Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Eden: Untamed Planet’. Something we see pop up often in television shows grounded in fiction… is themed storytelling. The kind where a particular analysis or concept outright captivates a writers’ room and motivates them to tell multiple stories surrounding those very ideas. Simply because, they can, and they have that freedom, and it absolutely allows for some fascinating stories to come to life. But the sole reason this works in a fiction-based setting, is because there are multiple angles creative minds can take in regard to expanding upon a specific idea. Whereas documentary style storytelling, requires reality and facts to tell its story and trying to dive into different angles of something that we’ve already seen and learned about… could in fact, make future chapters in said documentary, boring. But believe or not, every once in a while, themed storytelling is possible in a documentary setting, provided of course that nature and reality allows for something important to come up more than once, something that is of course worth further exploration and it just so happens that Eden: Untamed Planet, was able to accomplish this particular feat in its next episode. For ‘Patagonia: The Ends of the Earth’ is an episode that actually manages to mirror the prior episode in this adventure around the globe. Because much like the Galapagos Islands, Patagonia is a place where nature has formed an isolated paradise where nature defies the odds and survives. For these isolated mountain peaks and valleys below, are teeming with life and do so simply because everything in this beautiful and breathtaking place is all about balance. For instance, the flamingos that live in the lakes that pool near the peaks, need the alga and the brine that thrive in these oases and they’re so important to these birds that this is where they raise their young and teach them to fly the hard way. Since so many of their babies must contend with ice at the end of the breeding and rearing season. But that is part of the balance, so that the strong survive and learn how to keep on surviving and they’re not the only ones that get these harsh lessons. Since the cats that roam the chilly mountain tops of Patagonia have come to learn what patience is all about, since their food is often difficult to capture. But if they look carefully for new opportunities and use stealth and creativity, they’ll be rewarded at last, and it was quite amazing to see nature thrive in such a harsh environment and see how polarizing the fight for survival is at the lower levels of Patagonia. Because once one frees themselves from those jagged peaks where the air is thin and the sun can burn, you’ll find a touch of peace and tranquility. Where elephant seals are able to loaf about and eat as they please, thanks to the nutrient rich rivers and lakes near them, because they are in fact protected. And the very nutrients that feed them make their way to the coast as well, wherein marine life enjoys the bounty it provides. To the point where there is penguin like cities near the beach. Where chicks and adults thrive and sadly… serve as food for the pumas that live here. For they have figured out the chicks are easy prey and can feed their families with minimal effort and well… how and why they figured that out is what brings about concern in regard to this particular paradise. For it too is under fire from some of the problems that mankind has managed to create. For farming has pushed the puma’s natural food into other places, forcing them to great creative and while there are efforts underway to relinquish these lands to mother nature, other collective actions by humanity still threaten the majesty of this isolated eco system. For climate change is quicky raising temperatures in places that have always been cold. Putting those mountain cats at risk since they spent eons evolving to thrive in a cold mountain environment and… the glaciers that make these waters so rich, are melting at an alarming rate, and could disrupt the balance of this precious place. Which means it is more imperative than ever that we double our efforts to combat climate change, so this documentary remains just that, instead of a history lesson. In the end, however, this was just another fascinating look at our world and how it functions, and it is quite amazing to know that even at the edge of the earth, where the mountains nearly touch the heavens, that life can thrive.
Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 202 of ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’. There are a great many reasons that fans of the Star Trek Universe love the franchise through and through. For some, it’s all about the compelling story and commentary on the human condition. For others, the show’s portrayal of a future utopia where mankind lives in harmony is enough to keep them happy. While some simply cannot get enough of the special effects and breathtaking action this series sends their way. But out of all of those reasons, there is one that truly calls to every fan out there, and that’s the franchise’s sense of adventure. Because we get to traverse the stars with these crews and see strange new worlds and meet new life forms and that really does ignite one's imagination in a compelling manner and leaves you hungry for more. If anything, that sense of adventure is paramount to our discussion today, simply because it took the center stage of this week’s episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks. In fact, ‘Kayshon, His Eyes Open’, not only offered up one grand adventure through the stars, but two. One of which saw the U.S.S. Cerritos christen their new Tamarian security officer in the most unique way imaginable. For Mariner and the team were to join Lieutenant Kayshon in helping to clean out a collector’s vast treasure trove of valuable memories. For he passed away and per the Collector’s Guild, his wares were to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Which should have been a boring milk-run for the Lower Deckers… but a touch of greed turned it into quite the adventure after all. For a competing collector was eager to get his hands on some genuinely rare treasures and that sent the security system aboard this menagerie into attack mode. Which forced Mariner and the team… to go to great lengths to survive the onslaught of unique countermeasures aboard the ship. But with a little teamwork and some ingenuity, they were able to do so and seemingly make a new Lower Decker friend. Since the enigmatic Jet eventually dropped his by-the-book standing to properly fit in with the group and well, this segment of the story really did make for a rambunctious and fun trek through the stars. One complete with a shipload of Easter Eggs since this collection vessel really had just about every tidbit from the franchise’s past within its walls. As for the other adventure, well that was handled by way of Lieutenant Boimler and the crew of the U.S.S. Titan. Because Starfleet felt it best that the man that originally dealt with the Pakleds be the one to figure out how they gained their technological prowess and that motivated Will Riker… to try and get one step ahead of these surprisingly cunning aliens. Because somehow, some way, they were getting intelligence and assists in acquiring their tech and resources and that led the crew to an out of the way mining facility that Boimler and an away team were going to infiltrate, in order to learn the secrets of the rise of the Pakleds. A plan that of course, fell apart quickly. Forcing the away team into hiding and a potential last stand thanks to a dampening field, and well… this gave Boimler an opportunity to use his vast stores of knowledge and by-the-book training to shine. For that dampening field was similar to the one that created Tom Riker, and if Boimler played his cards right, he could ensure that no clones were made, and get away team back to the Titan safe and sound. But despite getting himself and the away team back home… Boimler did have a clone of himself made and that put Riker in quite the tough spot. In that, he couldn’t have two Bradwards serving aboard his ship, so one of them had to volunteer for duty back aboard the Cerritos and in the end… Boimler-prime headed home with some sense of disgrace. Largely because he wanted to fit in better aboard the Titan and it kind of sucked that his clone, had a little Tom Riker in his soul… and opted to be sneaky in order to stay behind with Captain Riker and company. But all of that aside, this was another fine adventure, one that was full of action and big moments and huge screams from Mister Boimler and well… that particular ending wasn’t a total loss for Bradward. After all, he’s back aboard the Cerritos. Which means the band is back together and more wild hijinks and shenanigans can take place. Plus, he can make things right with Mariner since he did kind of ditch her for a shinier ship and well, in the end, this episode was simply a blast. Because it was tons of fun to see another A-type leader try and usurp control away from Mariner. Plus, the shout-outs were great and would honestly take weeks to unpack since this episode might hold a world record for canon throwbacks and Easter Eggs. A feat that was led by Lieutenant Kayshon, since his use of metaphors made one quite wistful for Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra and well, in the end, this episode just goes to show that Lower Decks truly understands the mantra of Star Trek, and it will be quite interesting to see which aspects of this rich universe it chooses to explore and celebrate, come next week. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 205 of ‘Ted Lasso’. One thing that each and every one of us want out of life is to be happy. Because being happy means that our days are bright and filled with peace and joy, and that's why we work hard to find our happy place in the world. But what's fascinating about this want for happiness is that because we honestly have little idea of how to achieve it, we try to obtain a great many things in life to see which thing gives us the happiness that we crave: Love, money, material objects, or the right job— and what's even more amazing is that none of these elements are the true "right" answer because different things make different people happy. However, there are some lessons in life that can help us toward happiness, and it just so happens that the next episode of the AppleTV+ series, Ted Lasso, takes the time to examine a couple of these lessons. First, Nathan's journey in the the episode ‘Rainbow’ examines how being a little more assertive in everyday life can actually bring us great joy and happiness. Nathan's parents had an upcoming anniversary, and they wanted nothing more than to an enjoy a nice dinner at their favorite restaurant; most of all, they wanted to sit at the best table— a beautiful window-facing table at the front of the restaurant. However, because Nathan can sometimes be a little too soft spoken, the waitress was dismissive of his hopes for his parents when he made the reservation. That news was unacceptable to Nathan and motivated him to visit AFC Richmond's resident master in being bold and brave: Ms. Keeley Jones. She and Rebecca were quick to take Nathan under their wings and teach him what being assertive was all about, and those lessons paid off in spades. When the time for the big dinner arrived, Nathan and his family were seated at the back of the restaurant. So, rather than disappoint his father and himself, Nathan marched up to the front of the restaurant and used his new skills to get the table that his parents wanted for their special night. This was just a beautiful and inspiring sequence to watch because it offered Nathan incredible growth as a character, and because it really does speak volumes to how little moments like this can bring us joy. After all, the world can be an angry and cruel place that doesn't always give us what we want. But sometimes, we can take control of little moments on a tough day and shape the world as we see fit— and that can bring one happiness. It also teaches us to look for more opportunities where we can repeat those actions, and once these actions become habits, the next thing you know, you're the head coach of your universe and living it up. The next life lesson present within this particular tale, Roy Kent helps us to learn. Roy was given the opportunity to do something quite special in this story: Isaac was struggling as team captain, and he needed special coaching to bring out the spark within him. So, Ted brought Isaac to Roy all so that Roy could coach Issac up a little and show him what it takes to last a long time in football. Roy did such a phenomenal job with Issac that Ted offered Roy a job on AFC Richmond's coaching staff because he genuinely believed that Roy was a natural coach and that it could be Roy's true calling. Roy, however, immediately rebuffed Ted's offer because of his cushy gig on television— but as is often the case, Ted's words resonated with him on a fundamental level, and Roy started to wonder whether Coach Lasso was right about where he properly belongs. In fact, the thought of becoming a coach and being around the game stuck with Roy so much that he came to realize that Ted was absolutely right! That realization led to another powerful sequence wherein Roy ran back into the arms of his one true love: football. The lesson here is quite clear: Sometimes we simply need to follow our heart in order to find happiness in life because when we've had a taste of what really matters to us, nothing will compare to it, and to ignore it would be downright foolish. Getting to see Roy stand on the pitch once again and take it all in really does motivate one to go out and do what they love— and you simply can't go wrong with a show that leaves you feeling so motivated! Yet, what was truly amazing about this particular episode is that the good vibes didn't end there. The entire subplot of Rebecca and the dating service "Bantr" was equally uplifting. It reminded us of the wonder of love and how it can ensnare our hearts and souls in powerful ways. It's clear Rebecca is smitten with her anonymous admirer, and when you combine her flirty journey with Higgins' admission about the wonder of his wife, all you can do is try your best to keep from turning to mush. All of these segments made 'Rainbow' another feel good episode, and it surrounded us with positive and uplifting moments that showed us people coming together to support one another. And now that Coach Kent has arrived and Ted is figuring out that surrounding himself with great minds and great players is likely the formula to success in jolly ol' England, who knows what kind of wonders we'll see AFC Richmond accomplish on the pitch. We can't wait to see what other positive and inspiring moments await us when Ted and his ever-growing extended family return to the pitch, next week. Until then! Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Seven of ‘Leverage: Redemption’. One thing that we can all agree upon, is that technology has indeed made our lives easier. Because we are basically at a point where we can press a button and get whatever we want and that really is quite the accomplishment for humanity, since we’ve gone from hunting wooly mammoths to ordering a steak with an app. But while a great deal of us love technology and use it to meet new people and share our thoughts instantly and accomplish any other goals on our daily lists, there are some who are quite fearful of technology and its potential. For they believe this kind of unfettered access will eventually backfire on all of mankind and that our privacy will be thrown out of the window because of it and well… the fact of the matter is, they’re half right in their concerns. Because in the wrong hands, yes, technology could be used for evil purposes and even now, it is. Since there are scammers out there using technology to rob people of their fortunes and/or infect their computers and phones for a ransom. But you’ll note that the phrase ‘wrong hands’ was used to describe some of the problems that accompany our impressive tech and there’s good reason for that. Because computers and phones and every device we created, work on commands. Which means they do what we tell them to and that also means… it isn’t the devices we need to fear, but the people that teach them to do their nefarious bidding. For they are the ones making tech look bad and well, that does bring about an important question. In that, how does one stop people like that from abusing technology in such a twisted manner? And it just so happens, that the next episode of Leverage: Redemption, takes the time to try and answer that question. For ‘The Double-Edged Sword Job’ saw Team Leverage swing by the tiny little berg of Arlo, Louisiana to follow up on a troubling development. For an old friend from back in the day, that the team worked hard to keep safe from an abusive ex… recently told the team he’d found her and well, the only way that could have happened… was a failure on Hardison’s end. Because he scrubbed her images from every known database, and that in turn, kept her safe for years on end. But after a little digging… it turned out that Hardison didn’t fail her. Instead, someone else changed the game for facial recognition software and that someone, was a dirty little weasel named Joseph Cheng, who used his skills for evil by figuring out how to create a super database of images that could determine the location of anyone, anywhere with minimal computer effort. Which of course meant, that the team needed to take him down a peg or nine before he sold this software to the mysterious Riz Security Corporation and that led to the answer in question. In that, in order for us to make scammers and abusers of information afraid to even think about committing such an act… it has to be viewed as completely and utterly unacceptable by the majority of people. Something that isn’t the case right now. Which likely means that a simple way of making that happen, would be through some kind of hefty legislation, one that genuinely protects consumers from having their images be sold, so that no corporation or innovator would dare try to do what Joseph did here. But that, will take a monumental effort in our modern world where the dollar is king. Which means that in the meantime, it’s up to us to stand against these guys. But before we discuss how, it should be noted that there are some heroes out there trying to fight the good fight against technology abuse akin to the Leverage team. Since there are YouTubers out there who purposely keep scammers on the line and humiliate them to the masses to help raise awareness of what they do so we can all recognize the warning signs. But alas, not everyone knows of those videos, which means that until that day comes when data and technology are respected by all … our best bet to combat these jerks, is to stand tall and trust our gut. So, if we get a call about our car’s extended warranty or one informing us that there’s a virus on our computer… we challenge that and push back and don’t let them instill any fear in us. Because bullies like that, can’t handle being bullied back, as evidenced by Joseph’s fate in the closing minutes of this tale and well, once again, this is just another brilliant episode from an outright brilliant series. One that really did examine a side of technology we don’t talk about enough and well; it’s best we savor the wonder of this one. Because after next week, there will be little to discuss until Leverage: Redemption returns from its midseason hiatus. Until then.
Please enjoy a sneak peek of tomorrow’s brand-new episode of Ted Lasso, streaming exclusively on AppleTV+.
Written by Shae Rufe Caution: This article contains spoilers for the series premiere of ‘What If…?’ Marvel is back at it again with another wonderful series on Disney+. Thankfully we didn’t have to wait too long after Loki for this series, and really, I didn’t know how much I needed this show in my life until I watched it. The series asks the important question of ‘What if?’, and they really didn’t hold back. Now, the episodes are not movie length, and I am a bit sad about that part, but they are still fun and filled with great story arcs. So, let’s dive right in and explore the multiverse! Without the TVA around to stop variant moments from happening, the multiverse is taking off without much to hold it back. What If…? takes a deeper look into possible outcomes as the first episode shows us… what if Agent Carter stepped up and became the First Avenger? How would one single decision change the outcome of an entire future? Well, we got to see just that. In this universe, Agent Carter stayed to watch Steve get the serum and a Hydra Assassin crashed the party early. With Steve injured there is limited time before the experiment fails. Good news though, Agent Carter is there, and she steps in on Steve’s behalf, taking the Super Soldier Serum. Captain Carter is born, and the world has a new kind of superhero. Things aren’t any easier for Carter as they would have been for Steve. In fact, it’s slightly worse since she’s a woman. Good news though, Steve spends a lot more time with Peggy, and the two keep kindling their budding romance while Peggy tries to prove herself. An opportunity arrives in the form of the Tesseract. Peggy is quick to charge in and show just how awesome the serum made her. She’s able to take the Tesseract from Dr. Zola before it can reach the Red Skull. With it, Howard is able to give Steve his chance to fight too. That’s right, Steve gets an Iron Man-like suit. Of course, it’s not exact, it’s massive and bulky, but hey it works. Together Peggy and Steve have no problem punching Nazi’s and destroying Hydra bases. Even better is they both go to rescue the 107th, and most importantly Bucky. Without being tortured and given a serum of his own, Bucky never becomes the Winter Soldier. He does still become a Howling Commando, and he does fight alongside Peggy and Steve. The train scene ends a bit differently, with the Red Skull taking down Steve’s suit, and Steve supposedly falling to his death. Peggy takes that hard. But weirdly Bucky doesn’t. That part was a little off, but we were in luck. Steve’s death was a total fake out. Captain Carter and the Commandos storm the last Hydra base with Red Skull in it, only for Bucky to find Steve and his suit, and for Peggy to find Red Skull. The Red Skull used the Tesseract to open an inter-dimensional portal though, and the monster it releases is not too keen on anything around it. Of course, the Hive is a formidable opponent. Thankfully, Howard can close the portal if they can get the creature to back up enough. This is where the show really takes a turn. Peggy sacrifices herself in a unique manner. Steve isn’t able to save her, he’s forced to watch helplessly as Peggy goes into the Tesseract with the monster. Peggy is of course freed, 70+ years later when Fury and Barton open the Tesseract. Captain Carter is now a woman out of time. It’s a wonderful take on how Captain America: The First Avenger could have easily been Captain Carter: The First Avenger. The first episode is not only a fun one, but it also sets the tone for so much more to come from this series. I’m excited to see how other storylines could have played out and what small changes could have dictated the entire MCU as we know it. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for the series premiere of ‘Heels’. One unfortunate misconception that a great deal of us believe in, is that chasing our dreams is easy work and it makes sense as to why we hold to that notion. For all we hear about, in regard to the pursuit of what will make us genuinely happy, is how it should energize and fuel us in a way we’ve never experienced before, and that those feelings are so strong and so intoxicating… that it won’t feel like a chase. Instead, it will feel like a pull, since our dreams call to us and demand we answer and well… the reason that the word misconception is associated with that concept, is because that perception really is off the mark for certain. Because chasing one’s dream is no simple task… nor is it always fulfilling and energizing. Because, dedicating oneself to a particular path, takes incredible effort and sacrifice and blood and sweat and tears. Plus, it also involves embracing a grand helping of failure. Because we aren’t the only ones chasing the prize and others will sometimes surpass us and sometimes, we will do everything right and still fall short. But while that makes the chase of the dream seem sour in nature, that’s genuinely not the case. Because that rush is there, and the energy does await us, provided that we can reconcile the fact that the journey to the finish line will be wrought with tough times and learning experiences before we enjoy the fruits of our labor. If anything, the tougher side to the pursuit of dreams is relevant to our discussion today, simply because it is presented in the raw in the new STARZ wrestling drama, Heels. A feat that the series premiere accomplishes, by plunging us into a part of the world where the desire to achieve one’s dreams grows like weeds. For the tiny, two stoplight town of Duffy, Georgia, is home to the Duffy Wrestling League, an organization that was founded back in the day by a wrestler named Tom ‘King’ Spade and well, when we catch up with the league in ‘Kayfabe’, things have changed greatly. For the King has passed into the great beyond and now his son, Jack, oversees the league and well… this is everything that Jack has been hoping for. For he sees the potential of the DWL and knows that with the right care and dedication and passion it can grow beyond anything his father ever hoped for and well, he’s correct in that assumption. Because Jack has brought his baby brother Ace into the business and put in the work to write better storylines to entertain audiences and well, he’s done such a good job revitalizing the league, that the Duffy Dome is packed with fans every week. Plus, his intrepid squad of wrestlers believe in what he’s doing and that it will bring their dreams to life and for a brief moment, it appears as though, this story won’t be digging into the difficulties of chasing one’s dreams in the slightest. After all, Jack is seeing the business skyrocket and well, it’s that false sense of security we receive in the moment, that allows for that exploration to get underway. Because Ace Space is popular enough that he’s being scouted by the big leagues and that’s inflating his ego and his desire to leave. Which will hurt the business for certain, and to complicate matters further, Jack is struggling to juggle the DWL and his everyday life. For his wife and son need him as well, but this sport takes a great deal of his time up and that allows for some powerful and brilliant moments to take place. The kind that resonates with the audience since we have or will share in Jack’s struggles since sometimes our families question our quest or those, we bring along with us believe they have outgrown us and what we are trying to put together. If anything, the series deserves serious credit for taking the time to show us the struggles that come with chasing our dreams in a realistic and relatable manner and well… since this is the setup episode, it will be quite interesting to see how Jack responds to all the challenges surrounding him in Duffy and the ones waiting beyond the city. Since Charlie Gully and his twisted and violent Florida Wrestling Dystopia league are gunning to put an end to the DWL post haste. But while that detailed setup and exploration could have carried this pilot episode, there’s more depth to be found in this tale. Because this is an episode, that also does a wonderful job of initiating the uninitiated into the world of wrestling in a brilliant manner. Since there are teaching moments peppered in throughout the story in an organic fashion, helping the viewer slip into this world in a seamless manner and this episode also deserves a round of applause, for not poking fun of wrestling in the slightest. For this is a popular sport for certain, one that people genuinely love and respect and it is wonderful to see a show pay tribute to the sport’s rich history and the work that goes into creating its stories and the incredible matches that bring the fans so much joy. Yet what is genuinely impressive about this series premiere is that also digs deep into other concepts as well. Such as how the lines between pop culture and reality are beginning to blur. As evidenced by Jack’s demand that faces and heels always stay in character to provide the right illusion for the fans and what’s wild, is that this episode also offers up an earnest examination of how people tend to operate in grey areas morally and mentally more often than not. For much of the people in the DWL are supremely flawed human beings, complete with a bevy of skeletons in their closets. The kind that pushes them to make fascinating choices both good and bad and well, this is just refreshing to find in a drama of this manner, since traditionally this kind of story would feature a true protagonist and antagonist and not going that route, only adds to the realism of this powerful journey. One that is going to take us on a genuinely moving ride in the next eight weeks, since the premiere was filled to the brim with powerful beats and moments that give one pause. Plus, it features an ending that hammers home a bonus examination of the central theme, since it speaks volumes to how sometimes… we will do things that aren’t normally in our wheelhouse in order to get one step closer to the dream and well, in the end… all of these elements make this a flawless premiere. Because not only does this episode plunge you into a perfectly fleshed out world, complete with characters that are dynamic and engaging and relatable… but it utterly leaves you starving for more. Simply because this story really is about as original and unique as it gets, and it will be quite incredible to see where it takes in the weeks to come. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘Eden: Untamed Planet’. One would think, in this age of information, that we would express less awe toward the natural world. For we now know so much about it, and how it functions, and we are fully aware of how most of the wildlife around the world thrives these days… since science has worked hard to understand the eco systems that surround us. Yet despite being armed with so much knowledge, we still cannot get enough of nature, and we still wish to explore it and uncover more of its secrets and one big reason why it still calls to us and attracts our awe, is its outright resiliency. Because there are so many places around the globe where nature shouldn’t thrive, yet it still finds a way and it just so happens that one of those places was spotlighted last night. For the next episode of Eden: Untamed Planet, took us to quite the paradise in the Pacific Ocean, the Galapagos Islands. A majestic place that we’ve all heard of at some point and well, it turns out that life in this chain of islands… is all about surviving the odds. For ‘Galapagos: Enchanted Isles’ wasted little time in teaching us, that a great deal of the animals that thrive here… don’t belong here. They simply found their way here by way of tropical storms that either led them astray or helped to transport them to this place with their power and well, since nature is indeed so resilient and so adaptable, these far from home creatures, eventually figured out how to make the most of their situation and become accustomed to their environment and well, where they are today is downright breathtaking. Take the seals that live here for instance, since they know now how to use the waters and the beaches to feed on a regular basis. Since they have figured out that when certain schools of fish pass by their shores, they can easily scare them into shallow waters and isolated beaches and push them ashore and feed. Which is remarkable behavior, the kind that was captured for the first time ever on camera in this documentary and the wonder of adaptability in this tropical paradise, didn’t end there. For there are also iguana in this place, that know full well how to dive beneath the sea and swim about to feast upon a nutritious alga that sustains them, despite the fact that their bodies aren’t normally suited for such a hunt, but they thrive none the less and boast wondrous numbers. Which is quite the miracle for certain. Especially when one considers that birds of prey see them as food, to the point where these iguanas are hunted during their mating season in a brutal manner and speaking of birds… well they too have learned how to adapt to this tropical paradise. For if they aren’t dive bombing into the ocean for food, they’re attacking one another to get at delicious eggs, or blood if need be and well… that particular brand of savagery just goes to show that nature will always figure out what it needs, and this is indeed why it deserves our awe and our curiosity since we can learn so much from it. But perhaps the finest lesson this particular episode taught us, is that this is one of the few places that mankind is making great efforts to leave alone and untouched and our decision to do so, is having quite the uplifting result. For this episode was quick to inform us, that despite having declining populations because our influence, the tortoises that populate this utter paradise, are on the rebound. For their breeding grounds are now protected and the local populace is leaving them to their own devices and their numbers are slowly stabilizing. Lending credence to the fact that if we put a little effort in, we could figure out how to balance our lives and needs with that of nature’s and well in the end, this was simply a majestic tale through and through. For it really did give us an incredible look at a part of the world where none of these animals should survive, but they do and it is wondrous and truly, it will be quite fascinating to see what other unique paradises this series is going to reveal when it returns to the airwaves, next Saturday. Until then. Written by John Edward Betancourt It is definitely safe to say that Star Trek: Lower Decks was one of the finest comedies to hit the airwaves in 2020. Because it really did manage to lift our spirts during a dark time in the world, by way of its wonderful jokes and unexpected hopefulness. But what was truly impressive about this show’s inaugural season, is that it managed to accomplish some impressive feats storytelling wise. Such as the fact that it offered up a lot of the optimism that permeates the Star Trek Universe and it also found a way to pay tribute to every corner of the franchise in wonderful ways and well, it is equally as wonderful to know that we no longer have to wait for the return of this series. For yesterday saw the arrival of the season two premiere of this magnificent show and well, ‘Strange Energies’ made it seem as though the show never went on hiatus. It might help that this particular tale is set roughly a month after that nasty little incident with the Pakleds, the one where Captain William T. Riker and the crew of the U.S.S. Titan had to bail out Captain Freeman and our intrepid heroes aboard the U.S.S. Cerritos. But in reality, what really allows for this episode to feel perfectly connected to last season, is the sheer fact that it takes the time to follow up on an important plot thread that was introduced in that very same finale. For if you recall, Captain Freeman and Ensign Mariner made quite the pact. One where Mariner could do whatever the heck she wanted while her mom looked the other way, all so that the crew of the Cerritos could leave second contact missions, feeling better about the future of the species they set up relations with and well, while it appears as though this system is working out quite well when we catch up with everyone here… in reality… it’s making people miserable. For in essence, this agreement has begun to undermine the crew since Mariner doesn’t have to take orders on away missions and that definitely frustrates Commander Jack Ransom, and his frustrations help for quite the disaster to come into play. Because while she is doing her thing, Mariner accidentally unleashes an ancient power on the ship’s latest second contact venture, one that turns Ransom into a Gary Mitchell like deity and unfortunately for the crew… unlike Mister Mitchell… Random immediately embraced his new powers and let them loose upon his fellow crew members and the aliens below. Which led to quite the incredible battle between Starfleet and the Ransom-God, one that eventually ended in an unexpected manner. For it turns out that killing someone suffering from these powers, as Captain Kirk did long ago… isn’t the only way to put a stop to the madness that infects their minds and the power they yield. For Mariner came to find out, that several swift kicks to the junk can bring them right back down to Earth and after she inflicted enough pain in Ransom’s stones, things went back to normal for the commander and aboard the ship. For Mariner was stripped of her freedom and honestly, it’s for the best. Because she only gets the right rush she needs when she is pushing back against authority and ‘doing what she wants’ (which is oddly the catchphrase of fellow NTG writer and biffle, Shae) and she can now do that once again and well, it was just wonderful to have the series pick back up in this manner and to also take the time to explore how everyone else is doing after that finale. Since we came to learn that Rutherford is slowly getting back to normal and that Tendi is still as sweet and wild as ever, especially when it comes to any worries about losing her biffleship with Rutherford and we also found out… that life on the Titan is quite terrify… er… exciting for Lieutenant Boimler. Since the closing seconds of this tale informed us of the fact that Captain Riker is keeping his crew on their toes in a tense manner. But what matters most, is that at long last, Star Trek: Lower Decks is back on the air, and it really seems as though season two is going to easily grow this series into something more. Because this was a far grander adventure for the crew of the Cerritos and the stakes were higher for certain, since Jack almost lost himself to his new god-like powers and it would seem… the show is also going to dig deeper into Star Trek history. Because Gary Mitchell hasn’t been name dropped in the franchise for some time and well, in the end, all this premiere does is make us hungry for more wacky and wild adventures with this intrepid and occasional bumbling crew. Because they're awesome and we love them, and it is likely we will all be counting down the minutes until next Thursday's new mission. Until then. |
January 2025