Written by Scott EdwardsTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...After being able to hold up his side of the bargain by retrieving Sabina from the Hand, Danny has more questions than answers as Madame Gao has shown that she knows more about K’un Lun than anyone. With her own power being showcased, Danny is going to have to muscle up for the next battle, the one for answers that he is going to need to find to take down the Hand. Not knowing about what happened to Radovan in the hospital or what his childhood friend Ward is up to, a full plate of problems are on the horizon, not to mention that the Hand now knows that he is in fact the new Iron Fist. Seeing her brother at his worst, Joy only wants what is the best for him moving forward. Trying to give Ward a break from the business for a while, she has no idea what he is hiding from her, but is starting to see how it is taking its toll on him. Getting a call from his father once again to take care of something that is not his problem, Ward is now tasked with disposing of bodies of the Hand to protect his father for yet another day. Finding a couple additional pills in the backseat of his car, Ward is transported back to the days he loved the most, and this can be taken further as long as he is able to escape the city and being his father’s hired hand. Danny is having a hard time finding his chi again after his tournament fight against the Hand, but spending time with Colleen seems to have helped to fill that void. With his mind free and clear of any distractions, Danny is ready to look into the claims that Madame Gao knew his father and that his dad was a less than honorable man in her eyes. But his research will have to take a back seat since he has the company’s image to try to protect and Joy is pushing him to read a well prepared statement to the board about his actions. After talking to his assistant about the company and her thoughts, Danny has something new that he is ready to bring to the table, and it will shock everyone in the meeting. Madame Gao has made a living staying in the shadows and now she is ready to come out into the light once more. Stopping by Danny’s office to meet the new Iron Fist face to face, she sees that this man has compassion, something that his predecessors did not have. Still not divulging how or when she knew Danny’s father, she is able to slip away into another floor of the building, but this time she is not alone. Meeting with her Rand reps, Gao has the synthetic heroin distribution being set up under the cover of the company, but she does not know that she is being watched by her new foe. Getting the distribution information from the rep, Danny has a new card he will be able to play against the Hand, but will need help in doing so since technology is not his strong suit. With all signs pointing to his company being dirty, Danny turns to his best friend in the world and Harold will be able to decipher what the notes mean. With distribution headed out all over the world, Danny needs to find the center of the Hand’s operation and stop it right there. Finding a rarely used warehouse that has been getting a massive amount of Rand trucks in and out, their manufacturing plant has been located, but Danny will need more help to shut it down. Being able to convince the Hatchet Men gang to join forces against the Hand, Danny and Colleen have a little bit more to the mission than they are letting on, they also need to find the chemist Radovan, before he gives up the heroin formula to Gao and the Hand. Tempers are certainly starting to flare around Rand Enterprises these days and there is nothing that seems to be able to stop the fury, especially when Danny is on the board. With his ‘do right’ attitude, the company may never be able to turn a profit again and now the board sees this in full effect. The thing I am liking most about this is that Danny is trying to protect his family name, while trying to get the Hand out of the company, along with saving lives along the way, but that is never good for business. Joy is trying to take care of her brother as best as she can, but knows that Ward is keeping something from her, but he trusts what she has to say and wants to get help for his now relevant drug addiction. Harold is back in the picture and is trying to help Danny figure out how to stop the Hand from being able to fulfill their dastardly plan and protect the company as well, but he is going to fall short on his goals. Rand Enterprises surely is going to see a face lift next week when none of the top board members are invited back, since there seems to be more focus on doing the right thing than making money, but I am sure that the tricks of the building will come into play in more than one way.
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January 2025