Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 205 of ‘Kold x Windy’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
We like to believe that the people that have been in our lives through thick and thin for years on end, will always be there for us. After all, there comes a point, where they are basically family, and we cannot envision a life without them. Which is why we tend to offer forgiveness for their mistakes, the same we would any other family member, and why we do our best to keep the peace with them and work out problems if they arise. But alas, our ride or die friends don’t always stay with us and sometimes… they can transform into someone that is toxic in nature. It could be because something dark is going on in their lives or it could be because we are beginning to move in different directions in life, but the realization that the dynamic between us and our besties might change and/or end… is a tough one to face. If anything, it is top of mind today, simply because it was something that Malika experienced during this week’s episode of Kold x Windy on ALLBLK. For ‘Haters Gonna Hate’ brought forth some stunning surprises when it came to her relationship with Renee. For the label let it be known that Kold and Windy’s rivals were joining the company’s lineup, and that pissed Renee off like never before. Simply because she truly believed that the band deserved the upmost respect, and a move such as this spoke otherwise. So, she did what she knew best… she got angry. In fact, Renee got so angry that security had to escort her out of the building, and she was placed under arrest, and the problems didn’t end there. Because her outburst, and the damage she caused was enough for the label to make it clear that they no longer wanted to do business with Kold and Windy, so they dropped them. Which prompted Malika to do whatever was needed to keep the band alive and keep the dream going. So, she brought back their old manager to try and salvage the situation and she pondered upon how best to juggle their finances. Because she also was planning on taking care of Gege’s taxes so that there would be no worries or concerns about the future once the treatments were done, and that was jeopardized by the label dropping them. And wouldn’t you know it? That money was spent too, and Renee did not care about the fact the label tossed them aside and that the money was gone. For she believed this was the peak of her life. Where she could be a famous musician that was authentically from the streets. But she stole from her bestie, and she basically put the band down a path of destruction and that brought about… the trouble at hand for Malika. Because she was simply beside herself over this and could not believe that someone she saw as a sister could do this. Of course, she tried to hold Renee to account in a classy manner, as family is wont to do, to no avail. Because all Renee cared about was keeping it light and keeping it real, and that left Malika wondering, what was happening to their friendship. Because they weren’t on the same page, they were seemingly growing apart, and Renee’s actions were beginning to tear Malika’s life to shreds. But before she could ponder upon what steps and what actions to take to snap Renee out of her funk and figure out a way forward… another horrible surprise arrived. In that, Malika’s mother created enough debts and ran her mouth just enough… to garner the attention of that mysterious woman that’s been following Malika. Who made herself known to Malika at last, to inform her that she would pay off her mother’s debts through some epic stains. A revelation that left Malika in an even darker place. Because now… she appeared to be stuck in a life she has been so desperate to escape, and to make that worse… she was just so close to being free. She had the contract; the album was being assembled. But Renee ruined everything in this tale… and truly left Malika questioning what their future as friends/family was going to look like and that brought forth one brilliant tale. One that truly explored a lesson we will all face at life in some point, in a manner that was powerful and compelling. Wherein we truly felt for Malika and found frustration regarding Renee and well, the stage is now set for a crossroads moment. One where Kold and Windy must decide what they truly want out of life and whether or not they’re willing to change and work for it, and it will be fascinating to see where they decide to go as season two nears its end. Until next time. Watch ‘Kold x Windy’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Those About to Die’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
We live in a world where misfortune and a downward spiral, takes time to come to fruition. For instance, one isn’t normally evicted overnight when running into the kind of financial hardship that would keep one from paying the rent or paying the mortgage. Not to mention, it takes time for credit card debt to truly become a court related issue. Because while we aren’t a perfect society by any means, there are some safeguards in place to get people back on their feet and get them moving and they exist… because there were days where people quickly found their lives falling to pieces, as evidenced by the next episode of Those About to Die on Peacock. For ‘Betrayal’ showcased the darker side of the all-precious coin in Rome. For not that long ago, Tenax was on top of the world. He had a new faction, he had buckets of money everywhere in his home and he was… on his way to the top. But that change in leadership changed everything for him and when we caught up with him here, everything was falling to pieces thanks to the return of Ursus. Whom we learned nearly died in a fire when he and Tenax tried to escape their wicked master, and well… Ursus expected a great deal of Tenax. Specifically, he expected a great deal of Tenax’s money to feel whole again. Which Tenax saw as an opportunity to turn the tables upon this now foe. But alas, Ursus was ahead of him at every step and even harmed the young children that were often used by Tenax to spy and bring information. Putting him at a true new low from which there appeared to be no escape. Which was quite the freefall for certain, one that saw a man of great power now scramble for the safety and security he worked a lifetime to afford, and he wasn’t alone. After all, Scorpus wasn’t doing all that well in the races, and that quickly put him on the outs with everyone else. Since they came to realize that without the finest gear, he wasn’t the stunning racer he appeared to be and that left him in a dazed and drunken world of sorrow. All of which spoke to how quickly a fall from grace used to happen in our world. However, this story wasn’t totally mired in darkness and sorrow. For it also explored how quickly fortunes could change in this world for the better. Even when the odds were against some, and that was explored through Kwame’s journey here. Because a ceremony to celebrate the Emperor’s new union, was to be host to a bevy of fights and to truly enthrall the crowd, that meant Flamma had to feast upon opponents and one of them was Kwame. Which brought about a brutal battle, one where Kwame held his own and even wounded the behemoth that is Flamma. And his drive, and his desire to win, was enough to be granted life by the Emperor, and it gave him a chance to remind Domitian that his slimy nature was not forgotten. Giving rise to quite the unique story, one that really did see fortunes change, that is before the episode left us with a volcanic cliffhanger. But while we wait to see what comes of Tenax and Kwame’s journeys here, we can celebrate one brilliant tale. One that deeply showcased one of the most fascinating aspects of the old world and reminded us of how fortunate we are in the 21st Century and of course… left us hungry for more. To see what lie ahead for the Empire as well, since there are also dark forces looking to change fortunes for the royal family, which should come as no surprise. For Rome is chaos, plain and simple and it is no wonder it collapsed under its own weight. Until next time. Watch ‘Those About to Die’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Mr. Throwback’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Over the course of the past few weeks, the amazing Peacock series, Mr. Throwback, has accomplished wonders storytelling wise. After all, it’s given us a quality comedy that truly has left us in stitches and informed us that Stephen Curry has the comedic chops to hang with some of the greats, since he and Adam Pally play off of one another (pun intended) well. Not to mention, this is a show that is quite thoughtful, since it has also explored the nature of the lie, and the foundations that bring forth the biggest fibs out there, and truly… we have learned a lot about such matters through this show. But while it has been amazing to discover how and why people lie, there are some fundamental questions the series premiere asked that have yet to be answered in this show. Specifically, can those who lie be redeemed? How do they respond when the jig is up? And of course… how does the lie become common knowledge? Well, it would seem the final two episodes of season one will answer those questions. For the latter two were explored in ‘Bang Bang’ and well, what we learned was fascinating. In that, there just comes a point where the lie is not sustainable anymore and where moral code comes into play, and that was put on display by Sam and Dr. Josh. The latter of whom learned the truth through the blood test he performed, and he and Sam felt the time had come… to tell Steph the truth. Which meant, this was it, the jig was up, and Danny handled it… terribly, as he should. Because all warmth of the character aside, he lied. He lied to Steph, he spent his money and well… this, and Charlie being frosty toward him, Sam cozying up to Dr. Josh and the relapse that Mitch experienced because of the weight of the lie, put Danny in a dark place. Where he also realized he deeply hurt people with his lies, he damaged lives and that was a lot to process. Thankfully… Steph was busy learning about how his show wasn’t going on the air and that gave Danny time to decide what to do about this mess and how to handle the forthcoming penalties he would face. That in turn, prompted him to go to extremes and try to fake his own death so that he could just escape and reinvent himself, again. But thankfully, that didn’t happen. Because in a shocking turn of events, Mitch took the fall for the whole thing. In a desperate attempt to do right by his boy, which was quite the turn. One that hinted that perhaps redemption can be possible for those who deeply lie. But what mattered more, was that… we came to learn that honesty always wins, and morals always trump deception, and that… the fallout of the truth will devastate those involved in the lie and potentially put them down a dark road when they know they will pay the piper dearly for deceiving so many. All of which made, for another brilliant episode from this show. One that truly let Adam Pally shine as an actor since he expressed a gamut of emotion here and of course, it still found ways to be shockingly funny. So that this dark tale was never overwhelming or unsettling and now it sets the stage for a different type of resolution. One where Danny finally gets a second chance at life because his father finally did him a solid. And it will be fascinating to see what Danny does with this incredible gift, and if he will somehow get away with lying to an NBA Superstar, in the season one finale of this powerful and thoughtful series. Until next time. Watch ‘Mr. Throwback’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Seven of ‘Wayne Brady: The Family Remix’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
One particular act that each and every one of us take part in, when we are on the cusp of something important in our lives, are little routines that serve our mental health well. In some cases, those routines could involve something simple and calming in nature, or something complex but they are all designed to clear our heads and keep us from losing ourselves within the gravity of that big moment, and it is no joke that every single person on the planet takes part in this in some form or fashion, and for proof, look no further than the next episode of Wayne Brady: The Family Remix on Freeform. For ‘Ready or Not’ saw the day draw closer and closer for Wayne, regarding his People Magazine interview, the one that would showcase his truth to the world and there were a bit of nerves building. So, everyone took part in acts that helped calm the stress of that. Maile for instance focused on her schoolwork and out of the house activities while Mandie and Jason, took a minute to appreciate one another again. Through lovely date nights and dancing and reflection upon what lie ahead. Because Jason was starting to seriously think about life with Mandie in a far more intimate manner. The marriage kind no less. But of course, it was Wayne and his routine to maintain calm that this story focused upon, and what we learned was that Wayne is all about burying himself in meaningful work when there are nerves at hand. Because that gives him focus, helps him find purpose and in the case of this bit of stress… helped him find closure to embrace what tomorrow would bring. Which was why, he put on a Vegas style show in Los Angeles, with all of his friends helping out. Because that was a huge part of his foundation as an actor/performer, and of course, his grandmother loved those shows so very much. So, to find peace, to find focus, and to pay proper tribute to the fallen, that was what he did to get there, along with some other unique actions. Specifically, spending a lot of time with family, and extended family. To just… feel that good vibe, feel the love and the sense of belonging that accompanies those moments and of course, he really needed all of that, because there was some hard work to be done before the article launched. Specifically, Wayne had an important TikTok to make. One that was designed to speak his truth and needed to be timed to the article launch, so that the world would know in every way imaginable, the real Wayne Brady and well, despite some hiccups and some stress, the video was indeed launched and just like that… the truth was spoken and Wayne felt like a whole new man for certain. One that was out, proud, and content. As to the reception of that truth, well that will have to wait until next week’s episode. But while we wait for it, we can celebrate another honest and raw tale. One that truly showcased how nerves for big moments in life, impact all of us, even the world’s biggest stars, and that we all have to do something to bring that temperature down and cool our nerves and it was fascinating to see how Wayne did that. To know that his family felt the nerves along with him, because that’s beautiful to say the least, and it was just wonderful to witness the moment that Wayne Brady found his peace, and it will be interesting to see what confidence it gives him, come next week. Until then. Watch ‘Wayne Brady: The Family Remix’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 208 of ‘The Ark’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
One unfortunate truth we all have to learn in this life, is that sometimes… the kindness and the grace we extend to others… won’t be reciprocated. Because despite our best intentions and best understanding of the situation, there are people that will take advantage of kindness and grace to further their own agenda and sometimes… the kindness we exude will be seen as weakness or selfish if the end result of our decision doesn’t benefit everyone. Which leaves us wondering if we should continue to take the high ground because it can backfire and well, that lesson and that question are top of mind today, because they were both showcased and answered during this week’s episode of The Ark on SYFY. Which ‘We Don’t Kill Our Own’ accomplished… by way of two key moments. One of which involved the truth about Lieutenant James Brice’s past. For the mess that happened last week put Kimi squarely in the crosshairs of the captain. Who wanted answers and wanted to know who else Kimi suspected as Eastern Federation aboard the ship, to do this investigation right. Which of course, brought Brice’s past into play and while he wasn’t revealed to be EF, his admission that he chose to save his young co-pilot's life on the fateful day the EF attacked the moon, instead of following orders and ending their lives via a suicide mission that could have devastated the EF, was one that went over poorly. For his decision to be kind to one but not all, didn’t save everyone and obviously, ended the life of Lane’s father, and this admission deeply upset Lane, and shattered their friendship. All of which spoke to how good deeds don’t always offer up a wondrous ending. But of course, there was mention of two storylines that explored this, and the second was handled by a stunning surprise aboard the ship. In that, the clones were working quietly behind the scenes all this time, to take control of Ark 1. Because they were terrified of being second class citizens once again and knew of a world where they would be safe. So, they used the drugs they stole from medical to create an airborne sedative, which did indeed get them in control of the ship, and the FTL Drive. But not for long. For they didn’t count on Captain Garnet unleashing Kelly before she passed out, who in turn woke Alicia and Dr. Kabir, and a handful of others, and worked with them to re-take the ship. Which was no easy task. Because the clones did wake the captain, and tried to get Garnet to hand over control of the ship when our heroes began to move their plans sideways. Which she thankfully refused to do, and instead put the ship on lockdown. Thankfully, her distraction and push to disobey the clone's orders gave the good doctors in medical time to create a compound that woke the crew and let them re-take the ship. Which in turn spoke deeply to how, kindness doesn’t always go so far. Because despite giving the clones a second chance… and showing them that not everyone would treat them like dirt, they cared not. Instead seeing that as a window to sow this brand of chaos and even put down the Gen 3 Clones. All of which, undoubtedly made the captain and Brice ponder upon if they made the right choices… and deep down… they know they did. For they both understood the most important lesson of all regarding kindness. In that, one should never stop exhibiting it because of the actions of a few. For to do so, would let the darkness in the world win. All of which made for a powerful and engaging episode. One filled with action and adventure, and incredible moments. Since Kelly is slowly earning her redemption and this crew is indeed starting to work together as one for greater causes, and they're working to leave old agendas and old haunts, behind, and this could not come at a better time. For it would also seem… that the greatest challenge this crew has faced to date awaits them, courtesy of that cliffhanger at the end of the tale. One that informed us that the Eastern Federation has found Ark 1, and trained their weapons upon them, and it will be interesting to learn how they found the ship and learn what they want… when we settle in to enjoy what should be an epic penultimate episode to season two of this brilliant series. Until next time. To learn more about season two, and what it means to actors Reece Ritchie (Lieutenant Spencer Lane) and Richard Fleeshman (Lieutenant James Brice), check out interview with them, here. Watch ‘The Ark’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
It is definitely safe to say that Peacock has been an absolute go to network this year for quality true crime stories. For everything they’ve released in 2024 in that genre of storytelling, is incredibly well-researched and thought provoking, and well… Peacock is showing no signs of slowing down when it comes to offering top-tier true crime content. For earlier today, they set the premiere date for one of their most ambitious true crime shows to date. For we learned that 9/17 will see the debut of World’s Most Notorious Killers.
A docuseries that will re-examine some of the most chilling modern cases out there and explore every corner of them. To properly showcase how some quite literally get away with murder and how they are eventually caught, and to of course, keep the memories of their victims alive. And to properly inform us of how engaging and comprehensive this series is going to be, Peacock also released a trailer and details on the series, which we will share with you now. So, you can steel your nerves before plunging yourself into a world of chilling sorrow, and bittersweet triumph and justice.
ABOUT WORLD’S MOST NOTORIOUS KILLERS Peacock’s new true crime docuseries World’s Most Notorious Killers follows the chilling stories of five shocking international murder investigations of recent times. Each episode will re-examine a different case from some of the most infamous criminals across the globe, and will feature firsthand accounts from former detectives, family members, lawyers, forensic scientists and journalists all dedicated to bringing these murders to justice. ABOUT THE DOCUSERIES Premiere Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Executive Producers: Ian Russell, Mike Griffiths and Robert Palumbo from ITN Productions. David Alrich, Brendan Dahill, Jimmy Humphrey and Carolyn Day from Perpetual Entertainment. Rik Hall, David Howard and Carolyn Day from Monster Films. Produced By: ITN Productions, Perpetual Entertainment, Monster Films Format: 5 episodes x 80 minutes, Binge Drop
Please enjoy an exclusive sneak peek of Episode 205 of Kold x Windy, in advance of the show’s return tomorrow on ALLBLK!
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Bad Monkey’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
When we last settled in to discuss and enjoy the incredible new Apple TV+ series, Bad Monkey, there was a worrisome question hanging over all of our heads. In that, was this already unconventional story going to take an even more unconventional turn by bringing forth an outright end to the show’s main character? Because Nick found his way to Yancy at the end of last week's episode, and clobbered him over the head, making it seem as though this was the end of our hero. But thankfully, the next episode in this amazing tale, informed us that was not going to be the case and we would still enjoy more of Yancy’s antics, and his keen mind. Because despite Nick’s best efforts to put Yancy down, even going so far as to try and drown him, and make the whole mess appear to be a drunken fishing accident, Yancy survived in ‘That Damn Arm Is Back’, and made efforts to move the case in the right direction. After of course, making life hard once again for his least favorite realtor. Because Nick, in his infinite wisdom, left his cell phone behind while attacking Yancy, and finding it... energized Yancy. Who planned to use that phone to bring Nick to justice, after he underwent a quick check-up of course. Because he took quite the blow, one that bled, and opted to see Rosa about his injury to ensure he was okay to continue, and well, that’s where some new complications came into play. In that, Mendez was eager to be a power player in this situation, and he immediately made Yancy the chief suspect in Izzy’s death. Which put Yancy on the run, and forced him to lay low with Rosa’s family and well, since Eve wasn’t aware that Yancy was still alive… because dear old Nick wanted to keep that a secret, she more or less went on a tear to close out this chapter in her life and begin a new one. That started with getting Caitlin in line through threats. So her daughter-in-law would remain quiet, and her lieutenants down by the resort worked hard to keep all the intelligence that Neville obtained, away from prying eyes. Which allowed for Nick and Eve to joyously prepare to leave the country and enjoy the spoils of their new riches. But thankfully, Yancy did not lay low forever. Because he wanted to bring Nick and Eve to justice and he had quite the idea in mind to make that happen. Granted, he had to dig up Nick’s arm, because he needed it to use the Touch ID function on his phone. But… such wild moves did pay off in the end, since he was able to get access to Nick's phone and uncover his plans to leave. Which brought about one bold push to stop them from leaving. But when that didn’t work, he did the next best thing, he made sure to use Nick’s phone to call Eve. So, she would know, he was alive and well, and ignite the fury that Nick wished to keep at bay, and well.... that most certainly brought tension into the lives of this murderous couple, and an understanding that they won't be able to just run and hide from the horrible things they've done. All of which gave rise… to one incredible episode. Wherein at last, the villains of the story have something to worry about. Because Yancy did an amazing job of finding a way to get under Eve and Nick's skin and inform them they are not invincible and perhaps not a moment too soon. Because Nick was a little scary in this story, especially during that scene where he waffled on whether or not he would keep his daughter safe, But all of that aside, it was also nice that this episode took a moment to slow things down and develop more of Yancy and Rosa's budding relationship and explore her family life, and it was equally as satisfying that this story set the stage for more conflict for Yancy to overcome. Since Sheriff Sommers has plans to bring Yancy in, as well, and in the end, all of this leaves us eager for more of this captivating show. So, we can see what kind of good trouble comes forth from Yancy's bold moves in this story. Until next time. Watch ‘Bad Monkey’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Seven of ‘Women in Blue (Las Azules)’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
It really is quite amazing, what fear inspires in us. Because it can in fact, inspire negativity in us and prompt us to play it safe and hide from life and that which we do fear. But it can also… push us like never before and drive us to do things we would not otherwise. To overcome those fears or to help us grow and potentially, keep others safe if they are experiencing in shared fear as well. If anything, the benefits of fear are top of mind today, simply because they were put on display in the next episode of Women in Blue (Las Azules) on Apple TV+. A feat that ‘Dora’ accomplished by outright putting fear into the hearts of everyone at the police department. Because it was discovered that the person that beat Lucas within an inch of his life, was in fact… The Undresser. Who clearly believed that Lucas was onto something regarding his identity and felt it best to take him out before he could cause any trouble. Which put the fear of God into Valentina, since she also came to learn that monster was in the house with her as she tried to keep Lucas alive and well… that fear at first, pushed Valentina to do sour things. Such as snap at Gabina and of course, thumb her nose at Gerardo regarding the case, despite her involvement in it. But a little downtime with Ángeles, and some kindness from her, prompted Valentina to understand that she did not need to let fear control her and make her so bitter in this moment. For this was instead, a moment for healing, a moment for growth. So, she took her fear and embraced its power to help her change. Which gave rise to kindness toward Ángeles and gave rise to kindness and grace for Valentina. Wherein she forgave herself for her brashness and apologized to whomever she could. All because fear inspired something better in her, and that was lovely to see and it also inspired, hard action from Ángeles and Mária. ![]()
Because they were fearful that the investigation would take a darker turn if they didn’t do something and quick, so they teamed up on cold cases, and used information from that killer in prison, while Gabina learned some hard facts about her father, to uncover some shocking and unsettling truths. In that, all signs pointed to the killer absolutely practicing his craft early on, and that… his work caught the eye of an old detective that retired long ago. Who sadly passed, but his widow was eventually able to offer information on the case, and the possible origins of the killer. After she came to understand how much Las Azules were willing to risk in solving the case, since Ángeles had a panic attack at a Sunday parade as they tried to get information.
Which brought them to the man that everyone believed to be the son of the first victim of the killer. A man who at first, was scary in nature and potentially The Undresser himself. But he was nothing more than a man mired in grief and sorrow over the loss of his mother, but he did have incredible information to send their way. In that, he believed The Undresser was a disturbing young man named Benito. Who exhibited violent tendencies toward women and animals and chilled others to the bone with his darkness, and well, he may be closer to Las Azules than they’ve ever known. For the one identifying mark regarding Benito, a giant scar, happens to be the one identifying mark on the man that’s been courting Gabina. Giving rise… to a different kind of fear. One that will be addressed next week no doubt. But in the meantime, we can celebrate another smart tale, one that truly did explore how fear can drive us to do wonderful things. Because it did help Valentina grow, and it did help the case move along like never before. For now, we have a name, now we have an understanding of how this man moves with such ease and how he gets his victims to a place where he can cause them harm, and all of this, is going to make the wait for next week’s episode a difficult one. For this is clearly the endgame, the only question now is how Las Azules will outmaneuver and outwit a man that has done this for a long time… and knows how to stay a step ahead. Until next time. Watch ‘Women in Blue (Las Azules)’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season Four Premiere of ‘Slow Horses’. To revisit the Season Three Finale, click here.
It is definitely safe to say that the Apple TV+ series, Slow Horses, is one of the boldest and most dynamic spy stories around. In large part because the series makes a point of offering up incredible stories that aren’t grounded in spectacle and grandiose villains as most spy stories prefer. Instead, we are treated to intimate, character studies that explore the emotional impact of the moment and the ugly that the members of Slough House see, and the wonders of this series don’t end there. Since it is also quite brave in nature, courtesy of moments that raise the stakes and well, these elements are top of mind today, simply because the series is going to take that to a whole new level in season four. For the season four premiere of the show, opted to take us on the boldest ride this series has assembled to date, and it accomplished such a feat… by first lulling us into a sense of security. For ‘Identity Theft’ picked up some time after the season three finale, wherein life was getting back to normal at Slough House and in London in general. For Taverner settled into a new role at the service and attempted to have the day-to-day nonsense be handled by a new chap named Claude Whelan and back at the office, life was pretty relaxed, despite some changes. For Standish was indeed retired and done, and River spent his days pondering upon the future of his grandfather, who was showing signs of mental collapse. All of which truly seemed to signal, a more relaxed and intimate season, where these spies worked to live life and handle simple cases. That is… until the first surprise in this season’s storytelling arrived. In that, a marketplace was blown to hell by a bomber, who immediately garnered the attention of MI-5. For this act was brutal, savage, and came with no intelligence or claims from responsible parties. It was just cruelty, the kind that was further enhanced by the fact that the bomber, outfitted his flat to be nothing short of a death trap. One complete with its own set of well-hidden bombs that quickly dispatched an MI-5 tactical team when they poked about a normally safe spot. Putting London on edge and leaving everyone scrambling to uncover the horrific, ‘why.’ ![]()
While that was going down, Slough House was dealing with their own shocking moment. For as the investigators began to explore the bombing sites, River dropped by his grandfather’s house to see how he was doing. Which was… not well. For he was indeed suffering through one of his episodes and in process of trying to decipher what was real and what was not, he blasted River with a shotgun, a truth that was confirmed by Jackson Lamb when he was roused from his unsettling slumber. Which was… a true stunner. For while we’ve seen agents and charcters fall in this show, we’ve never seen a core member, this big, disappear from the landscape. Which of course, brought shock to the office and tears, especially from Louisa. Who was getting closer to River in this downtime.
But of course, the audience undoubtedly, and this writer for certain, could not stand the thought that somehow, someway, this was legit. Because River is integral to the story, to Slough House and to us. For we love the guy, and we love Jack Lowden, and thankfully… it turned out that River was in fact, all right. For someone else’s body was identified by Lamb, because he knew something was amiss and he knew where River would take his grandad, since he went missing after the shooting… and no one thought twice about an old man with dementia just wandering off after committing a crime. Which reunited Jackson with Standish. Since she was keeping David Cartwright safe, and of course, that reunion informed us of the good news and left us quite curious and quite worried about what lie ahead. Because this was… a shockingly bold episode. One that really did plunge the story into quite the bleak and uncomfortable place and tugged at our heartstrings and left us sick in doing so. Because the thought of anyone at Slough House that we deeply love being harmed, is a lot for fans to bear and while we did indeed get some relief and an understanding that only Jackson and River seem to have an understanding of what is going on, and how all of this ties together (because how could it not in a spy story?), this does leave one to wonder. Is this a hint that darker days are coming? Was this a Walking Dead type move designed to prepare for us loss? Not to mention… why is such cruelty being imparted on the people of London and how will Slough House stop it? Because it will of course fall to them. Guess we will just have to wait to find out and while we do… we can celebrate the show’s best season premiere to date. For this one was something else and it truly signified that year four is going to take us on quite the ride, one filled with surprise. Until next time. Watch ‘Slow Horses’
March 2025