Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() If there is one thing in this world, that immediately deserves to be celebrated, it would have to be the moment we achieve our dreams. Because that’s the top of the mountain right there, and our loved ones and those that believed in us along the way, should there be to enjoy drinks and joy over such a momentous occasion. Because we finally made it, and there's nothing wrong with howling at the moon over accomplishing an incredible goal. However, that is something that sadly does not apply… when your dream involves illegal activity. Because flashing to the world what you’ve illegally done, will likely get you tossed in jail and to make matters worse, it might engender jealousy and unwelcome demands from others in your illegal field and really, that sour side of achieving one’s dream, just so happens to be the focus of the next episode of Breaking Bad. Because ‘Phoenix’ sees Walter White complete the task laid out to him in the closing moments of the last episode, and getting Blue Sky to Fring’s men, on time… nets Walter and Jesse a whopping half-a-million dollars each, after Saul Goodman gets his cut of course, and that should be cause for celebration. But alas, the fact that he missed his daughter’s birth to make the drop and would need to explain how a million dollars made it inside the house, forced Walter to say nothing and celebrate his grand achievement in his own way. By showing tiny Holly what that kind of cash looks like, and by bragging to Saul, who figured out an ingenious way to launder the cash. Because Walt ‘Flynn’ Jr., set up a website to help raise funds for his father’s forthcoming surgery, and Saul had a guy drop multiple donations to the site, the kind that will eventually and magically come to a half-a-million bones. But while that was a solid way to express how hard it is to celebrate an illegal win, there was mention of the fact, that success in the illegal world can bring about jealously and ugly demands as well, and that was explored in this story, by way of Jesse and Jane. Because they were both locked into the power of heroin, to the point where Jane’s normally plucky personality transformed into an obsessive and dark one. The kind that motivated her to step in and negotiate the terms of how and when Jesse’s money gets delivered to him. Not out of kindness mind you, but out of the sheer hunger that comes from using and abusing drugs. All so she and Jesse could finally get all the heroin they wanted and that led to some heartbreaking moments for certain. The kind that saw Walt and Jane’s dad, Donald, nearly fall to pieces over watching someone they care about be consumed by drugs and well… this led to some fascinating and devastating scenes at the end of this particular tale. The kind that saw Walter and Donald inadvertently meet and lament over what Jesse and Jane had become, without ever knowing they were worrying about the same people, and well… Donald’s fine and upstanding advice in this sequence, revolving around doing what must be done to save the ones we love, motivated Walt to do something quite stunning. For he returned to Jesse’s place in the hopes of getting him to wise and sober up, only to find that he was out cold with Jane once again, thanks to the drugs. And in his efforts to wake dear Jesse, he knocked Jane on her back and that signaled her body to toss up whatever was in her stomach, forcing quite the decision. In that, Walt could let her choke to death and free Jesse from her drug fueled and toxic grip or save her life and well… when presented with losing his cooking partner to heroin... Walt chose the former path and Jane died right there in the middle of the night. Which is a stunning way to end this tale. Since it will bring about all kinds of consequences, since Jesse was indeed attached to Jane in an unhealthy manner and of course, more secrets will have to come in to play and that’s another powerful way to hammer home… that there are no celebrations to be found when success arrives in the drug trade. Because this is a lifestyle that also features a lot of heartache and strife and dark moments, since this a world of sorrow and greed and everything in between. But this is the world and the path that Walter has chosen and sadly, this episode is critical to his journey, since these are the kinds of decisions that build a kingpin. But while that alone makes for a engrossing tale, the acting in this episode is of note as well, since everyone brings their A-game to the table here, and well… now that this ugly story has come to close, the time has come to see what kind of repercussions await Walt’s bold decision to choose who lives and who dies. Until next time.
Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episodes 110 and 111 of ‘Big Sky’. For the most part, crime dramas that tend to defy convention and structure, eventually embrace those storytelling elements. Because the creator of that story comes to realize that at some point, they have to give the audience what they want before they lose them… and that epiphany is what allows for everything to come together in a comfortable and familiar manner, the kind that leaves the reader or the viewer quite satisfied with taking a chance on something new. But once in a while, you run into a crime story that does everything it can to continue to push the envelope, so that it can offer up a unique and dynamic story that no one has ever seen before, and ABC’s Big Sky is a show in that vein. Because week in and week out, it does everything it can to wow us and surprise us and it is quite successful at doing this and keeping us hooked, simply because it offers up a bevy of wild moments and fascinating characters to take part in them and that’s precisely why its return last night was so compelling. Because ‘Catastrophic Thinking’ and ‘All Kinds of Snakes’ had us on the edge of our seats, when in fact it shouldn’t have. After all, Ronald Pergman was on the run, Rick Legarski was dead at the hands of his beloved wife and the first case that Cassie and Jenny investigated in this tale… should have lost us. Because how does one make a crime involving premium horse semen all that interesting? Well by miring it in mystery and keeping us in suspense and by quickly moving onto something filled to the brim with fascinating and weird characters. For once that case came a close, Cassie and Jenny headed off to another part of Montana to investigate a matter revolving around a former boyfriend of Jenny’s. For Blake Kleinsasser was in jail on charges of assault and battery on an innocent woman and he wanted the charges cleared and for the real culprit of this act to be found, since he swore, he did not commit such an act. Which is a claim that Jenny believed was the truth since she knew Blake, and in order to clear his name, that meant she and Cassie had to dig deep into this town and its people and the Kleinsasser family and oh goodness, they are quite the bunch. For the father of this clan, Horst, is a sour individual that is hellbent on his legacy being one of admiration as he nears the end of his life, and Blake’s siblings are power hungry and mad, and their poor mother is a shell of her former self and eager to be free of the nightmare that has become her life. ![]() Plus, to make matters worse, this whole town is a creepfest. Because the sheriff and his staff and everyone that lives and works here, are terrified of this powerful family since they are the most powerful ranchers in the area. And their power motivates everyone to keep silent often and do Horst’s bidding. As evidenced by how he was able to walk into the county jail in the middle of the night to give his son a touch of down-home sass. But what truly makes this town so troublesome, is that it leaves our heroes in a heap of trouble by the end of this tale. Since a dirty cop is taking Cassie to who knows where, since they drove well past the police station after she was ‘arrested’ and poor Jenny is face to face with the craziest of the Kleinsasser bunch, leaving all of us to wonder how the heck they’re going to get out of this one. But while that is quite the way to end this tale and leads us to believe that the matter with Ronald is closed… his storyline is another element that made this pair of episodes so compelling. For it turns out that dear Mister Pergman has settled into a new life far from Helena, one where he has adopted a new identity as a man named Arthur and he is playing the perfect boyfriend to a lovely lady named Scarlet, making it seem as though he has committed a flawless getaway. But Scarlet has some twisted secrets of her own, the kind that might bring the darkness that Ronald is trying so hard to bury back to the surface of his soul, and… he’s definitely not safe in his current environment. For Dewell and Hoyt are indeed working this case when they’re not running around crazy town and there’s a new U.S. Marshal in Helena named Frank Lindor eager for Ronald to make a mistake, so the law can finally bring him in. Which means it is indeed only a matter of time before Pergman is brought to justice and knowing that, and knowing he is out there, is one of the key reasons that this wild episode is so supremely palatable and enjoyable. Since you know the show is working toward resolution. But even without the Ronald stuff, the risks that this episode takes are quite great in nature, since it signals a shift in tone and design in the middle of the season and holy cow… it works, and it shouldn’t. But that just speaks to the fact that this series is something special, and it doesn’t hurt that top tier actors are everywhere to be found and that more are joining the ranks of this show. Since Ted Levine and Michelle Forbes added a ton of gravity to their roles as Horst and Margaret Kleinsasser respectively. In the end however, all of this just goes to show that this series is going to defy the odds, regardless of the risk, and do its best to bring us something compelling and well, that’s just fine. Because this really is a refreshing and unique series and it will be quite interesting to see where this wild new plotline is going to take us in the weeks to come. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() We all have a particular dream when it comes to the respective career field that each and every one of us want to get into. In that, we hope one day that we will run into someone in said field, that recognizes the passion we carry and the talent we exhibit and gives us one shot to chase our dream. Because we know deep down, that if we get that opportunity, we will stick the landing and impress everyone in that field and finally find the peace and joy we’ve always known our dream job will bring us. But alas, that rarely happens, and we know full well that hard work and dedication is what will get us to the top, someday. But that doesn’t stop us from wondering what that magical moment would look like, to the point where creative minds explore it often in storytelling, even in shows where the dream gig is an unsavory one… such as Breaking Bad. After all, Walter White’s dream is to become the biggest drug dealer in the great state of New Mexico and oddly enough, he gets that dream opportunity to show off his stuff in the next episode of his storied saga. But not right away. No instead, the opening moments of ‘Mandala’ are filled with a somber reminder that the drug trade is indeed a dangerous and scary affair, as evidenced by the fact that one of Walt and Jesse’s dealers dies while trying to peddle the finest meth in the ABQ in new territory, where Heisenberg isn’t welcome. Thanks to the fact that the truth about the ATM incident is out in the open, robbing Jesse and Walt of any fear they hoped to engender and sadly, this setback leaves Walt and Jesse despondent again and understandably so. For once more, they have run into a major setback into fulfilling their dream of striking it rich. But a conversation with good ol’ Saul Goodman, allows for Walter to finally get that one shot in question. For Saul knows a guy, who knows a guy, who also knows a guy… that is interested in quietly selling quality product. Something he’s been able to do under the radar for twenty years. Which brings Walt and Jesse to a cozy chicken joint known as Los Pollos Hermanos where… nothing happens. For their contact never shows and eventually tells Saul he wants no part of a deal with the dynamic duo, and well, that pisses Walt right off. Because he knows he has the goods and that a major dealer will make crazy money with his amazing product, and that motivates him to return to the restaurant and seek out the manager of the joint, one Gustavo ‘Gus’ Fring. Because Walter knows in his gut that this is the contact he was waiting for and well, he was right, since Gus eventually fesses up that he's the guy. Which allowed for Walt to have a powerful and tense conversation with Gus, the kind that eventually motivated Mister Fring to relent on his earlier decision and give Walt the chance he so desperately wanted. But even then, some unfortunate roadblocks popped up in regard to Walt proving his worth. Because Jesse once again coped with the ugly stuff by getting high… to the point where he even sucked Jane back into the world of drugs. Forcing Walt to rip Pinkman’s place to shreds to get the product and to complicate matters further, baby Heisenberg is on the way and well, while this episode made it clear that we would likely do whatever it takes to have the dream come true, since it is clear that Walter had no issue with breaking down a door and ignoring calls from his wife, to be there for the birth of his child… we will have to wait a little longer to see this all-important moment come to its happy conclusion. For this episode ends before Walter can deliver the goods. Which is a tad frustrating, since we want to see Walt complete this leg of his dark journey. But while we wait to see exactly how Walt impresses Gus, and earns his way into the big time, we can bask in one amazing tale. One that really did show us how dedicated Walter is to the trade and to becoming the biggest dealer in the state, if not the region and this is also another important keystone episode in the franchise as well. For this one features the first ever appearance of Giancarlo Espositio as Gus Fring, a character that would be pivotal in seasons to come, and he would even find his way into Better Call Saul as well, since that series shows us the construction of something that is just around the bend for Walter White and well, all of these elements definitely leave us eager to continue to the journey. So, we can settle in discuss more important and pivotal moments in the tragedy that awaits us. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 703 of ‘The Brokenwood Mysteries’. It is definitely safe to say, that the crime drama has evolved on television in the past couple of decades, into the one the slickest genres around. For the vast majority of network shows in this vein, feature a big-time budget and A-list cast members and of course… stunning and compelling characters. Such as hyper intelligent detectives that know exactly how to utilize their hunches and their skill set to bring down criminals… that are just as intelligent as they are. A dynamic that allows for tense and entertaining stories to take place, the kind that lock us in with juicy plots that consistently deliver on the ‘wow’ factor. But while that is indeed fun to watch, it does remove something important from these stories, specifically the human element, and that’s problematic at times. Because one of the big reasons that we love crime dramas, is that they truly capture an audience on a fundamental level since they offer us a fascinating moment of teaching, by helping us to understand crime’s impact on communities and individuals and even those involved in the investigation. And those big budget shows often lack that and gloss over the reality of the fact that crime can also be quite messy and desperate and hurtful and grounded in sour emotions. Which is why it is wonderful and refreshing to tune into a show such as The Brokenwood Mysteries. For this AcornTV series is eager to present crime in the raw, in a manner that is both compelling and palatable so that the acts in question are never overwhelming or too dark and a fine example of how well this series presents the realities of crime… is its next episode. For ‘Dog Day Morning’ starts off with what should be a network norm for this genre, an intense bank heist. One complete with clever criminals that won’t get caught, since these boys are wearing masks and matching attire, and have seemingly accounted for just about every variable in a robbery. But it doesn’t take long for us to realize, that these criminals are bumbling and amateur in nature, to the point where all of four them get caught easily. Because in reality, a bank robbery is not as cool as and slick as they thought it would be, and clues are easy to come across once investigators start looking and that makes this quite the refreshing episode when all is said and done. Since it wastes zero time in getting the four young men responsible for this act inside jail cells, and this entire crime feels quite real and organic… since we often hear about instances akin to this on the six o’clock news. But what truly makes this particular episode go above and beyond storytelling wise, is the unfortunate murder mystery present in this story as well. For the bank manager dies in the chaos, and the Brokenwood team cannot pin down which of the four committed such a heinous act, since none of them fit the profile of a murderer, nor do any of them have a solid motive to do so, since they’re eager to just get rich quick. Which leads Mike to dig deeper and discover… that this foursome of fools was played all along by a relative of one of the robbers. A man who once tried to rob the bank as well and failed miserably at it. And that revelation, combined with the fact that he was purposefully playing the long game with bad health to make it seem as though he could do no wrong, helped Mike to realize that he was the killer all along that led to a magnificent and epic ending. One where this bumbling crook managed to put a bullet in his bum before going to jail… all because his ego was bruised. If anything, this really is the finest episode of series seven to date. Since it featured a genuinely realistic and non-stylized crime, one grounded in elements that we can all relate to. For this one was motivated by sheer greed and ego and revenge, something that we know comes up often in crime. But what matters more, is that this was an old school mystery through and through, one that truly kept the audience engaged since the story did a phenomenal job of hiding the true identity of the killer until the eleventh hour. Plus, we also came to learn that DC Chalmers is going to fit in just fine after all, since he accomplished wonders here and well, in the end… all this episode did, is remind us that this really is one of the finest crime dramas (with a hint of comedy) around. Since it truly knows how to resonate with the audience and offer up something special and it really is a wonderful palate cleanser in regard to what the genre is currently offering. To the point where we will all be counting down the minutes until next week’s entry, so we can partake in another unique and engrossing mystery. 'The Brokenwood Mysteries' is streaming now on AcornTV. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers Episodes 301 and 302 of ‘Keeping Faith’. When we go through some genuinely tough times, the kind that test us and break us, we outright hope for a happily ever after to follow those dark days and understandably so. After all, we went through utter hell, so it only makes sense that we are due the opposite of that. But alas, that kind of ending is rare, especially in everyday life since it ebbs and flows with good times and bad times. Which means that what we went through, simply made us stronger for the next challenge and our true happy moment is being able to handle what life throws our way and it just so happens, that the two-hour series 3 premiere of Keeping Faith on AcornTV, takes the time to remind us of the back and forth that accompanies what comes next… when we’ve survived quite the personal disaster. For when we catch up with Faith Howells here, she’s going through some stuff. Such as having to deal with her soon-to-be ex-husband. Because now that Evan has landed back on his feet… thanks to an assist from his father, he’s eager to get more time with his kids and deep down, he wants to reconcile with Faith and that leads to a lot of conflict in this opener. The kind that sees Faith have to remind Evan of his place in their relationship, something that doesn’t sit well with him. Since he really does believe he can just waltz back into family life and enjoy quality time with Faith, as though nothing has happened. And to complicate matters further… he’s still keen on doing shady things to get what he wants, since he snoops on Faith often in this tale in the hopes of garnering the upper hand. But there was mention that both sides of the proverbial coin were on display in this tale, and that was accomplished by having the series show us… all the wonderful things that Faith has accomplished since the harrowing series 2 finale. For she left Howells to start her own law firm with Cerys and they’re having magnificent success, to the point where they are taking on some big cases and some morally important ones as well. Such as one that revolves around the fate of a young man and his health, and well, it is quite wonderful to see that Faith is betting on herself these days and that such a gambit is paying off. And also, that she’s still got her wonderful moral core after everything she’s been through, since that is one of the biggest reasons that fans love her and this particular show. ![]() However, while it was wonderful to once again catch up with Faith and her friends and family, and be plunged into this world once more, what would this series be without a little crime related drama? And well, that came about by way of the introduction of a mysterious woman named Rose. For she was quick to step in and ask the always eager to please Steve Baldini, to help her collect on some debts of Gael Reardon’s. Which in turn brought about all kinds of trouble for Steve, and left the viewer believing that perhaps Rose was going to come after Faith for debts unpaid as well, since her arrangement with Gael ended in a sour manner when Ms. Reardon had to vacate the country quickly after committing just a touch of murder. But as it turns out, that was merely the gateway to quite the surprise. In that, Rose is actually Faith’s biological mother, and she is clearly suffering from some kind of awful and life-threatening ailment and her return here… revolves around her desire to make amends before she dies. An act that will be easier said than done, since Faith is not happy to see her in the slightest in this tale, and she’s eager to do whatever it takes to keep Rose away from her kids and her family… regardless of the situation and well, this adds another fascinating analysis to a series that is already loaded with phenomenal commentary on the troubles we face in life. In that, clearly this whole mess is going to teach Faith and us, of the importance of facing one’s past and how confronting it can bring us a unique peace. If anything, this was quite the solid premiere when all is said and done. Simply because it really did set the stage for one epic and final series, one that will apparently wrap up every last loose end both storytelling wise and character wise. Since facing the past and the mother that hurt Faith deeply, is a perfect way to close the books on Faith's incredible saga, since it would signify complete growth and control over a life that has been sometimes filled with chaos. And it will be quite incredible to see how Faith stands up to her greatest challenge yet, and what will become of her friends and her enemies as we barrel toward the conclusion of one powerful and moving saga. One that has done an incredible job of reminding us that life can be pure chaos… and how we respond to that, is what truly defines us. Until next time. ‘Keeping Faith’ is available to stream right now on AcornTV. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() There is a prevailing belief in modern society, that when we make a career change or life changing decision… we are to stick with said decision. Because we live in a society where changing one’s mind on such matters, is viewed as potential weakness and that perhaps the person making this all-important call… isn’t quite ready to walk the path they’re thinking of walking and well, that’s just stupid. Because the reality of the matter, is that we simply don’t know how a big decision is going to work out for us, which is why it is normal to waffle or waver or wait to make that choice since it is undoubtedly going to alter our lives in all kinds of dynamic ways. For that helps us to truly weigh our options and make sure this is the right path for us and really, this is relevant to our discussion today… simply because this particular process was on full display in the next episode of Breaking Bad. Because ‘Over’ saw Walter White second guessing his decision to commit to a career as a drug lord, despite making every effort to go all-in, in prior episodes. And what brought about this concern about continuing down that path, is that Walter had a little time to think and ponder upon his future. For he was in essence, granted a second chance in the last episode, one that would allow for him to take the incredible amount of cash he and Jesse were going to make on their product and live comfortably for years to come. Allowing for him to pursue new endeavors in life and potentially spend more time with his wife and children and well… being able to lead that normal life again and enjoy some benefits for working the system, motivated him to think twice about the drug trade and retire from it. A decision that seemed as though, it might suit Walter at first. For he was able to finally get a little rest for a change and he no longer had to run around town to cook. Plus, he was able to finally deal with some problems around the house, since he replaced the water heater, and even got some of the superstructure of the house fixed, thanks a little water rot and really, this segment is what brought about the exploration in question. Because Walt was really able to think about where his life was going while he tore out two by fours and installed a new water heater, and this time away gave him perspective on whether or not the commitment he made toward being a drug kingpin was the right one or not and well… in the end, Walt came to realize that being an everyday teacher and dad again just wasn’t for him and he missed the thrill of being a part of something illegal and of being in charge. Which is why Walt was quick to challenge his brother at a party to celebrate his healing, since it provided him with a chance to once again stick it to the system, since Hank represents everything that Walt cannot stand about the world and of course, it led him to finally abandon his housebound projects and return to the trade… especially after a chance encounter at the hardware store. Since Walt came to learn that others were trying to get in on the Meth business, undoubtedly, to cut in on the craze that Walter and Jesse had created on the street and well, just like that… Heisenberg is back in the game and he’s scarier than ever. Because now Walt knows his worth and what he is capable of, and he has nothing to lose because if things get too hot, he can back away and that means he is going to commit himself to this role completely and continue to rake in the dough and of course… eventually find tragedy. In the end however, this really was quite the delightful episode when all is said and done. Simply because this once again allowed for the audience and the characters to catch their breath, and it was also a wonderful character growth story. Since Walt’s conflict here was all part of his journey toward the dark side, since he needs to truly abandon the man he was, to completely embrace Heisenberg and everything he is capable of. Plus, it also featured some lovely character moments with Jesse, the kind that showed us he is a hardcore romantic through and through and if it wasn’t for that sequence, we would not have enjoyed a lovely cameo from veteran actor and Star Trek: The Next Generation alum, John de Lancie, and well, all this particular tale does is leave us hungry for more. Since we are all now eager to see, what Walter is going to do without any physical constraints holding him back from taking charge of the meth trade in Albuquerque. Until next time. Written by John Edward Betancourt![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Series 2 Finale of ‘Keeping Faith’. How we view failure, is genuinely fascinating. Simply because this is a notion that we truly believe is negative in nature, as though failing at a particular task or a particular moment, somehow means that we are weak and worthless and far less intelligent than we originally thought. And we hold to that negative line of thinking, largely due to the fact that this is a success-oriented world, and that is how we are measured and judged, when in fact… failure actually does us better than harm. For it teaches us humility, and it opens us up to learning, and most important of all, it gives us objectivity. Because we are finally able to take a step back and look at our lives and where we are going when we fail, allowing for us to alter our course and grow and it just so happens, that the positive power of failure served as the focal theme of the series two finale of Keeping Faith. For Faith Howells failed miserably at a great many things in this tale. Because her desperate search to find the true killer of Madlen’s husband, ended in embarrassment when Madlen finally asked Faith to end her quest for one reason and one reason alone; because she killed her husband in a fit of rage after all. Leaving Faith to look like quite the fool for once again for trying to find the best in people. Plus, she couldn’t escape Gael’s clutches either. Since Ms. Reardon closed the deal on her own, and used that as leverage over Faith, making it seem as though Faith would never know joy and peace and that allowed for her to have a moment of pause. One that finally helped her to realize to really recognize people for who they are and call it accordingly so that she never has to deal with the problems surrounding her ever again and well… that epiphany apparently motivated the universe to give Faith a shot at doing just that. Because Steve used what he learned from Shane to his advantage, and recorded a pseudo confession from Gael, in regard to her involvement in Paddy’s death. And well, hearing that drove Shane over the edge and motivated him to finally go after Gael… at quite the cost. For Shane underestimated her when he made his move and she figured out how to best him… and escape the country via jet. Freeing Faith from her madness and giving her a chance at last, to handle the final problem in her life that needed dealing with, her husband. And after a frank conversation with Breeze about Gael and Madlen and Evan, she finally decided the time had come to basically kick Evan out of her life so that she could get a fresh start without any criminal activity hanging over her head, and that decision led to the most powerful moment in this series to date. One that was handled in a brave and compelling manner. For when Faith returned home from her failure of a day, she did so with a clear mind and a renewed focus and she promptly informed her husband of everything she knew about his illegal activities, and how much the lies and the deceit, old and new… had hurt her deeply. And how his affair with Gael was perhaps the most disgusting act he could have committed, since it violated their vows and made their love a lie and that’s when she dropped one hell of a bombshell on Evan… by informing him that the time had come for him to move out and never return. A revelation that drove Evan to try and harm himself as a final gambit to stay with his family. But even then, he could no longer rattle Faith’s newfound strength, and she was able to get him to back off and leave as asked, allowing for her to finally have an open an honest moment with her children, the kind that informed them that a new chapter awaits them all, one filled with hope and endless possibilities. If anything, all of these elements made for one powerful and satisfying finale. One that truly did see Faith at her lowest and her humblest, and one that did wonderful job of showing us how failure can help us in ways we never thought possible. Since it really did give her clarity and direction and boy did that lead to some magnificent moments. Because it was supremely satisfying to see Evan finally get what he deserved from his wife, and in life for that matter as well. Since he is now out on the street, without a career or a future, which is a fate that is far more appropriate than spending months behind bars. But most important of all, Faith Howells is finally free of the nightmare of that fateful week, in every way imaginable and now she can finally enjoy the fresh start she’s been desperate to find, and it will be quite interesting to see what she does with this grand second chance, when series three of Keeping Faith, makes its debut on AcornTV, tomorrow. Until then. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 205 of ‘Keeping Faith’. For the most part, series two of the AcornTV series, Keeping Faith, has been quite the harrowing affair. One that has pondered upon just how much a person can take trouble wise, since Faith Howells has indeed been dealing with crisis after crisis in this series, to the point where we’ve all been wondering… as to whether or not we are going to see Faith straight up collapse, mentally. Thanks to the incredible weight that she’s carrying upon her shoulders. But as it turns out, after several episodes of making Faith suffer and pushing her in ways we never thought possible, the next chapter in this intense saga, opted to finally move the story in a more hopeful direction. Of course, it didn’t seem like that was going to be the case at first. Because this is a story that also saw Faith come to discover that her husband’s illegal dealings were far more intricate than she originally knew. Since there were some odd questions and inquiries revolving around Madlen’s family finances, the kind that were initiated by Evan and were likely tied to the Reardon’s various moves around town and that made it seem as though Faith was going to spend her time in this tale, dealing with more uncomfortable truth and situations, especially in regard to the Reardon family. Since Gael continued to turn up the heat on Faith to close the Corran Energy deal post-haste. A feat that Faith wasn’t sure that she was capable of since no one at Corran was listening to her pleas or her offers. But oddly enough, while these sequences were tough and dark in their own right, they were actually the key to offering up some semblance of hope in this tale. Because while Faith was investigating and racking her brain as to how she was going to get out from under Gael’s thumb, Evan was alone and doing his own thing and that allowed for us to learn that he was under a lot of pressure himself… primarily from the police. For DI Breeze was outright hammering Evan and demanding that he start to do something about Gael before bad things happened to him and his family. Which finally got him moving on making contact with Gael, so that he could provide Breeze with some kind of juicy intel to use to throw her in jail. Something that he succeeded at. In fact, he was so good at getting her to talk, that it was obvious that she was going to incriminate him further for more crimes that we didn’t know he committed, thusly motivating Evan to cover his tracks to keep Breeze’s ears from learning more about his involvement with this twisted family. But what made this sequence so hopeful and worthwhile, is that for the first time ever… someone is holding Evan’s feet to the fire for what he’s done and someone is actually going after Gael with impunity and that likely means at some point, Breeze and the rest of the police are going to close in and put an end to Gael’s reign and well… if they don’t, it seems like someone else will. Because Steve Baldini couldn’t help but notice that Shane Reardon was starting to ask a lot of questions about his brother’s death and how exactly it went down. And while that didn’t exactly lead anywhere in this tale, the fact that there are cracks showing in the foundation of this family, is a wonderful sign that perhaps Gael can be defeated from within, and it will be quite interesting to see where this little nugget takes us in the series two finale. Because alas, we are nearing the end of this second chapter in Faith’s incredible journey and well, it is wonderful to know that it likely won’t end in strife and sorrow. For there really is some magic brewing behind the scenes thanks to Breeze and Steve and it looks like Evan is finally about to get his just desserts. Simply because he’s failing miserably at leading a double life, and it is only matter of time before his comeuppance arrives and well, that means the time has come to dive into the finale. So that we can finally see if Gael Reardon can be defeated, and learn who killed Madlen’s husband and of course, to see Faith Howells standing tall once again once the dust settles. Because she genuinely deserves a slice of happiness in this life, and hopefully she finally gets a genuine taste of it once everything has come to a head in the next episode. Until next time. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Series 3 premieres on April 12, 2021. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 204 of ‘Keeping Faith’. When we last settled in to discuss the wondrous AcornTV series, Keeping Faith, we talked at length about how sometimes in life, bad days just find you. And how there is little one can do when they arrive, but to take the ugly day as it comes and forge ahead once it has reached its awful end. But what is genuinely troublesome about bad days, is that sometimes… one rough day can extend into several, and that chain of nastiness can more or less put us in a rough patch, the kind that weighs us down and appears to be inescapable. Which is a terrifying place to be, especially if you just emerged from a rough patch. Since suddenly it seems as though you’re now trapped in an endless cycle of madness and oddly enough, this little life quirk, took the center stage in the next chapter in Faith's incredible journey. Because it didn't take long for Faith's very bad day to extend into several, since early on in this story, Faith had to deal with sentencing for Madlen and well… that went about as well as the trial did. Because the judge was quick to throw the book at Madlen for a crime she may not have committed, by sentencing her to life in prison. Granted that sentence was commuted to only fifteen years, but Madlen will still emerge from her cell worse for the wear in a world she won’t understand. And the fear that Madlen exhibits over this, motivates Faith to promise her that she will find the real killer, and file every appeal known to man and well… that's a promise Faith might not be able to keep, since her coworkers tried hard to steer her off such matters, so that the firm could keep some sliver of integrity after this failure. A decision that infuriates and breaks Faith’s heart for certain. But while that was harrowing and devastating, since that whole mess was insult to injury, there were more rough moments for Faith to deal with in this tale. For she also had Gael Reardon breathing down her neck about finalizing the Corran Energy deal. To the point where she flat out picked Faith up in one of her eighteen wheelers, like it was no big deal… in order to drive Faith to Corran Energy Headquarters, so she could try and seal the deal in person. A move that course went over poorly and rattled Faith further. Because she simply didn’t have a clue how to get the head of the company to sell to Gael, and that left her worried that she would forever be in Gael’s debt and never know the freedom she so desperately yearned for. And believe it or not… it only got worse in this tale after that particular disaster. Because at long last, Evan was headed home, and after spending the day with his dad out on the boat, he finally walked through the doors to his home and was greeted by a… tepid reception. After all, he still hasn’t made things right with Faith or Alys in the slightest and that made for some awkward moments around the house, the kind that reminded him that he has a long road ahead and that his return is indeed piling upon the woman he claims to love with all of his heart. If anything, it was just incredible to not see Faith panic or snap over the prospect of more extended hardships, but that just speaks to her strength and her character. However, while we could have watched a full hour of Faith doing her best to handle trouble as it comes, since Eve Myles puts on an acting clinic every episode, there is a larger plot at work in this series… one that this story moved forward leaps and bounds. A feat that it accomplished by revealing exactly why Evan was released from prison. For DI Breeze orchestrated his release, in the hopes of using Evan to capture Gael Reardon and to save Faith from having to go to prison for money laundering. Which is quite the welcome twist since it would finally allow for Gael to pay the piper and free Faith from the madness she’s surrounded by, and it was quite nice to see this story offer up this particular surprise. For it helped to brighten what turned out to be one uncomfortable tale. Because poor Faith is really going through it right now, largely because she left too many loose ends with garbage human beings on the table and it will be quite interesting to see, if this sudden surge of fresh chaos is going to break her… or motivate her to buckle down and finish what she started, so she can finally enjoy a taste of freedom. Until next time. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Series 3 premieres on April 12, 2021. Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 203 of ‘Keeping Faith’. One unfortunate reality about life that few of us ever enjoy facing, is the sheer fact that the good times never last. Because the universe is a fickle place, one that is constantly in motion and evolving and well… the changes and chaos it sends our way, can immediately interrupt the serenity we are currently enjoying. And when that happens, in that moment, there is little that we can do. We can only sit back and take our lumps and pick up the pieces when the chaos comes to an end and really, this is relevant to our discussion today, simply because the good times came to end for Faith Howells in the next episode of Keeping Faith. Which is a shame, since she was riding on Cloud Nine when we saw her last, for she was winning her first murder case and slowly putting her life back together after going through hell. And to top it off, she apparently shook DI Breeze off of her money laundering trail, since when we catch up with her here… she is just going about her day. One that involves taking her sick son to the hospital with a possible case of meningitis and well, that’s when the lumps in question come into play. For while Faith was dealing with that, Madlen informed Cerys, that she wanted to take the stand. For she believed that defending herself and getting to tell her side of the story would be beneficial to the case. Despite the fact that both Faith and Cerys advised her against it. But she was adamant and well, that brought about utter disaster. The kind that Faith was able to witness, since Madlen was on the stand when Mrs. Howells finally arrived in court and well, this was tough to watch. For poor Madlen was unable to offer up any kind of solid defense or explanation for her actions, making her appear as though she was a guilty party after all. Something that Faith did her best to try and convince the jury of otherwise. But alas, this unfortunate failure on the witness stand, brought about the worst-case scenario. For Faith and Cerys lost the case, partly because of more suspicious circumstances… since the prosecution knew about the photographs that Faith told no one but Evan about. But alas, there was little that Faith could do about that in the moment. Since she had to prepare for a potential appeal of the case, and of course, Madlen’s sentencing. But as if that wasn’t bad enough, another tough surprise landed in her lap. Because while she was licking her wounds over losing the case, she got an important and seemingly panicked message from Evan, one that required her presence at his prison as soon as was humanly possible. Which of course she was quick to oblige, since she was concerned that something was potentially wrong, and well, it didn't take long for her to regret her decision. Because it turns out that he simply couldn't wait to tell her that he was being released early due to overcrowding, and that meant he was going to be back home, incredibly soon. Which is news that left Faith stunned, for she simply wasn’t ready to have him back in her life that quickly. If anything, this was a tough episode to sit through and that’s a compliment for certain. Because the hits just kept on coming for Faith in this particular tale, and it was devastating to watch her lose the case and receive such harrowing news. But what truly made this particular episode so impressive, is the sheer fact that there is no deeper meaning or commentary to these events. This was just a bad day in the raw. One that truly left Faith in a rattled place and rightfully so. Because there will be consequences for her decision to take on a murder case in a town this small, and Evan returning home when she and Alys are still grappling with what he’s done… will be a difficult transition for certain. One that will undoubtedly bring about some powerful moments as Faith confronts and handles the last real demon from the worst week of her life. Until next time. Series 1 and 2 of ‘Keeping Faith’ are available to stream right now on AcornTV. Series 3 premieres on April 12, 2021. |
March 2025