Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Eight of ‘Clarice’. Ask anyone how far they will go to help a family member in need, and you’ll get a supremely quick answer. It might be positive or negative, but since everyone knows where they stand with their family, the answer is on the tip of their tongue. But if you ask folks how far they would be willing to go for a cause or for their job, and you’ll encounter a touch of hesitation. For some folks hate their job and believe in a cause but not wholeheartedly and that leaves them hesitant to say they’ll risk their paycheck or life and limb for the job or the cause in question. Which means that in order to truly commit to either, they have to offer a powerful reason to risk it all and really, this is relevant to our discussion today… simply because this particular conundrum was on full display in the next episode of Clarice. Because ‘Add-a-Bead’ found the ViCAP team at a crossroads, wherein they could find themselves in grave danger and see their careers end if they pushed too hard and too fast on investigating the conspiracy surrounding the river murders. Which means they had to ask themselves how far they were willing to go and if they were okay with losing their jobs or potentially their safety and well… the arrival of a case involving a dead woman that had ties to Joe Hudlin helped the team answer those all-important questions. And what we learned about fully committing to that level of risk, was simple in nature, in that, if the cause is just and true and will genuinely help people and the world… then we should in fact risk it all and go for broke and while it was nice to see the team reach that particular understanding, the only question that remained in this tale, was whether or not Paul Krendler would follow their lead. After all, he’s the one that opted to shut the conspiracy investigation down to save face and his career. And he seemed quite content with just sitting back and waiting to see if the bad guys would offer him an opportunity to re-open the investigation. But instead, Hudlin continued to antagonize and push for Krendler to indulge in a vendetta against his wife, in order to appease Joe and knowing that this was only going to get uglier, combined with the fact that his son no longer saw him as a hero… motivated Paul to do something bold, and re-open the case off the books. So, that they could in fact, do some good in the world and while this wasn’t exactly an earth-shattering plot line, it was an important one on many levels. Since it finally committed Krendler to the right side of history and it also united this somewhat broken team at last in a common cause. Something that we’ve been waiting to see for quite some time. But while that alone made for a compelling tale, this episode had more juicy moments to offer as well. Since the entire plot line involving Ardelia continued to have modern day echoes, the kind that served to remind us of how far we still need to go in regard to equal rights in the workplace and we were also treated to some quality character growth for Clarice as well. Since this episode took the time to show us that she was finally putting in the work when it comes to dealing with the pain of her past and the pain she carries now, and this was huge to say the least. Since she has been fighting this since the beginning of this series. If anything, seeing her speak to her trauma made for some satisfying and moving moments… since we finally got to see the real Clarice Starling on display and we were able to watch her grow before our eyes in real time into the early stages of the strong and dynamic and settled agent that we meet in Hannibal. In the end however, all of these elements make this a quality transitional episode. One that finally put some lingering plot lines to bed in a satisfying manner. Because at last, Clarice is facing her demons, Krendler is no longer toeing the line and is committing to something bigger and most important of all… he and Clarice are finally on the same page and working toward a unified cause. Which may not last since we know they’re at odds again in the future. But for now, their combined bravado and brains will hopefully bring an end to this conspiracy and that is likely why these plot threads were resolved now. All so that the team can put an end to this madness before it goes any further and it will be quite interesting to see how ViCAP is going to bring down such powerful villains… without the support of the full force of the FBI. Until next time.
Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() For the most part, crime dramas that revolve around the drug trade… tend to be quite stylized in nature and it is understandable as to why. For this particular genre of storytelling offers up some incredible opportunities to creative minds. Since they can in essence, tell the perfect tale of good versus evil, wherein an intrepid hero defeats a wicked monster that peddles drugs to the innocent. One that also features epic moments and plenty of drama, and while this rakes in the dough at the box office and thrills us on television… the fact of the matter is, this is a genuinely fantastical way to examine this particular world and lifestyle. One that quite frankly feeds the narrative of the failed war on drugs and puts forth a stereotype that only bad people are capable of slinging drugs. Which is why it is always refreshing to run into stories from this genre that explore such matters in a more realistic and logical light. Since they help us to understand that this is a world full of grey as opposed to black and white and that people from all walks can indulge in a life of a crime if the circumstances are right. And that is why Breaking Bad remains so iconic after all these years, since it does that to a tee… and more. Since this show also takes the time to show the impact of what committing to a life of crime can do to a family, whilst also exploring how chaotic this world can be and how different it is from our own and it just so happens, that the next episode of this storied saga, covers all of those elements in a single hour. For ‘Kafkaesque’ uses Walter White’s journey to further examine the impact of how strange family life can get when someone in the clan decides that the life of a drug lord is the life for them and in this instance, our exploration focused upon how the bad blood and raw irritation that comes from having a family member make this choice, can drive a person to enact revenge in a unique manner. Since Skyler concocted one hell of a story about how Walter got all of his money, to convince Marie to let them help Hank with his medical bills… which will definitely sting since Walter has been all about hoarding that cash. Plus, Walter’s journey in this tale also helped to explore how weird this world is from own since he had to have quite the awkward 'thank you' conversation with his boss. One where he more or less had to reveal he figured out what Gus was up to, in order to gain his trust and to ask for a chance to make more money. Reminding us of the fact that this world has no structure and figuring out things on the fly is the norm. As for the chaos in this tale, well that was handled by way of Jesse’s journey. Because despite being locked into a million and a half dollar payday, he was woefully displeased with the arrangement. For he was fully aware of the fact that while he and Walt were pulling in decent cash, Gus was making money hand over fist and well, his distaste for that and at the thought of even remotely having to pay taxes in some form or fashion… led Jesse to do what he does best and scheme his own get rich plan. One that involved skimming a few pounds of Blue Sky off the top of every batch, since he and Walt were overproducing as is. All so that he and Badger and Skinny Pete could make a few bucks on the side, and Jesse even went so far as to use his support group to move the stuff since he’s aware of how addicts work and while that is cold and twisted... Jesse himself admitted he’s all about being the bad guy, and his actions here speak to the nature of how that kind of mentality can bring about pure chaos in an industry as loose as this one. In the end however, this episode really was quite the pleasant surprise. Because despite the fact that little actually happens plot-wise, outside of Walt and Jesse getting into a work routine, this one was still compelling from beginning to end. But that’s thanks in large part to the fascinating characters in this tale, who went about their decisions here in a realistic and fitting manner, the kind that remind us once again that this is a tragedy through and through. One that is mired in pain and suffering and outright ugliness and truly, this is merely the beginning of dark moments to come. Since betrayal and revenge can only breed more animosity and infighting and it will be quite interesting to see what kind of trouble arises from the sour seeds laid down here, now that this unconventional transitional tale, one that was packed to the brim with more incredible world-building, has come to a close. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 405 of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. Normally in storytelling, ‘the darkest hour’ signals quite the turning point for the main character or characters. Because this is when they go through utter hell and learn what they are made of and what they need to do to be free of their situation, which in turn allows for them to emerge from the darkness and step into the light so that the story can come to a close in a beautiful and satisfying manner. A process that audiences love in any medium since it reminds each and every one of us that the dark times never last and they provide us with more than just strife. But while the vast majority of stories out there follow this fulfilling formula to a tee, there are some that like to mire in the darkness a little longer, which is always a fascinating gambit. Because if the storyteller stays there for far too long, the audience will eventually throw up their hands and walk away since it seems that the creator is more interested in emotional punishment than advancing the story. But if there is a rhyme and a reason to that punishment, then the reward for the audience and the characters is powerful for certain and well, all of this is relevant to our discussion today, simply because the loyal fans of the Hulu series The Handmaid’s Tale have been wondering for years now if this story is going to offer a pay off or if June and her friends are going to be subjected to nothing but pain for the remainder of the story. And at long last… this week’s episode seemingly gave us an answer to that all-important question. For ‘Chicago’ saw some interesting twists and turns come into play, the kind that inform the viewer that the darkness might finally be coming to an end in this tale, and it threw that hint our way by way of several unexpected moments in this tale, some of which involved members of Gilead. For Commander Lawrence and Aunt Lydia found themselves at a crossroads in this episode. For these two architects of evil were more or less shunned in the nation they stood by and helped to grow and that forced this duo to form an alliance of sorts to get back into positions of power, in order to accomplish their own respective goals and while they did indeed get what they wanted… the fact that Lawrence and Lydia didn’t seem all that comfortable in their old roles… leaves one to wonder if by chance they have finally, truly soured on their creation and that the time has come for them to make some internal changes. ![]() But while we wait to see where that takes us in the weeks to come, the other significant storytelling twist came about by way of June and Janine. Who found themselves in the heart of Chicago and came to learn that the fight here is more disorganized than they ever expected. Since the majority of rebels here seem more interested in just collecting food and supplies, instead of organizing an actual sustained fight against the forces of Gilead. Which doesn’t make them bad people or cowardly in the slightest, just lost and scared individuals that are indeed willing to do the bare minimum to keep Gilead at bay. But that wasn’t enough for June. Not after all she’s been through and that motivated her to seek out the only group in this town that seems willing to fight back and that’s when the twist in question, came into play. For while she was heading out into the city with Janine, dark plans were put in motion. For a push to gain aid and economic stability by showing mercy, could only come about after grave violence and sadly, June and Janine found themselves at the center of a massive bombing run on Gilead’s part. But once the dust and uncertainty settled in, quite the shocking moment arrived. Not the death of Janine, in fact… her fate remains a mystery for the moment. No instead, a battered and rattled June ran straight into Moira, who came all this way to help the innocent as part of Gilead’s sympathy plan and that’s a huge deal for one reason alone. In that, Moira can help June escape this nightmare and if she is free of Gilead’s grip, she can testify and get the word out about what’s really happening in this supposedly 'just' and 'virtuous' nation and inspire countless others to finally rise up and fight against its twisted brand of evil. Plus, she might have help on the inside if Lydia and Lawrence decide to act upon their concerns about Gilead and what it stands for and well, in the end, all of these elements make this quite the keystone story. Since these twists really do signal a paradigm shift in the story, one where June (and in turn, the audience) will no longer be punished week in and week out by being subjected to the horrors of Gilead and we may at last, see it be punished instead for its crimes against humanity. All because an errand of desperate mercy will likely free June from this hellish landscape and well, that definitely brings hope to this tale, and it compels one to continue to the journey for certain. Because this might finally be the beginning of the end for Gilead and that really would change how this show is perceived and it may finally bring us the satisfying and powerful ending that we’ve all been waiting for. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Normally, when a family crisis arises in our lives, we follow a pretty standard process to handle it. One where we inform our employer of what’s going on and put in whatever personal time we need, so that we can be there for our family in their time of need without any question or financial concern. But while a great deal of us follows that process to a tee and save up a little personal time in the event an emergency arises, not everyone has that safety net to fall back upon. For some are working multiple jobs and stepping away from any one of them could bring them great financial harm, making a decision to be there for their family a difficult one and some folks… well they work jobs that really don’t think about anything outside of profit or they're tough to step away from because they are illegal in nature. Which does beg a fascinating question, in that, what do say… drug dealers do when they’re faced with a family emergency? Do they hand the business over to someone else or do they shut the whole thing down and resume their activity when the time is right and well… it just so happens that the next episode of Breaking Bad explores this in great detail. For ‘I See You’ picks up mere moments after Hank’s ugly shootout with the Salamanca cousins. Wherein he’s rushed to the hospital and sent into surgery for his wounds and well, right before Jesse heads over to the Superlab, he sees Hank heading into the Emergency Room and that matters… simply because Walt is already at the lab and hasn’t a clue that his brother-in-law is in peril and well, that motivates him to drop everything and leave Jesse chilling in the lab to support his family. An act that proved to be problematic for certain. Because Walt was up against a big quota, since he owed Gus and the operation two-hundred pounds by the end of the week and well, it didn’t take long for Jesse to point that out and to complicate matters further… it didn’t take long for Gus to find out that Walt wasn't cooking. Because Fring's lackey dropped by to check on Walt and Jesse's progress, only to find Jesse puffing up his suit with air and well, that led to a tense conversation between Walt and Gus. Wherein the former tried to keep Hank’s status a secret whilst promising to double his efforts and well, this particular part of the show made it inherently clear, that stepping away to take care of personal matters when personal time isn’t available, and when the trade in question is illegal, is a scary and incredibly difficult experience. Because not only does the cash flow stop, but so does the offending activity in question and those who stand to profit from that, aren't good with a loss in productivity in the slightest. But while that definitely allowed for the viewer to gain new insight on an aspect of the world few of us will ever understand, this particular tale also made a point to move some important plot points forward. Because Leonel Salamanca survived his injuries and learning of this, motivated Gus to make a personal voyage down to the hospital to feed everyone there, remind Walter of who is in charge… and to deal with Leonel as only a drug lord can. Since the last surviving Salamanca twin went into cardiac arrest out of the blue, thanks to Mike and his incredible stealth. Plus, the end of this tale also takes the time to reveal Gus’ plans for the future. In that, he wanted the cousins to strike at the DEA to bring all kinds of heat down on his bosses back in Mexico, so he could finally be free of the cartel and take over his own empire. Which was quite the twisted and fitting way to end this tale. One that speaks to Gus’ patience since it took him decades to reach this particular point and well, hopefully Walter can get back on track with cooking and soon, since Fring made it inherently clear that he sees all, knows all and controls all. And the sooner Walt understands that the better for him and his family and his future. But while it was incredible to see just how sneaky and intelligent Gus can be, we would be remiss to not point out that this episode is a masterclass in exploring the sheer darkness of the drug trade. Since it teaches us that there really are no rules in this world and anything can happen to anyone at any time and this is undoubtedly going to be a relevant message in the weeks to come, since this show doesn’t introduce lessons like that for no good reason and well… now that Hank is on the mend it will be quite interesting to see what comes next for Walter and Gus. Now that Mister Fring has cornered the market on the drug trade in the southwestern United States. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Two of ‘Des’. It is definitely safe to say that the investigation phase of a crime story, is supremely satisfying in nature. Because minute by minute, we get to experience the wonder of discovery as the intrepid lead investigator puts together the clues and begins to zero in upon a suspect. Which means that justice is near and soon an evil doer will be behind bars and paying dearly for their crimes and that really does give the viewer or the reader... a rush. Plus, this is also a segment of the story that helps us to come to understand just how vested our protagonist is in fighting crime and doing right by the victims, to the point where they almost resemble a superhero of sorts. But while that definitely makes for compelling and moving moments for certain, that particular structure of how an investigation goes isn’t realistic in the slightest. Which is understandable, since we are here to be entertained and aren’t all that interested in the finite details. But in reality, we should be. Because the chaos of reality and the roadblocks that some investigators run into when bringing down a true villain, are certainly of note and make the investigators involved, heroic in a different manner, since they overcome incredible odds to bring the bad guy or gal to justice and that’s why the next episode of the Sundance Now series, Des, is so refreshing and compelling. For DCI Peter Jay has to deal with some unexpected and incredible roadblocks in bringing Dennis ‘Des’ Nielsen to justice. Which is surprising to say the least, since Des confessed to the murders of fifteen innocent lives. But in order to put him behind bars for the rest of his natural life… DCI Jay needed to identify more victims, which led to the first roadblock in question… resources. After all, a murder investigation requires money and time and officers and it didn’t take long for the higher ups at Scotland Yard, to express their concerns about what this case was costing. Because every new lead and identification, led to more hard work and more officers searching for truth and well, that eventually put Peter in quite the tough place. In that, he could either keep trying to get funding and be stonewalled by the brass at some point when costs ballooned, or he could scramble to identify as many bodies as possible and well… it turns out that both paths came to fruition. Because the ID of a Canadian national, along with a few others, brought the count to six first degree murder charges and the yard felt that was more than sufficient and that prompted them to close the case and send Des to court. Which brings us to the second roadblock in this tale, Des himself. Because as the investigation chugged along and Des’ name showed up less and less in the papers, he began to grow antsy. To the point where he demanded recognition and accommodations from the police department. Which of course, they refused to provide and well, that led to some serious surprises on Dennis’ part. For he eventually cut off the information tap and told Jay to basically pound sand until he got what he wanted. In fact, the only person he would talk to was Brian Waters since he believed that his biographer was the only person who showed him any courtesy or recognition for his crimes. And he was so upset with the lack of kudos for being honest about killing people that Des finally decided after he was charged, to take his little temper tantrum/protest to a whole new level… by pleading not guilty to any of the charges, at his arraignment. Which was a stunning move for certain, one that speaks volumes to the wild nature of Dennis and his deeply engrained mental illness. Something that the episode also explored in chilling detail, allowing for the creepy factor to come into play whilst the investigation played out and kudos once again to the writers and David Tennant for showing us just how cold and calculated a serial killer can be and how they truly are a different breed of human, one that is woefully disconnected from reality and their humanity. But all of that aside, this episode also deserves credit for showing us the difficulties the accompany a murder investigation. For Peter really did face some incredible challenges in bringing Des to the courts and he deserves a round of applause for figuring out how to navigate politics and publicity and a lack of resources for that matter as well. Since it took some creativity on his part to land the big ID. And now that we’ve completed this leg of the journey, all that awaits now is a powerful trial, one that undoubtedly be mired in chaos now that Des has decided to toy around with the system. Until next time. ‘Des’ is available to stream on Sundance Now. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Fifteen of ‘Big Sky’. Despite mankind’s best collective efforts to remove evil from the face of our society, it persists. Because sadly, the right moment (or wrong, depending upon your perspective) of opportunity, allows for a person to seize upon evil and perform twisted acts. The kind that motivates them to dive into such dealings further and often times… they tend to draw others into their stead as well with promises of power and prosperity that appeal to one’s better demons, allowing for evil to rise and thrive with impunity. But while we lament that and fight evil with our every breath, the good news is… its power never lasts. For evil has a tendency to cannibalize itself and make mistakes, which allows for it to pay the piper and it just so happens that the fall of evil played out during last night’s episode of Big Sky. For ‘Bitter Roots’ finally saw the Kleinsasser clan, fall to pieces and we have both Cassie and Jenny to thank for that. Because their attempts to escape the farm, forced John Wayne and Rand to enact some extreme measures to capture them. The kind that saw Cassie put a couple of bullets into Rand before he grazed her with his truck… but her shots struck true. Because in the wake of that encounter, a mortally wounded Rand dragged himself to his creepy hut in the middle of nowhere to take his final breaths in his mother’s arms, an act that shattered her beyond repair and that death, was the mere beginning of the end for this family. For John Wayne’s decision to kidnap Jenny and lock her in a trailer, only added to the chaos and the downfall of this once proud and powerful family. Because this was the last straw for Cheyenne, and she wanted no part of whatever plans dear old dad had to get the family out of this mess and that motivated her to get father and son to play off one another to sow discontent and trouble. Plus, she refused her father’s orders to kill Gil since that simply wasn’t her style and once, she turned her back on the Kleinsasser way… she helped Cassie find Jenny before John Wayne committed murder yet again and in order to ensure that no more harm would come forth… she actually took the time to shoot her brother and end the madness, leaving this family in shambles at last. And as an added bonus, it is only a matter of time before Sheriff Wagy goes down with them as well, thanks to a wonderful decision on Jenny and Cassie’s part, to catch a few of his disgusting words on audio for the Governor to hear. ![]() But while it was satisfying indeed to see evil fall to pieces right before our eyes, especially this twisted family, elsewhere in the story, it was beginning to unify and strengthen thanks to some incredible surprises involving Ronald’s storyline. The kind that absolutely took the audience off guard, thanks to some clever storytelling, the kind that made it seem as though Ronald was indeed about to be exposed and captured. For he was on shaky ground with Phoebe after lying to her about what he was burying and asking her to keep secrets as well added to her concerns, and to make matters worse, Scarlet finally got a phone call from Lindor. One that motivated her to demand a return home post haste out of the apparent fear that her sister was in grave danger, a request that of course put Ronald on edge. However, there was no reason for him to be afraid for his safety and his future in the slightest. For he was in kindred company as it turns out. Because as they drove back to town, Scarlet felt the need to express her concern over what someone might find in Mary’s house. In fact, she straight up confessed that she killed Steve and Mary helped to the hide the body and that she was okay with discovering this side of her and hoped that Ronald, as she called him by name, would help her indulge in it further. Which was quite the jaw dropping moment indeed, one that genuinely led to a twisted alliance forged in a bond that none of us will ever understand. But while that was indeed frightening, since this match made in hell seemed ready to do whatever it takes to indulge their darkest desires… there was some hope on the horizon. For Jerrie and Lindor kicked the door down while evil came together, meaning it won’t be long before this unholy union is shattered, and Ronald is brought to justice. But alas, we will have to wait for next week’s season finale to see that come to fruition, but we can definitely take comfort in the fact that the end is near for Ronald Pergman and that wonderful fact… alongside the fall of the Kleinsasser clan, makes this one satisfying episode when all is said and done. Because there was nothing deep or analytical to this tale, it was just a good old-fashioned reckoning for evil and now that we know the end is in sight, that will indeed make the wait for next week’s finale a difficult one. Since we’ve collectively been aching to see Pergman behind bars and it will be quite interesting to see how his saga comes a close, since this show is well known for surprising us at every single turn. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() When we are going through tough and challenging times in life, the kind that puts us through incredible strain and strife… some strange part of our brains believes that the right to do… is to take all of our negative emotions and bury them deep down into the pits of our souls. Wherein we believe that they will somehow give us strength and propel us forward so that we overcome whatever is troubling us. Which is a course of action that we come to learn, is woefully incorrect. Because those emotions bubble up and force us and to say and do supremely stupid things in an effort to be purged from our minds and well… we tend to learn the hard way, that expressing them sooner is the key to truly overcoming our problems, since it allows for us to view our sour situation in an objective and healthy light. And that lesson is relevant to our discussion today, simply because it was on full display in the next episode of Breaking Bad. For ‘One Minute’ saw several of the men in this tale, deal with this exact lesson in fascinating ways and it turns out that Hank is the one that had to face the most unfortunate aspect of burying one’s emotions. Because for weeks now, he’s been pushing his fear and his anger and shame down into the pits of his soul and having Jesse and Walt best him on the case, was that boiling over moment, one that motivated him to just beat the living hell out of Jesse and well… that put Hank at quite the crossroads for certain. One that helped him to realize that he had to deal with his emotions and that he was better than raw anger and that in turn, helped him to realize that his career was likely over and that he needed to face that like a man and well, this was quite the arc for Hank for certain. One that finally allowed for him to be honest about his feelings and grow before our eyes and well, lucky for him… another plot thread involving honesty with one’s feels, saved Hank’s career. Because while he was pondering upon the finer points of opening up, Jesse Pinkman was swelling with anger. For he was sick of being a victim and sick of dealing with physical strife and that allowed for him to finally express his frustrations with Walter and his life situation and getting that out into the open allowed for Walter to realize that he’s been super hard and rude to Jesse. And to make up for that, he finally admitted that Jeese was doing a great job with cooking and that he should be back in the fold. To the point where he even decided to fire Gale so that he could have the smooth working environment that only Jesse can provide and well, cooling Jesse off with honesty and a job offer… motivated him to not press charges and well, this was quite the healthy segment for certain. One that genuinely helped us to understand how expressing our emotions does nothing but wonders for us since it gets bad blood out into the open and engenders trust and stability and open lines of communication for a brief moment there… it seemed as though we were about to be barreling toward a happy ending. But that just wouldn’t be this show’s style. Because despite beating the rap, Hank was still in grave danger in this story. For the Salamanca cousins were now eager to exact revenge on Hank for harming Tuco and they spent a fair chunk of this episode, preparing for war in the creepiest manner possible and well… when the time came, they were ready to ambush Hank in the parking lot of a mini mall. But thanks to a warning call from a kind stranger, Hank was ready and able to fight back… at a great cost. Because despite being able to crush Leonel's legs with his car, Marco still got in some brutal shots. The kind that left Hank badly wounded and bleeding. But thanks to his training and some foolish thinking on Marco’s part, Hank was able to put his attacker down and end this madness. But despite Hank's violent victory over the cartel's star assassins, this episode leaves us in a rough place, with carnage on the streets and Hank in bad shape and that was quite the way to end this particular tale. Simply because it reminds us that this is a crime drama through and through, one where the danger is real for all of the characters since the drug trade is no walk in the park and it will be interesting to see if Hank comes out of this attack in decent shape, or if there is some serious damage to his body and mind. But while we wait to see, we can bask in some fascinating and forward thinking character growth. Because having men speak to their feelings in a show about the crystal meth trade… was ahead of its time and quite frankly still is. And it just speaks to the wonder of this series and how it is always eager to go above and beyond to tell the most unique story possible and well, it definitely accomplished that particular goal and it set the stage for the future as well. Because an attack on a DEA Agent likely won’t go over well in Washington or in the ABQ for that matter as well, meaning that retribution is coming, something that will oddly benefit Mister Gus Fring, and that definitely motivates one to continue the journey, to see what this twisted game of chess yields for Gus in the long run. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for the series premiere of ‘Blinded: Those Who Kill’. It is definitely safe to say, that the television crime drama is in a bit of a rut right now. Because just about every network features some variation of a tried-and-true formula. Wherein ridiculously brilliant police officers, combat crime and teach us a moral lesson along the way and while there really isn’t anything wrong with that… this is a genre that has proven time and time again that it can push the envelope and offer up incredible stories that leave us in awe and in thought over what we’ve just seen with just a little effort and it is a bit of a shame to see that it has settled into formula and crowd pleasing. But thankfully, there are still crime dramas out there that understand the genre’s potential and are eager to wow the audience with something special and unique and unsettling and for proof… then look no further than the brand-new crime series on AcornTV, Blinded: Those Who Kill. For this particular series premiere offers up a different kind of serial killer story by removing a bevy of the tropes and clichés that are normally present within the framework of this kind of story. For example, our lead investigator, a woman named Louise… isn’t a grizzled police officer that can solve a case with a glance. She's just an observant investigator that has returned home after twenty years, to help bring peace to a family friend. For the death of Alice’s son, Markus, has yet to be solved and she is hoping that Louise’s keen mind will be able to solve this age-old crime and that too, is another surprise change up. The fact that we are coming into this case, after death has occurred. A move that allows for the audience to see the lasting impact of the death of a loved one at the hands of a monster and it also allows for an engrossing hunt to get underway. Because it doesn’t take long for Louise to realize, that the death of Markus is related to several other cases in the town, and that the police are likely looking at a serial killer situation. Which in turn leads to a fascinating sequence of events, wherein Louise collects all kinds of evidence to support this theory and is even able to build a powerful profile on the person the police need to hunt. And what makes this so worthwhile and so engrossing, is the sheer fact that most crime stories gloss over this part of the process, out of the fear that it might be considered boring or tedious. But clearly, when it is done right, watching an investigator figure out what makes a monster tick can be quite powerful and engaging and the series deserves serious credit for taking the time to show this part of the investigative process in such detail and for also offering up one delightful storytelling twist. For there is a B plot to this premiere, one that introduces us to an everyday man named Peter who is going through a family crisis. Because his wife is no longer is in love with him, and is ready to start over anew in Singapore, thanks to her promotion and at first… this plot thread seems out of place. For if this is a serial killer themed story, what’s the point of spending time with a guy in the midst of an impending divorce? Which leads one to wonder… if by chance he might be the next victim, since he seems like a sorrowful chap. But that’s when the twist comes into play, and we learn that Peter is nothing more than a vengeful cold-blooded killer. One that cannot stand the fact that he has zero control in life and that people walk all over him, and that’s why Markus and others die at his hands… to give him a taste of power and a form of sexual satisfaction. But what makes this twist so incredibly engaging is the sheer fact that this story bravely introduces its killer early rather than surround him in mystery. Which is a move that raises the stakes and adds urgency to the story and really in the end, this particular premiere really is a breath of fresh air. Since it truly does a wonderful job of shaking up the serial killer mythos, and it also features some genuinely chilling scenes as well. Since Peter’s is indeed ruthless and furious when his bloodlust arrives, to the point where it might have backfired by way of his kill at the end of this tale and well, all of these elements definitely suck you in and leave you eager to watch more. So, you can see how this unique story is going to play out and how exactly Louise is going to bring a pathetic killer to justice. Until next time. ‘Blinded: Those Who Kill’ is available to stream now on AcornTV. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Three of ‘Bäckström’. We spend a lot of time in modern society, worrying about getting to the top of our respective career fields. Because the mantra in our world, is that we have to be the best and we must do whatever it takes to earn that title. But while that has motivated a great deal of people to work hard to achieve their dreams and indeed rise to the top of their field, we are so focused on reaching the peak of the proverbial mountain… that we rarely discuss what comes next when we get there. Do we simply kick back and relish in the wonder of our accomplishments? Or are there new challenges that await us when we reach the pinnacle of our career field? All of which are important questions… and only one of them, seems to have an answer. Because time and time again, we’ve heard from folks at the top, who point out that there is indeed a new challenge that arises for those who reach the apex, in that… a target is painted on the champion’s back. For others want what the top gun has, and they will try to unseat them and claim the title and the advice we’ve heard from them, when that happens… is to do the work. Which is uh, a touch vague to say the least, but perhaps that’s the point. Because maybe, if you’re the best at what you do, you’ll know to just keep your head down when others come knocking for your championship belt and things will turn out alright. And it just so happens that the next episode of Bäckström on AcornTV, dives deep into this particular problem and that potential solution. Since this unsettling issue was plaguing Sweden's biggest investigator when we we catch up with him in 'Episode 3'. For while he was in Bangkok looking into the biggest case of his career, everyone back home was making him look bad. Because Ankan was making great strides in solving the robbery, since she was able to get in close to Boris and plant a tracker on his car. Which in turn allowed for her to track down his base of operations, to the point where the team is ready to raid it and bring the whole case together. Plus, the Olsson/Olzzon ‘twins’ made some serious headway on the missing Mi Mi case, since they were able to snag a search warrant for the restaurant she worked at and they even caught the owner in the midst of some kind of cover up when they stormed in. And they did all of this, without an ounce of of Bäckström’s help and well… seeing everyone try and become as good as he is, definitely put him in an awkward place. Because he was no longer the center of attention, and to complicate matters further… this surge of success made him feel useless since he was struggling to make any headway with Jaidee’s case. For every single lead he investigated, turned up very little. For instance, the man that found her body with Daniel, was as honest as they come and the family members he interviewed had little to offer and to top it all off… his trademark ability to read the moment and visualize what happened… yielded no results. Which more or less taught us that when people at the top are being chased, they struggle for certain, and fear and worry that their top standing might disappear because they've somehow lost their abilities. But while that was fascinating to explore in its own right, there was mention of a solution to these fears and worries and that was explored in the final moments of this tale. For despite feeling as though he’d failed or was losing his touch, Bäckström never stopped doing his best to collect clues and well, just when it seemed as though he was at his breaking point… those clues came together, giving him the insight and the lead, he needs. And it would seem, that a mix up is what allowed for Jaidee to ‘die’ twice and really, in the end… this was simply one quality episode. One that managed to challenge Bäckström like never before and as an added bonus, it really did move the plot along at a brisk pace and it was quite wonderful to be immersed in a true serial. But what matters most, is that this one really leaves you hungry for more. Because deep down, the audience knows that Bäckström is onto something big and that definitely compels one to continue the journey, so we can see exactly where this epiphany will lead our intrepid hero. Until next time. ‘Bäckström’ is available to stream now on AcornTV. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for the series finale of ‘Keeping Faith’. Audiences from all walks of life are big fans of happy endings in storytelling for one reason and one reason alone, because they are the pinnacle of escapism. Because deep down we know that happy endings are rare in the everyday world, so to be able to watch a show or a movie or read a book where everything comes to a close in a chipper and satisfying manner, provides us with incredible catharsis and peace. But while there is indeed something to be said about the healing power of the happy ending, there’s more to be said about stories that opt to buck that trend by taking their endings into more realistic and bittersweet territory. Because stories that go that route, are brave to say the least, since that really does go against the grain of what so many believe storytelling stands for. But sometimes, bittersweet and/or dark is the only way to go, especially when the story in question resides in that kind of territory and that’s why the series finale of Keeping Faith deserves a round of applause. Because from day one, this show has made a point of providing its audience with a realistic experience. One that reminds us that life can be cruel at times and that what comes next after tough times isn’t always constant prosperity, but peaks and valleys and well… let's be honest. Going the happy ending route would have betrayed everything this series stands for, but sticking to what makes this series great, allowed for a powerful and heartbreaking end to Faith's journey to come to fruition. But believe it or not, it wasn’t all sorrow in our farewell episode to Faith Howells. Because she did manage to save Osian’s life by getting approval through the courts, with Mike’s help, to have the young man fly to France to have that tumor removed successfully, and it was wonderful to see that nightmare end in a beautiful and hopeful manner. But once his story was out of the way, there was the heavier stuff to deal with. Because in essence, Rose made her final push in this finale to assert control over Faith as part of her dying wish to be seen and viewed as a mother and she went so far as to even kidnap the kids and hold Faith and them at gunpoint when Faith came by to bring them home and well… that’s when the tough stuff came into play. For Rose revealed that Steve Baldini didn’t survive her plans and for that matter, neither did Evan. Because he actually took the time to do the decent thing in this tale and stand up for his wife and his kids for the first time in his life by trying to rescue them from Rose’s clutches. But alas, her desire for bloodshed and her fury over not being able to exert control of Faith, motivated her to pull the trigger and end Evan’s life and her own, leaving Faith in a shattered place and well, her only reward for putting up with so much pain and suffering, was that she was able to properly process the horror that the father of her children and the potential love of her life were gone. Which in turn allowed for her to hold her head high and move on. Which isn’t quite what we expected to see after three years of harrowing journeys with Faith… but it is the most fitting ending possible. Because sometimes, when life beats us down emotionally, to the point where we think we can handle no more, all we can do is take it day by day and push ahead and look for the beauty of the moment. And that’s precisely what Faith did here, and her only solace is that the darkest chapter of her life has indeed come to an end. For her past has been resolved, as has her pain with Evan and she did get to love Steve if only for a moment and now she is off to greener pastures and the uncertain future that we both dread and embrace and well… that makes this a brilliant finale when all is said and done. For it brought three years of incredible storytelling together in a matter of minutes and it allowed for growth and closure to come into play and well, you really cannot ask for much more than out of a series finale. And while we may not know if Faith Howells will ever find the peace she craves, since she leaves home in a somewhat broken place… at least we know that whatever valleys await her next, will be a breeze for her to handle. For she came out of this incredible stretch of sorrow and hardships with unparalleled strength and resolve. ‘Keeping Faith’ is available to stream right now on AcornTV. |
February 2025