Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
The old saying ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’ is one that holds relevance in our modern world for one reason and one reason one. In that, there is so much truth to it. Because time and time again, we’ve found ourselves in a situation where it just seems as though our dreams have come true with the least amount of work, only to discover that the situation or person that helped us ‘achieve’ what we want… was false in nature and we pay the price dearly. Sometimes monetarily but always on a fundamentally emotional level. For we feel the fool and that’s a place that is never fun to be within and really, that phrase and the fallout of not listening to it is top of mind today, because it was featured in the season one finale of See on Apple TV+.
For when we catch up with Haniwa and Kofun in ‘House of Enlightenment’, they enter the place that shares the namesake of this episode and well… at first glance, it appears to be quite the facility that Jerlamarel has built. For it really is a safe haven for people with sight, and it is secure and safe thanks to the fact it was a prison back in the day and it also offered knowledge as promised. For this place was home to a massive library, one that featured a great deal of works to teach anyone and everyone with sight about the world and mankind’s history and whatever other topics were hidden away within the library and well… it wasn’t long before the concerns began to fly about this place. In part because of Jerlamarel’s ego. Because he spoke often of his own wonder, as though he genuinely believed that he was the true savior of mankind, a man chosen by God to repopulate the Earth with sight, and that kind of ego never has any good behind it… and Kofun and Haniwa were right to be concerned. For it turned out, that the Trivantian Army was working with dear Jerlamarel to secure whomever they wanted to return with them to their empire. Which in this case, involved Haniwa, as part of an effort to try and lure Baba Voss out into the open for reasons that would be revealed in season two. Which made this savior of mankind, nothing more than a modern and petty man who was happy to use people as bargaining chips if it benefitted his desires and well, he paid the price dearly for that since Baba Voss came to the rescue at the right moment and gave this arrogant man his just desserts. However, while that made for a perfect encapsulation of that old saying, there was another important moment to discuss from this tale. Specifically, the fate of Queen Kane. Because despite Maghra’s best efforts to get her to abdicate the throne in an effort to find some honor in this life, the Queen refused and pushed her luck to the limit… all while building new allies behind the scenes. The kind that would help her hold power and once again handle people she deemed to be her enemies. Which meant that once more, people followed her lust for power without question and that seemingly brought an end to Tamacti Jun, and it brought fire to the City of Worms. Moves that set the stage for season two’s journey for Maghra and Sibeth Kane, while also reminding of us how people in this life, tend to follow leaders that project confidence and knowledge rather than leaders that actually have that. But all commentary aside, make no mistake about it… this was a phenomenal season finale. For it resolved the cliffhangers that the previous episode put together all while throwing new ones into the mix. Since we were dying to know why this mysterious Trivantian General was so interested in Baba Voss and his family and of course, we were genuinely worried about Maghra’s safety because of her sister and thankfully, season two resolved those issues in a magnificent manner and well… now that we’ve reached the end of our journey back through season one, the time has come to turn our attention to what lies ahead. For the third and final season of See is about to hit the airwaves and we here at NTG cannot wait to dive into it and nerd out about it, with all of you. Until next time.
Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘Showtrial’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
When we last settled in to discuss the fascinating Sundance Now series, Showtrial, we talked at length about how the previous episode, did a phenomenal job of diving into how the legal world has in essence transformed. For gone are the days of nobility surrounding the law and a real sense of honesty for those involved in a particular trial. It’s all about headlines and dirty blows so that a jury and the court of public opinion can be influenced by one particular side. Making legal proceedings these days seem akin to a sporting event, where two sides shout at one another while they wait for their side to win and well… it turned out that such an examination was a bare beginning of a grand look at modern legal proceedings. Because the next episode in this fascinating series, ‘Velleities’, brought us to the beginning of the trial of the century. Where the jury was ready to make decisions and where the prosecution and defense played a delicate game of chess in front of that jury, one designed to find weaknesses in the other side’s testimony to try and tip the scales of justice in their favor. In fact, Cleo was carefully watching the Prosecution’s case and hoping for some kind of crack in the armor, and she thought for a brief moment, she found it. Because there was a remote chance that the fibers present on Talitha’s bracelet, were in fact… there well before the evening in question. Which would potentially bring doubt into the matter. Which in turn led to all kinds of maneuvering on Cleo’s part, to bring the quality of the evidence into question, a move she and her team were successful with and she also worked hard to see if there was another angle in freeing Talitha. Which brought her to Troy to discuss Talitha and his involvement in the matter, especially after it became clear that Talitha did not hand over the missing credit cards and her conversation with Troy... gave her a bold idea. In that, perhaps if she could show the jury the Talitha that she saw behind the scenes, the one that could be honest and earnest in her own sassy way… then perhaps she stood a chance at winning this case. But alas, all it took was one ugly day in court to change all of that. Because while she was maneuvering behind the scenes and playing dangerous games to win for her client, the Prosecution was also playing the field and doing their due diligence and they were able to sucker punch Talitha and Dhillon’s team courtesy of some devastating testimony. For Lydia Vendler took the stand to talk about her late husband’s relationship with the accused, and in doing so… she revealed to the jury and the court… his thoughts on Talitha and the trouble she caused and the hate in her heart. The kind of stuff that would immediately lock a jury into thoughts that she was a monster of sorts, one capable of murder and planning the act as well. A move that left Cleo beside herself since it truly appeared as though… the case was about to be lost. But while wait to see just how much of an impact this moment will have upon the trial, we can revel in another fascinating tale. One that really held nothing back in showing us the games that both sides play to secure that win, which was troubling to watch in many ways. Simply because they both worked hard to really secure the win through shock value, rather than just present raw truth as we expect. But that is sadly the way of things now, where shock moments and a grand fight to sow doubt rule the day and this episode gives one pause regarding that… since we expect better of our legal system. But alas, this is the dangerous place it currently is and now that this leg of the trial has come to an end, we can focus on how the sloppy nonsense present here impacts a trial since a verdict awaits us in the finale. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 203 of ‘Good Grief’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Sometimes life… is just unbearable. It could be due to just external stresses or internal ones, or something as simple as money woes. But one way or another, life brings us to our breaking point. Where we are ready to just run away and escape the first chance we get, and now and again, we do just that. Because when the situation is that bad, a moment of clarity and some follow-up objectivity, really does provide us calm and enough peace to figure out a way forward. Where we can return to our everyday habits and solve our problems and weather this crisis and move on. But what’s wild about this particular moment, is that sometimes… getting away from it all, doesn’t give us what we hope. Because sometimes, the problem is so complex and so overwhelming, that all time away does is give us a moment to breathe. Where we can find enough calm to return to the problem at hand just wing it regarding how we solve it. Which can lead to messy attempts at resolution and struggles galore as we try to find clarity and direction or something to give us outright peace, and well… that particularly chaotic path to salvation is top of mind today, simply because that’s what Gwen experienced in great detail in the next episode of Good Grief on Sundance Now. For when we catch up with her in ‘Tragedy Plus Time’, she is heading to work at the Funeral Home and struggling. After all, everything she’s ever wanted in life goal wise, hasn’t come to fruition and she hasn’t figured out a plan B or if she’s on the right path. So instead, she just plunged herself back into work at the Funeral Home and hoped for clarity, and that was no easy task either. Because she was under a ton of scrutiny from Ellie and her best efforts to stay out of trouble… didn’t quite go as planned either. Because a particularly difficult burial for a family, one that was made tough by a teenage daughter that loved drugs and wanted to be a real-life fairy, and also wanted to cause trouble for her family, ensnared Gwen in her special brand of mess, under the guise of needing kindness and guidance. Something that Gwen genuinely wanted to provide her with. But instead, this wild and free fairy… made the place go viral courtesy of a buried alive prank that Gwen inadvertently helped to set up. A move that oddly brought no repercussions to the business, but that sure didn’t take any heat off of Gwen. She just took more lumps from her sister and that prompted her to act out further against Stu in some hilariously weird and twisted ways. Such as leaving a backside biscuit in a box for him to claim and by trying to get him fired with the most ridiculous crank call ever. But this all happened because, Gwen is just a hot mess right now, and she’s lost and unsure of how to solve her problems and she didn’t find resolution here and that’s brilliant. Because all too often, stories such as these, work to fix these problems as quick as possible for the character or lead them in the right direction to be fixed. But sometimes, we just stay in that funk for a while and it was refreshing to see a series allow for that happen and remind us that healing and finding direction isn’t an overnight or thirty-minute solve. It takes a lot of stumbling about to get there, and you also cannot go wrong with the fact that this story hammered home that point by way of some hilarious moments. Because the Bluetooth speaker prank was just amazing, as was Beau’s artistic adventures and well, all this episode does is push us to check out the next one. So, we can see if Gwen finally finds her direction after all. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() One unspoken truth that fans of television shows understand, is that nothing is guaranteed when it comes to a series they love. For ratings are king, and if enough people aren’t watching… they know that cancellation can and will occur, as evidenced by how many shows are given that notice in a single broadcast year, and this is a truth now extending to the streaming world as well. Since a lack of views or binge watches brings about the same end. Which means that in this business, it is an outright rarity for a show to end on its own terms, but now and again it does happen and one such show in that vein is about to begin its farewell journey on Apple TV+. For tomorrow, will bring forth the third and final season premiere of See. A series that truly wowed us from the beginning with its incredible plot and dynamic action and adventure and brilliant commentary on equality in our world, and it will indeed be a strange experience to count down to the ending of this epic saga and see how plot threads resolve themselves. But the important thing here, is that this show is going to go out on its own terms and close out its story as it sees fit and well, with us being hours away from that premiere, we here at NTG thought it would also be worthwhile to preview what you can expect from season three, in a spoiler free manner of course. Because spoilers are cruel. But it is important to build excitement for this final season, simply because… this is the show’s boldest year of storytelling to date. Because the stakes are higher than ever when it comes to the survival of our favorite characters, thanks to some stunning twists and turns that tie into the events of season two, and well… that leads to some epic moments for certain. The kind that takes your breath away and moves you as well. If anything, it is safe to say that the writers’ room decided that going out with a bang was the way to go for this final season and they absolutely executed that plan and they also added quite the wonderful surprise into this year’s storytelling as well. For this is also a season of storytelling, that features some fantastic character development. Which has been a hallmark of this series as well, but once again… the writers turned that up to eleven here. For the characters all have a lot weighing upon their shoulders and their minds this season, adding a sense of incredible realism to their respective plights and adding depth to the show’s already incredible commentary. And what the show has to say this year about our world and the human condition will outright give everyone pause. Because it really does dive into some powerful concepts, the kind that stay with you long after some of these episodes have come to an end. Not to mention, the cast turns in their finest work in season three. For the situations they find themselves within, allows for everyone to dig in and really shine, but a special acting shout out needs to go to Jason Momoa, Hera Hilmar and Sylvia Hoeks. Because that trio do some incredible work here, the kind that elevates several moments to the next level and well… all of these elements make this final season, a must-see for fans of this show and the uninitiated as well. But of course, if you haven’t seen it, start from the beginning, since that will only add to the experience. All of that aside however, this is just great television through and through, and a wonderful end to a sweeping epic, and the best news of all, is you don’t have wait that much longer to enjoy it. For the third and final season of See arrives tomorrow (8/26/22) on Apple TV+. Please enjoy this exclusive clip and synopsis from tonight’s new episode of Waka & Tammy: What the Flocka, which debuts tonight on WE tv. Waka & Tammy: What the Flocka - Thursday, August 25 at 9pm Post-breakup, Waka searches for a new home and immerses himself in his business ventures. Tammy worries about Charlie's personal safety and talks about the separation with Quam. Charlie reconnects with Deb and shares her anxieties with a therapist. Waka and Tammy have gone their separate ways and are both determined to build a new and happy life without the other, in season 3. Daughter, Charlie, the glue that keeps the family together, puts on a brave face but struggles with life amid all these changes. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Eight of ‘Everything’s Trash’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
While a great deal of people in these modern times, lament the workplace because of the sheer toxicity of corporate America… believe it or not, sometimes good things can come out of work. For some places aren’t as toxic as others or they are wonderful and actually embrace their employees and value them, and those are the places… where we learn quite a bit on the job. In fact, sometimes, these more unique and open workplaces can teach us a great deal about how we are viewed in the workplace and how we actually matter there and how we might be more of a leader than we know, and that in turn, can offer up some fine lessons on leadership and how to be a better one and well, those lessons are top of mind today, simply because Phoebe learned all of them during this week’s episode of Everything’s Trash on Freeform. A feat that ‘Being an Auntie Is Trash’ accomplished, by having some new interns come into the workplace and well… they quickly helped Phoebe to learn that she is quite the leader at Parakeet Media and viewed in a supremely positive light. Because they wanted to learn everything, they could from her and perhaps, become her. For she was an inspiration to each and every one of them and that… motivated the new minted Auntie Fee Fee to take the interns out for a night on the town. So, they could get to know each other, and really see Phoebe in her element and to just have fun and well, that led to some outright disaster. Because the interns kept pushing for information and learning and Phoebe gave them drunken advice… that they completely took the wrong way. In fact, they went so hard on the advice, that they ended up trending and making fools of themselves and that’s when Phoebe learned that leadership needed to be handled on the clock, and that someone of her stature, had to keep it professional and friendly since blurring that line, would bring about trouble. And coming to learn how leadership works in the workplace, allowed for her to hold them accountable without making it personal. Which sadly, brought about an end to the interns but it had to be done. Because they made a mockery of what Phoebe did for a living. But it was wonderful to once again see Phoebe grow in this manner and come to understand her worth in a unique and wonderful manner. However, while it was powerful to watch Phoebe go through a positive learning experience, we’d be foolish to not discuss the other storyline present in this tale. For Jayden had to learn how to look like a leader on stage, something that politicians must command to win the day and well… that was a tough lesson as well. Simply because his desire to lean hard into owning his space and owning the stage, led to an embarrassing faux pas on television. One where he fell into one dirty river, a moment that was played out often on the networks, and one that hammered home the need for balance for Jayden. And he eventually came to learn how to look like a leader on stage without having to embarrass himself, a move that appeared to warm over voters. If anything, this was just… another wonderful episode from this already wonderful series. Because it just keeps dropping fascinating life lessons into our laps, the kind that we don’t think about all that often, but we clearly should. Since this show presents us with important stuff that we can apply to our everyday lives and what’s equally as amazing, is that this episode also set the stage for more big moments down the line. Because the election is heating up and Jayden is learning on the fly how to be a better politician, one for the people and that’s huge and could lead to a stunning election night and… Phoebe and Hammy-Ham are suddenly looking at a second chance at what could be a romance for the ages and well, that is definitely going to motivate us to tune in next week. To see where those plot points take us and to see what new life lessons await us. Until then. Please enjoy this Sneak Peek of the season three premiere of See, which debuts on Apple TV+ tomorrow (8/26/22). Please enjoy this exclusive clip and synopsis from Episode Seven of 101 Places to Party Before You Die, which spotlights Moab, Utah tonight on truTV (8/25/22) at 11:00 p.m. EST. Synopsis: Adam: Dude, this was definitely our most extreme episode. Jon: Yeah, we really pushed ourselves and got out of our comfort zone. Adam: Plus I got so f*cked up I smoked a cigarette out of a drifter’s mouth! Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Often times, television shows that feature a grand and brewing conflict, or a road trip to a supremely important destination… use the arrival at that place or the confrontation we’ve been waiting for, to end the season. Allowing for a juicy cliffhanger to take place, one that leaves us hungry for more of this world and desperate for answers as to what will become of our heroes. And this works, because it does indeed tickle our imagination and it motivates us to text our friends that watch along to discuss our worries and our hopes, and of course… it brings us back for the season premiere to see how this all plays out. But that is once again why See on Apple TV+ is of note. Because it’s penultimate episode for season one… did all those things well before the end, giving rise to different feelings.
The kind that actually make for a worse wait. Because somehow, we can reconcile a summer hiatus, but a week’s wait for answers? That’s torture being that close and ‘The Lavender Road’ accomplished all of these feats, in part by bringing Tamacti Jun and Princess Maghra face to face with the disgraced Queen. For some brutal torturing tactics conducted upon the Shadow Warriors that Boots pointed out, garnered answers regarding the Queen’s location. Which in turn brought the army to Cutter’s doorstep and brought forth some hard truth. Specifically, what happened to the Kanzua Dam and the loyal subjects of the Payan Kingdom and the families of the army. A reveal that infuriated Tamacti Jun to no end and left him pondering if by chance the time for Queen Kane to step down had arrived. A move that would be an amazing season end cliffhanger since it would put the future of the kingdom in the balance. But here, it’s nothing more than an epic setup to the finale… and the show wasn’t done there. Because out in the world, Baba Voss and his family and friends, pushed ahead toward The House of Enlightenment with sorrow in their hearts. For they truly believed Boots’ lie about Maghra being dead and rather than confront him for his actions… it was best to move on and well, their voyage was no easy task. For the venture into the mountains was treacherous for certain and filled with terrifying warning signs. Because along the way, they not only found the Lavender Road in all of its glory, but signs of madness. For there was a grand display made up of bones and flesh, complete with dire words to ward off weary travelers who simply thought they’d find a safe haven beyond. Leaving everyone to wonder if they were walking into a nightmare or actual salvation and well… they’d come so far and lost so much, they decided to push ahead regardless. Which of course, brought more trouble their way. For the final leg of the journey saw the group be attacked by skilled archers. Who quickly brought the group to their knees in worry and fear. But eventually… the reveal that Haniwa and Kofun arrived at this juncture, ended the onslaught and divided the family. For only those two could enter The House, prompting some brief farewells between a father and his children and their closest confidant. For Baba Voss made it clear they would be nearby just in case, and once those farewells were complete, the twins made their way to the gates of their future. Wherein they were greeted by bright lights and the unknown. An ending that would serve as a wonderful season finale for certain, since it raised the stakes and left us desperate to find out what lies beyond those bright lights. But instead, the answers would come quickly, a week after the airdate of this episode and that absolutely drove us nuts. Because we were so close to the truth and so close to seeing resolution take place and we all spent days texting about what the twins would learn at The House of Enlightenment or if Maghra would ascend to the throne. And while we know how those plot threads worked out, it doesn’t discount the same feelings of shock and desire that are present with a second viewing, nor does it discount the brilliance of this tale. Because it takes guts to basically make a season finale caliber episode, the penultimate tale. For that means the finale has to exceed the quality of its predecessor and thankfully… that was the case, and it is that finale that we will discuss next, as our countdown to season three of See, comes to a close. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]()
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Paper Girls’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
For the most part, time travel stories, like to keep their themes and concepts fairly lighthearted. For traversing the timeline comes with a bevy of implications and potential horrors, so it is best that these stories make the most of it and try to keep our spirits up. All so we don’t let our mind wander into what it would be like to say… see Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944… or relive the terror of 9/11 or perhaps see the day we die. Which is why Paper Girls on Prime Video is such a powerful and revolutionary time travel tale. Because it is fearless in what it is willing to explore and it will go to dark places if the moment calls for it, as evidenced by the next episode in this stunning series. Because ‘A New Period’ picked up shortly after the group made a run for it in a giant Battle Bot in 2019 to return to 1988 and well… it didn’t take long for their arrival in the past to be of concern. Because Larry was acting quite strange, and trouble found them quickly. To the point where people lost their lives. For the warrior that arrived from the other side, laid Larry to waste and in a brave act of self-sacrifice, 2019 Erin died in combat with this other warrior from Old Watch to keep the girls safe and well… in the wake of this maddening and heartbreaking sequence of events, the Paper Girls came to learn they were in 1999 as Larry wanted. And with both bots destroyed and the Old Watch on the move… they were stranded here. Which was… a dark reality for these twelve-year old girls to face. Because it meant they had no hope of ever seeing home again, and they had no money, and no place to stay. They were basically on their own and that meant they had to resort to tough decisions. Such as shoplifting to help Erin with the reality that her menstrual cycle had arrived, and they even took the time to crash a party for 1999 KJ in the hopes of just having something to eat. A move that thankfully gave them a little bit of time to catch their breath and ponder upon where they go from here, because they had to make plans for tomorrow and kudos to the show for exploring this difficult twist in an honest and earnest manner. One that reminded us that time travel would likely be dangerous and not fun, and at times emotionally rattling. After all, being the house of Future KJ, meant another encounter with a future Paper Girl, had to take place. And it most certainly did, in a supremely surprising manner for KJ. Because she came to learn a lot about her sexuality on this voyage into her future life, and she wasn’t sure how to reconcile the reality that she was in fact, a lesbian. Not because she was appalled at her future self and how comfortable she was in her own skin and her own sexuality. But because this discovery robbed her of the journey of discovery and clarified such matters well before she had given them proper thought. Which created a bit of a struggle mentally for certain, one that will likely soon pass, since she finally has a better understanding of who she is. But one would think that a pair of jarring encounters with future versions of themselves would be enough to teach them to perhaps stay away from who they are down the line. But desperation for food and shelter and quiet, motivated Tiffany to call up her 1999 iteration for help. Leaving us to wonder how that encounter will go and what it will teach Tiffany about herself and of course… where the girls go from here. For they have no options and path home, and that’s scary for certain and it’s also, a brilliant way to end this tale. Since it puts us in refreshing and potentially uncharted territory for a time travel story and well, the only way to figure out what comes next, is to hit play on the next episode post haste and continue this incredible journey. Until next time. |
March 2025