Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 205 of ‘Dr. Death’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
When we last settled in to discuss the brilliant and gripping Peacock series, Dr. Death, we talked at length about how this series was entering a new stage in telling its tale. For gone were the days of analysis and understanding regarding what makes men like Paolo the way they are. That was instead replaced with a new exploration regarding how the downfall of men like Paolo comes to life. For the last episode informed us that doubt would absolutely sow the seeds of concern, since Doctors Gamelli and Svensson were suddenly wondering if by chance Paolo was doing the right thing and if by chance, what he was doing was ethically and morally right and well, that doubt… brought about the next steps in Paolo’s downfall. For ‘191’ basically allowed for the timelines to sync up, wherein Dr. Gamelli was tasked with taking good care of Yesim, the young lady we met in the previous tale that was in for consultation and well… she never left. For it was discovered she had some serious internal issues from her prior botched surgery, the one that put her in Paolo’s office to begin with, and that prompted Paolo to remove her lung and of course… give her a new trachea when that was done. And after he stitched her up and put her in Gamelli’s care, Nathan was able to see what was wrong with Paolo’s program. Because the real issue at hand, was that the synthetic trachea would not function as a normal one. So, it could not expel mucus and could not properly provide the body with what it needed. Which explained why so many died so quickly, since they in essence, choked on their own mucus, and well… that made Yesim suffer greatly. But since Gamelli saved her and was able to monitor her closely, through a promise to help her no less, he saw the horrors that this procedure inspired. For a lack of proper oxygen and a constant fight from the body to expel a plastic organ, led to a bevy of problems, the kind that well… made it seem as though Yesim was basically rotting before everyone’s eyes. Because there was no improvement, there was only pain, necrosis, and a slow shut down of the body. One that forced her to lose faith in Paolo and grow hatred for Gamelli and well… that brought about a dark and sour ending. Wherein she was shipped out to have the trachea removed and where Paolo came back. For during this time frame, he was killing that little girl and making false promises to Benita. And he was quick to scold and huff about over his work being ruined before Gamelli and Svensson, and Dr. Labrey, seemingly came to an epiphany. In that, something was very wrong and clearly Yesim was the longest human trial of the experiment to date, and they all been part of it, and let it happen because it isn’t easy to separate faith from reality, especially when hope is so strong a drug. But it would seem, they’re ready to take action now and they must. Because clearly, Paolo is out of control and there is real suffering at hand and in the end, this is an episode that teaches us, the truth, and seeing the suffering that men that weaponize hope impart upon others by offering promises that go nowhere is the next step in bringing people down. Since it inspires action, so that no one will ever have to hurt like that again and well, it will be interesting now to see how long the downfall will take. Especially since some were unwilling to listen at first, but perhaps now… the pain that Yesim endured can open ears and hearts and minds, to the reality that the Miracle Man is a genuine Snake Oil Salesman. Watch ‘Dr. Death’
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