Rooster work to grab some agency in this tale, in the hopes of finally being seen as more than a supporting act. Because he wanted the spotlight in this dream, he wanted the belt and that pushed Jack to work to balance everything and try to keep the dream on track. Because everyone was pulling it in different directions, and they didn’t need to. All everyone needed to do tonight was abide by the rules, follow the script and put on an amazing show, and they would be in a new light, a spotlight for that matter, and for a time… that seemed about as bad as things were going to get in this tale, and that this would be a topical exploration.
But that’s not this show’s style, and it was quick to inform us that sadly, when people do buy in, and have their own wants from the dream, bad things can and will happen. All of which came forth in the final match, wherein Crystal decided to change the script, up the volume regarding her spat with Ace and take shots she knew would go beyond theatrics. Ones that would hurt him, anger him, wound him, as he did her, and that led… to pure chaos in the ring. Since Ace crossed a line and snapped Bobby’s leg in a fit of fury and Bill saw this as his window. Which in turn prompted Jack to play along to keep the crowd happy. All of which spoke to how dreams are chaos, and our pursuit of them rarely goes to plan. Because good news can come our way on a moment’s notice and people have their own idea of what they want out of our dream if they’re involved and that made for one intense tale. One that also spoke to how hard it is sometimes to separate story from reality. Since both Crystal and Ace lost themselves in the moment and let it get the better of them both. But what mattered most is that once again this story stayed true to its central theme in season one. Which is, what it really is like to chase one’s dream and just exploring that, brought forth some powerful moments we can all relate to, while of course, providing us with an entertaining story that we got lost within, and this episode does leave us eager to continue our second journey through the show post haste. To learn more about the ups and downs that accompany the pursuit of our dreams and see how that chase impacts the needs and wants of others. Until next time. Watch ‘Heels’
Written by John Edward Betancourt It is definitely safe to say, that the hardest decision any showrunner has to make when it comes to the television show they are in charge of, is what direction to take a second season in. Because just getting to season two is a task in and of itself and the chance tell more story, really does leave one to wonder, what lie ahead? Should the show stand pat and stick with what works and hope that audiences just want the same? Or should it take a different direction and challenge the viewers and the characters and run the risk of going off of the rails when something new comes up. And well, we see a lot of showrunners choose either one, with great, mixed or disastrous results depending upon the subject matter of the show. But more and more, we are seeing more showrunners and more writers’ rooms ponder upon if balance and smaller progress is possible. If the passage of time can really come into play and move the characters and the story along in an organic manner that does give the audience more, because they do want that, alongside all they love, and that edict is happening more and more since it has been successful, and it is one that Showrunner Arika Lisanne Mittman is holding to for season two of The Irrational. For it returns on NBC later tonight and truly… this is a show about balance and growth and how we move from chapter to chapter. Something the show laid the groundwork down for in the season one finale, by way of having the man responsible for Alec’s darkest moment, face justice at last. Which is a huge chapter to close, but that happens in life. We do sometimes lay to rest our darkest hour or let go of our traumas. So, what lie ahead? Well… we are happy to tell you in a spoiler-free manner of course, as to not ruin season two for you. But what we can say is that season two, leans into that growth. Because putting that behind Alec, allows for him to focus on the man he is without that hanging over his head, which is a fascinating journey to take a character on. Since it is so real-life in nature and so relatable, and Alec isn’t the only one on that journey here. After all, Kylie and Marisa are in new chapters as well and must navigate them accordingly and that too enriches this story and adds to that real-life vibe. All of which provides something new for the audience to chew upon, and it does take the show in a fascinating direction not often seen by procedurals. But of course, we talked about how balance is the key here, and the show maintains that… by keeping all that we love. For there are still moments that Alec will spend with Kylie and Marisa to keep him grounded from his very taxing work, and of course, Riz and Phobe are still around and learning about life as college students always do, and above all… we have the case of the week. Those beautiful little treats for us to enjoy with Alec, that explore the human condition and everything that we want to learn about, when it comes to the strange decisions that we make. Plus, there is more Rose, just so you know, and as an added bonus, the acting in season two is just sublime. For everyone is now comfortable with their characters and truly inhabit them and all of that brings forth, an amazing second season. One that truly does harbor balance. Because you feel progress happening before your eyes, and you feel the characters growing. But you also get to watch Alec use his amazing mind to do amazing things and teach us so much about our humanity, and our foolishness and the importance of what it means to think before we act, and we here at NTG cannot wait for you to see season two of this amazing show and geek out with all of you regarding Alec’s incredible gift of inner sight. Nerds That Geek was also able to attend the NBC Segment of the Television Critics Association 2024 Summer Press Tour, where ‘The Irrational’’ was showcased and where Showrunner Arika Lisanne Mittman, and stars Jesse L. Martin (Alec), Maahra Hill (Marisa), and Travina Springer (Kylie) offered the following thoughts on the growth the character’s experience in season two. Arika Lisanne Mittman: “Well, I think I find that it’s really satisfying for an audience to wonder but to also get those answers. You know, I did not want -- I never wanted that storyline to be something that spanned five years of a series. I wanted it to have a satisfying ending to season one and to open up the second season for new questions, new mysteries, and new stories. Jesse L. Martin: “I was going to say to add to that, yes, she did resolve it but what it led to was more questions for my character about it. Because oftentimes when people go through a traumatic experience, it -- for lack of a better way to put it -- becomes part of their identity. If the story is solved or the mystery of it is solved, there’s something that happens to your identity in it. That bleeds probably for the eternity of the series, which I think is really fascinating.” Travina Springer: “I think one of the things I’m really excited about for this season is for Kylie and for the audience to see that she was trying to find more purpose in her work. She’s working on that, for getting more purpose in what she does for her career, and then also digging her heels as a contractor for the FBI. She’s challenged with what this new position means for her and how it aligns with her values. So I think we’re going to see a lot more of that in situations where that happens for her, and then also see fanned out with the relationships with the other characters. Specifically, also like, we see the relationship with Alec, but we’re going to see more with the relationship with Marisa, which is very fun, because they were sisters for many years. And the relationship with Phoebe as well, so I’m excited for you guys to see that.” Maahra Hill: "And Marisa, I feel like she’s realizing -- the writers have done a great job of exploring another layer to Marisa in season two. I think she’s realizing, like a lot of women do, she’s poured a lot of herself into other things, her job, her marriage, her relationships, and has lost a bit of herself along the way. So in season two, she’ll go on a journey of self-discovery, and she’ll find things that are surprising, I think, to her and both the audience as well. I feel like they’ve done a great job in the writers’ room of just unpacking the boxes that are within." Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Ten of ‘The Anonymous’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
When we last settled in, to enjoy the wonder of the new hit USA Networks series, The Anonymous, we talked at length about a concern. In that, it seemed as though this competition was about to get extra spicy and extra personal. Simply because, everyone took the loss of Jack quite hard, and it really did divide the group and leave some wondering how best to right a wrong. Which meant, this week’s elimination would likely determine exactly if the game was going in that new direction. Because if Andy won The Anonymous, he would send Dillian home out of the belief he targeted Jack, but if Nina won the day, she would likely send Bismah home in a strategic decision. One that would keep the game on track. Well as it turned out, structure and gamesmanship were the order of the day. For we learned in ‘Refresh. Revamp. Restrategize.’ that Nina did indeed win The Anonymous and yes, she felt now was the right time to send home Bismah. And once Bismah revealed her handle and her career, to the surprise of so many, the game got back on track, with an assist from DANI no less. For she informed everyone that new handles would come into play, which would immediately revitalize the game for some players. Certainly, Marcel and Christopher, since just about everyone had their identities tied to their handles. But of course, before the refresh, another chance to put money in the bank took place. Courtesy of another difficult puzzle challenge from DANI. Wherein the group had to decipher a pattern of objects with minimal input from DANI, and since Nina was the puzzle master, she was voted the leader of this challenge. Which she was fine with, because if she helped guide everyone to a win, safety was in the cards. But this challenge was a difficult one to say the least, because no one really had a clue how to assemble what DANI desired. Not to mention, if by chance they cracked enough of her code, those helping Nina figure this out had to step aside and watch from afar. But teamwork did make the dream work and ten grand was added to the pot and the day was won. However, once that was done, it was down to the tough stuff… Anonymous mode. Wherein some good things took place. Because with new handles in play and with tempers cooled, it was back to pure strategy in this mode. Wherein we saw Andy take some risks and try some new things, and Victoria made it clear… she’s a gamer. Since she used her relationship with Christopher to her advantage to try and disguise her true identity. Because while she made it clear that she is all about Christopher and the power couple that is Victopher, the win matters more to her at this point and she will do what it takes to land it. But all around, we were privy to a unique chat, one where everyone worked harder to get someone to slip up and speak out as to who they are. But in the end, it would seem the refresh helped our final two, and it should be interesting to see who Victoria picks if she wins it again. Because there is almost a hint that Christopher would be out so she could focus on business and if Christopher gets it, we really haven’t a clue as to who he might toss. Because he really has moved about when it comes to his desires to change the face of the game. But what matters most, is that this episode made it clear that DANI rules over everything, and it doesn’t matter how much strategy comes forth or how much passion comes forth, she knows how to re-focus the game and keep it on the basics and that’s a good thing. Because it is about to get tough on this series. For only two episodes remain in season one and there can be only one winner. Until next time. Watch ‘The Anonymous’Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Three of ‘Brilliant Minds’. To revisit the previous episode, clickhere.
One particular fear that all of us harbor, is we never, ever… want to lose our memories. For there is a primal part of us that understands that our memories are what define us and help shape the person we are today. Not to mention, we cherish them deeply. For they can help lift us up in trying times, add wonder when we can find none in the world and of course… enrich us when we think upon how they brought us to a lovely point in life. Plus, they help us to learn and remind us of situations we should be free of. So yes, it makes sense as to why we fear losing our memories and why we hope to avoid ailments and genetic surprises that will rip away what defines so much of us. But what we don’t think about all that often, is the possibility that we could lose them sooner in life, or far worse, lose the ability to make new ones. For the world can surprise us and bring forth an onset illness that might rob of us them or of that ability, leaving us to wonder… who would we become if we couldn’t have them in middle age or could not make new ones? If anything, such questions are the focus of the next episode of Brilliant Minds on NBC, since ‘The Lost Biker’ did indeed dive into such matters. After of course, Dr. Wolf and his incredible band of doctors figured out a solve for a girl named Emily who was seemingly having regular seizures. But it turned out… she had a heart condition that forced her heart to stop when she laughed and rather than rob her of a life of joy, Dr. Markus opted to have a pacemaker installed. Which would regulate the problem and let her live a full life. Which was approved, and this was just a lovely vignette about the wonder of having joy in our lives. But it was Dr. Wolf’s patient in this story that explored the heavier stuff. For he came to learn, that his mechanic was suffering from a brain tumor so large, that a crossroads lie ahead for Wyatt. In that, he could remove it and run the risk of losing the ability to create new memories since the tumor was poking into that part of the brain… or he could die. Which at first, Wyatt was indeed fine with facing death. For he felt he lived a full life, and the thought of not making memories, terrified him. Because he understood the importance of cherishing them, and felt he had a lot of years ahead. So, he stuck with a farewell plan, but Dr. Wolf wasn’t good with that. He really believed that Wyatt could find value without new memories, and of course… losing that ability wasn’t a guarantee. Not to mention, there were people that loved him deeply and wanted him to stay in their lives, and Wyatt mostly agreed with Wolf when presented with such truths.
But one big thing was holding Wyatt back from committing to the surgery, and that was, he would be plagued by the fact he never reconciled with his daughter. So, Dr. Wolf took him out of the hospital to attempt just that, which went to hell real quick and sadly… there was no time for a second chance. For the tumor was putting pressure upon Wyatt’s critical centers and the removal had to happen fast, and sadly, the worst-case scenario with his memories did come true. But… it wasn’t all bad. For Wolf and Wyatt’s family worked to help him make new habits. Wherein he would keep a log of his experiences in life, and where he set up personal vlogs to fill him in and that allowed for him to experience life on a daily basis with fresh eyes. Plus, since his daughter learned all the details about his condition while he was in surgery… she made a point to reconcile with him and let him know every day that she did not mean what she said and that she loved him.
All of which informs us, that with the right support network, losing memories, or perhaps not being able to make new ones, might not be the nightmare we think it to be. Because it would force us… to do what so few of us do and live in the moment. Make sure we cherish every single second since they truly won’t and truly don’t… ever happen again. Which means that Wyatt gets to hear he’s loved every day and feel loved every day and experience the wonder of a sunrise as though it’s the first time all over again and that’s special and that… is how we should live our lives. By saying what matters daily, feeling that wonder when we can, because that is what life is all about. Those series of moments that fade and cannot be replicated, and that is perhaps why we truly cherish memories, because deep down… we know that. But that aside, such musings made for a genuinely beautiful episode. One that spoke to more, such as how the ups and downs of life and how the nonsense helps us to lose sight of what matters. Something Dr. Pierce’s journey touched upon, and in a way, Dr. Wolf’s side story involving his mother and his own push to let memories heal some of his more traumatic moments, and that all just added to the rich nature of his amazing episode and this amazing series. One that continues to speak to concepts no other show is touching right now and it continues to wow us with its dedication to exploring how we lift each other up in trying times, or in any way imaginable. As if to remind us, rightfully, that there are only eight billion human beings in the universe, and we are all in this together… so why not support one another and do what we can to make this life as lovely and as memorable as possible. Until next time. Watch ‘Brilliant Minds’
Caution: This rapid recap of Episode 541 of ‘Life After Lockup’ contains spoilers.
Please enjoy this rapid recap of the season premiere (Episode 541) of Life After Lockup on WE tv, along with a refresher clip! EPISODE 541 – “Welcome Home?” – Aired October 4th on We TV at 8pm ET/PT Rob’s welcome home party goes left when an explosive fight breaks out. Joey confronts Kim about her life’s biggest secret. Britney and Kerok’s plan goes up in flames. Zeruiah drops a bombshell on Troy. Justine and Michael get devastating news. Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four ‘Three Women’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
There are many topics in this life, that we simply don’t discuss because they are uncomfortable to chat about. But that flat out needs to change. Because silence allows for issues to persist, for problems to fester. To the point where they force us to talk about them after something bad has happened, and we know this and yet… we would rather let it stew than say aloud… that racism is alive in America. That we elect candidates that are unqualified for office. That women are not treated equally and that men, continue to do a lot of stupid shit in this world that makes life hard for women. How and why, that makes us uncomfortable to talk about, no one knows… but slowly and surely, some are forcing us to look at what we ignore and face it and discuss it, as evidenced by this week’s episode of Three Women on STARZ. Because ‘maggie’ finally focused on something we truly do everything we can to NOT discuss in our world, and that is how there are grown men in this world that outright find themselves sexually attracted to younger women, some of whom are minors. Are girls. But we need to discuss that uncomfortable truth because silence… allows for this to persist. But of course, it is also not enough to just point out that this happens, we also need to understand the why, so we can look toward prevention and well, the show made sure to look at both of those elements, courtesy of a powerful decision on Maggie’s part. In that, she was ready to go to the police over what happened at last, and when she did, she reflected upon her journey and how she got here. Much of which related to a sexual encounter with a thirty-year-old military man, when she was sixteen, and went to visit her sister in Hawaii, the summer before she became the object of her teacher’s eye. Because that sudden and quick relationship was intense in nature and made her feel special and wanted at a time where she nothing at home. And of course, it didn’t last, and she was the problem in this matter and word got around back home that it happened, and she was of course… a pariah. A girl who crossed lines and that awkwardness brought her and her teacher close together. Wherein he did the song and dance that so many men will commit to at any age in the desperate attempt to obtain a person they desire. He lovebombed, he was sweet and mysterious and charming all at once and he kept up that ruse long enough to get what he wanted. All of which, we can glean so much from. In that, it’s not the woman or child’s fault, despite the fact they often take the blame. But in both instances here, Maggie was subject to the desires of broken men. Who could not reconcile that were rejected by someone or that their life had gone a different trajectory than expected, romantically. So, they manipulated and went after an innocent and pure soul to feel special, to feel desired and wanted and well… pardon the French but that’s fucked up. Because that involves mind games, and manipulation and is indeed a power play and it is disgusting we don’t call this out more often and put better penalties upon men that go the route these two did. But we don’t and we should, because… they’re the instigators, they’re broken and desperate and willing to use toxic behaviors and charm to fill a void and that’s beyond problematic. In large part, because it’s illegal. But let’s not also forget, that it is damaging, for it creates lasting impact upon a very innocent mind. All of which made for an infuriating episode, but that’s the point. We should not be comfortable or happy after watching this episode. We should be angry, and we should be expecting better. Because none of this is acceptable in the slightest… but it is happening in our world… and we let it because of silence and a worry that a conscious choice to do this will ‘ruin’ a life. But we should see to it they pay the piper. Because Maggie was a child, plain and simple, and did not deserve to have a midlife crisis and a broken ego impart that damage upon her, and truly… no woman does. For other people are not made to heal our problems, that’s on us. And perhaps that’s where we start, with better outreach programs for mental health, and for men that are deeply broken. To get them help and head them off at the pass before they do something this ugly and this stupid. But all commentary and frustration aside, this episode deserves respect for showing this, for having the uncomfortable discussion no one wants to. Because that is how we enact change, and hopefully, this episode… inspires some. Watch ‘Three Women’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Series Finale of ‘Power Book II: Ghost’. To revisit the show’s Penultimate Episode, click here.
If there is one fundamental question that fans of the hit STARZ series, Power Book II: Ghost, have had on their minds for the past four years, it would be… what path will these characters take? For this series from the get-go, pondered deeply upon whether or not the Tejada family and Tariq St. Patrick and his inner circle would choose to step away from the game. Something that has cost them so much over the course of the series, in every way imaginable. Since we’ve seen these characters lose family members, their sanity and riches untold because of their delicate dance around staying in or stepping away from the dangerous world they inhabit, and well… at last… we finally have the grand answer to that question. For ‘Ghost in the Machine’ answered that to a tee and well, for the Tejada family, we came to learn that in the end… most of them wanted out of the game and chose that route. After of course… dealing with a measure of revenge. Because they were reeling from the death of their mother, and they wanted nothing more than to see Noma pay dearly for what she had done. So, they worked with Tariq to use Noma’s daughter to do so. A move that paid off since it brought them face to face with their nemesis, and allowed for Diana to taste a little vengeance before they all settled upon a better plan to bring down Noma. One where they could corner her in her own hanger and gun her down with impunity. A plan that of course, took some twists and turns since Noma was not going down without a fight. But Cane made sure to put everything on the line to make Noma pay the ultimate price and the ensuing battle that came forth from that successful bit of revenge, brought about the decisions in question. Some of the family… chose to leave the game unwillingly, such as Cane. Who was badly wounded and a person of interest in Noma’s shooting. So, it was time for him to leave, courtesy of a gift from Effie, and while he didn’t want to, he understood the game had run its course for him. As for Dru, well he went willingly. Because he had enough of the bloodshed, the ugliness and the darkness of the game, so he felt it best to leave New York. Leaving Diana as the only family member left thinking about the game, about the life she knew, and oddly enough… the end of Noma and these decisions… brought about a future in the grey for Davis MacLean. Since he got his license back and some new work that lets him stand between worlds.
Which came about, because of Tariq St. Patrick. Who finally made his choice in this tale, and this was the big one we’ve been waiting for. Because ever since he shot his father, he has been toying with either staying in the game and following in his father’s footsteps or stepping away to be with his family, and he made his choice… after finally exerting power over Detective Don Carter. Because Tariq knew the only way he could be free of this crooked detective was to gain leverage and get him out of the game the right way. And with Effie and Brayden’s help, he was able to do just that. Since he and his crew uncovered that Carter killed Rashaad Tate, and Tariq baited Carter into admitting it in front of Nico. All so he could be sent away and well, that gave Tariq everything he needed to make his choice.
Which was… to follow in his father’s footsteps and do it right this time. So, in order to run a true empire and never deal with his father’s conflicts, he cut all family ties and sent his mother and his sister packing to a safe location, and he of course, put Effie and Brayden in charge of new divisions of the business. Wherein they understood that they were employees and would be treated as such, and of course… he put Davis on the payroll to keep his nose clean and he used Noma’s brother as his new connect. But above all, he made sure to work with Nico and pay him handsomely to keep the police off of his back. Giving rise to a new generation of Ghost in the city of New York, one that truly was free of personal trappings and just like that, Tariq settled into his new life, his new role and his dream. A chance to step out from the shadow of his father and do things the right way. All of which brought forth, a satisfying conclusion to this story. One that saw everyone find some measure of resolution to the many issues they’ve dealt with over the years and of course… choose their path. Which was the endgame of the show from day one and it was nice to see this series recognize that and move toward that, since some shows do lose sight at the end, and well… just that like… that’s all there is to say about this show. So, we’ll reserve these final lines… to offer up thanks to the cast and crew of this amazing series. For putting together four years of high-octane action and tension and epic moments. The kind that made us laugh, made us cry and left us with our jaws dropped and this is a series we will definitely miss. Since it was indeed refreshing and original and informed the crime drama it can be more, all by pondering upon a very human question. In that, what happens to the family of a kingpin… when their empire falls? Watch ‘Power Book II: Ghost’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘The Chicken Sisters’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
It is definitely safe to say that we are entering a unique new chapter when it comes to the Hallmark+ series, The Chicken Sisters. Because we are seeing less and less fury from the characters, less darkness. Because everyone is starting to understand their path is not sustainable and that they have to start the healing process. Or else, their lives will continue to falter, and they will all continue to be miserable and well, that understanding, brought forth quite the unique episode this week. Simply because, ‘Not the Hydrangeas, Y’all’ saw so many embrace healing in all kinds of unique ways. For instance, Amanda, came to realize that she needed to start being open and honest about her feelings. Because a great deal of her problems stemmed from the reality that she bottled everything up inside and that drove her to do things out of the norm. The issue was, who does one confide in when they feel lost and abandoned? And in her case, family was the best way to make that happen. Because Mae showed her some kindness and was eager to talk with her in an honest manner and that allowed for Amanda to finally vent and feel feelings and understand the freedom they provide and that is indeed a building block to healing, and she wasn’t the only one that started to explore how to heal. Nancy for instance, came to understand that she had a lot of unresolved frustration and fury in her heart, and she was done with carrying it. Especially after she and Gus basically had it out in front of everyone. So, she turned to the local church to garner some lessons and really started her journey and for a time… it seemed as though even Frank Jr. wanted to find resolution in his heart as well. Since he turned to Frankie for advice on how to be better as a husband to Amanda, and he seemed to take that advice to heart. Since he went so far as to go to Amanda and apologize and showcase the good, and she quickly went along with it, to be near her daughter and to have the family she always wanted. Which was surprising. Since she spoke about how Frank was her key frustration in life, and how badly she wanted to be away from the chaos he was causing. But that brought about the biggest lesson of all, one that Mae spoke aloud. In that, it isn’t enough to say we want to heal, want to remove the darkness in our soul or see changes and go a different path. We have to outright want it. We have to want our life to change for the better, and that means… we have to choose to heal, and put in the work to change, and put in the fight to change. Because it is not an easy task. In fact, it is one of the most difficult acts we will ever take part in, and we have to be ready for this as well and it would seem that perhaps the groundwork was laid down for that in this particular tale. Since Frank Jr. really just did all this to garner favor and have his lifestyle back, and that’s concerning. But while we wait to see what comes out of that, we can celebrate one amazing tale. One that offered up a stunningly honest exploration of how we heal. Because so many of us think there’s an easy answer or a catalyst point to make change and healing happen. But as evidenced here, that’s not the case. It takes a lot of work, a lot of epiphanies and mistakes and misdirection. Because of how hard the process will be, and this show deserves a round of applause for showing us this in an honest light and for setting the stage for that complex process to play out, and it will be interesting to see what finally motivates healing in this town, as season one of this amazing show continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘The Chicken Sisters’
January 2025