Written by John Edward Betancourt THIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...There are countless reasons as to why I so thoroughly enjoy The Man in the High Castle. But at the top of that list, is something that the series features often when it comes to its unique style of storytelling, in that, this is a series that lives and dies by the notion of cause and effect. For there are always consequences and fallout for everything that the characters do in this series and that’s challenged so many in incredible ways over the past four years. And it is that dedication to this notion that had me supremely excited to tune into the next episode of this series, since the fallout of everyone’s actions in the prior story were undoubtedly going to be on display. As it turns out, that was indeed the focus of ‘All Serious Daring’ since we saw John have to reconcile and grapple with the fact that he basically ruined everything wonderful that his alter ego had built. And Juliana had to handle the fact that she had now offered up so much hope to people in D.C. that backing down would be nothing short of a disaster. But truly the centerpiece of this story is the sheer fact that it focused heavily on the fallout that came about from the assassination of Equiano Hampton and well, as I feared, the BCR was in a bad place without their top leader. In fact, they were in essence lost, and argued amongst themselves in regard to their next steps. But thankfully, Bell was able to realize that perhaps not all is lost and that a massive coordinated strike might stun the Empire like never before and it would seem that others agree and something powerful is now in motion. But while the BCR worked to put their new plan together, Inspector Kido found himself surrounded by quite the mess. For the Generals and Admirals felt that the now disgraced Inokuchi needed to stand trial via Court Martial in San Francisco, something that went against every maritime policy in the Empire. But what made this decision far more disturbing, is that it was designed to do more than just send a message in regard to loyalty, it was a straight up attempt to wrest power away from the Royal Family and anyone who believes that the Empire should get the heck out of the Pacific States. And the top brass even went so far as to put the Princess on hotel arrest in order to carry out this sham of a Court Martial and that put Kido in the most difficult place imaginable. For if he stood up to the brass, he too would be branded as a traitor, which meant that he went along with this little charade, despite the fact that it made him sick to his stomach. But there comes a point for every man where he can no longer tolerate the lies being presented to him. And for Kido, that moment arrived when the brass tried to pin Tagomi’s death on the Admiral as well, and that, prompted the Inspector to do something I never thought I would see him do; stand up for what’s right in the world. So, when given the order to end the Admiral’s life by firing squad, he instead turned the tables on the General and his lackeys, placing most of them under arrest, and I say most… because Captain Iijima, the man that helped to end Tagomi’s life, had a bullet waiting for him. If anything, it was just incredible to see Kido finally be on the right side of history and do something that might actually spare lives for a change and I suppose that in keeping with the theme of consequences, plenty more should come from this treachery. For the Royal Family will not take the poor treatment of the princess lightly and it may prompt the Emperor to rethink what it means to be in an endless war, since clearly, it’s beginning to change the men he sent to America. Either way, this was just another incredible episode when all is said and done. For this one was enthralling and tense and powerful and clearly, the plot is now in full swing, and I fully expect this season to pick up steam as we barrel toward a powerhouse series finale. Until next time.
Written by John Edward Betancourt I think we can all agree upon the fact, that sometimes the world is a rotten place and it does a fine job of getting you down. Because it is always quite incredible to see the cruelty and selfishness that people are capable of and when you do, it really does give you pause. For it makes you wonder how exactly we’ve made it this far and if this kind of ‘evil’ is infecting every facet of the world since you start to notice the happier stories are nonexistent on the news or social media and well, this is the kind of stuff that makes the day a bear to get through. But despite how ugly the world seems to be, there is indeed something good going on, you just have to truly pay attention to find it, and all of this is on my mind today, simply because these notions just so happened to be the focal points for the next episode of CHiPs. Because ‘Nightingale’ saw Jon Baker be a little down on the world and what it stands for, and his sour demeanor was constantly being reinforced by all the selfishness and anger he was seeing on the highway and our ‘Creep of the Week’ only added to the negativity as well. Because a young kid named Jeff was determined to run away with his girlfriend Kim and he really didn’t care who he hurt in making that happen. In fact, he even went so far as to steal a painter’s ride, under the guise of working for him, in order to break Kim out of her own home and his stupidity and his close mindedness almost cost him and his love their lives and thanks to the quick response time of the CHP and the genuine bright spot in this particular tale, they were able to live another day. Which brings us to the good stuff in question. Because on several occasions in this episode, Ponch and Jon found themselves being assisted by a sweet, older lady who claimed to be a doctor and she really worked some wonders. For this woman knew every first aid trick in the book and she wasn’t afraid to perform lifesaving surgery in the middle of the road. But there was just one problem with this Good Samaritan in that… she wasn’t a doctor after all. She was just someone with extensive medical knowledge who clearly felt the need to help out and well, while there’s great joy to be found in that, the legality of her actions and the dangers inherent of practicing without a license put her squarely in the hot seat. But rather than let her fall into great trouble for her actions, Ponch and Jon set out to try and find her and understand why she would put herself at risk in this manner, and thanks to the help of an intrepid reporter and Bonnie, they were finally able to get that face to face and what she revealed about herself was powerful. For Lucy Kenton wanted nothing more than to just help people, and give back to the world, something she learned was fulfilling and valuable when she worked overseas with her late husband, who was also a doctor, and she knew of the hope her actions brought to others. Which is why she set up her own private practice for illegal immigrants with nowhere to go for medical care and well, how this storyline wrapped up was pretty magical in its own right. Because Lucy should have been shut down, but the Sarge figured out a program she could enroll in that would allow for her to practice medicine legally and of course she passed all of their tests and was able to continue to help others and that’s just a lovely way to close this one out. If anything, I have to admit that I’m quite impressed with the fact that this particular tale more or less abandoned the standard formula of this series and still found a way to entertain. Because the COTW was just a young and dumb kid instead of some outright thug and it also focused heavily on the positivity of Lucy’s actions and it was just refreshing to see an episode of this series dive into elements such as this and have an uplifting message to send our way as well. For Lucy really does serve as a solid reminder that there are people out there genuinely trying to make the world a better place, and they should be supported in every way imaginable, and I am really proud of the fact that a series about crime, that has featured some dark stories in season three, found a way to leave us feeling good right before the season comes to a close. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt If there’s one thing I don’t envy from a creative perspective, it’s having to figure out how to juggle proper screen time for a television series that features an ensemble cast. Because there are fan favorites outside of the main stars, and they deserve to do more than mug for the camera and writing a story that has to balance both has to be both a difficult and exhausting task. But it is something that most shows figure out along the way, often times by just giving the secondary character an episode of their own. But here and there some shows figure out the precise balance of giving the audience what they want while growing a character that tends to stay in the background and it just so happens that CHiPs pulled off that particular feat in its next episode. Because ‘Thrill Show’ found a way to give Officer Bonnie Clark more to do than just flash her smile and support Ponch and Jon and how the story handled this was masterful in its own right. For an old flame of Bonnie’s, named Ray Conner, popped up in this particular tale and he was quick to ignite that flame once again and offer quite the unique opportunity. For Ray was with a daredevil troupe of stuntmen, who toured the country and did a few movie appearances here and there and in order to properly give Bonnie everything that she needed emotionally in a relationship and financially in general, he offered her a job with his group and that put Bonnie in quite the difficult place mentally. After all, she did enjoy her duties as a Highway Patrol officer, but the allure of being with someone she cared for deeply and doing something new and exciting made her wonder if she should accept that particular offer. And the conflict within was so great that she actually sought out Getrear’s advice at his home and I have to say, I was quite impressed with what he had to say. Because he more or less taught Bonnie that the only way to know if the grass is greener on the other side, is to go through the fence. In fact, he even confessed that he once gave a professional go at his own hobby whilst on vacation a long time ago to see if it fulfilled him, and clearly, it did not. But her concern prompted him to give Bonnie a little leave time to figure out her path and thankfully she did, and she didn’t leave the force. Which is awesome because Bonnie is awesome. Yet I made mention of this episode featuring balance in its storytelling and that was accomplished by giving Ponch and Jon some Creeps of the Week to deal with. And this time around, they had to square off with members of a band who were broke and desperate and willing to resort to theft in order to get their hands on some bread so they could put together a quality album and these guys, were a genuine pain in the rear. Because they were willing to ram police officers and cause accidents in order to evade capture. But thankfully, patience and some incredible stunt work that paralleled what Ray’s team does for a living, allowed for these guys to finally be brought to justice. If anything, I really do appreciate the fact that this particular episode found a way to put Bonnie at the forefront of the story. Because to date, we’ve never really seen that happen on the show and it was a welcome change of pace since her story was pertinent and fascinating and relatable. Because we’ve all been in her shoes and wondered whether or not the career path, we’ve chosen is right for us in the slightest. But good support helped her figure it out and once again, the bad guys are behind bars and well, that’s about all you can ask for from an episode of CHiPs and with only two more to go in season three, I am expecting the unexpected since the series continues to pull out all of the stops storytelling wise. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt THIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...There comes a point in all of our lives, wherein we face quite the reckoning. This is that moment when every rough and poor choice we’ve ever made, comes to the forefront of our minds and we are forced to face them for various reasons. It could be to reconcile the loss of a loved one since our poor choices could have robbed us of the opportunity to say goodbye, or it could be related to the fact that we’ve never dealt with these choices in the first place, and the universe will no longer allow for us to bury and run from them. But what matters the most in regard to this particular moment; is how we respond to the powerful reflection that has been presented to us. And this is on my mind today, simply due to the fact that it serves as the focal theme of the next episode of The Man in the High Castle. For ‘Mauvaise Foi’ forced John Smith to look at the life he’s lived to this point and reconcile some of the bad choices he’s made. But before we dive too deeply into that, we do need to take a moment and discuss another powerful plotline present in this tale. Because that secretive meeting between the BCR and the JPS took place in this episode and it was… an unmitigated disaster. Not because the Admiral and Hampton didn’t get along, but because of influence from interested parties. Because the order to follow the Admiral closely, made him appear to be a traitor to Inspector Kido, and having the enemy this close to a member of the Imperial Navy was too good an opportunity to pass up for the Kempeitai and they were quick to assassinate Hampton and arrest the Admiral for treason. Leaving this entire situation in a terrible place since some in the Empire are clearly interested in keeping war alive, and the BCR is now without any hint of senior leadership. But while things went astray in San Francisco, John Smith was getting a taste of the good life in Virginia. Because an alternate Helen was happy to see him and filled with passion for her husband, and Thomas was alive and well and for a brief moment there, it seemed as though John was finally finding peace and unlocking the best parts of himself that he locked away as a member of the Reich. But it didn’t take long for the reckoning in question to come into play. For the arrival of an old friend from the service, immediately forced John to reflect on those early days after the fall of the United States. Wherein he was quick to join ranks in order to feed his family and keep his friends, safe. Well, most of his friends, since this particular pal was Jewish, and John let the Reich take him away to a concentration camp rather than try and save his life. Which was a chilling moment to see for certain, since it spoke to how quickly people adapted to this new life in the hopes of eating a meal once again and really, the hope here was that John would see the error of his ways and the reckoning would take hold. But alas, John exposed his cowardice once again, and doubled down on his past decisions as the only correct way and ruined a dead man’s life in the process. For he alienated his alternate son and pushed Thomas into the Marine Corps by offering him a cold view of the world, the view of a Reichsmarschall in fact, and his inability to handle interpersonal relationships anymore put him on the outs with Helen. And while one should feel pity for the man after something such as this, I think all we can feel at this point, is satisfaction that this visit rattled John, because he outright deserved this. After all, he’s had opportunity after opportunity to do the right thing and set the world on a better path. But time and time again he falls back into what he knows best and it’s cost him so much and it’s about time he finally felt a little pain and a little fear over having things not go his way, and it should be interesting to see what impact this little visit to our world will have on John in the weeks to come. And speaking of the future, the loss of the BCR’s top boss also has me worried for the movement. Because an organization with a lack of leadership at the top could lead to disaster as cells do their own thing or disband out of fear and well, kudos to this episode when all is said and one. For it was powerful and devastating and perfectly in line with what this season is trying to accomplish and well, I am quite curious as to what the fallout is going to be from all of this. So, if you’ll excuse me, I need to head back to my couch and my Xbox so I can see where this ugly story is headed. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt I think it is safe to say that audiences everywhere, love seeing their favorite main characters be challenged like never before. In part because it makes for solid drama since trials and tribulations allow for these fictional people to learn and grow. But also, because it helps our minds heal when the going gets rough. Because films, books, television, they’re all incredible escapes to the spoils of daily life and seeing people that can handle anything that is thrown their way somehow inspires us like never before. And that all-important element to storytelling is why I continue to enjoy season three of CHiPs so much. For this particular series really is working hard to tell stories that challenge Ponch and Jon in unique ways, all while staying true to the lighthearted formula it has established for itself. But while our dynamic heroes have found themselves immersed in stories that have pushed them emotionally and prompted them to think a little differently as to how they’re going to solve a particular case, we’ve yet to just see life do what it does best and just pour on the trouble. Something that the writer’s room clearly wished to rectify in the next episode, and how ‘The Strippers’ pulled off this particular feat was quite the delight when all is said and done. Because in this particular tale, Ponch and Jon were forced to deal with two different sets of Creeps of the Weeks, which I think is a series record and well, while these intrepid cops were able to handle these jerks because they’re best motorcycle officers out there, neither group of baddies made it easy for them. Take for example, the car thieves that we were introduced to first thing in this tale, since they made their presence known in bold and ugly fashion; by stealing the ride of a woman that Jon was dating. But to make matters worse, what they did with the car only added insult to injury, since they stripped the car down to nothing and abandoned it. Which isn’t so bad at first glance, but they did that so they could re purchase the car at an auction for cheap, before putting the car back together so they could sell it to someone else at a profit, and sadly there were more people who fell prey to this scheme. But what made them so hard to capture in the first place, is the sheer fact that they set up the home base of their operation in the hills where few would ever find them, and it took some creativity on Ponch and Jon’s part to finally bring these dudes in. As for the other COTW’s that our dynamic duo had to deal with, well they too were stationed in the hills, and used a ranch as cover for a drug operation, one that ran supremely smooth. For they chartered a plane to fly over their ranch on a daily basis, and the pilots aboard that bird would drop the drugs at a designated location where someone was waiting, making it nearly impossible for the DEA agents in the area to complete their bust. But a chance and tense encounter between the CHP and the DEA allowed for the two departments to work together and put these guys behind bars in the most unique way imaginable, by having Ponch and Jon make use of their extensive skydiving skills to get the drop, on the drop and well, while this twist could have been cheesy, it ended up being quite cool thanks to how it was shot. So, if that seems like a lot to cover for a single episode of CHiPs, you’re absolutely right. This one was just jam packed with plot points and challenges for our dynamic duo to face and I really am impressed with how they handled all of them. For in many ways, this was the amalgamation of everything that Ponch and Jon have dealt with this season. Since they had to keep level heads under pressure and had to make use of their detective skills to bring down all these creeps and well, clearly everything worked out just fine and in satisfying fashion and that makes this episode an absolute treat to watch. Because you simply cannot go wrong with heroes that go the extra mile to make the world a better place when the odds are against them. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt THIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...One of life’s little joys, in my humble opinion, is when a television series you love, takes the time to reward you and all of its fans by giving you everything you could have asked for and more. Because it means that the series is ready to thank everyone who’s stuck with the journey thus far and that’s precisely what The Man in the High Castle is doing in its final season. Because every single-story present in this final adventure through this twisted world, is giving us answers or advancing the plot forward like never before and the next episode in this storied saga is no exception to this unexpected new rule. For ‘Happy Trails’ allowed for some important moments to happen in this universe, the kind that moved everything forward, such as having Juliana Crane finally make a decision as to what she wants to do when it comes to the big fight at this point and thankfully, she made the right call. For after a brief visit to the Lincoln Memorial in our world, she decided it was high time to fight for what is just and true and transported herself back to her own world. Wherein we got to see the devastation in D.C. for the time in the series outside of the credits and this return also allowed for Juliana to begin to inspire others to live in a better world since she began to tell tales of the utopia she just came from when given the opportunity, and she made sure to emphasize the fact that the Nazis were long gone on our earth. Plus, we were privy to some trouble and mystique brewing in the Japanese Pacific States. Because the Crown Princess felt the need to commission Admiral Inokuchi to begin off the books peace negotiations with the Black Communist Rebellion, all in the hopes of putting an end to the endless violence that was now plaguing the San Francisco area and while plans were put in motion to begin these talks, Kido stumbled upon something quite disturbing. Because he is still following top tier orders to investigate the death of Trade Minister Tagomi and it would seem that he may have stumbled upon an internal order/conspiracy to kill Tagomi since Captain Iijima more or less confessed to providing the shooter with the weapon in question, a moment that I have no doubt will receive bigger attention in later episodes. But truly, John Smith’s journey turned out to be the genuine centerpiece of this particular tale since we came to learn that there is some serious trouble brewing in the Greater Nazi Reich. For the Führer sent his wife and the new Obergruppenfüherer to New York to size up and terrorize John and Helen before their dinner meeting, simply because it seems Himmler has concerns about their loyalty to the cause. A fact that he was happy to hammer home during said dinner and it would seem now that John is unsure how to proceed with his career as Reichsmarschall since every dig at the table and every request of Himmler made it seem as though, one single mistake would cost him his title and his life and at this point, he’s seems to believe, that the only way to achieve clarity… is to take a little vacation to our Earth and see how the other half lives. To a certain degree however, I can see how some might view this episode as a semi transitional in nature as opposed to a tale that’s pushing the story forward. For there is a little bit of buildup to be found here. But I honestly believe that each one of these plot points carry some serious weight and implications, especially the surprise that Kido uncovered and it won’t be long before these moments explode into something more, and really seeing a plot like this makes me thankful that season one really is working to bring us an incredible experience and stories that waste no time and well, I am definitely ready for more. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m headed back to this terrible universe once again to bring myself one step closer to seeing how this mess is going to end. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt If there’s one phrase that I often hear from parents, my own included, it’s that they would do anything for their children and that is, quite the powerful statement. Because anything is a broad word, one that could mean that a parent is willing to hurt another human being if it means their child remains safe and while I would hope that most fathers and mothers never have to face that situation, there are some out there stealing food for their babies and doing what must be done to ensure their kids see another tomorrow. And it just so happens that CHiPs decided to explore what this notion would look like for a parent if breaking the law in extreme fashion, meant giving a child a better life in the next episode of the series, ‘Tow Truck Lady’. For this particular tale introduced to a tow truck driver named Danny and well, dear Danny had fallen on some tough times. For he lost his wife a little while back and the resulting costs from her death were putting him in the poorhouse quickly and to make matters worse, he had a darling daughter named Marla who he needed to take proper care of and sadly, while his work with Los Angeles County was steady in its own right, it simply wasn’t enough. Which prompted him to turn to a loan shark to cover his debts and unfortunately for Danny, this shark expected Dan to pay off his debts by towing /stealing expensive cars that could be sold to the highest bidder, putting him in quite the precarious place since he was committing some big time crimes. If anything, this was quite the fascinating plot for certain because this is about as gritty as a story can get, since this one featured a genuinely good man who found himself surrounded by a seedy underworld from which there seemed to be no escape and this storyline was greatly enhanced further by the addition of Danny’s daughter. Because Marla loved her father dearly and wanted nothing more than to be by his side, something that wasn’t possible because of the fact that he was constantly working overtime to steal those cars and pay off his debts and that allowed for some genuinely moving moments to come into play. Oddly enough, those were engendered by Ponch since he took the little girl in and went the extra mile to keep her safe and on schedule when it comes to school. Yet while this is another tale that seems to break the mold and deviate from what makes this series so great, fear not, for there was plenty of the standard stuff to be found in this one. For once again, this one was a sequel of sorts since young Chris and his mother, who were first introduced in ‘Disaster Squad’ pop up here again to help Ponch and in turn Jon out with Marla when necessary and there are plenty of car chases and thrilling moments to be found in this story. Especially when our dynamic duo are charged with saving Marla from danger when our Creeps of the Week lift the car she’s hiding within, high above the junkyard they use for cover. But what truly impressed me about this tale, is the sheer fact that it offered up a bittersweet ending for a change. Because while they save the girl and bring the baddies to justice, Danny still committed crimes along the way and he is not above the law, and it’s a little sad that his going the extra mile to save his baby girl will in turn separate them further but that is perhaps the lesson inherent. That doing anything and everything to save one’s child can bring about consequences when lines are crossed, especially ones involving the law and I appreciate the fact that this particular tale went into such bold and gritty territory. Because this is the kind of stuff that’s often saved for darker police serials, not CHiPs, but it works here and it is a supremely human story when all is said and done, and it is also another bold venture for season three and one that I truly enjoyed since it does stay with you for some time thanks to its powerful themes. And I suppose it just goes to show that they’re saving the best for the last in season three and I cannot wait to see what other incredible tales await me as we close in on the season three finale. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt THIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Over the course of the past few weeks, BBC America’s Blue Planet Now has done a phenomenal job of educating its audience about the perils of climate change and all the work that’s being done to help our oceans thrive and survive in this time of crisis. And it’s accomplished these respective goals by working hard to educate the viewer, by providing everyone that tunes in with powerful knowledge about the creatures that inhabit the water and the wonderful places where they live. But we have reached the end of this magnificent documentary about the waters that sustain planet Earth and really the only question on my mind when I settled in to watch last night’s finale of this series, was how this show was going to wrap up everything that’s been discussed thus far. Because this is after all, a story about the seas and the life that thrives within it and every story needs a proper ending, and as it turns out ‘Hammerheads and Humpbacks’ closed out this journey in the most appropriate way possible; by celebrating the vast amounts of life that swims and floats beneath the waves. Which is a genius way to end this tale, because what’s the point in learning about the oceans and their wildlife in this manner, if we stray away from why scientists and so many others are fighting for our oceans in the first place? Which is why is great to see this episode take the time to celebrate the natural beauty and wonder that the seas provide us with, such as how the coral reefs glow under the right kind of light in the middle of the night in order to protect their algae. Something that was majestic and hauntingly elegant to see on screen and truly, a sample of the beauty that this story was going to send our way. For we spent a lot of time with the creatures that share the namesake of this episode and it was quite wonderful to see Hammerhead Sharks swimming about in natural fashion since a fair chunk of Steve’s segment was designed to remove the mystique surrounding this aquatic predator. For they are simple creatures that don’t harm people in the slightest, but find their lives threatened at the moment and seeing them just do their thing speaks to the fact that they are an everyday fish just trying to get by and removing the mystique behind them was a wonderful way to show us their gentle side. Plus, I also appreciated the fact that this story took the time to highlight other species of shark that often find themselves in peril, such as the Silky Shark, because it’s important to know that we have to be more creative in how we fish at sea in order to protect the creatures that eat a lot of the same things we do. Yet while the shark segment of this documentary was powerful in its own right, the true centerpiece of this particular tale involved the Humpback Whale. For this part of the story did a phenomenal job of showing us the incredible journey these gentle giants go upon in order to have a family. Because I hadn’t a clue that these whales eat hearty up north before making a massive trek to the Baja Peninsula, and it is in these warm waters that they have their young, or find a mate and it was fascinating to watch that ritual play out before our eyes and to see them communicate and create their song as well and really, this truly was the most beautiful segment of this tale. Simply because it really was a perfect slice of everyday life in the ocean, and a fine reminder that those little calves and that wonderful song is why so many are dedicated to preserving these precious waters. Yet, while this celebration of life was important, one cannot forget that the work to keep every species healthy is and in their natural habitat continues, and the finale was quick to show us some of the research that is going into why sperm whale population is in decline or some of the tricks that are going into bringing fish back to coral reefs that are slowly being restored and really what I liked the most about this finale, is that it puts the onus squarely into our hands when this story has come to a close. Because it really is up to us to save the oceans and keep them free of plastics and threats to the wildlife that thrive there and if we cannot, then precious moments and wonderful sights like the ones presented to us here, will never come again and that’s a heartbreaking thought, and a reality I hope that we will never see and I do hope that Blue Planet Now has done its job and touched plenty of hearts and minds along the way so that our oceans can inspire awe for generations to come. |
January 2025