Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘Big Sky’. Each and every one of us, have a variety of goals that we would like to accomplish in life, and we work hard to make them happen. But once in a while, our quest to cross another goal off our list, doesn’t quite go as planned. Sometimes that happens simply because we don't put enough effort into said goal or we are attacking it from the wrong angle, or the timing isn't right to allow for it to happen. Or in some cases, the people that we need to work with in order to accomplish a particular goal, aren’t pulling their weight and well… that motivates us to apply a little pressure in the hopes of getting everyone to work together, so we can see that goal come to fruition. An act that quite frankly, tends to get us exactly what we want. Because pressure can be a healthy thing and a fine reminder to get things done. But sadly, while pressure definitely has its merits, it also has a dark side to it as well, since some people don’t quite respond to it in a positive manner, when we apply it, and it just so happens that the uglier side of pressure, served as the focal theme of this week’s episode of Big Sky. For the news that Grace and Danielle and Jerrie were missing was now public knowledge in ‘Unfinished Business’, thanks to some fine work from the press, and that put some serious pressure upon Rick and Ronald and well, it didn’t take long for us to learn that these two gents don’t do well whilst under its influence. Because pressure more or less brings out the worst in both of them and that was put on full display in this tale. Simply because, public knowledge about the girls meant that these wicked dudes had to cobble together a rushed plan to get the ladies out of town before any clues pointed toward them as being the culprits of their disappearance, and that motivated Rick to go into full control freak mode. Something that ol’ Ronnie didn’t respond to in the slightest. Which meant we were treated to a little infighting and some terrifying ‘Alpha Male’ moments as both men tried to seize control of the situation and since Ronald lost this little tiff and also came to learn that he’d be the fall guy if things went south… he decided that revenge was in order. ![]() Which motivated him to try and romance Rick’s wife and he was oddly successful at making that happen. For he was able to take her dancing and give her some semblance of hope for a future life where she was appreciated, all in the hopes of destabilizing Rick's home life and driving him mad so Ronald could gain the upper hand in this situation. But sadly, Ronald’s revenge plot may cause more harm than good. For Trooper Legarski was basically at his breaking point in this tale since Jenny and Cassie applied some extra pressure to him as well. Since they had him brought in for questioning and they even planted a tracker on his ride, in order to get some idea of his involvement in this mess, and the fury flowing through him from said interrogation and the situation with his wife, might motivate him to do something quite awful, as evidenced by the closing moments of this tale. But while that exploration into how pressure can go sideways quick was quite powerful for certain, this particular tale was also quick to explore its brighter and more productive side. After all, having the press break the news about the situation did indeed motivate Jenny and Cassie to work harder at cracking the case, so that the matter wouldn’t linger and fester, and engender fear and worry in Helena, and that motivated them to go undercover to a possible suspect and their quest for the truth also led them… to the right place. Because Rick’s quick stop at the farm to give Grace some antibiotics for the wounds he inflicted, was logged by the tracker and it did indeed bring our dynamic duo to the exact spot where the girls were hidden. But their rush to do a quick scan of the place, and a lack of understanding of where the girls were tucked away… allowed for Jenny and Cassie to just miss them, making the ending a touch heartbreaking as well. If anything, this was simply one intense episode through and through. Because it was chaotic and scattered in all the right ways since our villains were stressed beyond belief and pushing to do stupid things left and right, and there are some benefits to that. For it might force them to make some major mistakes and leave some critical clues lying around, and that’s something that Jenny and Cassie can use to their advantage. Plus, this episode also did a phenomenal job of putting this plot on the clock so to speak, since now we know that our heroes are on borrowed time when it comes to finding the girls. For the couriers are coming for Grace and Dani and Jerrie, and that likely will make the next episode, a genuine race against time to try and save them all before they’re swept up, in the worst-case scenario. Until next time.
Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Vacations are something that a great deal of us look forward to and understandably so. After all, we work extremely hard in our chosen career field and we earn every single day of rest and relaxation that our employer is sending our way. And the vacation is such a wonderful way to recharge our batteries that we pour a great deal of attention into planning one, so that we can truly enjoy every single second of our time away, and every amenity that our relaxation destination has to offer. But while so many of us look forward to a little fun in the sun or wherever one goes to clear their head, there is a flip side when it comes to how some people view vacations. For there are some, who quite frankly, despise them. For they see a vacation as nothing more than a waste of time when they could be doing something far more productive. But while some lament this notion and believe that work matters over anything else, the bottom line is that at some point we do need to rest and relax. Because it is crucial to our mental and physical health and really, the big question in regard to the naysayer of the vacation, is how does one get them to enjoy a little down time, while making it seem as though they’re doing something productive? And it just so happens that this particular notion… served as the focal point for the next episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. For ‘Captain’s Holiday’ filled us in on the fact, that Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a man who meets that alternative criteria, since he made it clear early on in this tale that vacations aren’t his thing and that his duties as captain of the Enterprise supersede any notions of downtime. And the only reason this particular topic came to light, was because he was grouchy and exhausted after handling some epic negotiations and that motivated the crew to get him to spend a little time away at Risa while the ship was undergoing some routine maintenance. But even then, once Jean-Luc arrived on the planet, he really didn’t seem to enjoy himself all that much. Because Jean-Luc Picard is a man that needs to be mentally stimulated often and is only at peace when he’s doing something and well, it turns out the only way to get a guy like him to relax… is to give him important something to do, that doesn’t feel akin to duty. And thanks to a surprise visit from some aliens from the future and a woman named Vash and a wily Ferengi, Jean-Luc was able to keep productive in a relaxing manner. All by hunting down a powerful device known as the Vox Uthat with Vash and that led to some delightfully comical moments and some adventure and romance for Jean-Luc as well, and thanks to this little ‘mission’, the captain was finally able to return to the ship feeling rested and relaxed. If anything, this was truly a lighthearted tale. One that also allowed for us to get to know the captain like never before. Because while we’ve known him to be a noble and just man, we’ve never really understood how dedicated he is to duty and the ship, and for that matter, how much the man loves archeology. But that was all on display here and it was nice to see the captain enjoy himself for a change. But what matters most, is that this episode also brought forth a lot of fun and a lot of laughs, especially in regard to the prank that Riker pulled on Picard and well, now that this fluffy tale has come to an end, it would appear we are headed back into more philosophical territory. Since the next episode in this storied franchise, focuses heavily on the notion, of the outcast. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Something that is truly fascinating about the Star Trek Universe, is that no stone is left unturned when it comes to its exploration of the human condition. Because not only will this franchise examine every aspect of our modern society and all of its wonders and follies, but it also happy to dive deep into our interpersonal relationships and what makes them tick and for proof… well then look no further than the next episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. For ‘Allegiance’ wasted no time in digging into the nature of trust and what it takes to maintain it… by offering up quite the surprise in regard to Captain Jean-Luc Picard. For while he was enjoying a quiet night in his quarters, he was promptly abducted and sent to a strange facility with a few other various aliens from around the galaxy, including a Boilan Starfleet Cadet. And the whole point of this group being trapped far away from home, was to see how they performed under pressure. For a mysterious species wanted to know more about carbon-based species, and how a supremely diverse group of individuals would react under tough circumstances and well, Jean-Luc ruined their plans. Because he saw through the Cadet and realized that she was a spy for this species and being able to reveal their sneaky plans, allowed for Picard and the other aliens in the room to eventually return to their respective homes and locations and well… not a moment too soon. Because the aliens in question replaced Picard with a perfect replica aboard the Enterprise and this alternate Jean-Luc is what brought about an exploration regarding trust. Because this Jean-Luc wanted to know exactly why the crew was so eager to trust him at every turn and that motivated Picard-2 to press his luck and see how far he could push the crew before they said ‘enough’ and that led to some surprising sequences for certain. For this imposter actually took the time to stir things up romantically with Beverly Crusher and he even decided to break down the wall that Captain Picard keeps between his men so he can be a better leader by buying everyone drinks and singing drinking songs with them and that… led to suspicion on Riker’s part. For he knew that this was not his captain since these were acts that he simply did not do, and his concerns were compounded by the fact that this Jean-Luc was eager to rush the crew into a dangerous situation. One that could in fact, kill people aboard the ship. And that motivated the commander to take command the Enterprise and demand that this imposter stand down and thankfully, the return of the real Picard reinforced Will’s decision to basically commit a mutiny and once the crisis passed; the message in question hung heavy over this episode. In that, while trust is something that is indeed earned it is something that also has to be maintained and that is accomplished by rewarding those that follow and believe in us, with consistency. Which is a fairly pedestrian message for certain, but it does carry with it some serious weight. After all, it does ask the viewer to ponder upon whether or not they are being consistent in their own interpersonal relationships, since doing otherwise could be causing harm to said relationships and there’s nothing wrong with challenging the audience in a more subtle manner. But all of that aside, this was still one unique and entertaining tale for certain. Simply because it was quite awesome to see Patrick Stewart play two versions of Picard, and that definitely allowed for some hilarious moments to come to life. For the Ten Forward sing a long was just magnificent, as were the closing moments between Beverly and Jean-Luc and well, it would seem we are about to embark on a stretch of lighthearted episodes. Since the next chapter in this seven-year tale, revolves around one wild vacation for the captain of the Enterprise. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for the premiere of ‘Baby Chimp Rescue’. Our modern world faces a great many problems. For the climate is in flux thanks to carbon emissions. Plus, there is unrest and hunger around the globe thanks to the Covid-19 Pandemic and societal problems in general and at times, hearing about these issues can outright bring us down. Because ugly news wears on a person’s mind and that’s why it is important to find good things to focus upon. To aid our mental health and to also remind us of the fact, that there are good people out there who are trying to make the world a better place in their own special way and oddly enough, BBC America is taking the time to spotlight that beautiful fact in the month of December, by way of a powerful and unique documentary. For Baby Chimp Rescue is a series that takes the audience into the heart of a Chimpanzee rescue in Liberia, wherein its owners and operators, a couple named Jenny and Jim Desmond, care for chimpanzees that have suffered through some serious trauma. Because many of them were orphaned at a young age, due to the fact that poachers killed their parents and Jenny and Jim have taken it upon themselves to give these babies a fighting chance, by caring and nurturing for them alongside plenty more of their kind. And while that alone makes for an hour of beautiful television, the kind that puts a smile upon your face, since you get to see human beings caring for nature as it cares for us, the series premiere of this moving documentary went above and beyond in showing us just how far some people are willing to go to make the world a brighter price. Because ‘Miracles Can Happen’ also takes the time to explore how Jenny and Jim are eager to ensure that these cute little chimpanzees live a normal life, one where they have freedom and can do all the things that chimps in the wild do and in order to make that happen, they’re working toward building their own reserve. One where these primates can swing from the trees as they please. But since they have been around humans their entire lives, they are in need of some serious training. So that they have the proper skill set needed to survive in the wild and a fair chunk in this tale was focused upon said training, and it was just beautiful to see Jenny and Jim work to unleash the more primal instincts of these lovable and adorable primates, and such an act also helped to demonstrate the dedication that the Desmonds have to their cause and their endless patience. Since training wild animals is no easy task. But what is truly amazing, is that Jenny and Jim’s actions in this tale, made it clear that they really want to right the wrongs that these chimps have experienced, and they want them to understand that mankind isn’t purely evil and is willing to do the right thing for animals and in need and that just made for some powerful moments, the kind that quite frankly moved this reviewer to tears. Especially when Jenny went on a mission to save a chimp that was chained up outside of town. Because she was quick to offer the chimpanzee that would come to be known as ‘Miracle’ nothing but love and understanding, and she even went so far as to provide the owner of this chimp with knowledge and empathy, despite the fact that said owner chained Miracle up. All because Jenny believes that education is the key to changing how people view these gentle animals. If anything, this really was quite the powerful opening chapter to what is likely going to be an incredibly moving documentary. For it really does offer the audience an unfettered look at the struggle that the Desmonds go through to keep this place going, and how hard they’re working to have their furry children ready to go when they finally secure the land they need for the forthcoming sanctuary. But what matters most, is that this documentary really does send your spirits soaring. Because Jenny and Jim are genuinely great human beings that really are doing some incredible work in Liberia, the kind that speaks to how there is beauty beneath the strife of the world, and it will be quite interesting to see what other beautiful moments await us as this wonderful series continues along. Until next time. To learn more about Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection and their mission, or to support their cause, please visit their website. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Chapter 14 of ‘The Mandalorian’. There are a great many reasons as to why Star Wars fans continue to stick with this long and storied franchise. For some, it is the spirit of adventure that keeps them coming back for more. Because the prospect of traveling through the galaxy, far, far away is too good to pass up, since these stories always offer up breathtaking and exotic locations that wow folks in ways, they never thought possible. For others, well it is all about the grand and sweeping story of this universe, since good vs. evil is always on the menu and the endless struggle between the two does indeed captivate one’s imagination. But for the vast majority of the rest of us, two key elements of this franchise suck us in time and time again. Specifically, the fact the action in these stories is unparalleled in science fiction since the sweeping and epic battles that take place in the SWU keeps our hearts pumping, and we are also big fans of how the characters in these stories are challenged in an incredible manner. Because the insurmountable tasks they sometimes face are almost inspiring in a way, since none of the heroes of this universe back down from a fight or a challenge and they will give it their all, in order to save the day. And really, all of this is relevant to our discussion today, simply because those two epic reasons for loving the Star Wars franchise were on full display during this week’s episode of The Mandalorian. Because ‘Chapter 14: The Tragedy’ saw Din and Grogu arrive on Tython to give the little guy a chance to connect with the Force and potentially contact a powerful Jedi. Something that should have been a simple and peaceful act, were it not for the fact that there were others to follow them to this world. Such as Boba Fett and Fennec Shand, who have been tracking Din and the Razor Crest for some time and thankfully they weren’t here to stir up any trouble. They just wanted Boba’s armor and it is a darn good thing that they showed up when they did. For Moff Gideon also made a point to drop by Tython in order to get his hands on Grogu and that is what led to all the action in question. Because Boba and Fennec and Din were united in defending this tiny Padawan and they went all out in keeping in him safe. But alas, despite some breathtaking and jaw-dropping action sequences, wherein Boba reclaimed his amor and beat the ever-living hell out of the Stormtroopers on the surface, a happy ending simply wasn’t meant to be in this tale. For eventually, Moff Gideon grew tired of this little song and dance and destroyed the Razor Crest before deploying the Dark Troopers to grab hold of Grogu. Leaving Din in a horrible place since he’d failed in his mission to protect the little one and that’s where the challenge in question came into play. For really, Din had two choices, to rise up and go after the Kid or walk away and hit the reset button on his life and thankfully, with a little support from Boba Fett and Fennec… he opted to rise to the occasion. If anything, this was just… one wild and amazing episode when all is said and done. Because not only did it serve up one action packed story, it allowed for all of us to geek out on an epic scale. After all, we were treated to the official return of Boba Fett, and holy cow was it just incredible to see him kick some Stormtrooper butt. Because he was simply relentless and merciless in driving them back and of course… fans that grew up in the 1990s, that were fortunate enough to play Star Wars games from Lucasarts; finally got to see the Dark Troopers in action. But all geeking out aside, it is obvious now that the stage is set for the final two episodes. Because clearly, Din is going after Grogu and he is going to pull out all the stops in keeping him safe and it should be interesting to see how this final battle between Moff Gideon and Din Djarin is going to play out in the weeks to come. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() We like to firmly believe, that we know our parents through and through and there is good reason as to why we hold to that belief. Simply because, we spent at least eighteen years living under the same roof as them and that allowed for us to get to know our parent’s quirks and habits and loves and hopes and dreams. But while we do know more about them than the average person or even some of their closest friends, it is in fact… impossible to truly know everything about those we love. Which is why there is some measure of surprise when we learn something new and fascinating (or negative) about them when they depart this plane of existence for the next one. But while we may not know every single detail about them, one thing that we do know for certain is whether or not they are a good person and when someone questions their integrity or their moral center in any capacity, we will defend them with every ounce of our being. If anything, this is relevant to today’s discussion, because the defense of the honor of our parents is something that Commander Worf had to deal with in the next episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Which made for one fascinating and downright surprising tale, since 'Sins of the Father' really seemed as though it was to focus on other topics, at first glance. For this particular tale saw a Klingon Commander named Kurn come aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise to serve as its first officer temporarily, as part of a follow up to the Officer Exchange Program that was introduced in the season two episode, ‘A Matter of Honor’. And his arrival made it seem as though this episode was going to examine the importance of being open to the ways of other cultures and the importance of tradition, as evidenced by the celebration of Thanksgiving that takes place in this tale and the challenges that Kurn put Worf through. For it truly seemed as though Kurn wanted to test Worf’s mettle as a Klingon to see if his time in Starfleet had somehow made him soft as a warrior and a confrontation revolving around that possibility is when this episode shifted gears toward a plot revolving around the honor of one’s family. Because it turns out that Kurn and Worf are biological brothers and Kurn sought Worf out in order to bring him to Qo’Nos to handle a nasty family matter. For the Klingon High Council was about to brand their father as a traitor. Because they believed that Mogh aided the Romulans in the massacre at Khitomer and well, Worf wasn’t having that. For he knew his dad was a good and honorable man and he fought hard with the council to prove that, to the point where he was able to produce a witness to that dark day with a little help from Captain Picard. But despite his best efforts to clear his family name, politics and the potential fallout to the Empire regarding the actual truth of that day, prompted Worf to ‘take one for the team’ and accept dishonor after all. Which was quite the shocking way to end this tale, since Worf worked so hard to clear his father’s name. But sometimes, the greater good does take precedence and by accepting a lie, lives were saved. Since the people of Qo'Nos would have brought forth civil war if it was revealed to the masses that a prominent Klingon family, was actually responsible for the betrayal at Khitomer. But what matters more is that Worf’s decision helps to hammer home an important lesson, in that… sometimes how we honor the legacy and the truth about our family outweighs what people think of them and by making a choice for the greater good, Worf did indeed honor his late father. In the end however, this really was quite the fascinating tale. For it was quite cerebral and philosophical and filled with twists and turns. Plus, this episode also features the first on screen appearance of Qo’Nos in the Star Trek Universe, which is quite the milestone for certain and for those who weren’t happy with Worf’s decision to just let the Empire do its thing, have no fear. For the twists and turns present here would eventually be revisited down the line, allowing for proper resolution when it comes to the honor of Worf's family line. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for the series premiere of ‘Earth at Night in Color’. There is a prevailing belief, that every aspect of our world comes to a crawl once the night arrives and it is understandable as to why people hold to that notion. Because nighttime means bedtime and rest and silence as our bodies heal and we dream sweet dreams, and we firmly believe that the rest of the world is doing the same, simply because resting at night is a standard for humans and so many other species around the globe. But the fact of the matter is, our perception of how the night goes on planet Earth, is grounded in assumption and isn’t accurate in the slightest. Because a great many people start their workday in the dead of night and only head home when the sun is up. Which is something that is especially true of emergency services responders and the like and outside of the human realm, the world keeps on moving as well. For there are a great many species out there that thrive in the darkness for various reasons and while the scientific community has always been aware of nocturnal animals, a lack of sunlight or proper technology to see exactly what they do while a majority of the world sleeps has made their study near impossible. But thankfully, technology is indeed starting to eliminate that problem for scientists around the world as evidenced by the new AppleTV+ series, Earth at Night in Color. For this particular documentary revolves around new camera technologies that can now filter out the dark and allow for documentarians and scientists around the world to see how nocturnal animals live in the dead of night and the benefit for the audience in this case, is that we are getting a peek at this footage as well. For this series is offering up six episodes spotlighting the activities of nocturnal creatures from around the world and well, if the series premiere of this saga is any indicator, then we are going to be in for one fascinating and powerful ride. For ‘Lion Grasslands’ allowed for us to see what lions are like in the middle of the night and as it turns out, they are supremely active once the world has slowed down to a crawl. Largely because the heat of the Maasai Mara grasslands in Kenya has dissipated, allowing for these big cats to move around without any concern for the elements or heat exhaustion and once they are free of the heat, they have plenty to do. For the males are quick to establish their territory, in order to fend off any potential nocturnal predators while the females work to feed the pride and their young ones and it was simply incredible to watch all of this play out and learn that life at night for these fantastic felines resembles life in the day for so many other animals, and that also means that sometimes unfortunate struggles come into play. For the lioness must abandon her cubs briefly in order to properly hunt and that can separate her from her babies for far longer that she might like. But what was truly incredible and moving about this revelation/twist, is that the mother didn’t give up in the slightest when she couldn't find two of her missing children, and she searched around the clock for her little ones and that’s the kind of stuff we simply don’t see in nature documentaries all that often. But it speaks to the wonder of this new technology, since it allowed for the folks behind the camera to see this kind of behavior from beginning to end and thankfully… she was eventually reunited with her cubs and life went on. In the end however, this really was quite the stunning series premiere. Simply because this camera technology works like a charm and it really did offer us an unprecedented look at how animals thrive in the nighttime and it truly does leave the viewer eager to continue this unique and fascinating journey, in order to see what other activities nature takes part in when the day turns to night. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 308 of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’. Over the course of the past few weeks, we’ve talked at length about the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet and what they stand for and there’s good reason for that. Simply because the third season of Star Trek: Discovery has forced the crew of the NCC-1031-A and the Starfleet of the 32nd Century to ponder upon the nature and the purpose of those two organizations, since they have in fact… lost their way and understandably so. For 3189 is a messy time to be alive thanks to The Burn and the chaos that’s come out of that has forced Starfleet and the Federation to go into protection and triage mode and stay there. Regardless of Captain Saru and Commander Michael Burnham’s teaching and pleadings for Admiral Vance to find a way to restore the ideals of these thousand-year-old organizations. But while it has been nice to see and hear a pair of Starfleet officers from the golden era of this organization, speak to the wonder and majesty of a day when Starfleet is revered again, Vance’s constant and weary fight to keep some semblance of order in the galaxy really does leave the viewer wondering; what will it take for Starfleet and the Federation to stand tall and be trusted by the citizens of the galaxy once again? Because getting back out into the void and rebuilding that level of trust is no easy task, not after a century of hiding in the shadows and doing the minimum. Well as it turns out, the next episode in this series took the time to explore the answer to that question and that made ‘The Sanctuary’ quite the engrossing and beautiful tale when all is said and done. Since it finally allowed for us to understand that simple acts of good, will go a long way in making the Federation and Starfleet legends in the galaxy once more. A feat that this story accomplished, by having the crew of the Discovery answer an internal distress call. For Book revealed to Burnham that his brother on his homeworld of Kewjian, called for help and that he needed to leave the ship and help out back home and well, that was something that Michael wasn’t good with him doing on his own. And with a blessing from the Admiral, and orders to observe and report, the U.S.S. Discovery returned home with Book, only to learn that this distress call was nothing more than a giant trap. For the mysterious Osyraa wanted both Book and Ryn to return to the Emerald Chain and what better way to make that happen than by drawing Book home under false pretenses, so that he and Ryn could be summarily captured at the same time. ![]() But while that definitely made for a wonderful introduction to Osyraa and helped us to learn exactly how cunning and ruthless she is as the leader of the Emerald Chain, what matters more… is that the crew of the Discovery went the extra mile to keep Ryn and Book and his homeworld, safe from trouble. Even going so far as to bend the rules to teach Osyraa a lesson in humility, with phasers of course, and well, they were eventually successful in their mission and they were even able to help Kewjian deal with some environmental problems that threatened the population’s food source and that… did something special. For it truly taught Book that the Federation and Starfleet are more than military might, they’re about helping people and doing the right thing and they work to make life better throughout the galaxy. And that inspired him to join the cause and that decision spoke to the fact, that the only way for these two organizations to return to glory… is by playing the hero more often. However, while that delightfully uplifting plot thread could have carried this episode for the entire hour, there were more juicy tidbits to be found in this particular tale. After all, Doctor Culber did take the time to try and discover what is going on with Emperor Georgiou and well, her prognosis doesn’t look promising, since a body scan motivated some private talks, and that’s never good. Plus, this episode also took the time to continue this season’s exploration into what caused The Burn and believe it or not… the source of the event was finally uncovered. For there is a mysterious signal coming from a place known as the Verubin Nebula, one of Federation origin and sadly… that’s all we were able to receive information wise regarding the matter since there is still some data to crunch. But we also would be remiss to not discuss the more tender moments between Lieutenant Stamets and Adira as well, since it was fascinating to learn that their Trill voices have gone silent and that Paul is all in on helping them to adjust to life on a starship and most important of all; kudos to the show for offering up a poignant lesson on the use of pronouns. But while we wait to see where all of those plot threads go, we can definitely take a moment and celebrate one delightful episode for certain. Because this one was downright inspiring, since it really did put the Federation back into the fray and it was just lovely to see a Starfleet vessel stand up for the proverbial little guy once again and remind the unjust of the galaxy that their special brand of cruelty will not be tolerated, and it would seem that Starfleet is about to have more opportunities to defend the innocent in the days to come. For Osyraa wants vengeance for what happened in this tale, and that should force Starfleet to step in and lend a hand to those in need and there is a big upside to that. Because the time has come for Starfleet to get off the bench and into the game and doing so and defending vulnerable worlds should hopefully inspire hope in the galaxy at last and remind all of its citizens, that a united front, one under the banner of the Federation; is the right way forward. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for ‘Star Trek: Nemesis’ and ‘Star Trek: Picard’. Re-watching our favorite shows can be quite the rewarding experience. Because not only do we get to re-live wonderful and iconic moments, we also get the opportunity to look at our favorite episodes in a whole new light. For were in a different place in our lives when we first saw the episode(s) in question, and seeing them again with life experiences and maturity under our belts, really does allow for a viewer to appreciate the nuances and meaning present within stories that seemingly had none of that, when we watched them the first time around. But what’s truly amazing about the re-watch, is that it is starting to evolve into something more. For as franchises continue to grow and expand upon stories that we thought were all wrapped up, those old stories are finding new meaning. Because now some of these tales feature keystone moments that have managed to influence the future of the franchise and it just so happens that the next episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation meets that particular criteria. Because ‘The Offspring’ is a story that originally appeared to be nothing more than a Data themed exploration tale. One that allowed for him to get within an inch of humanity by creating a daughter named Lal, and while watching him teach her everything he’s learned about mankind and life made for compelling television, her passing at the end of this tale really did make it seem like a one off. But thanks to Nemesis and Picard, this episode hits differently during a re-watch and much of that relates to how Data’s journey ends in the Star Trek Universe. For his passing in Nemesis adds incredible gravity to his decision to create Lal in the first place, since her whole reason for being was to continue his family line in the event that something bad happened to him, making her creation and end poignant and heartbreaking and hopeful all at the same time. Since in a way, Data failed in his mission to keep everything he stands for alive, twice even… since B-4 doesn’t exactly take to his memories. But hope comes into play, by way of the kindness of others. Since Bruce Maddox is the one to finally fulfill his wishes. Since Soji and Dahj would eventually become the legacy he so desired and it really was quite incredible to revel in the impact of this tale and how important it became to the TNG arm of the franchise. But while it is cool to reflect upon the future importance of a tale that was likely created without any legacy in mind, we also need to talk about how moving and powerful and cerebral this story truly is. Because in many ways, this episode offers up a lot of commentary about modern society and how people are quick to judge the qualifications of parents, because they don’t fit a mold or meet a silent criterion. But while that is fascinating to ponder upon, what matters more, is that this is a heartbreaking tale through and through. One that examines the horror of losing a child and the wonder of life and how each moment is special, since they truly disappear in the blink of an eye and truth be told, this is a story that will bring you to tears. Since Lal’s passing is handled in both a beautiful and devastating manner, the kind that feels far more realistic than it should. If anything, it is a testament to the work and the skillset of Director Jonathan Frakes. Who just so happened to make his directorial debut with this tale and wow, what a way to start off his directing career. Because everything here is handled in a magnificently smooth and organic manner and the performances are simply to die for since Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart and Hallie Todd (Lal) absolutely chew up the screen in this one and well, in the end, this was definitely the right episode to feature as a follow up to ‘Yesterday’s Enterprise’. Simply because this particular tale doesn’t try to one up its predecessor, it just works to tell a powerful and poignant story about something that is supremely important to all of mankind and you can never go wrong with a Star Trek tale that examines the human condition and the beauty and frailty of life. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() There is a prevailing belief in television and film, that darker stories have to be reined in before the final product reaches the masses and there is some logic to that line of thinking. Simply because we are tuning in or heading to the theater in order to be entertained, not to sit through an absolute emotional and visual beat down. So, it makes sense that a carefully curated experience is assembled when the subject matter is bleak, so the audience doesn’t feel as though they need a hug or therapy once the story has come to an end. But while that kind of process is commonplace in the industry, every once and a while, a shockingly dark story, one that clearly has no filters or editing present within its framework; finds its way to the silver or small screen… for all the right reasons. Because sometimes, a supremely bleak and devastating story can in fact offer up a healthy message. The kind that leaves the audience in a good place, when all is said and done, and for proof that this is possible, then look no further than the next episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. For ‘Yesterday’s Enterprise’ is about as bleak as tale as it gets. Since it features an alternate timeline where the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D encounters the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C, and the arrival of the former Enterprise is what has given life to this new timeline. Because their ‘disappearance’ from a fight that the Klingons would have found to be quite honorable, has helped to plunge the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets into twenty years of war, and while that plot line alone is pretty damn dark in its own right, it merely scratches the surface in regard to how dark this episode gets. For everything in this timeline looks and feels hopeless, and much of that comes courtesy of the crew of the 1701-D. Because they aren’t a family in this tale, just shipmates who want to survive to see another day and they’re constantly frosty with one another and that’s just unsettling for certain, since we’ve spent the last three years learning how dynamic they are as a team. As for the rest of the hopelessness in this tale, well that comes about by way of Picard’s admission to Captain Rachel Garrett that the Federation is losing the war and will likely have to surrender soon. Something that is downright impossible in the mind of a fan when we consider the odds that Starfleet has faced before and well, that horror of that notion is brought full circle, when we start to watch this intrepid crew die right before our eyes when they work to protect the crew of the 1701-C as they begin their doomed voyage home. But it is the ending and the push to get the 1701-C back to its proper timeline that brings light to the darkness in this tale. Because in many ways, the sacrifice present in the final act speaks volumes to the fact that Picard and his senior officers are still the incredible people we’ve come to know, and love and they are in essence; ready to give their lives up for the greater good. Because they understand that protecting the 1701-C at all costs could provide them and billions of other lives with a future that isn’t murky and filled with fear. And watching them come together in order to secure that future is moving and inspiring to say the least and for their efforts, they are in fact able to save the day as only they can, and really in the end, there’s a reason that this particular tale is regarded as one of the finest episodes to ever come out of this series. Because it challenges this crew like never before, since they truly face impossible and horrific odds when it comes to their mission and on top of that, the writing here is simply sublime. Because we are able to plunge into an alternate universe and learn everything about it in under forty-five minutes and that is just an incredible feat for certain. But what matters most, is that this dark storyline is ironically as Star Trek as it gets, since it features wonderful minds and dynamic people, that put their differences aside to work toward a common goal and that is really quite powerful to watch play out on screen. And as an added bonus, you can’t go wrong with the return of Lieutenant Tasha Yar, since this particular tale allows for her to finally have a better sendoff than the one, she was given in ‘Skin of Evil’ and well, make no mistake about it… this really is the moment that TNG ‘arrived’. Because this story really is top notch through and through and it released the proverbial floodgates storytelling wise for this show. For bold storytelling became a staple of this series after this one hit the airwaves, and the powerful episodes followed this one, still has fans buzzing about this series; twenty-six years after it left the airwaves. |
February 2025