Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the season finale of ‘Heels’. We are led to believe from a very young age, that the days that lead to the achievement of our wildest dreams, are ethereal in nature. To the point where they should include grand moments of reflection, the kind that remind us of the journey we’ve taken to reach the peak of the mountain we’ve been climbing, so that we step into our dream with perspective and appreciation and awe. Which will in turn allow for us to appreciate every day we revel in our dream and being aware of where we are will also motivate us to do whatever it takes to hang on to what we've so rightly achieved. So that we never again have to feel negative emotions or worries about life. Because we’ve made it. We did it, and only happy and wondrous and perfect days await us from now until the end. But while that is a magical way to look at dreams and their power, it is in fact… woefully incorrect and foolhardy. Because the world doesn’t stop when we’ve reached our personal apex, nor do our emotions magically shift to permanent happiness in the slightest. Sure, we’ll be happy, but problems and chaos never fade, and the past can still hang heavy over our heads. Which means that in reality, the lead up to our dreams and the day we will achieve them… might feel a little more normal than we expect them to be and that in turn adds new depth and gravity to our dream. Since one can use it to find joy, when needed, in a world where chaos reigns and well, the reality that accompanies achieving our dreams, is relevant to our discussion today, simply because it served as the focal theme of the season finale of Heels. For ‘Double Turn’ saw everyone in the Duffy Wrestling League realize that their dreams were coming true. Because this was it, the South Georgia State Fair waited for all of them and well, rather than revel in the wonder of the journey, or find untold peace, a great deal of these characters ended up dealing with some everyday things. Ace for instance, had to atone for his past mistakes and Crystal had to accept a gig as Wild Bill’s infamous valet Bunny Bombshell, in order to be in the league again and of course, Jack had to face up to his actions and how they’d hurt his family. Because Staci left home with Thomas and made it clear to Jack that his scheming ways were no longer acceptable because they were in fact, tearing the family apart. Giving Jack pause and reason to finally be honest about his actions and to change his course before he lost Staci and well, all of that made for a fine reminder regarding how dreams don’t cure everything that ails us in life. But while that makes it appear that this episode was going to thrash the notion of dreams through and through, that’s simply not the case. For this episode did make it clear that the moment we achieve our dreams is indeed special and we should bask in its wonder. Because there was something quite powerful about watching Staci finally stand in front of a crowd and share her wonderful voice in a manner she’s always hoped for and let’s be honest… watching the Duffy Wrestling League walk into that stadium and see their name in lights and hear Jack’s powerful speech about what the league means to him and everyone, made for some incredibly uplifting moments and visuals. The kind that motivated us to root for success on this night so everyone could enjoy the fruits of their labors and live their magnificent dream and for a time, it appeared as though we’d get that perfect storybook ending. For the night went pretty darn smooth and everyone that came out to watch the show had a hell of a time, thanks to the quality wrestling that everyone put on display and when it came time for the final match in question, it seemed as though the happy ending that Ace was waiting for was going to take place. Because the match with Wild Bill and Ace went off without a hitch. To the point where the crowd was chanting for the Ace of Spades to win and be the Face the DWL needed. But that is precisely when the story took quite the double turn in question. Since there was mention of how our past can come back to haunt us in our defining moments and that came into play right here. Because the boys almost forgot about Mister Charlie Gully and were clueless as to how angry he was for being shamed in his temple of twistedness, but they were quickly reminded of his presence and learned about his fury. Because sitting in the audience was Gully and his lackeys and they were eager to change the outcome of the night to ruin the DWL’s chances at success. In fact, they even went so far as to start a Jack Spade chant amongst the crowd and throw some tissues in the ring to get Ace off of his game and sadly… it all worked. Because Ace was rattled and demanded to know if Jack was behind this and that’s when the truth about the last tissue incident came out and that’s also when… the dream nearly collapsed. For Ace lost it as he is wont to do, and he beat the tar out of Jack in front of ten thousand people and while Ace was busy beating his brother within an inch of his life, Gully decided it was high time to make his move and steal the belt and mock Jack as Gully was once mocked in his own ring. But the true power of the dream, is when it becomes infectious and ignites something special in others. For that’s when it simply cannot die and that’s when people step up to the plate to ensure its safety and that’s what happened in this moment. Since Wild Bill finally played the hero… despite his… accident... and took Gully out and amazingly enough, this chaos allowed for a shocking moment to take place. One that allowed for another dream to come to life. For Crystal used her act with Ace to enter the ring and take him and Jack out… and secure the belt. Bringing her lifelong dream of being a championship wrestler to life and wowing the crowd and saving the dreams of others for certain. Since there is no doubt that life in the DWL is going to be on easy street following this incredible match… but it might be a pyrrhic victory at best. Because despite the cheers and the success that awaits the league, it may have lost one of its biggest stars. Since Ace Spade stormed off in a justified huff and of course, things aren’t good at home between Staci and Jack and well… the only way to learn what comes next for this family and what the league is going to look like going forward is for a second season to take place. Which, as of press time has not been announced yet and this writer hopes that STARZ makes that announcement soon. Simply because, this really is a powerful and moving series, one that really does explore life and our pursuit of the dream in an honest and raw manner. But it also deserves a second season because it really is the best show on television right now, thanks to its masterful writing and top tier acting and audiences deserve more of that and we here at Nerds That Geek will be patiently awaiting the good news so we can geek out with all of you about a series that is genuinely original. Until next time.
Written by John Edward Betancourt We are taught from a very early age, that life changing moments don’t just happen out of the blue. That they are instead a journey of sorts, the kind that slowly build to a crescendo and there is some merit to this line of thinking. After all, when we reach a reflective point in our lives in regard to a life changing moment, we speak to the journey in question. But the fact of the matter, is that such thoughts are designed to do nothing more than give us comfort and cause. For in reality, life is chaos and life changing moments do indeed come out of the blue, and it is how we react to them that gives us a journey to talk about and really, the power of a single moment is relevant to our discussion today, because it is central to the series premiere of the STARZ show, Hightown. For ‘Love You Like a Sister’ is a story that indeed features an out of nowhere, life changing moment for a National Marine Fisheries Service Agent named, Jackie Quiñones, but it sure doesn’t seem as though that’s going to be in the cards early on. Because this is a series that really helps us to get to know Jackie and show us that she is something of a reckless free spirit, since she is eager to get drunk and high on her off time and just live as she sees fit. But one morning, when she tries to shake off the rust of the night before, she stumbles upon a dead body. One that was involved in a drug related murder and just like that, her life does indeed begin to change. Not because she’s had a real taste of ugly police work, but because seeing something that traumatic, amplifies her darker actions. Since she goes on harder benders after that, to quell the images haunting her mind. Which in turn, puts her into another surprise moment. One that forces her to face her problems with drugs and alcohol, when she makes the poor choice to get behind the wheel while wasted, and well… that aspect of the story is what makes this series premiere so powerful. Because addiction and its consequences are so rarely presented in an honest and earnest light on the silver or small screen. So, to see an addict genuinely relish in the wonder of drugs and alcohol, to the point where the high makes them deny they're in any trouble… is powerful stuff for certain. Since it really does give us a raw examination of what addiction is like and how hard it is for addicts to admit to the problems their cravings cause and their outright power for that matter, and that makes this aspect of the story quite engrossing and engaging. Since the viewer is immediately curious to see what other harsh aspects of this illness are going to be put on display. Yet while that is powerful and poignant for certain, we would be remiss to not point out that Jackie’s stunning encounter with a dead body is also going to lead to quite the powerhouse story as well. Since that moment introduces us to the seedy underworld of Cape Cod. Where drugs are flowing through the city like wine and where a small handful of heroes are trying to stop that. Such as Detective Alan Saintille, an honest cop that clearly loves his work and wants to do good in the world and Detective Sergeant Ray Abruzzo, a bit of a freewheeling cop in his own right, who tends to go above and beyond in a risky manner to solve his cases, and meeting them and seeing how the dots connect to the body in question, is what informs us that we are about to embark on a powerful journey. One that will tie everything together in a clever manner, while digging deep into a taboo and uncomfortable topic that audiences and everyday people try to avoid talking about or sugarcoat if they do. Which means that in the end, this is a brilliant series premiere for certain. One that does a wonderful job of taking its time to help us to get to know our principal cast of characters and what makes them tick, so that we care about them and their journeys before the tough stuff amplifies and challenges them further and this episode also deserves a round of applause for treating us to some genuinely moving moments. Since Jackie’s time with the counselor and her best friend Ed were tough to watch because of their visceral nature and the brilliance of this series premiere doesn’t end there. Because it is a huge deal that that an LGBTQ+ individual is the lead character in this story since representation matters and well, in the end, this writer is outright hooked on this series and cannot wait to enjoy more and geek out about it with all of you, in the days and weeks to come. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Twelve of ‘Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty’. When we last settled in to discuss the extremely delightful and extremely cute series, Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty, we talked at length about how the meerkat, dealt with obstacles and troubles that we don’t think about all that often when it comes to tiny animals. Specifically, how the weather and the conditions that arise from that weather, can make life quite difficult for these tiny critters. For the rains in the Kalahari heartily nourished the grass in this region to the point where it grew sky high, to a meerkat, making it nearly impossible for all the families to see beyond the greenery and that in turn… forced some to panic while others made great efforts to find a place where they could easily observe their surroundings. If anything, revisiting that particular point is important to our discussion today, largely because the weather continued to make life tough for the meerkat in this week’s episode. For ‘Chapter 12: Hell and High Water’, informed us of the fact that that the rains kept coming in the Kalahari and the lush greenery that it continued to feed, actually managed to keep mating season going. To the point where the Whiskers family was now host to five pregnant meerkats, leaving Swift in a tough place, wherein she wondered exactly how she was going to handle a family that large in the burrow and she wasn’t the only one dealing with such concerns. For Flint saw her family expand as well when one of her daughter’s gave birth, and she of course, had new pups running around as well, which meant that her family had to engage in epic foraging runs. The kind that pulled the food crew far away from the burrow, to ensure that all the females in the family had enough nourishment in their bodies to produce quality milk and that’s where the real trouble in this story began. Because sadly, while they were out and about, a big storm arrived, one that made travel unsafe and that forced Flint’s crew to hunker down for the night while the rains kept pouring. Which was in fact, quite problematic. Since that meant the pups were all back home with a single babysitter and were not receiving the nourishment they needed and that… led to sadness and disaster. For when the food crew did finally return home, they came back to a litter of pups that died of hunger, and another litter on the verge of dehydration. Which was quite the heartbreaking moment to say the least. But it was proof positive that the weather and their size don’t always mix and what’s devastating, is that things got worse from there. Because the Ubuntu family was in essence, trapped within the confines of the grass near their burrow. For they couldn’t see a thing outside of the food supply near them and venturing out too far was a dangerous idea, and sadly… so was staying put. Because the same rains that kept Flint’s family from surviving the night as a collective whole, brought disaster forth for the Ubuntu family as well. Because the constant rains finally allowed for a flooding of the riverbed they called home, to take place. The kind that arrived in a swift and aggressive manner, to the point where they never saw it coming. Which means there is a fair chance, that one of the family’s that we have been following, may no longer exist and that is a sobering and powerful thought. One that truly hammers home how hard it is to survive in the wild and how vulnerable these creatures truly are. For there aren’t that many species out there that are so easily brought down by rain and grass. In the end however, this still was a quality tale for certain. Largely because it held nothing back in its presentation of the dangers these animals face and that’s a good thing. Because the best documentaries show us what life is really like in the world, and this is indeed what life is like in the Kalahari and now that this dark chapter has come to a close, we are definitely left wondering which hand mother nature will deal these creatures next and that mystery will make the wait for next week’s episode, a difficult one. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 207 of ‘See’. When we last settled in to discuss the wondrous Apple TV+ series, See, our magnificent heroes were facing quite the daunting task. In that, they were betrayed by Queen Kane because of her bloodlust for war and lack of care for her citizens. Which meant a showdown was on its way, one where Princess Maghra was going to have to deal with her sister’s treachery and outright madness and that was likely going to be no easy task. For Kane is as cunning as they come and is often several steps ahead of everyone else, leading audiences to believe that the next episode was going to be a harrowing fight to unseat her from power in a desperate last-ditch effort to save Pennsa from being utterly overrun by Edo Voss’ forces. But as it turns out, the fight to save Pennsa and the Payan Kingdom from being left in tatters by Kane, was not quite the epic affair that we thought it was going to be. For the opening of ‘The Queen’s Speech’ informed us of the fact that Princess Maghra assembled a simple two-part process to remove her sister from power. The first step, was to simply announce her intention to take over the throne because a great deal of people in the kingdom weren’t fans of the queen, so being able to bid her farewell for a better leader was quite the appealing option. But she also took advantage of Kane’s ego. For she is a leader that cannot stand being exposed in a public setting and executing that two-pronged plan… allowed for Maghra to quickly ascend to the throne. However, while it was wonderful to see a competent leader in charge of Pennsa at last, the new queen was unfortunately… surrounded by a bevy of crises. For the Trivantian army was on its way and already making strides in conquering nearby cities on their way to Pennsa. Which meant Maghra was forced to prepare for war, a decision that she outright struggled with. Because it meant that Baba Voss was going to leave home to fight, and her children as well. For the kingdom simply did not have enough soldiers to stand up to the forces Edo had mustered. But that certainly didn’t stop her from inspiring her people to do whatever it takes to stand tall in the face of adversity and fight with all their might for the future. But truly, those words may mean nothing in the end. For Edo is cunning and twisted and went after the new queen directly, shortly after the Pennsa army marched toward war. A stealthy move that forced Maghra to improvise and fight for her life like never before, and while she stood victorious, Lord Harlan may not survive the assault since he was gravely injured in trying to save his Queen. Plus, it turns out that Edo was able to assemble quite the assault force for certain. For in the closing moments of this tale, Baba Voss and Tamacti Jun came to learn that three hundred and fifty soldiers stood before them to fight, and despite Haniwa’s best efforts to work with Wren to broker peace, the arrows began to fly. If anything, this was just an intense episode through and through. In part because, we simply didn’t know initially what Queen Kane would do with her back against the wall, but more so because… she truly put the kingdom into an utter mess. One that might see every man, woman and child in Pennsa die because of her madness and ignorance and well… now we have to wait another week to see how this final battle is going to end. But while we wait with bated breath, we can at least take comfort in the fact that Kane is finally off the throne and a competent leader resides in Pennsa and if by chance the battle ends well for Queen Maghra’s forces… then perhaps at long last, true peace and prosperity can come to this broken kingdom. Until next time. Written by Shae Rufe Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 209 of ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’. Have you ever wondered what happens with the Lower Deckers on other ships? Weirdly enough, I never thought about it until this episode. Like I just assumed everything was the same and yet I couldn’t be more wrong. The Cerritos isn’t the only ship in the universe, but it is my second favorite. The entire crew of the ship has the next twelve hours off as they enter an extended warp. So, what are they going to do? Well, Tendi and Dr. T’Ana are going to rock climb in the holodeck, while Rutherford and Shaxs do pottery, and Mariner is off to spend mother/daughter time with Captain Freeman. And Boimler? Well, he doesn’t seem to have a command buddy, which means he needs to try and find one. And by try and find one a command buddy, he’s going to try and share a command buddy with everyone else. He slips into the holodeck with T’Ana and Tendi, while they’re rock climbing. Of course, it’s Boims, so he flies in with rocket boots that promptly fail. We’re the safety settings on? Maybe? Maybe not. When that fails, he tries with Rutherford and Shaxs… and then mentions something he shouldn’t, sending Shaxs into a PTSD spiral of violence. Rutherford is able to hold Shaxs off while Boimler leaves the room. Maybe things would be better with Mariner and her mom, right? Wrong! Turns out they’re fighting it out… literally. Boimler leaves as quick as he can, only to run into Ransom and some other command crew members. Boimler has a choice, in this turbolift. He could just not say anything, but he chose to lie. Ransom and his group of friends are all from Hawaii… and so Boimler says he is too, just to be accepted. It does get him an invite to surfing in a holodeck though, so maybe it’s worth it. What about other ships? Klingons don’t have to deal with horrible days on the ship, right? Even their Lower Decks have more fun! Oh, if only that were true. Turns out that their days can be just as terrible. On a Klingon Bird of Prey, one of the Lower Decks crew gets the chance to be up on the bridge for the day, and he’s hoping to become a member of command. As he arrives however, the first officer is killed by the captain for plotting a mutiny. The captain then declares that whoever does the best job that day will become his new first officer. This Warrior of a Lower Decker does his best to impress the captain all day, but time and time again it seems like it’s not enough. It is, however, and he’s named the first officer he wanted to be, that’s when he learns some very unsettling news. This Klingon Captain has been helping the Pakleds by supplying them bombs. We also got to see what life is like on a Vulcan ship for the Lower Deckers there. One Vulcan officer in particular has enhanced the range distance of their scanners and managed to pick up a strange anomaly. She brings it to the attention of her captain and is basically told to not do more than her job. She’s given more meditations for her insubordination. That doesn’t stop her from doing more research about the anomaly. At the same time, the Cerritos also detected an anomaly. They pull out of warp to find a Pakled ship and the Klingon Bird of Prey, and they decide the Pakleds are attacking the Klingons, so they fire on the Pakleds. The Klingons and the Pakleds fire on the Cerritos, and it doesn’t look good. It’s all hands on deck! Which… leads to some interesting discoveries. Boimler lets it out that he’s not from Hawaii, and then slowly everyone else confessed they aren’t from Hawaii either. Even Ransom confessed that he’s actually from the moon. And then the other two happen to be from moons as well! Just like that? They’re all back to being the best of buddies while Boimler is left out, once again. When all seems lost, because the Cerritos looks like they might not be able to pull out of this one, the Vulcan ship shows up just in time to block the Cerritos from the oncoming fire of two ships. They’re almost not able to withstand it either. But, just remember, young Vulcans, rules are made to be broken. Our troublesome Vulcan has made a modification to the shields that would strengthen them. She begs the captain to implement it before they’re blown up. Thankfully, she’s amazing and it boosts their shields beyond 100%. While all this is going down, the captain on the Klingon ship is fighting his newly minted first officer. The first officer finds it offensive to have Pakleds fighting their fight, but also ruining peace isn’t something the Klingon High Council would approve of. They fight on the bridge and our new first officer defeats the captain and easily takes his place. They flee and leave the Vulcans and the Cerritos to handle the Pakleds. That’s not a problem for their combined firepower since they do some damage and get the Pakleds to turn tail and warp. Captain Freeman offers to thank them, and it goes over as well as you can imagine. Oh, and our brave Vulcan who saved everyone? She’s being transferred to Starfleet. At least the Borg Lower Decks are pretty calm. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 204 of ‘The Morning Show’. Often times in storytelling, moments of reckoning relate to great misdeeds. Where some kind of villainous character or misguided hero, must face the consequences of their actions in a manner that puts the audience on the edge of their seat. Because humanity genuinely believes that reckonings can only accompany large mistakes and big moments and that’s unfortunate because that really isn’t the case in the slightest. For reckonings happen more often than we give them credit, and they can come about from both large and small moments, and they tend to relate less to major actions we’ve taken and more to our own foolish attitudes and misgivings and outright ego and really, that aspect of the reckoning is top of mind today, largely because it served as the focus of this week’s episode of The Morning Show. For ‘Kill the Fatted Calf’ saw several characters actions, come around full circle and give them pause and that led to some powerful moments for certain. The kind that saw Bradley have to ponder upon her path to the top. For she’s always used her bravado and fury to be seen and heard but, in this tale, that finally worked against her. Simply because, people have become to close her and seen the real her and now they know her fury is an act. One that is used to cover up her personality and truths she hasn’t yet faced about herself and that brought about quite the reckoning. One that forced her to finally take inventory on how she treats people and how she is perceived and how she is often dishonest with herself since she is struggling to come to terms with her sexuality, and it would seem that this reckoning was quite positive in the end. Simply because Bradley is starting to change and is becoming more honest and genuine with her inner circle. But of course, she wasn’t the only one who faced a personal reckoning. For Yanko and Daniel dealt with their own as well, in vastly different ways. Yanko for instance, finally had to deal with the public and the brass over his decision to always wing it and just say whatever comes to mind, and sadly… he learned little from such matters. An act that teaches us that sometimes the consequences people face for their actions are promptly ignored, which has great relevancy in an era where people refuse to acquiesce in their stance and his angry pushback served as the polar opposite to Daniel’s journey. For he was simply done with being marginalized at the network and didn’t like being told he doesn’t have the ‘It Factor’ and that motivated him to go for broke and sing on camera to Alex in an effort to wow everyone. But in the end, his decision to do so, more or less made him feel foolish, to the point where his own personal reckoning revolved around embarrassment over letting UBA get the better of him. Plus, even the executives dealt with their own measure of personal related punishment. Since Stella got the business from Cory over her inability to influence and sway the talent because she felt she wasn’t being heard. But Cory did make it quite clear that if she wasn’t going to be up to the job and his requests in between her shaping of the show, she would in fact… not be part of the show and that motivated her to put her personal desires aside for the good of the network and TMS and finally show Cory what she is capable of. And speaking of Cory, he had to take a good, hard look in the mirror when it comes to his actions as well. Because his desire to play the game and outwit and outsmart everyone he came in contact with, finally blew up in his face when it was pointed out to him that running around and making demands when he won’t be direct with some folks, such as Fred… will no longer be tolerated. Which gave Cory great pause since it was the first time, he’s been held accountable in such a direct and visceral manner. However, while it was amazing to see a great deal of plot threads that have been brewing for ages, come to a head in this tale in this manner, we would be remiss to not point out the supremely ominous one brewing across the pond. For Mitch Kessler took the time to help Paolo with her documentary as part of his desire to finally begin to repay old debts to the world, but he might not get the chance now. For one of the interview subjects that Paola spoke to, was carrying Covid-19 and she spent hours with him and hours with Mitch. Which is quite the plot twist. Since their journey might remind us harshly of the dangers of this virus and it might give rise to some powerful and sobering moments. The kind where we may see Mitch or Paola exit the series because of what this virus is capable of. But while we wait to see if a happy ending in regard to that is in the cards, we can bask in the wonder of another character centric tale. One that really is quite critical to the future of the show. Because a series like this means nothing if the characters cannot learn and grow and these kinds of reckonings and reckonings in general… are designed to do just that in both the real world and this fictional one. Because they really do put us on notice and force us to choose as to whether or not we will change, and it will be fascinating to see who does and who remains stagnant and well, in the end, this is another episode that leaves us hungry for more. Because The Morning Show really is diving into some fascinating character concepts, the kind that are bold and timely, especially in regard to Bradley’s journey regarding her sexuality and now sadly… we are left counting down the minutes to next week’s tale, one that should be filled to the brim with what comes next for these stunned characters. Until next time.
Please enjoy this clip from the season finale of Heels, which will air on STARZ on October 10, 2021, at 9 p.m. EST. Also, if this is your first interaction with Heels, and you’re curious to learn more about the show or experience what it is all about… STARZ has made the first three episodes of the show available on the show’s official Facebook page, the STARZ YouTube page and the STARZ app.
If the clip below doesn't play, use this link. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘Foundation’. Over the course of the past few weeks, we’ve talked at length about how the AppleTV+ series, Foundation, has done a wonderful job of offering up some fascinating storytelling. The kind that has been grounded nicely in the true roots of science fiction, since we’ve been privy to moments that leave our eyes wide with wonderous visuals that tickle our imagination, alongside storylines that challenge our modern world and the people we are right now. But while it has been wonderful to enjoy such majesty, one can never forget that a great science fiction story… also knows when to abandon analysis and commentary to instead offer up a compelling story and that’s precisely why this series deserves our awe. Because the next chapter in this sweeping saga, does just that and that storytelling decision made ‘Barbarians at the Gate’, one compelling tale. One that finally saw the Empire, stop celebrating the rich history of Cleon to start dealing with crises for a change. For there was more unrest on other worlds, the kind that motivated Day to really ponder upon his journey and mistakes made and he genuinely came to realize that Dusk made one horrendous misstep when he sent Hari Seldon into the void. In that, he didn’t listen to Hari’s words and predictions, and he should have, since the Empire was now dealing with everything, he promised would come true and that motivated Day to take charge and relegate Dusk to cleaning up his own messes back home and that really was quite the powerful twist. For we’ve never seen the Cleons fight in this manner, nor have we really seen them act and it will be quite interesting to see where this twist takes us since it really did grow the emperors at last and force them to be more than idiots that stare lovingly at their own visages. However, there was more progress to be made in this tale outside of what happened on Trantor. For Terminus also saw some big moments take place. For Salvor had to think fast to preserve the planet and her people and she used the Vault to do just that, by taking the leader of this group of rogues, named Phara, near it so it would knock her right out. Which in turn allowed for Salvor to learn that she was in fact not a rogue scavenger as claimed, but the top general of the Anacreon Army and she was clearly here with a plan. What that plan was exactly, Salvor wasn’t quite unable to uncover. For Phara’s soldiers quickly established battle lines all around the city and were unloading weapons left and right to try and attack the energy field, setting the stage for what should be an epic and possibly bloody fight, one that might bring about great strife on Terminus, since the good people that live here are currently on their own. But alas, not all hope is lost. For back on Trantor, Dusk did indeed give the order to have the Army/Navy explore exactly why the communications buoy has gone down, giving rise to hope since the soldiers of the Empire should quickly come to understand an old enemy has returned and is causing a heap of trouble. Plus, it would seem that at long last, an old hero is about to return to the fold, since Gaal was discovered by a ship in the closing minutes of this tale and once she is able to recover and gather her bearings… perhaps she can be of service regarding the chaos currently embroiling the galaxy. Since she is the last person that knows how to read the equations that Hari put forth and that math might help in understanding the Vault and its purpose and whether or not the end of the Empire is barreling forth in a swift and brutal manner. However, while we wait to see what comes of all these juicy plot threads, we can revel in the majesty of one quality tale. For this one really did hold our attention, thanks in large part to its shift in tone and design. Because it really was quite refreshing to see the Cleons be more than just pretty boys and show some depth and humanity for a change and it was equally as wonderful to see consequences come about for their actions. But what matters more is that this episode really did do a wonderful job of setting the stage for some big moments to come, for everyone really. Since the revelations here really do leave one to wonder if the end times are upon the galaxy and all that does is leave us eager for more, so we can have our questions answered or see if a miraculous math bound miracle will save all of humanity. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the season two finale of ‘Ted Lasso’. Over the course of the past two years, the AppleTV+ series, Ted Lasso, has taken the world by storm. Largely because its positive nature and desire to tackle topics that other shows simply won't, it's been able to to stand out above the rest and inspire us to be more, be better, and look at the bright side of things at a time when the world is quite sour. But while it's been magnificent to enjoy an uplifting pep talk from Coach Lasso and marvel at the wonder of intimate and relatable moments we've taken part in with these characters, one hefty question has weighed upon this series for some time now: Specifically, what is it's central theme? A question we here at NTG have worked to answer... incorrectly. Thankfully, the season two finale was the moment when this series finally tipped its hand and informed us what this quirky feel-good show is all about: It's about life— the ups and downs we all experience and how we respond to those hardships, Ted Lasso just happens to have a sports theme enveloping the overall theme of life. ‘Inverting the Pyramid of Success’ exposed this reality to us by taking us on a ride full of relatable moments and lessons, such as how sometimes in life, we can feel lost and unsure of where we're going, even when we're enjoying success. Sam Obisanya wasn't sure of where he should be in life or what would come next for him after the biggest match of his career, but eventually, he learned, like the rest of us do, to follow his gut instincts and look at the obvious signs around him. The universe tends to clue us in to which direction we should take, if we take the time to observe and listen, and that paid off in spades for dear Sam. He came to realize that he had everything he needed in London, and with a little effort, he could bring about the influence he so desired in this great city. So, he decided to spurn the offer on the table and stay with AFC Richmond and stay home. This is an episode that also took the time to remind us that sometimes we'll do everything right in life, yet feel like we've failed in doing so— a lesson that came forth by way of Roy and Keeley. Despite standing by Keeley at every turn and being the most incredible boyfriend he could possibly be, Roy Kent didn't quite get the girl in the end. Keeley was moving up in the PR world, the Vanity Fair article squarely focused upon her, and she even landed her own PR firm thanks to the folks behind Bantr. Sadly, Keeley knew that living her dreams meant leaving AFC Richmond and putting some space between her and Roy, regardless of their connection. Sometimes, sacrifice comes with our dreams, and well, that meant that Roy took the hard L here and was left holding the bag, regardless of the fact that he truly was the perfect boyfriend through and through. Hopefully he won't dwell on the pain of this all-important lesson for too long. But most important of all, this show also made certain to teach us to always be true to ourselves and to stand tall when it seems as though the walls are crumbling down around us— something that Ted experienced in this tale because of the questions surrounding him left and right after the exposé about his panic attack hit the shelves and the web. But rather than shy and hide away, Ted understood that now was the time to be honest about his mental health and to show others that being honest about it brings him no shame— Which is why he stood tall, told his team about his struggles, and even spoke to the press about the reality of mental health after his team won the biggest game of their lives and ascended back to the Federal League. It was quite inspiring to see Ted show us how it's done, and we hope that this show inspires others to follow in Ted's footsteps. However, while all of these elements were powerful and engaging in their own right, there was one storyline that everyone was dying to see in this tale: How was Ted was going handle Nate's horrible betrayal of his trust? Well, Ted's response was just as powerful as his other journey in this tale. He reminded us that the high road is the way to go here because lashing out and giving into revenge serves no purpose. Often, the guilty party knows what they did, and they have to live with it and their reasoning for it. This is why it's best that we leave well enough alone and try to move forward like Ted did because in the end, we can't control what others do or what they think of us. We can only be ourselves and nourish the people that want to be in our lives and that's a powerful lesson to find here. A lesson that will be put to the test in season three of this incredible series because Nate "the great" is finally getting his day in the sun, thanks to Rupert, and he will undoubtedly go after Ted with impunity when the time comes for them to take the pitch. But while we wait for that day, we can bask in the majesty of one solid season finale. One that took a genuinely powerful look at life and all the ups and downs and wild moments that it contains. This show deserves serious credit for choosing this angle to close out year two because it's simultaneously low-key and bold in nature, primarily thanks to how, through his own journey, Ted helped the audience to understand how to objectively look at a crisis and how to attack it in a manner that doesn't involve panic or fury. However, now that Ted Lasso has healed a bit and found a peaceful place with the AFC Richmond Greyhounds, we can reflect on and revisit his powerful journey to this point as often as we'd like on AppleTV+, as we patiently await the next season of this brilliant, heartwarming, and downright moving comedy. Until next year. Written by Emily Auskaps Caution: This article contains spoilers for the season two premiere of ‘Big Sky’. This may be a new season of Big Sky, but it took mere moments to bring back that delicious curl-your-toes, discover a crick in your neck tension that is part of the joy that is this wild ride of a show. For we begin by being swept immediately back into the last moments of the season one finale; Jenny is severely wounded and on stretcher, and Cassie, knowing there is nothing more she can do for anyone at the scene of the ambush, grabs a satisfyingly large gun and jumps into a waiting law enforcement vehicle to burn rubber after Ronald. Jenny is sped through the hallways of a hospital, rushed towards surgery with her survival hanging in the balance. Cassie races on, fueled by the vivid memory of Ronald strangling her, until she final settles upon the fact that Ronald is long gone at the Helena city limits. Six weeks on, Jenny is alive and healing but by no means well, as evidenced by the bloody bandages and wincing pain, but the fire in her eyes is impossible to ignore. She pays a visit to Sheriff Tubbs, who is also still healing, to let him know that she will finally take him up on his offer to join him in the Sheriff’s office, lured by the power she associates with the badge. Tubbs doesn’t hesitate to present her with the shiny object of her affection to seal the deal that she will become Under Sheriff. She then returns to Dewell and Hoyt, where it becomes apparent that the women of the PI firm haven’t seen much of Jenny during her healing hiatus. There is still a large board dedicated to the hunt for Ronald Pergman. Jenny suggests, much to Denise’s joy, that Cassie ought to consider paying investigations while still pursuing Ronald. Through palpable tension, Cassie and Jenny agree to meet later. We are introduced to Max as she rushes out of the house that she shares with her mother to meet her waiting friend Harper. As she tries to speed through the house, she is accosted by her mother’s boyfriend Tracy. After grabbing the smoothie from her hands, he nauseatingly demands that Max call him “T-Lock” and reminds her ominously of their “agreement”. She escapes to her waiting best friend Harper, and as they ride off on their bikes, T-Lock is seen leering at them as he works out in the window. Harper makes a joke about him and laughs it off, and though Max laughs as well, her eyes betray real concern. Not long after Jenny’s visit, Mark Lindor, still apparently on suspension, shows up at Dewell and Hoyt to tempt Cassie with some new video from one of Scarlet’s neighbors’ bird cams. State Trooper Cormac Dewey is seen in the video escorting Scarlet to a minivan in her driveway. Lindor and Cassie head to Dewey’s house to see what they may learn by observing. Much to Cassie’s frustration, all they discover is that Dewey enjoys raising flowers, causing her to go confront him directly, against Lindor’s urging and better judgment. Trooper Dewey, holding his pruning shears ominously, fixes his soulless dead-eyed stare on Cassie and warns her to concern herself with her family because “they” are watching him and are watching her. He offers her one of his roses which she scorns and turns on her heels to leave. Jenny is already seated at the bar nursing a beer when Cassie arrives. Cassie apologizes for being late, explaining they were following a lead, but broaches the subject no further. Jenny then announces that she is leaving Dewell and Hoyt, which comes as a shock to Cassie, but she doesn’t try to talk her out of her decision. Jenny clarifies that she will still be involved financially, but that she feels she needs the power that comes with a sheriff’s badge, again mentioning it specifically as though she almost views it as a talisman of some kind. Not alone in the bar, Jenny and Cassie observe a group of men is playing pool, one of whom approaches and is met with immediate rejection. However, after Cassie leaves to go home to her son, Jenny seems to recognize one of the other men of the group. She offers a greeting to this gentleman as he and his friends exit the bar, but he returns a blank stare and informs her they’ve never met. He drops a sleazy line and leaves laughing with the guys. Back at home, Jenny, startled by a noise outside, grabs her gun, flings open the door, and demands whoever it is put their hands up. There is the man from the bar, hands in the air with a sheepish look on his face imploring her not to shoot. It becomes apparent that the two share a long past together, and some undeniable chemistry. Travis apologizes for the encounter in the bar, explaining that he is working undercover to expose a drug ring. Somewhere outside of town, two individuals meet to conduct some shady business. The second man to arrive is visibly uncomfortable and trying to keep the encounter brief, he implores the man waiting for him with wild eyes to just do their exchange of bags the way they typically have. The first man, Big Sam, chides him for his tardiness to the meeting, and demands the that the bag be brought to the backseat of his truck. The nervous man complies only to find the backseat lined with plastic, realizing immediately, but still too late, that he has driven to his own execution. As he is wrapping his victim in the plastic, a mobile phone on the corpse begins to ring. Big Sam cuts a slit in the plastic to retrieve it, the screen shows an incoming call from a woman called Ren. Sam ends the call, slips the phone into his pocket, and continues about his business unaware of the mistake he’s made. Cassie returns home where Max is watching her son Kai. Max tries to turn down Cassie’s offer of a ride home, but Cassie isn’t having any of that and Max seems relieved that Cassie insists. As they drive, Cassie asks Max about school and life. Max discloses that her mom has a new boyfriend, a creepy jobless loser. Cassie tries to reassure her that things will work out. Max tries to sneak into her bedroom in peace through an outside staircase, but somehow T-Lock appears to collect on what we now understand to be his “agreement” with Max is: he gets first dibs on any money she makes. Later, Max gets a text invitation from Harper to meet at “The Ridge.” There the two are met by a brother and sister from school. When Madison warns her brother Bridger against ogling her friends or saying anything stupid before they get out of her jeep, he wonders why he’s even come along. She tells him he’s there as her bodyguard and to keep an eye out for “creepers in vans” which he finds satisfactory. As the teens hang around in the woods, we see that they aren’t alone: a scruffy man in a hoodie and stocking cap watches them from among the trees. Max tattoos a small heart onto Harper’s wrist, pressing a rock against the finished product to soak up the extra ink. She then hands the rock to Harper, telling her to make a wish and toss it away, which Harper does. “I wish something would happen,” she tells Max. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. As the group stands at the edge of a rise over the highway, we see Big Sam cruising along in his big truck. He turns up the music and drives on through the night, unfazed by the plastic wrapped body lying in his backseat. That is, until the man in the plastic sits upright and begins to struggle with him. The truck lurches and swerves all over the highway before flying off the road and rolling, landing on its roof. Big Sam’s victim is now actually dead, but Sam lays outside the truck wounded but still alive. The crash ends at the base of the hill that the teens were just on. They rush down the slope to the accident to see if they can render aid. Outside of cellphone range they debate about what to do when Bridger is grabbed around the ankle by Sam. He falls and the teens scramble back in fear. Sam warns them that they will be killed and to grab the bags and run. For some reason Bridger complies, grabs the bags and they duck out of sight. While the teens are hiding, a man with very large boots, whistling “The Farmer in the Dell” in a most unsettling manner, approaches the vulnerable man lying at the wreck of the truck. Thankfully, they refrain from crying out as they witness the whistling man put a bullet into Sam’s head. Properly terrified, the teens race back to the Jeep and finally leave the scene. Max once again returns home to her mother and the useless boyfriend fighting in the kitchen. She hides the bags under a shed on the property, by no means burying it, as she merely plies up a few boards and dumps the bags under the shed but not underground. Jerrie and Cassie return to continue to surveil Dewey’s place until Jerrie observes a broken window. In a case of de ja vu, Cassie tears out of the vehicle much to her partner’s protest. However, this time her instincts prove sound: Dewey is dead in his recliner with his pruning shears jammed in his neck. Outside, Cassie and Jerrie make sure that Lindor receives a manila envelope in confidence. He protests, but Cassie prevails, and the photograph inside reveals a recent snap of Cassie walking with her son Kai. Once again at the Ridge the next day, Max, Harper, Madison and Bridger reconvene at the Ridge again under the gaze of the man in the lurking in the shadows observing them. Max assures them that the bags, which we know to contain copious amounts of drugs and cash, are hidden. They debate back and forth vigorously about telling the police. Max tells them that she counted the cash and it’s $500,000. They decide to just hold on to it for the time being. Despite being enamored by the badge, Jenny flat out refuses to wear the uniform. Tubbs acquiesces and sends her on to the site of a car wreck, with which we are already familiar. Jenny arrives at the crash site, picks up a stack of evidence markers and promptly discovers the rock with the ink imprint. Finally, we view an idyllic rural property with comfy setups for various animals. As “Happy Together” plays we watch a bouncy man with a long gray balding ponytail plate bacon and eggs and head past his menagerie towards a particularly well partitioned holding pen. Out of the shadows emerges Ronald, with weeks of unshaven scruff on his face and a thick metal collar chained to his neck. “Wakey wakey eggs and bakey,” he greets a glaring Ronald. Then it is revealed that our jolly breakfast distributer looks… exactly like Rick Legarski. But surely, it’s not. For we watched his wife bludgeon him to death. But nonetheless, we leave this episode with a haunting and familiar face and so… many… questions. |
January 2025