Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 107 of ‘The Anonymous’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
There comes a point with new television shows, where everything comes together narratively, and that is quite the special moment. Because when that happens, the show takes on new life and it has a comfortable vibe that only excites an audience further. Thanks to the fact that the show knows what it is about and what it can accomplish. But normally, this is something that is applied to narrative and fiction themed television shows, since they take time to establish plots and flesh out their characters. But believe it or not, this moment can be present in reality television as well, especially when the show is indeed a newborn of sorts, and for proof… look no further than this week’s episode of The Anonymous on USA Network. For ‘Plot Twist!’ finally saw everything come together in this show. For now, viable strategies came into play and the intrepid folks vying to earn the title of The Anonymous finally have a sound understanding of what to do with the chat and how to use it to their advantage. All of which was put on display in this tale, after of course, some ugly business was tended to. Since we were left wondering last week if the seasoned Reality TV veteran, Xavier, was going to go home, or if Dillian and his bubbly personality was going to be removed from our screens and well, it turned out that Xavier was The Anonymous’ choice to be sent packing, who happened to be Lilly this week, and once Xavier said his goodbyes, we were plunged into a transformative episode. One where DANI wasted little time in letting the contestants know, that once their breakfast and morning routine was out of the way, the very next day, it was time to head into the chat and get down to Anonymous business and that’s where we saw everything come together. Because in essence, everyone is comfortable now and everyone understands that this is a game designed to make others uncomfortable through Anonymous mode and where they can use the chat to direct others toward targets. All of which spoke to Xavier’s legacy, since he put forth a fair chunk of these concepts into the game and well… they were executed to a tee here. Which brought about one intense chat, wherein Marcel might have exposed himself again, and where others began to disappear from the conversation because of how well they were using these strategies. All of which made it seem that strategy was going to be the focus of this episode, and that the smooth nature of that strategy would once again lock down a target for removal, which varied, surprisingly. Since some were pondering upon Jack’s future while others were eager to look at sending Marcel home or break up the power couple that is Victopher. But since this show is also all about surprise, we saw another element come forth that will also be the norm. For DANI threw everyone for a loop before they could really settle in on who to go after, courtesy of a reformed Face-Off Challenge. One where there would be no show and tell regarding whether someone was ‘At Risk’ or ‘Safe’. They would simply choose their box and go handle the test, and the Anonymous would make their choice, with a twist. In that, if The Anonymous chose a player to go home that had a ‘Safe’ box, they would be immune and there would be no elimination. Which meant, the audience and the contestants went into elimination with no knowledge of who was safe, but slowly but surely, we came to learn who did indeed have the magic safety box, and for the first time… we knew exactly who was on the chopping block. It turns out, it was Marcel, and we learned this early… to offer up a different kind of cliffhanger. Because we don’t know if he was safe or not and we won’t know… until next week. Which was a stunning end to a stunning episode, one that at first glance, does not appear to be anything more than chaos and no real sense of cohesion but it is there. Because everyone was indeed comfortable and eager to deploy strategies that ruffled features and confused and shattered anonymity, and it is becoming the norm now to be surprised by DANI. Which means this show has now established that strategy and surprise, and a need to overcome the twist will be the formula and the norm for this show, and now it will be interesting to see how the contestants thrive within that as this season continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘The Anonymous’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
When we prepare to head out into the world, and become a productive member of society, a critical lesson is hammered into our heads, nonstop. In that, when we find a job we love, or a job in general… we should be loyal to it and be a go-getter and make working our top priority. For that, will get us noticed by those in charge and help us to leap ahead in our career field and be the best and hopefully… rise to the top. But while there is merit to that lesson, since it does teach us the importance and the power of dedication and hard work, like so many lessons in this life, it is incredibly incomplete in nature.
Because what we don’t talk about regarding the lesson… is how there is so much more to life than working, and that we will discover fulfilling components that will in fact, conflict with our career. Because a push to be the company hero, doesn’t jibe with hobbies, and relationships and anything else that takes time away from the precious shareholders. Which means, we eventually must make a choice when we do find ourselves embedded deep in a job that we've excelled at, and now demands the world of us. In that, we either step back, and cherish what we’ve built away from the office, or wear that logo proudly. And so many choose the latter, which then asks the question. Who do we become when the company matters most? Well, it just so happens that the next episode of Acapulco on Apple TV+ explores that to a tee. A feat that ‘Time After Time’ accomplished, by exploring Don Pablo’s fascinating life and time at Las Colinas. Which was made possible by a surprise back in the 1980s. Wherein a sour employee that was feeding intelligence to a tabloid, was fired and decided to go scorched Earth on the place on the day that Diana was showing the press a new museum exhibit that explored the hotel’s amazing past. Of course, it was up to Máximo and his friends to fix her mess, and they did and saved the day, and tempted a little fate since the editor of that tabloid offered to throw some cash Máximo’s way for information. But along the way, we learned so much about Don Pablo through stories designed to buy Máximo time. About how he was a company man from the get-go and always made Las Colinas the priority. Which infuriated his wife and hurt his son, both whom he hoped to make amends with down the line. But that never happened. For Don Pablo did choose the hotel over his family, and he did suffer for it. Since he made an enemy in Nora, who was once close with Don Pablo’s wife, and… he did lose his family. Since they left him behind, and his son made a point to never speak to him. Which taught us, that if we choose the company man path, it will be hard. Because we will lose a lot, and we will end up in a very lonely place. Wherein we will need to find new ways to find fulfillment and the connections we desire. Which for Don Pablo, involved charting a course for the hotel’s future, becoming a trusted advisor and friend to long-term guests and forming bonds with the help. Which is what he did with Máximo here to have some feeling and semblance of family. All of which made Don Pablo’s story quite bittersweet in nature and reminded us of the cost of totally locking into our careers. Which made for a fascinating episode, one that also, expanded on present day Máximo’s journey. Since we learned, he’s a bit like Don Pablo, and… they did indeed become close. To the point where Máximo is debating going to Don Pablo’s funeral to speak, despite the old haunts that will await him. Since we also learned, he left Las Colinas on a sour note. But that aside, this was a powerful cautionary tale, one that finally explored a tragic journey for a mysterious character and set the stage for what appears to be… a tragic end at Las Colinas for dear Máximo. Until next time. Watch ‘Acapulco’
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Penultimate Episode of ‘Snowpiercer’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Over the course of the past nine weeks or so, we’ve talked at length about the brilliance of the final season of Snowpiercer on AMC, and rightfully so. For this farewell voyage of Snowpiercer (876 cars long) has been mired in fascinating concepts about the human condition, what we learn in truly the toughest of times, since THIS is humanity’s darkest hour, and what should matter to us when times are tough. All of which has almost prompted us to forget that in addition to being a brilliant series, this is a show that also knows how to be as versatile as they come. Since it also knows how to bring forth drama that moves us to tears, such as what happened with Ben this season, it knows how to surprise, and it also knows when… to wow us. Usually through incredible moments of action and adventure, the kind that are refreshing and unique because of the setting of the show and well, with this being its final year… the writers room saved the show’s greatest and most surprising battle for the end of this storied series. For ‘Dominant Traits’ spent most of its time mired in action. Mainly because… this was it; the Battle of New Eden was underway. That led… to chaos in the town. Wherein Alex finally stood tall against Nima and prevented Big Alice from being taken, and where this band of heroes had to get down and dirty to stop Nima’s forces from wiping the town out, and they were victorious. Which of course, infuriated Nima. For he was on his schedule and expected to save humanity within a few hours. So, he did what any sensible evil genius would do in trying times… he manipulated, lied and schemed to get Melanie to do his bidding and when she agreed to terms… the time arrived to use brute force to take New Eden. Wherein the town was gassed so the International Peacekeeping Force could take control and so Nima could scoop Alex back up and have her work with Melanie to figure out how best to bring the two trains together so he could launch his doomsday missile. Which truly made it seem as though, the villain was going to win the day and destroy everything in the process since Melanie was indeed afraid that noncompliance was going to lead to harm for her daughter. ![]()
But therein lie the surprise, well… several surprises. Because in essence, Melanie was playing the fool to get in with Nima’s good graces and manipulate him to execute a counter offensive to save the world. Which involved fluffing up his incredible ego and playing along. In the hopes of earning his trust to execute the plan, and well… it worked. Because while Big Alice underwent a fast retrofit to prepare to launch the missile, Melanie had just enough to freedom to set her plan in motion. Which involved getting hold of Layton to inform him that she would be rolling Snowpiercer into town and when that happened, he and an attacking force would storm it and get aboard, and it also involved… telling Alex exactly why Nima was so fascinated with her and why… Melanie was good at manipulating the man.
In that, Melanie and Nima knew each other as more than just colleagues. They were friends, and Nima was kind enough to serve as Alex’s genetic donor to help a friend out. But clearly, kindness was removed from his very soul, and the time had come for Alex to know the truth. In the hopes of giving Alex the opportunity to further help with the plan, and she used that truth wisely. To further cater to Nima’s ego to buy Melanie the time she needed to execute the last steps of her incredible plan and well… it all worked. For the citizens of New Eden were able to shock Nima’s forces and managed to retake their town in doing so, before successfully boarding Snowpiercer right before she left. And of course, Melanie and Alex were quick to head into the heart of the train in the hopes of stopping the missile to save everything, setting the stage for a stunning finale. Wherein Layton and his crew, Melanie and Alex, will do whatever it takes to save mankind from the broken and narrow sighted man that helped to put it in the position it is currently in. But while we wait to see how that fight goes or if this series is going to offer up a shockingly dark ending, we can celebrate one epic tale. For this one, was filled to the brim with tension, and action and adventure and huge moments that were indeed riveting. Serving as a final reminder of the versatility of this series, and wow was it satisfying. Because this one was just fun, and full of tension. But alas, while it was fun to once again be embroiled in a tense and epic story, this is it fans, we are reaching terminus for Snowpiercer’s voyage, and it will indeed be fascinating to see how this incredible story comes to a close. Until next time. Watch ‘Snowpiercer’
Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() We are living in quite the incredible and revolutionary time when it comes to the world of television. Because at long last, our prayers as tele-philes have finally been answered. For the arrival of streaming and the demand for more content, is giving rise to a bevy of new programs that are indeed as original can be, that are taking us to new worlds and new places emotionally, and they’re presenting us with wonderous characters that are dynamic and relatable, and they take part in bold stories that wow us and leave us eager for more. Which should allow for us to feel content and relaxed because at last… we have everything we need. But alas, that has not been the case. Simply because, while original shows and boundary pushing entertainment is hitting the airwaves and the digital airwaves at last, not all of those shows are surviving and thriving. In fact, there has been a glut of cancellations of shows that are critically acclaimed and beloved by audiences. It could be related to the fact that the market is flooded with shows or other reasons that we are simply not privy to. But it is creating a touch of worry and a touch of strife when we begin to tune into something new. Because we outright worry that falling in love with a new show will prove to be emotionally costly if that show is taken off the air. Because at that point it feels as though there is little, we can do but suffer and think of what could have been if more seasons of an amazing new show came along. But what is truly amazing, is that fans are no longer good with these cancellations and are no longer comfortable with just accepting the end. Which is why we are seeing people question the logic of some of these cancellations and why we are seeing petitions and fan movements that are attempting to save beloved shows so they can find their potential and end on the right terms and well, we here at NTG are joining into that fray. Because today, a television show that was cancelled far too early arrives on Netflix, and well… we thought it would be worthwhile to take a moment and speak to why the world of television needs more seasons of Heels. ![]() Which some may raise their eyebrows over, since this is a show about wrestling and so many look down upon the sport and look down upon any series that would want to spotlight it. But that’s the thing, it is about so much more than wrestling. For this is at its core, a supremely human story, one that can inspire. For instance, thematically, a fair chunk of the series focuses heavily on the power of chasing our dreams, and how doing so… is healthy for us. Because it drives us, motivates us, gives us purpose amid tough times and it can in fact… heal us as well and give us a peace we’ve never known when we reach the top, and well, there aren’t enough shows firing off that kind of positivity. For grit and grime is still quite popular on television, and while the tide is starting to change regarding that, the more shows we have that showcase the wonder of what we do in life, the better. In fact, speaking of grit, that’s another big reason this series deserves more seasons than the two it initially received. Simply because, it showcases the grit of life too, the tough stuff we slog through, and the moments that hurt and shatter us… so that it can speak to how we overcome such problems. Through the bigger concepts we chase in life, and by way of the family we choose and the family we are born into. Because life is about so much more than suffering and clinging to the pain in our hearts. It really is about the wonder of the moment, of the thrill of experiencing joy, and the people that join us on the journey, and yes… all of that is present in this series, and that truly makes it… as much about life as it is about wrestling and yet, there are still more reasons it deserves a second chance. Because it also features some of the best writing you’ll ever find on television. Courtesy of Showrunner Mike O’Malley, who understands the potential of this story and its characters and uses his skills as a writer and the team he assembled to give rise to stories that tap into powerful moments we can all relate to, and the cast… oh the cast is simply chef’s kiss. For each of them believe in the show and the material, and it shows because of what they put on the screen. All of which gave rise to two seasons of engaging and emotional television. The kind that touches our very soul with its humanity, its heart and its understanding that in this moment, the world wants more to turn to, needs more to turn to, and what better way to help people find that, than through a series about a down home wrestling league in the middle of Georgia that is filled with dreamers like the rest of us? And truly, we here at NTG hope that these words and the arrival of the show on Netflix, inspires others to give this inspirational series the next chapter it so rightfully deserves.
Please enjoy this sneak peek of the penultimate episode of Snowpiercer. Which premieres Sunday, September 15 at 9pm ET/PT on AMC; and will be available to stream on AMC+.
Episode 409 – ‘Dominant Traits’
March 2025