Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 203 of ‘The Mosquito Coast’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
One particularly difficult challenge that we deal with in our youth, is disappointment that stems from a broken promise from a parent. For we trust our parents implicitly when we are young, so to have them promise us the world, only to not deliver on that, is unsettling for certain, but it does teach us a great deal later on in life. Specifically, how we should never put all of our hope into a singular concept or destination, so that we don’t experience the wholesale disappointment we do as a child. But what is truly fascinating about this lesson, is that it tends to be far more subtle than we give it credit in the moment. Since disappointment for a child, tends to be related to experiences that aren’t quite as devastating as one might expect, because of how our expectations, and needs and wants in our youth, do not mirror those as an adult. But there are folks in their youth that are devastated by this. Courtesy of parents that aren’t good at their job or who outright disappoint their children in an impactful and hurtful manner and that can have a profound impact on a young mind and put them in a tough place mentally or physically if the disappointment is that bad. If anything, that uglier and harsher side to this lesson is top of mind today, because it is precisely what Dina and Charlie experienced in the next episode of The Mosquito Coast on Apple TV+, shortly after they finally arrived at their destination in ‘Talk About the Weather’. For they finally set foot in the colony their father promised them would give them everything they could hope for and more and well… it didn’t take that long for disappointment to settle into their minds and hearts over finally coming to the end of this journey. Because… all they dealt with in this place, was hard labor. For that was what the colony’s leader, a woman named Isela, wanted from the folks that settled in this place. All so they would understand the value of a hard day’s work and how it impacted a community in need. But that wasn’t what Charlie and Dina, or Margot needed in the slightest. For Charlie needed mental health care because of the horrible things he’d experienced recently, and Dina needed her freedom and a chance to forge her own path and quite frankly… so did her mother. So, it didn’t take long for devastating disappointment to settle in. For their new home didn’t provide any of them with what Allie promised, and that put Charlie in a tough place mentally and everyone else for that matter as well. Which in turn, prompted a bold plan from Margot and Dina. Wherein they quietly worked to gather gasoline and other supplies to restock and refuel the trawler. All in the hopes of escaping this place and finding their own way, and it wasn’t a bad thing that they were taking part in such an act. Because not only was Charlie teetering in a manner that made it clear he needed to be away from this colony, but somewhere safe and stable… but Bill was still searching for them to settle that old score. But also, because… it was apparent now to all of them, that Allie no longer cared what they wanted or needed. It was all about him and his needs and wants and that was not acceptable to Margot and Dina and unfortunately for them… their hopes for escape were dashed in this tale by their father. For he agreed to have the trawler sold and when he came to discover that it was being refueled and restocked, he opted to just… sink the old gal and make a show of it. To exert power over his family and to further force compliance, and that was stunning for certain. Since it only further complicated an already bad situation. Which was a powerful way to close out a cerebral tale. One that truly hammered home the episode’s central theme on the devastation that can come forth when a parent truly lets their child down. Because the family was simply besides themselves over learning that this place was for dad and not for them, and the emotional damage that stems from that, sets the stage for a very different type of season of storytelling. One that makes Allie Fox the heavy of sorts, because of his selfish nature and it also makes him powerless now to stop the conflict he’s created. For there’s no way his family believes in him beyond this moment, and it will be fascinating to see how quickly the divide grows and how the family treats Allie going forward now that the ultimate disappointment has been gifted to them. Until next time.
Written by Zeke Perez Jr.![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 208 of ‘The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers’. To revisit the previous episode, click here. Fresh off of a visit to the Honda Center and a skate around with the Anaheim Ducks, the young Ducks are flying high and feeling motivated. The team has bonded, Jace has shown some vulnerability and seems to be pushing past his struggles, and each of the players has worked to turn their perceived weaknesses into on-ice strengths. The positive vibes are even spreading over to Dominate where Evan is settling into his captaincy and Coach Cole and Coach Alex have not only bettered their relationship but are at the beginning of a budding romance. Unfortunately, some “grass is greener on the other side” feelings turn things south quickly. The Ducks come out of their Honda Center visit absolutely buzzing. Playing like a brand-new team, they work as a cohesive unit, score at will, and lock up other teams with hard hitting defense. They also pull out some Duck magic, winning one game with a knucklepuck and another with goalie Koob making a Patrick Roy-esque skate past center ice (and, unlike Roy who was called for a penalty, scoring a game winning goal). They finish out the round-robin tournament on a win-streak, climbing the standings to a record that’s good enough for a spot in the finals against… you guessed it: Dominate. Amid the Ducks’ success, Evan is feeling left out. While Dominate is dominating, he isn’t feeling the same level of camaraderie there that he sees on the Ducks squad. Internally, he feels as though he made a mistake in putting success before his old team and lost his friends by doing so. Fuel douses the fire when he learns that Sofi has moved on from him even more and is now in a relationship with Jace. The Jace vs. Evan storyline goes on to drive the crux of the episode. Evan's sadness around his old team and his jealousy of Jace leads him to confide in his mom about the situation, who then shares that with Coach Cole. Coach Cole, seeing both an opportunity to provide Evan with a change of scenery and to reunite with Jace now that he’s back on track, proposes the idea of a trade to Alex. Before she can float the idea by both players, Coach Cole sets the trade in motion. Evan and Jace catch wind of - and are infuriated by - the trade rumors. Once again at odds with Coach Cole, Alex vetoes the trade ahead of their championship matchup. Heading into the EPIC tournament championship, both teams and multiple relationships have a lot to lose. Dominate was already split on electing Evan as captain; will they turn on him when they get word that he was longing to be back with his old Ducks team? Will he and Jace reach a breaking point on the ice? How will Coach Cole and Coach Alex move a relationship forward if they can’t move past their differing philosophies? More than a shot against Team Canada will be on the line in the penultimate episode of the season next week! Please enjoy this super-sized sneak peek and synopsis from Episode Five of Criss Angel’s Magic with the Stars. Which you can see on The CW tomorrow, 11/19/22! ‘This Saturday, November 19, on the fifth episode of Criss Angel’s Magic with the Stars, Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Flavor Flav and NFL Pro Bowl Player Vernon Davis go head-to-head to see who can escape from the appropriately named 100 Foot Rope Escape in front of a live Las Vegas audience and judging panel to win the coveted golden wand. The 100 Foot Rope Escape illusion sees both men tied to a chair in a race of speed, agility, and focus to see who, if either, can escape first. In the other challenges throughout the episode, Flavor attempts to levitate a funky driving dog in Lighter Than Air and Vernon takes on the infamous Double Cutting illusion where he "cuts" two women in half as they lay awake in boxes.’ Sneak Peek #1Sneak Peek #2Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the season two premiere of ‘Gangs of London’. To revisit the season one finale, click here.
It is definitely safe to say, that the season one finale of the stunning AMC+ series, Gangs of London, offered up a masterclass in storytelling. For it was a perfect finale really. One that closed the books on the Wallace saga by bringing their reign to a true end, all while revealing new threats and new challenges for the characters to face in the second season. Making this a satisfying and engaging finale, one that has left all of us starving for knowledge for some time now. Simply because we’ve been dying to know what has become of Elliot after accepting that scary offer and of course, what had become of London and those left behind in the wake of the Wallace family’s collapse. But thankfully our wait to learn more and experience more about his show has come to its end. For today marks the two-episode season two premiere of the series and thankfully… this premiere wasted little time in answering all of our questions. Since we came to learn that London, isn’t quite what it used to be under the control of the Syndicate. Because in order to keep order in the wake of a power vacuum, the bosses sent one man into the city to bring it into focus, Koba. A ruthless and bloodthirsty gangster that will straight up feed a man, bullets from his own rifle, if it meant that control and fear would rule the day and that style of leadership… has indeed transformed this city. For it has kept all the houses in line through powerhouse fear and it has allowed for Asif to consolidate the power he craves, and it has also… brought forth resistance. For fear never produces results just trouble, not that Koba cares, but his iron grip has indeed pushed men such as Luan to use old haunts to try and resist and others… have their own plans for pushing back against the Syndicate as well. Since someone in a mysterious red car often popped up in this tale to bring about all kinds of trouble. The kind that came dangerously close to harming Koba and well… that allowed for us to come to learn what became of Elliot Carter. Who as it turned out, had been working hard around the globe, bringing the Syndicate’s enemies to their knees and end. ![]()
Which was… a miserable existence for certain, one that became further complicated when the Syndicate recalled him to London to help Koba with his own mess. A move that resurrected old ghosts and struggles and led to one shocking moment after another. The kind that saw stunning deaths take place and a surprise reveal for the ages that we… we won’t spoil here. Because those moments are that big and that important. Instead, it is best we talk about the fact that no one likes the freakin’ Syndicate in this tale. Because everyone has beef with them, from Elliot to others from season one and that disdain and that disgust for how things are done and how Koba operates, truly sets the stage for one epic and powerful and downright philosophical season of storytelling.
One that quite frankly… asks an important question. In that… are gangsters privy to the same freedom that we receive in our everyday world? Because in many ways, that appears to be what everyone wants to fight for this season. Freedom from the horror of the Syndicate so they can carve their own path, and that is a fascinating question to find here. One that is snuck into a stunning pair of episodes. For these two stories are even bigger than anything we saw in season one, which is saying something since those episodes were cinematic masterpieces. But Corin Hardy’s direction here, takes some big risks that pay off and wow us every step of the way and that’s not the only magnificent wonder present in this premiere. Because it is equally as amazing to see how so many characters have grown since the events of season one and find them in the midst of new chapters in their lives. Granted most of them are supremely dark in nature, but that’s to be expected. For the end of season one featured scorched earth, and was bountiful with blood and suffering. So, it only makes sense to be plunged into a world worse than the one we left behind and it truly compels us to continue this journey. To see if that question is answered and to see if everyone will find the peace and agency they crave and really in the end, it is just wonderful to have this series back on the air. Because this show is one of the most unique and refreshing crime shows on the airwaves, courtesy of its quality direction and writing and it will be wondrous to continue this journey in the weeks to come and see where this year’s bold concepts take us as the battle for the soul of London’s underworld continues along. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Three of ‘The Suspect’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Over the course of the past couple of weeks, we’ve talked at length about one particularly fascinating question regarding the Sundance Now series, The Suspect. Specifically, did Dr. Joe O’Loughlin commit to the darkest act imaginable because he is losing control of his mental faculties? Because this series has done little to answer that question and that’s not a bad thing by any means. For such a move has kept us engaged and helped to get to know the characters better, specifically Joe of course, and how he at times… is not the most noble man. Which only adds to the delicious mystery of this series, which is finally starting to reveal its answers to us. For the next episode in this tale, offered up quite the surprise. One that may have informed us as to whether or not Joe is indeed the culprit here and it accomplished this feat, by having Joe take matters into his own hands. Because he was at this point, lost and beside himself and even his alibi wasn’t quite what he thought or hoped it would be. Since it was revealed that he wasn’t with his lover for the entire night. All of which prompted him to close this case on his own, so he could put this dark chapter behind him and teach the police a proper lesson regarding investigative work and that led him… to Liverpool to learn a great deal about Bobby Moran and the late Catherine. Because what better place to find the truth than at the source and well, that led to some fascinating revelations. Such as how Bobby Moran was actually Bobby Morgan, and he had quite the sorted and broken past. One mired in darkness and abuse, and that could of course, put Bobby into the mindset where he would be fully prepared to commit an act of murder. But what was equally as intriguing about this search, and Catherine’s murder… was that another name kept popping up often in Joe’s investigation. Specifically, his best friend in the whole wide world, Jack. Because he also had association with Catherine, and he was responsible for sending Bobby to Joe in the first place and well… that raised Joe’s eyebrows. For that was just… too perfect an association to be coincidence and what Joe learned about Jack beyond that, was also cause for concern. After all, Jack’s ties to Catherine might have been romantic in nature, and the more Joe dug into the mess, the more discomfort he experienced. Since it turned out that Jack might have romantic eyes for others in Joe’s life as well. Since Joe did bear witness to Jack playing dad in the very house that Joe used to call home. And there was of course… a discussion about Joe’s wife being pregnant in this tale and all that… cannot help but make us wonder, if Jack is involved in a scheme designed to bring down Joe, and there is good cause to go along with that line of thinking. After all, if he’s interested in having Joe’s life and knows his current mental standing and knows his illness well… he could work behind the scenes and make it seem as though Joe is the monster in question without anyone giving it a second glance or thought and well, now Joe is going to have to move faster and harder to discover if that suspicion is the truth. Simply because the police are ready to properly charge him and will stop at nothing to find him and that will make the final two episodes of this season, about as thrilling as they get. Because now, it’s obvious there is more at play here than what we initially thought, and the answers will likely come fast and furious as we barrel toward the finale. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Eleven of ‘Andor’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
When we last settled in to discuss the wondrous Disney+ series, Andor, it truly seemed as though we were about to find cause for celebration within this story at last. After all, Cassian Andor helped to inspire a massive prison riot and jail break. One that even turned the staunchest of Imperial supporters into a rebel, and well… being free, really made it seem as though there was a chance that Cassian would quickly rejoin the fight and stick it to the Galactic Empire at last and inspire great hope. But as it turns out, that simply isn’t what this show had in mind for its next adventure, in fact… ‘Daughter of Ferrix’ plunged us back into the darkness of this universe. For this is a story that saw Senator Mon Mothma, cave to the demands of the Rebellion. She wasn’t happy about it mind you, but the offer she received in the prior tale, was the necessary one and she began to let her daughter slip into the old ways and begin the process of starting her life in that manner, in the hopes of keeping her finances a secret and that put Mon Mothma in a dark place. One where she more or less openly confided in her cousin about such matters, something she so rarely takes part in and it was fascinating to see this proud senator begin the hard part of her journey toward the Rebellion, since sacrifice is indeed necessary in such matters. But she wasn’t the only one feeling the pains of sacrifice in these trying times, for Luthen was also badly struggling with what had to come. For he wasn’t sure he could sacrifice innocent men in the name of a greater cause, and he even conferred with Saw on the matter and he too struggled. Because that wasn’t what these men signed up for, but as their tense conversation continued along… they both came to realize, they had no choice. This was the path they had chosen, and hard decisions would have to be made and if they needed any further reinforcement of the importance of following this route, they need not look any further than the close call Luthen had with the Empire on his way home. However, there was still more bleakness waiting for us in this tale. For back on Ferrix, Maarva passed away and well… that set the stage for some serious ugliness. Since the ISB played nice to see what this could supply them with and of course Syril got wind and immediately found himself excited over the chance at sweet redemption. For the subtle line of thinking here, was that Cassian would be devastated by this news and make every effort to return to Ferrix and potentially endanger himself and the cause by giving into understandable sentiment and well… Cassian did get wind of this news and definitely pondered hard on what comes next with his mother now gone. If anything, all of these elements set the stage for a powerhouse season one finale. One that is likely going to bring together a culmination of everything we’ve discussed here. Since season one has been a grand and sweeping setup for the future and what better way to move us into the next chapter of this saga than by having the characters come to understand that they have to decide how far they’re willing to go to win and commit to a path. All of which could be combined with some epic moments for certain, the kind that set the stage for season two, and it will be interesting to see how the characters handle their new concerns and to see if Ferrix is about to become a nexus and rallying point for the Rebellion to come, when season one of this brilliant series comes to a close. Until next time. Please enjoy this Sneak Peek from Episode Eight of Shantaram, which debuts on Apple TV+ tomorrow, 11/18/22. Written by John Edward BetancourtMake no mistake about it, the Holiday season is upon us. For in a few short days, we will assemble around the dinner table to give thanks and stuff ourselves stilly, before heading out into the world to assemble the bevy of gifts we plan to giveaway, in between making an effort to spend as much waking time as we can with our loved ones. For that is the nature and the wonder of the season, and that also means, old traditions are on their way. For some, that involves just what kind of gatherings take place or what kind of meals are prepared, but for others… this is the perfect time to enjoy Holiday cheer through family television time. Wherein everyone gathers around the television to enjoy Holiday classics that bring joy and celebrate the season through and through and it just so happens… that Apple TV+ is aware of this and is ready to handle your Holiday viewing needs. For they recently released their Festive Family Fare Schedule, and well… here are more details on this event, complete with how you can see some of these specials for free, alongside the schedule, courtesy of Apple TV+. ‘Apple TV+ is ready to help kids and families give thanks and spread holiday cheer with a joyous lineup of new episodes of Apple Original series, as well as the streaming debut of classic holiday Peanuts specials. Listed in chronological order, please see descriptions below. Apple TV+ will also provide special free windows for non-subscribers to stream the iconic holiday specials from Mendelson/Melendez Productions and Peanuts Worldwide “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” available November 23 through November 27; and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” available December 22 through December 25. Find more information on how to stream for free here. These specials are available to subscribers now and everyday. ‘ PREMIERES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 “Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock” Night of the Lights Holiday SpecialIt’s the Night of the Lights, the most Fraggily holiday of the year, and the Rock is filled with songs and cheer. When Jamdolin (voiced by Emmy Award-nominee Daveed Diggs, “Hamilton") encourages Wembley to make a special wish, the Fraggles head out on an adventure to find the brightest light and, maybe, the true meaning of the holiday. Jim Henson’s fun-loving and musical Fraggles - Gobo, Red, Wembley, Mokey, Boober, and new Fraggle friends - have returned for all new adventures about the magic that happens when we celebrate and care for our interconnected world. From The Jim Henson Company, the series is executive produced by Lisa Henson, Halle Stanford, John Tartaglia, Matt Fusfeld, and Alex Cuthbertson; Dave Goelz and Karen Prell co-executive produce; Harvey Mason Jr. is the executive music producer. The special is produced by Ritamarie Peruggi. “Sago Mini Friends” Thanksgiving SpecialIn “Happy Thankful Day,” while preparing for a special Sagoville festival, Harvey and Robin accidentally end up in Loomington - a town without gratitude. Produced by Spin Master Entertainment, animated by 9 Story Media Group’s Brown Bag Films - Toronto, and based on the award-winning Sago Mini World app, developed by Sago Mini, the “Sago Mini Friends” series is an adorable nod to gratitude, featuring Harvey the floppy- eared dog and his best friends, Jinja the cat, Jack the rabbit, and Robin the bird. Along with a unique cast of residents as colorful as their own whimsical world, the four friends play, explore, imagine and celebrate daily in their joyful town of Sagoville. In each episode, Harvey and all his friends express their true thankfulness for all things, big and small, through optimism, kindness, preschool-friendly humor and unforgettable original songs! The animated preschool series is executive produced by Jennifer Dodge, Ronnen Harary, Tone Thyne, Dustin Ferrer, Laura Clunie and Toni Stevens, with Chad Hicks as series director. Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky serves as the gratitude expert on the series through Apple TV+’s changemakers initiative. STREAM FOR FREE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27“A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”In this Peanuts classic, Peppermint Patty invites everyone to Charlie Brown's for Thanksgiving, even though he's going to see his grandmother. Snoopy decides to cook his own version of a Thanksgiving meal with help from his friends. Apple TV+ will provide non-subscribers a special free window to stream “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” from November 23 through November 27. PREMIERES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2“Interrupting Chicken” A Chicken Carol Holiday SpecialIn the holiday special, “A Chicken Carol,” Ebenezer Wolf decides to cancel the holidays so, Piper teams up with the Three Little Pigs and some ghostly friends to change his mind. This animated preschool series which debuts globally on Apple TV+ November 18 is based upon “Interrupting Chicken," the 2011 Caldecott Honor-winning book series written and illustrated by David Ezra Stein, introduces children to the joy of storytelling - starting with a young little chicken named Piper who has a habit of interrupting storytime! Every time Piper hears a story, she can’t help but jump in, ask questions and let her imagination run wild as she tries to fill in details, guess what happens next or insert herself in the middle of the action to help save the day. In partnership with Mercury Filmworks, “Interrupting Chicken” is executive produced by Ron Holsey, David Ezra Stein, Loris Kramer Lunsford, Clint Eland and Chantal Ling, and stars the voice talents of Sterling K. Brown. Dr. Lucy Calkins serves as reading and writing expert through the Apple TV+ changemaker initiative. “Pretzel and the Puppies” Merry Muttgomery! Holiday SpecialIn “Merry Muttgomery!,” when a heavy snowfall jeopardizes the annual holiday festival, the pups find unique ways to celebrate with all the snowed-in dogs in the city. Based on the beloved canine from the classic book “Pretzel” by award-winning authors Margret and H.A. Rey, creators of “Curious George,” the original series follows a modern dog family led by stay-at-home dad Pretzel, his five adorable Dachshund puppies, and mom Greta, the mayor of Muttgomery. Together, the Doxies are always sniffing out ways to “make their bark” on their doggie hometown and make it a better place for their four-legged friends and neighbors. Pretzel and Greta encourage their pups to try to solve their own problems, often reminding them to “Get those PAWS UP!” whenever they face a challenge. Voice talent includes Mark Duplass, Nasim Pedrad, and many more. Hailing from HarperCollins Productions and animated by House of Cool and Saturday Animation, the series is executive produced by Caroline Fraser, Ricardo Curtis, Wes Lui and Steve Altiere; Jennifer Contrucci co-executive produces. Dr. Tony Wagner serves as the play, passion, purpose expert through the Apple TV+ changemaker initiative. “The Snoopy Show” Happiness Is the Gift of Giving Holiday CollectionIn “Happiness Is the Gift of Giving,” Snoopy adapts a Christmas poem to help Sally sleep, Charlie Brown makes gifts for his pals, and Snoopy finds waiting to open his presents a challenge. An Apple TV+ original series from Peanuts and WildBrain, “The Snoopy Show” gives the world’s most iconic dog his close-up and dives into new adventures with the happy-dancing, high-flying, big-dreaming beagle, who’s joined by best friend Woodstock and the rest of the Peanuts gang. Josh Scherba, Anne Loi, Stephanie Betts, Paige Braddock, Craig Schulz and Mark Evestaff serve as executive producers. Alex Galatis serves as story editor. “I Want a Dog for Christmas”All Rerun wants from Santa is a dog, but his mother won’t let him have one. Spending time with Snoopy provides the perfect pick-me-up. But when Snoopy gets too busy to play with Rerun, they call in a substitute—Snoopy’s brother Spike. “Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tales”Celebrate the merriest time of the year with the Peanuts gang. Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, and Sally each star in a collection of Christmastime tales from the original Peanuts comic strips. STREAM FOR FREE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25“A Charlie Brown Christmas”In this beloved Peanuts special, feeling down about the commercialism of Christmas, Charlie Brown becomes the director of the gang's holiday play. Can he overcome his friends’ preference for dancing over acting, find the “perfect” tree, and discover the true meaning of Christmas? Apple TV+ will provide non-subscribers a special free window to stream “A Charlie Brown Christmas” from December 22 through December 25 PREMIERES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25“The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse”A story of kindness, friendship, courage and hope for viewers of all ages in a heart-warming, classically animated film based on Charlie Mackesy’s book, “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.” The poignant and heartfelt journey follows the unlikely friendship of a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse traveling together in the boy’s search for home. The film, featuring Mackesy’s distinctive illustrations brought to life in full color with beautiful hand-drawn animation, stars BAFTA Award winner Tom Hollander (“The Night Manager”) as The Mole, Golden Globe and SAG Award winner Idris Elba (“Luther”) as The Fox, Golden Globe Award winner Gabriel Byrne (“All Things Bright and Beautiful”) as The Horse, and newcomer Jude Coward Nicoll as The Boy. Matthew Freud presents a Charlie Mackesy film, produced by Emmy Award winner and Academy Award nominee Cara Speller (“Love, Death & Robots,” “Pear Cider and Cigarettes,” “Rocket & Groot”) of NoneMore Productions and Emmy Award winner J.J. Abrams and Hannah Minghella of Bad Robot Productions. Directed by Peter Baynton (“The Tiger Who Came To Tea”) and Charlie Mackesy, the film is adapted from the original book in collaboration with Jon Croker (“Paddington 2”). The film is executive produced by Jony Ive and Academy Award nominee Woody Harrelson (“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”). Original score by composer Isobel Waller-Bridge, performed by the BBC Concert Orchestra and conducted by Geoff Alexander. The film is presented in partnership with the BBC, who will premiere “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” in the UK, with the film available on Apple TV+ outside of the UK, this Christmas.
Please enjoy this exclusive clip and brief synopsis from Interrupting Chicken, which makes its debut on Apple TV+ on Friday, November 18, 2022! Episode 2 - “The Elephant of Surprise / The Chicken and the Egg” - Piper and the Three Billy Goats Gruff outsmart the Bridge Troll. The King’s Knights help Piper put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘The Devil’s Hour’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
It is definitely safe to say, that the Prime Video series, The Devil’s Hour, leans heavily upon one particular storytelling concept. Specifically, misdirection. Because time and time again, it has made a point of leading us down one path, only to surprise us by revealing another and this isn’t a bad thing by any means. Because it keeps us on our toes and keeps us engaged since we are not only dying to know what surprises await us, but we are quite curious as to whether or not those very surprises will reveal Gideon’s secrets and purpose in this story and well… the show’s ability to continuously surprise us is top of mind today, simply because misdirection was on display again. For ‘After the Storm’ is a story that made it appear as though, life was about to go on. After all, Isaac was home now and safe again, and Mike was trying to get involved as a father at last, and Lucy was back at work, doing her thing. As for Ravi, he was moving onto new cases since this whole matter was in essence done. Leading all of us to believe for a moment that there might be no more darkness in this show. Just good times and reflection and somehow, the possibility that the whole mess with Gideon could be related to a fever dream or more of the strange mental gifts that Isaac and Lucy seemed to share. But another case for Lucy, one that offered up some of those visions, took this story in a wild new direction. Wherein, Lucy came to realize that something horrible was going to happen if she didn’t take the time to try and save a young man that was in distress. And of course, she got Ravi and Nick involved in the search and sadly… all roads in this mess, led to complete and utter violence and darkness. Since an attempt to question the young man’s girlfriend led to all out combat between Nick and Ravi and the gangsters she hung with. Which put Nick out of commission for a moment with injury and of course, this wasn’t the only ugliness to come out of this particular mess. Because eventually, Lucy decided to take her powers into her own hands and try to save this young man herself, which apparently, she did. Since a strange car avoided him on the night, she had a feeling something bad would have happened to him and that… led to all kinds of surprises. The kind that began to bring this story together after all. For Ravi was able to chase the car down and it just so happened that Gideon was the driver and angry at this change in plan. For later on, in that interrogation room, he made it clear… that this young man was a problem and much of what Gideon did was solve problems and had everything played out as it was supposed to… the big shocker of the story would not have occurred. Since we also came to learn, that this young man, had to offer penance to the gang that Ravi and Nick brought down in an effort to find him, and he did… and the story will never be the same. But while we wait to explore the fallout of that, we can in fact, celebrate another epic tale from this series. One that really did a fine job of surprising us in every way imaginable and of course… the whole ‘Gideon is a savior’ thing is quite the juicy plot twist. One that has us wondering what kind of calamities he is trying to prevent before it is too late and well, that definitely compels us to continue the journey post haste, so we can learn all of those things as we inch closer to the finale of this fascinating thriller. Until next time. |
March 2025