Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Keeping Faith’. When disaster or crisis strikes in our lives, the kind that truly upends how we live, we are eager to indulge in some kind of distraction from the matter at hand. Simply because that helps us to cope with the problem, and it keeps us sane quite frankly, and one such way to make that happen… is to establish some kind of daily routine. Because when we are able to do that, we have something to look forward to outside of the heartbreaking or irritating stuff, and a routine also manages to bring some kind of order to chaos and that really does help us get back on track if only for a moment. Because it does allow us to clear our heads and potentially figure out a way forward in regard to our little problem and it just so happens that this is what Faith Howells decided she needed in the next episode of Keeping Faith. Because the burglary was just too much for her to bear and she needed to start clearing her head before she lost her mind and that motivated her to get right into a routine. So that she could indeed feel some sense of normalcy and making that a temporary priority, instead of the mystery surrounding her husband, did wonders for her in this tale. Since it helped her to properly give her children what they needed emotionally, and it even helped her to focus on work, and that’s a good thing. Because this tale revealed, that a week is all she has left to try and right the firm financially, otherwise the end is nigh, and that motivated her to get the team on board for one last college try and, in the event, they failed, they could use what little time they had left in the office;; to launch an investigation to try and figure out what happened to Evan. Plus, she was ready to take on new clients and help them find a path forward, free from their worries. To the point where she was able to halt a greedy corporation from swiping the land of an innocent man (kind of), and she even decided that being bold in regard to uncovering the truth about Evan’s whereabouts wasn’t a bad idea either. Because despite the fact that she’d worked herself into a groove, there was mention of the fact that she wasn’t done with finding her husband just yet. And that led her to the offices of the dentist that Evan used as a character witness to exonerate Erin Glynn of any involvement in the Reardon murder, in the hopes of getting her to talk about Evan’s whereabouts. An act that failed, since she wanted nothing more than bags of cash. But all failure aside, it really was nice to see Faith find balance in working the clues whilst putting her life back together, since such actions served as a lovely break from the intensity that is present in the other chapters in this tale. However, while it was nice to bask in such a relaxed and lighter story than we are used to, there was still some darkness to be found in this tale. For DI Williams is continuing to work the case in a relentless manner and is genuinely hoping to trip Faith up. Plus, the Reardon family is now poking about and hoping to get what is due to them, since the mysterious driver of the black car, a woman named Gael, finally introduced herself to Faith. All in the hopes of getting her to sell the drugs that Evan promised to move before he disappeared and to make matters worse, the Glynns are starting to flex their muscles. Since they were happy to make a visit to Steve Baldini’s place and rough him up, so he could inform Faith that they mean business and expect to be paid. If anything, all of this makes it clear that trouble is continuing to brew behind the scenes and hopefully the quiet zen that Faith experienced here will help her to recharge, so she can handle what awaits her on the horizon. But while we wait to see if that is indeed the case, we can revel in the wonder of another quality tale. One that once again gave us just enough, clues wise, to help us to understand that Evan is in a boatload of trouble, the kind that is genuinely beginning to threaten the well-being of his family, and it also deserves serious credit for giving the audience a breather as well. For it really has been full steam ahead since this series started and the constant heartbreak and terror that Faith has gone through, can wear on a viewer. So, kudos to the show for recognizing that and giving the audience a chance to regroup as well and now that this comforting chapter has come to a close, it appears as though the coziness featured in this tale is over and we are going right back into the thick of things. Since Faith does have to contend with what happened to that kind and gentle farmer, and the unyielding pressure from not one, but two crime families. Until next time. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Series 3 premieres on April 12, 2021.
Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for the finale of ‘Bloodlands’. Truly, the ending is the finest segment of a mystery or a crime related story. For it is in the finale of that tale, where every ounce of truth is revealed to the reader or the audience and of course, the crime is solved, and the case is closed and both characters and enthusiasts alike, are able to walk away from the story feeling satisfied and happy. Unless of course we are talking about mysteries and crime stories that operate within the grey area. Because those types of stories can go in any direction they so choose, since they aren’t bound by the usual rules of the genre and that means the ending of this type of tale, can either satisfy, shock or outright infuriate and well… it is definitely safe to say the ending to the AcornTV series, Bloodlands, will engender one… if not all of those feelings amongst its fans. Simply because the finale of this harrowing saga, brought this story to a close in a stunning manner. One that genuinely surprised the viewer through and through… by taking us on a wild ride filled with twists and turns and stunning revelations, such as the fact that Detective Chief Superintendent Jackie Twomey was not Goliath after all. But for a moment there, it sure seemed as though he was. Because his interrogation went poorly, thanks to Tom’s suggestions to have the interrogator press Jackie on his sorted past with Adam Corry and the Goliath investigation as a whole. Which in turn exposed the sad reality that Jackie wasn’t telling the truth about his involvement in the case, since he knew far more about it than anyone else. But alas, facts are facts, and the forensic evidence at his caravan made it clear that someone planted the evidence there, allowing for Jackie to walk. Oddly enough though, the importance of evidence is what brought about the stunning revelations in question. Because Tori finally had the opportunity to see Izzy’s beautiful owl necklace, the one that happened to have a ‘T’ on the back of it and that allowed for her to figure out that the same one in evidence, belonged to Tom’s wife and that led her to believe… that Detective Chief Inspector Tom Brannick, was Goliath, and she was correct in that assumption. For when she confronted him about the necklace, under the specter that Izzy might be hurt… he finally opened up and explained his involvement in this whole mess, in a manner that some might say, exonerated him in regard to being Goliath. But what came after his confession… exposed him through and through as this mysterious assassin. For an innocent man with a past that went sour, would eventually stand up to it and own it, instead, DCI Brannick put together an intricate plan to ensure he came out of this mess, smelling like a rose. Which is why he sent Tori to where he hid the gun that he used to kill Adam Corry. Because when she arrived there, Pat Keenan was waiting for her with that gun in hand and was ready for revenge. Something he gladly indulged in. And the only reason he was there, was because Tom called him and told him where to find the weapon, and the subsequent trace on DCI Brannick’s phone, helped his co-workers to track him to his eventual rendezvous with Keenan, wherein he shot Pat as well, and hid any evidence of that call. Making it clear that he did nothing more than tie up loose ends so that going forward the police service would forever believe that Pat Keenan was in fact, Goliath, giving Tom the freedom to go about his life and spend time with his beloved daughter. And while that makes it seem as though Tom finally gets to enjoy a little peace and his happily ever after, the guilt on his face in the closing moments of this story, speaks to the fact that this final mission as Goliath, is going to haunt Tom for the rest of his life. If anything, this was one hell of a way to close out this magnificent series, since Tom and his actions really did keep us guessing for a better part of this tale. Because early on, it really did seem as though he was simply a broken man, full of anger over his wife’s disappearance… and he was willing to go the extra mile in order to get answers. So, to learn that he is the ‘Big G’, well that’s just jaw-dropping and infuriating for some. Since you always hope for the hero to be the better person in these types of tales and not the villain after all. But alas, in the grey area of life, sometimes the bad guys win, and sometimes good people are not what they seem and those stark and unsettling truths hang heavy over the end of one stunning story. One that truly took us on an incredible ride and also took the time to remind us that deception can only bring about trouble, and the decision to make that a priority, will bring about nothing but heartache and strife. ‘Bloodlands’ is available to stream on AcornTV, right now. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Four of ‘Keeping Faith’. When we think about setting out and searching for a particular truth in our lives, one that often revolves around a personal situation or someone we know and love… we feel nothing but fear. Because deep down, we don’t want to discover anything bad about the person in question, nor do we want to see the status quo that we thrive within, upset in the slightest by that knowledge. But we forge ahead regardless of the fear, because we are beings that absolutely desire to know the truth and also because… it is impossible to hide from it. For when a situation arrives, where we need to uncover the truth, keeping it at bay and letting it fester will undoubtedly bring about more harm than good, so it is best we go after it with our heads held high and learn what we must… so we can properly move forward. If anything, this is relevant to our discussion today, simply because it served as the focal theme of the next episode of Keeping Faith. For when we catch up with Faith here, she’s lost and listless and unsure of how to proceed, now that someone has threatened her and her family. But after learning from Steve Baldini that her husband got in deep with the Glynn crime family, she begins to wonder if the time is right to confront them in order to get some answers about what is really going on with her husband and why he ran like hell. A move that she knows will bring about emotional strife for certain, since no good can come about from this particular truth, but she chases after it none the less and comes to find some ugly but worthwhile answers for certain. That is of course, after going through a touch of hell to get them. For her initial push to get answers by visiting the Glynn’s territory, ended with her getting robbed by the unsavory locals that populate their land. Motivating her to ask Steve for a touch of help in the matter, since he used to work for the Glynns and well… that was a move that actually paid off. For Faith was able to get a face to face with the head of the family and through her time with him and a few key cutaway scenes, answers came pouring out into the open. In that, the firm was struggling because clients were leaving after Evan’s dad retired, forcing Evan to get creative and take on new clients, such as the Glynns. And doing so of course meant compromising his morals and taking part in shady deals and well, it only got worse from there. Because the Glynns were kind enough to front a little money to Evan to keep the firm afloat. And all Evan had to do in return, was handle anything the family needed to stay out of jail. But clearly, everything went wrong and now Evan owes the house eighty grand and sadly it would seem, that debt is now going to fall to Faith to repay, in the days to come. But while that’s ominous for certain, and so is the ending of this tale, since someone clearly ransacked the Howells’ home in the hopes of finding some cash or something of value to pay off some debts… the win here is that Faith stood tall in the face of adversity and got the hard and ugly answers she needed. Which now gives her the opportunity to figure out a path forward, one that might finally keep her family safe. But even then, there will be great challenges in making that happen. For the firm is in a tough place and DI Williams is doing everything within her power to try and pin what she believes to be Evan’s death on Faith. But now we know that Faith is willing to go through hell in order to come out on top and that provides the viewer with some comfort, and that makes this one quality episode when all is said and done. Simply because at long last, we have some answers, and it utterly makes sense why Evan upped and ran, because no one wants to tell a powerful crime family, that they don’t have their money. But that doesn’t make his actions right, however. For his wife is the one left responsible for his transgressions and it will be quite interesting to see how she thinks her way out of this one, now that we know just how resourceful, Faith can be. Until next time. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Series 3 premieres on April 12, 2021. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Three of ‘Keeping Faith’. It is definitely safe to say, that there is a touch of trepidation when television enthusiasts start a new series that is host to some kind of mystery. Simply because viewers have been burned time and time by shows that simply don’t know how to handle said mystery. For some shows will simply tip their hand on the matter way too early, providing the viewer with an incredibly hollow ending. Or some take a little too long in revealing the truth, to the point where the audience is outright bored and disappointed when everything gets shoehorned into an equally as unsatisfying finale. Which is why it is important to savor and celebrate the shows that get it right, since they clearly care about offering up a proper mystery, one that genuinely engrosses and engages the audience. If anything, this is relevant to our discussion today, simply because the next episode of Keeping Faith, revealed that this is a series that is going to get the mystery right. Since this particular tale offered up some fascinating and engaging clues as to why Evan might have walked away from his family and life, all while keeping the quality drama this series has sent our way in play and well, perhaps it is that drama that is the best place to start with this particular recap. Because that allowed for us to get to know what kind of person Faith is at her core. Because up until now, we’ve only seen the broken side of her, which is why it was wonderful to see her step in and be a quality lawyer to people that are struggling. For it helps us to understand that she really is a wonderful person through and through, who wants to see people succeed in life. Plus, we also came to learn that Faith is someone that is strong and forward, something we haven’t seen up to this point. But after spending a couple of days processing everything that’s happened and coming to realize that waiting around and grieving won’t get her any answers… she immediately made it known that she wasn’t going to put up with dodging or having any more secrets kept from her. Which led to some wonderful moments between her and Evan’s dad, wherein she was able to express her disdain for his decision to hand over the insurance papers to the police and this confrontation helped her to build a bond with him in the process so that they weren’t working against one another. And that emboldened her to have an equally as frank discussion with Evan’s therapist, the kind that brought about one particular possibility as to why Evan tucked tail and ran. In that, his life might not be what he originally thought it was. For it was revealed that his mother was seeing another man before she and dad became an item, leaving the possibility open that Evan didn’t know who his father was and that could indeed drive a man to disappear, in order to get some answers. But in reality, what likely sent him into the great unknown, is something criminal. Because the audience was privy to the fact that Evan was getting in good with some of the more unsavory people around town. Potentially in the hopes of having their vast funds help save his ailing firm and well, when one considers the fact that a mysterious blond woman (one that loves cigarettes and the color black) is driving around town in the very car that has left Terry concerned, it really does become clear that Evan is on the run and that’s scary for certain. Because people that are powerful enough to make a man run… might eventually go after his family to get what they want, as evidenced by the end of this tale. But while we wait to see what comes out of that note, it's best we celebrate one quality episode. Simply because this one finally allowed for Faith to grow as a character and be more than an ailing wife that doesn’t know what to do. Plus, it allowed for us to get an idea of how much Evan’s absence is hurting others, since his family is outright freaking out and believing their own theories on the matter and as an added bonus… we even have the arrival of a potential villain in this tale. Since the local DI is a garbage police officer through and through, one that uses hunches and intimidation to solve cases, and clearly Faith is her match. Since Faith was able to beat her own rap and rescue the town priest from the DI’s lies as well. But most important of all, this episode gave us some quality answers, the kind that absolutely draw you in further, since we are all now dying to know about the true identity of the woman in black and what Even did to motivate her to lurk about and chase him away. Until next time. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Series 3 premieres on April 12, 2021. Written by Shae Rufe ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Three of ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’. This week’s episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was not viewed at 1 a.m., mostly because I realized how crazy that was, and also when your dog gets you up at 6:30 a.m., a bedtime of 2 a.m. isn’t completely realistic. Did I still try? 100% yes, because I’m not a quitter! I am, however, not as young as I once was. Still, waiting weekly for these is slowly killing me, and it’s probably that I just have zero patience. Spoilers? Of course! Okay, so, I have to hand it to Zemo for trying the words, I just do. Is it a d*ck move? Yes. Does it make me hate him even more than I already do? Yes. But also, it does serve the purpose that it needs to. Bucky really did get healed in Wakanda. Despite what Zemo says, Bucky is completely different. Are those trainings still there? Probably, but at least it’s the bad ass fight moves, and not the mindless control. Still, Bucky is struggling with all of it and he’s handling it as well as can be expected. Breaking Zemo out of prison isn’t the smartest move, Sam has a lot of good points on that. None of that stops Bucky from doing it though, mostly because he doesn’t bother to tell Sam until after it’s all said and done; that’s bad friending right there. The thing is, Zemo has information that they need. He’s currently their only lead in tracking down the Flag Smashers, even more importantly, tracking down and stopping the Super Soldier Serum. John Walker is of course off doing his damnedest to be the best Cap he believes he can be. Wyatt Russell does the best job at making Walker unlikable while you kind of feel for the guy just a tad. Now, before I continue with my review, I am going to bring up that Russell is just an actor portraying a character. This is extremely important to remember because he is actively receiving death threats for playing John Walker. Now, I have personally written about this type of thing before, actors receiving death threats for the characters they play, and it still shocks me that in 2021 people think that type of behavior is acceptable. Let me make myself extremely clear, it is never okay to send a death threat to anyone. We at NTG are against hate and we adamantly stand with Russell and his portrayal of John Walker. If you do not like his portrayal, by all means, stop watching the show. It is a show. It’s not real life. The fact that people are sending an actor death threats is not a new concept, but it will always be a disturbing one. Anyway ![]() Walker and Hoskins are on the Flag Smashers tail, and they even find out where they last stayed and barge right in. Now, Walker is a lot more quick tempered than Steve (the world’s worst friend) ever was. He all but assaults the homeowner who helped the Flag Smashers and has to be talked off the ledge by Hoskins. They’re grasping at straws, however, and don’t have any more leads. Unlike Bucky and Sam who now have Zemo, who legit is a Baron and super rich. Well, happy turn of events, because getting to shady places is a lot easier to do when there’s a private jet involved. Madripoor, the super random criminal island like place with a rough part of town and a rich part of town, ends up being the most amusing bit of this episode. They’re all playing a part here, to get the info on the Serum they need. Sam’s impersonating a literal criminal lord, Zemo gets to be himself, and Bucky has to play the mindless Winter Soldier again. It goes well, until it doesn’t... their cover gets blown, and our heroes would probably be dead if it weren’t for a mysterious helper. We knew Sharon Carter was coming back, we just weren’t expecting her to be... well... there. She does show up and save them, even gives them a safe haven for a minute while she agrees to help them. It takes some serious convincing from Sam, but even she finally agrees to help them in exchange for a cleared name. Turns out she’s been on the run since the events of Civil War. I guess the CIA didn’t take too kindly to her helping Steve and Sam out back then. And apparently everyone else just forgot to really help her. Well, that’s not fair. Sam, Steve, and Natasha were on the run before the Blip too. Sharon’s help pays off though, and they soon find the man who’s been making the Serum. He was able to figure it out from lasting blood samples from Isaiah Bradley, you know the first Black Captain America that the government locked away, treated like a lab rat, and then erased from history? It’s a tense exchange, but we do find out their there was enough Serum taken by Karli to make 20 Super Soldiers. And then Zemo ruins the interrogation by killing the doctor and they all have to escape before the bounty hunters find them. The action sequences really blend well into this show, giving it a theatrical feel that real speaks to the quality of how well this show is done. While they’re off to their next lead, Sharon stays behind, and Walker finds out that Bucky and Sam freed Zemo from prison. That can’t be good at all. Even better is the end of the episode. While Sam and Zemo go off to explore the next possible line that’ll lead them to the Flag Smashers, Bucky goes on a little walk and finds an old friend from Wakanda. Oh yeah, did I mention Karli hits up a GRC building, steals its supplies, and totally blows it up with people still inside? ‘Cause yeah, that totally happens and she... is a little more extreme that we originally suspected. I don’t see this ending well at all. So! What can we expect next week? A lot more action, for one, and maybe we get to find out what’s really up with Sharon... I don’t fully trust her. We are halfway through the series already and I really wish this series was longer than 6 episodes. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Two of ‘Keeping Faith’. Whenever a crisis or personal disaster arrives in our lives, we hope for nothing more than a moment to breathe. All so that we can properly process what the heck is going on and how we move forward from it. But sadly, we all come to learn, that such a break simply isn’t possible. For there are still bills that we need to pay, and there are people that need us and depend upon us. Which means that we have no choice but to forge ahead and go on and figure out how to process our pain on the fly and well… all of this is relevant to our discussion today, simply because this unfortunate aspect of life was put on full display in the next episode of Keeping Faith. For when we catch up with Faith here, she is wanting for all of those things to happen. But with her children needing to be cared for, and with the law firm needing attention… Faith has no choice but to put her head down and forge ahead. Which is no easy task. Because she is genuinely hurting in this tale, to the point where we are privy to some minor breakdowns on her part, wherein there are tears and a need for isolation to process the fact that Evan has outright abandoned her and his family and truly, the series deserves some serious credit for taking the time to put this on display. Since it offers a genuine sense of realism to this story, for so many of us would be struggling in a similar manner if this happened to us. However, while it was indeed powerful and moving to see Faith try and push herself through some powerful struggles, she still had a lot of questions about why Evan could have potentially abandoned his family and well, what we learned in regard to that, was supremely unpleasant. For it turns out… that Evan was somehow mismanaging everything in regard to the firm. To the point where the place was sixty thousand in the red. Plus, that wasn’t the only lie he was keeping hidden. For there were hints of infidelity hiding in his office, and a client even came banging on the door of Faith and Evan's home, with a gun in the middle of the night, giving Faith quite a few reasons to postulate while he up and ran. But sadly all of these incredible revelations, paled in comparison to what came next. Since Evan’s only potentially ‘kind’ act in regard to his disappearance, caused more harm than good. Because eventually, his father came to learn that Evan went ahead and upped his life insurance. To the tune of a million and a quarter payout. Something that would indeed take care of Faith and the family and save the business as well. Plus, that could also explain his absence, since that would allow for Faith to cash it in. But alas, she wasn’t aware of it and dear old dad’s honesty in the matter, raised some serious eyebrows down at the local police station, once they were able to properly pour over the details of the documents. To the point where Faith’s own brother-in-law was forced to stand idly by as she was brought in for questioning and well, that’s where this one ends. With Faith being blindsided by more of her husband’s machinations and with more questions than answers still hanging over his disappearance. For we still don’t fully know why Evan is on the run, nor are we aware, if he’s taken the time to set up his wife to take the fall for his own indiscretions somehow. We only know that Faith’s life is falling to pieces and that made for one harrowing episode, one that leaves you exhausted and unsettled, something that is made possible by way of some phenomenal acting. For Eve Myles sells every harrowing moment in this tale with a raw honesty that genuinely breaks your heart. For she makes it clear that Faith is at her breaking point and is drawing on every ounce of energy she has to make it to tomorrow and well, this is another story that outright leaves you hungry for more. Because the mystery is continuing to deepen, and we simply have to know what Evan was actually up to and whether or not Faith is going to be able to rise above the insurmountable odds surrounding her. Until next time. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Series 3 premieres on April 12, 2021. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() If there is one particular hypothetical question, that each and every one of us have pondered upon in some capacity… it would have to be, what would we do with the time we have left, if we know we are going to die tomorrow? Because somewhere along the line, we come to realize that tomorrow is not a guarantee in the slightest and we need to be prepared for the possibility that bad news or the end could come our way. And pondering upon such a morbid and dark question… allows for us to take inventory and think about whether or not we’ve done everything we can to create a quality legacy and whether or not we've put enough cash away for our loved ones to survive upon, after we are gone. But what is truly incredible about this particular question, is that some people are forced to actually face it. For they come to learn that an illness is bringing them to the brink and the time has come to act, in regard to what they leave behind and oddly enough, this is a question that Walter White had to face in the next episode of Breaking Bad. For ‘4 Days Out’ saw Walter return for a follow up scan with his doctor, one that would tell him whether or not the chemotherapy had worked, or if more tough days were ahead. But getting a quick glance at his scan and seeing an odd patch of solid white, combined with the fact that his cough was getting worse… motivated him to believe that he was days away from death and that he needed to ensure sure that his family would be taken care of once he said goodbye to this world. Which meant, the time had come to drop everything and cook like he had never cooked before and just like that… he and Jesse were off into the middle of nowhere, to make an unwholesome amount of meth and believe it or not, they were successful at cooking enough of the blue stuff… that Jesse and Walt’s family would never have to worry about money again. However, getting that incredible blue gold back to town was going to be a difficult task. Because shenanigans on Jesse’s part, stranded them. Which made it seem as though it would be impossible to get the meth back to the 'Querque and that Walt might die in this desolate place. But despite having a few down moments, he refused to believe that this was the end and he eventually figured out how to get the van rolling again, through science… allowing for him to finally feel as though he was going to do right by his family and be remembered in the highest regard by his beloved wife and son. Or so he thought, rather. Because eventually, it was revealed that his tumor was actually in remission and the white spot and his cough were related to a form of radiation sickness and were treatable. Which meant… that Walt was going to live a lot longer than he anticipated and despite the relief that such a revelation brought him, it also engendered guilt and fury. Because he came to realize that he was beyond the point of no return when it comes to his decision to commit to a drug empire, and that a hard and angry and morally corruptive path awaited him once again, and that was quite the incredible and poignant moment. Because you so rarely see bad guys ponder upon their roots after they’ve committed to their new path, but it was there, if only for a moment. Because that revelation didn't change his mind about his commitment to Heisenberg in the slightest, and deep down he knows... that he continues to crave the thrill that being a criminal gives him, and that’s some powerful stuff to jam into a short sequence of storytelling and it was wonderfully bookended by the events that preceded that moment of stunning and horrifying inflection. Because this is a story that really put Walt and Jesse to the test, and now they know what they are capable of when they apply themselves to a task and that is likely going to serve them well in the days to come. As they continue to grow the Heisenberg Drug Empire and revel in the buckets of cash that magical meth is going bring their way. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 207 of ‘For All Mankind’. The last time we settled in to discuss the wondrous AppleTV+ series, For All Mankind, we talked at length about how the show was suddenly sending a great deal of hope our way. Because for the first time ever, the United States and the Soviet Union were working together toward common goals, a feat that seemed impossible during the Cold War in our corner of the multiverse. But such a miracle was actually and finally happening, and it likely meant that the series was about shift gears and start moving the story in quite the magnificent and uplifting direction. One where space travel would become less about competition and flags and more about humanity’s place among the stars. Or rather, that’s how it seemed. For the next episode in this fascinating series, took the time to quickly remind the audience, that such acts take a great deal of time, and in order to properly achieve a space faring utopia, one akin to Star Trek, a few things would need to fall into place. Such as removing any inklings of fear, the kind that would say... lead a superpower to believe they were being muscled out of a future in the heavens, and it just so happens, that the next episode of this series, opted to explore that fear, and that made ‘Don’t Be Cruel’ quite the incredible tale. One that shocked us all right out of the gate. For while Tom was on his way to Korea to speak with the leaders of that country, about forging a massive, multi-nation space alliance with them, the Soviets opted to blow his plane out of the sky in the name of space faring superiority, and that changed everything. Because just like that, relations between both the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. went to an incredibly intense place. One where both sides were closely monitoring the brilliant scientific minds that came to America and Russia in the hopes of making Soyuz-Apollo a rousing success and well, while eventually there was enough calm to get everyone to return home safely… the damage had already been done. For President Reagan and Ellen, who took over as NASA’s Administrator, were concerned that this particular attack on a plane that was carrying American citizens… would make the nation appear to look weak, if some kind of response in kind wasn’t brought forth and well, what they came up with was quite stunning to say the least. For it was decided that Pathfinder was going to be transformed into an armed stellar escort and to top it all off, the President finally decided, on Ellen’s advice of course… that the time had come to reclaim the mining site on the moon. Which meant that for the first time in the history of humanity, armed soldiers dropped into a combat zone on Luna and thankfully, were able to re-take the site without firing a shot. And while that is a perky way to end a harrowing tale, let’s be honest… everything that happened here is troublesome for certain. Simply because, escalation is underway and it has already brought about the death of innocent civilians and to make matters worse, all of this tension could lead to more mistakes and a complete and utter disaster, the kind that could bring about the epic conflict that the United States and Russian avoided in our timeline/universe. If anything, all of these elements made this quite the intense episode when all is said and done. For this one put us on the edge of our seats and left us worried about what comes next for this world. But the good news, is that this episode wasn't totally mired in concern, for there is a chance that the fear in question can be conquered and a way forward for a united world can come about. Since Margo took the time to offer Sergei an olive branch, by way of a little scientific intel on defective O-rings and well, hopefully that gesture of goodwill and the bond they share will come into play before things get out of hand. And it will indeed be quite interesting to see where this powerful twist takes us, because the world now stands on the brink and it will take some incredible effort to keep the peace between two nations that still believe, that only one of them can rule the stars. Until next time. ‘For All Mankind’ is streaming now on AppleTV+. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Clarice’. It is definitely safe to say, that the new CBS series, Clarice, has offered up some fascinating storytelling thus far. Because week in and week out, we’ve been treated to some unique tales, the kind that put Clarice Starling and her trauma and PTSD on display and that has allowed for some incredible character development to take place. The kind that that has not only taught Clarice some important lessons on dealing with pain and what it means to be a team player, but this character first push, has also started to provide us with insight as to how her teammates operate and its even started to give us some insight as to why Krendler and Starling will eventually have a falling out before the events of Hannibal. But what the series has been surprisingly light on, are the powerful thriller sequences that made The Silence of the Lambs such an engrossing novel and motion picture. Because seeing Clarice have to navigate genuine danger, before she ever received her badge… made for some compelling moments, the kind that put us on the edge of our seat. But believe it or not, the lack of those intense sequences is something that the writers’ room of this series knew needed to be injected into the fabric of the show’s storytelling, they were simply looking for the right time to put it into the show, and wouldn’t you know it? The fifth episode of this saga was the perfect place to allow for that to happen and that made ‘Get Right with God’, quite the intense tale. For when we catch up with Agent Starling in this story, she’s drugged and at the mercy of Marilyn Felker. Who is outright terrified of the possibility that the FBI is going to come crashing through the door at any second to arrest her and rescue Starling. Which motivates dear Marilyn to drug and toy with Clarice, in the hopes of learning what she knows and that leads to the intensity in question. Because poor Starling was forced to re-live all the traumas in her life in a harrowing manner, thanks to the drugs that Marilyn pumped her full of, and when she wasn’t hallucinating or existing in pure terror, she was wide awake and having to deal with Marilyn’s cruelty to the other patients in the coma wing. Something that came about as an advanced effort on Marilyn’s part to get Clarice to talk. But despite being under such incredible duress, young Starling was unwilling to give Marilyn more than she needed to know in the moment, and she even opted to play mind games with her captor in order to try and get her to commit some kind of mistake. And eventually, her perseverance and unwillingness to acquiesce to Marilyn’s wishes paid off in spades. For she was able to get her to commit a mistake after all, and she even used the arrival of her friends to finally force a stalemate, by putting the life of Marilyn's twin sister in jeopardy. But alas, the only downside to this gambit, is that it didn’t pay off quite like Clarice was hoping. Because she truly wanted Marilyn to surrender to the FBI when they arrived, so the conspiracy case could finally garner some kind of traction. But alas, rather than be captured, Marilyn took her own life after her sister was stablized, leaving ViCAP no closer to solving this case and of course, the team is now down a member. Because there is no possible way that Clarice will be on active duty after the events of this tale, since there will be emotional and physical wounds for her to heal before she can get out in the field again. But while we wait to see how Clarice handles being sidelined and what her healing process will look like, we can bask in one quality tale. One that was light on character development and that is okay. Because this really was an intense ride, one that harkened back to the finale of Lambs in a magnificent manner, and it helped to remind us… to never mess with Clarice Starling. Because when she is under fire, her mind is never more focused or clear and she will use the situation to make the bad guys and gals of the world pay, and it will be interesting to see how she uses that skill set going forward, and how exactly this all-important conspiracy case is going to advance, now that the trail has once again gone cold. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for the series premiere of ‘Keeping Faith’. We genuinely expect that when we get married to the perfect partner, that our lives are going to become quite the simple and peaceful affair. Because at long last, we have someone that loves us completely, someone that will never judge us when we stumble and fall and will nurture and support us as we both go through this crazy ride called life. And that means day after day, we will see our rock in the morning and at night and that will, in fact, give us the strength to go on, because at long last… we will be complete. But while that is a wonderful thought and fine motivation to go out and find the right person for us, eventually we come to learn that such thoughts are nothing more than mere fantasy. Because the fact of the matter is, relationships are hard and require a lot of work. Plus, they also have their ups and downs. For life is pure chaos and it will test us and our loved ones in ways we never thought possible and to top it all off, sometimes the person we thought was our everything and our destiny… turns out to be someone else completely. Which in turn brings about new challenges for us to face, the kind that will test us like never before and really, all of this is relevant to our discussion today, because this darker side to love, serves as the focus of the opening chapter of the AcornTV series, Keeping Faith. For the series premiere of this show, introduces us to a couple in crisis. For Faith and Evan Howells are trying to figure out a way forward after their third child is born. Because Faith really doesn’t want to go back to work at the family’s law firm, and is eager to let loose often, making it seem as though Evan has had enough of her antics. In fact, one fine day, after an evening bender with the ladies… Evan simply disappears. Thrusting Faith back to work to save face and such a surprise also leaves her wondering, if by chance he’s upset with her and went off to get a little space in order to cool down before expressing his concerns. But that is when this episode takes quite the fascinating turn. Because the expected phone call or message from Evan, one informing his wife that he’s ready to talk, never arrives. In fact, no word from him arrives at all. Leaving Faith to begin to worry about the whereabouts of her love since this simply isn’t like him in the slightest and well, that is when some surprises come into play. For as she begins to try and figure out his whereabouts and his mindset, strange truths begin to present themselves. Such as the fact that he was seeing a doctor in regard to being stressed out badly, something he didn’t share with his wife in the slightest. Which at first glance, doesn’t appear to be all that big of a deal. But as the worry grows and Faith continues to dig deeper, she makes quite the unsettling discovery. In that, her husband has kept a completely alternate identity hidden from everyone. One that he has obtained a secondary ID and address for and he even owns a wig and fake glasses to complete it. And to complicate matters further, he’s clearly out and about town, since eventually Faith is able to find the tie, he never put on for work, outside a restaurant in the middle of nowhere, where a good friend said they saw Evan. Plus, he even bothers to scare the ever-living hell out of his kids when he briefly checks in on them in the middle of the night. Leaving the viewer and Faith to wonder, what the heck is going on here and what kinds of secrets Evan is keeping from his loved ones and well… that is a wonderful way to set up this saga. Because now, a grand mystery awaits both Eve and the viewer, one that immediately hooks us and invests in more ways than expected. Because in addition to wanting to see how this mystery plays out, we’re also eager to see how Faith is going to juggle work and her home life, since raising three kids is no easy task. Nor is saving the family firm that puts food on the table. And this premiere also deserves some serious credit for taking the time to properly introduce us to Faith’s world. Since we know everything that we need to about her, and her family, and extended family before this one comes to a close, allowing for the viewer to focus upon what comes next. As Faith begins her difficult and intricate and likely heartbreaking, search for the truth, about the man she once trusted implicitly. Until next time. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Series 3 premieres on April 12, 2021. |
March 2025